3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
- icrc2007@icrc2007.unam.mx
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Recent discoveries in gamma ray astronomy at a few 100GeV provide many motivations
for extending our coverage of the gamma ray sky to higher energies, up to several
100TeV. After reviewing these motivations we will present simulation-based
considerations to drive the design of arrays of Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes to
obtain relevant sensitivity from a few TeV to a few 100TeV.
Presented by Dr. Stephan LEBOHEC, Dr. Pierre COLIN
9 Jul 2007
The proposal of a new 4th generation of the Front-End with the advanced 1st
level triggers for the Infill Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory and for the
Auger North is described. Newest FPGA chips offer much higher capacity of logic
registers and memories, as well as DSP blocks. The calibration channel,
previously supported by an external dual-port RAM, has been fully implemented
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Presented by Dr. Zbigniew SZADKOWSKI
6 Jul 2007
The Cygnus arm of the galaxy contains a large number of
energetic astrophysical sources, including numerous
supernova remnants (SNRs), pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) and
X-ray binary systems. Indeed, in terms of potential
galactic sources needed to explain the origin of the
high energy cosmic rays, Cygnus is the promising region
accessible to northern hemisphere observatories using
the air s
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Presented by Prof. Rene ONG
4 Jul 2007
Hadron induced, very inclined EAS, starting their development early
in the atmosphere produce narrow, relatively flat muonic fronts on
the Pierre Auger detection level. The signatures of FADC traces
(very short rise time with fast exponential attenuation) from water
Cherenkov tanks can be used for their detection. Currently used
triggers in the Pierre Auger surface detector (Threshold an
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Presented by Dr. Zbigniew SZADKOWSKI
6 Jul 2007
Based on a large series (N=14038) of daily solar-wind densities, we obtained
the fluctuation power spectrum. The spectrum shows that the 399-day variation
(the synodic period of Jupiter) has the largest amplitude in the interval of
periods from 20 to 800 day. It is second in magnitude only to the secular, 22-
,and 11-year variations. The amplitudes of the 399-day variations in solar-wind
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Presented by Dr. Vladislav TIMOFEEV
4 Jul 2007
A method to reconstruct the 3-dimensional structure of extensive air showers,
seen by fluorescence detectors, is described.
The observation of the shower is done in 2-dimensional pixels, for consecutive
time bins. Time corresponds to a third dimension. Assuming that the cosmic ray
shower propagates as a plane wave front moving at the speed of light, a
complex 3D volume in space can be ass
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Presented by Prof. Mario PIMENTA, Dr. Sofia ANDRINGA
6 Jul 2007
A proximity focusing Cherenkov imager called CHERCAM (CHERenkov CAMera) has been
added to the Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM) instrument for its forthcoming
balloon flight in Antarctica. The detector is optimized for charge measurements with
nearly constant resolution over the range of nuclear charge between Z = 1 and about
26 (Fe). The Cherenkov radiator is a 108 x108 cm2 plane of two
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Presented by Dr. Michel BUÉNERD
4 Jul 2007
We study the dependence of the exponent of the power law rigidity spectrum
of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity variations on the range of the GCR
particles rigidity using data of neutron monitors and ground meson telescopes.
We found that the rigidity spectrum of the GCR intensity variations is hard for
neutron monitors with the effective rigidities ~10-15GV and soft for neutron
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Presented by Dr. Krzysztof ISKRA, Prof. Michael ALANIA
9 Jul 2007
A design concept for a future ground-based cosmic-ray observatory using the Direct
Cerenkov technique will be presented. This technique can provide high precision,
largely model-independent, measurements of the energy and charge of heavy cosmic-ray
primaries in the region of the knee. It does so by exploiting the direct component
of Cerenkov radiation emitted by these primaries prior to thei
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Presented by Prof. Scott WAKELY
6 Jul 2007
A Fabry-Perot interferometer prototype is studied, as part of a Doppler LIDAR
(DL) receiver, for determining the aerosol to molecular scattering ratio for use
in EAS Fluorescence Detectors. The etalon of this instrument has a Free
Spectral Range of 0.1 cm[-1] and resolution in wavenumber 0.04 cm[-1] .
Possible additional use of the proposed DL receiver can be as a spectrally
selective d
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Presented by Mr. Emmanuel FOKITIS
6 Jul 2007
As described in an accompanying paper (kasahara), full M.C simulation of air showers in the GZK region is
possible by a distributed-parallel processing method. However, this still needs a long computation time even
with ~50 to ~100 cpu's which may be available in many pc cluster environments. Air showers always fluctuate
event to event largely, and only 1 or few events are not app
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Presented by Prof. katsuaki kasahara KASAHARA
6 Jul 2007
Analysis of various data accumulated in X-ray emulsion chamber experiments,
especially, data on gamma-ray–hadron families with unusual characteristics
(Centauros, aligned events etc.), requires a comprehensive program to simulate the
propagation of electromagnetic and various-type hadron particles through
sandwich-like media of emulsion chambers as well as measuring procedures used for
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Presented by Prof. Rauf MUKHAMEDSHIN
6 Jul 2007
Some aspects of the cosmic ray astronomy require the access and the
processing of the data in the shortest possible time. We implemented a data
files moving system , based on GRID tools and services, to automatically
transfer the files from the high altitude ARGO-Yangbajing Laboratory in Tibet to
the Storage Elements at the processing sites in IHEP-Beijing (China) and CNAF-
Bologna (Italy
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Presented by Cristian STANESCU
6 Jul 2007
Geant4 is a Monte Carlo radiation transport toolkit of generalized application in
areas such as high-energy physics, nuclear physics, astroparticle physics, or medical
Geant4 provides an optical physics process category, allowing the simulation of the
production and propagation of light. Such capabilities are well tailored for the
simulation of optics systems namely in cosmic-rays e
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Presented by Dr. Bernardo TOMÉ
9 Jul 2007
Here we present the results of a harmonic analysis of the large scale
cosmic ray anisotropy as observed by the Milagro observatory. The Milagro
observatory is a water Cherenkov detector located in the Jemez mountains
outside of Los Alamos, New Mexico. With a high duty cycle
and large field-of-view, Milagro is an excellent instrument for measuring
this anisotropy with high sensitivity at TeV e
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Presented by Mr. Brian KOLTERMAN
9 Jul 2007
The Track Imaging Cerenkov Experiment (TrICE) is an air Cerenkov telescope
designed to use multi-anode photomultipliers to achieve a high angular
resolution for measuring cosmic-ray composition at TeV-PeV energies. The
TrICE camera, composed of 16 Hamamatsu R8900 16-channel multi-anode
photomultiplier tubes achieves 0.086 degree pixel spacing over 1.5 degree field
of view. We present
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Presented by Dr. Karen BYRUM
4 Jul 2007
A LED flasher has been developed for TUNKA-133 EAS Cherenkov detector. Blue
ultra bright InGaN LED is used as a light source in the flasher. The flasher's
driver based on a complementary pair of fast RF transistors. The light yield of
the flasher is adjusted in a wide range from 0 to upt to 10**9 photons per
pulse. The results of studies of the flasher's amplitude and timing parameters
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Presented by Mr. Bator SHAIBONOV
6 Jul 2007
The energy of the primary cosmic ray can be calculated from fluorescence
photons detected by fluorescence telescope. However, since we can not know
the true energy of primary cosmic ray, it is difficult to calibrate between
number of photons and energy directly. In TA project, we will create pseudo-
cosmic ray events by using accelerated electron beam which is injected in
the air. The injecte
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Presented by Tatsunobu SHIBATA
6 Jul 2007
Ground Level Enhancements (GLE) are more likely to occur when the Sun is
very active. The most recent GLE was a maverick. It occurred near solar
minimum, but it was a large event by historical standards, with a peak increase
exceeding 100% at some stations. This talk reports initial observations and
modeling of the GLE of December 13, 2006 based on data returned by
the “Spaceship Earth
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Presented by Prof. John BIEBER
6 Jul 2007
High energetic neutrinos coming from space can interact either in the atmosphere
or in the Earth. In the first scenario neutrino may initiate extensive air showers
(EAS) in the atmosphere, but due to their very small interaction cross section in air
only very inclined EAS might be detectable by large detectors. In the second scenario
neutrino may interact inside the Earth and prod
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Presented by Dr. Dariusz GORA
10 Jul 2007
In an air shower induced by a cosmic ray, due to the high velocities, most of
the particles are concentrated in the relatively thin shower front, which, for
obvious reasons, is called the 'pancake'. This pancake, which for the present
discussion is assumed to be charge neutral, contains large numbers of electrons
and positrons. It has a typical thickness of a few meters and is moving to the
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Presented by Olaf SCHOLTEN
6 Jul 2007
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) have an energy many times
greater than that of particles accelerated in colliders. The
Extended Air Showers (EAS) resulting from their interaction in the
atmosphere give us the opportunity to study not only Cosmic Rays but
also these extremely energetic cascades.
A method to calculate the Average Longitudinal Shower profile has been
applied to the Hig
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Presented by Mr. Gareth HUGHES
4 Jul 2007
The diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB) has been derived by various
groups from observations by the EGRET instrument on CGRO. The derived
EGRB consists of gamma-rays that may come from true astrophysical components, such
as from unresolved extragalactic point sources (blazars, normal galaxies, etc.) and
truly diffuse signals from the Galaxy and inverse Compton scattering on the s
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Presented by Dr. Troy PORTER
6 Jul 2007
The first phase experiment of the Tibet hybrid experiment to measure the energy
spectrum of the light components (proton and helium) strongly suggested that the knee
region should be dominated by heavy components. A new type of air shower core
detector Tibet-YAC (Yangbajing Air shower Core detector) as well as Tibet-MD (a large
underground muon detector array) are being planned. In this paper,
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Presented by Dr. Jing HUANG
4 Jul 2007
The EGRET experiment onboard the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory have provided
the most precise measurements of the gamma-ray sky to date. EGRET measurements of
diffuse emission across the sky show an excess above 1 GeV. This “GeV excess” has
been a topic of great debate and interest since its original discovery by Hunter et al. in
1997. We have modified the GLAST simulation and recons
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Presented by Prof. Robert JOHNSON
6 Jul 2007
Milagro is a TeV gamma-ray detector that
utilizes a large water Cherenkov detector to observe extensive air
showers produced by high energy particles impacting the Earth's
atmosphere. Milagro's distinct advantage compared to other TeV
gamma-ray detectors is that it views a wide field (2 steradian
over-head sky) and it continuously operates (>90% live time). A new
background rejection techniq
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Presented by Dr. Aous ABDO
9 Jul 2007
We developed a new parallel processing method enabling full M.C EAS simulation (say, with minimum energy of
500 keV) without using thin sampling even at 10^19 eV. Normally, distributed-parallel processing needs a
specific software and programs must be organized to match with such system. During the computation such a
scheme also requires complex communications among many computer hosts
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Presented by Prof. katsuaki kasahara KASAHARA
6 Jul 2007
Referring to the observed data in the depletions of elements in the interstellar
clouds, the chemical composition of dust grains has been deduced, though it is highly
variable among these clouds. This variability seems to reflect upon the place where
such dust grains are formed inside these clouds. Deep inside the clouds, the chemical
composition of dust grains is well coincident with that of
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Presented by Dr. Kunitomo SAKURAI
4 Jul 2007
A probability density method for VHE gamma-ray source analysis, applicable to both
stand alone IAC telescopes and stereoscopic arrays, is presented here. Developed
using simulations and Crab data for the Whipple 10m telescope, the technique covers
both two-dimensional image and spectral analyses, and background subtraction is
implemented either by a modified standard approach using cuts on Hil
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Presented by Ms. Alex SYSON
9 Jul 2007
Detection of radiopulses from moon's surface employing moon based as well
as earth based detectors was proposed about several decades back. Inspired
by this novel idea a good number of experimental groups have been continuing
such investigations. In this paper a moon based experimental set up for
receiving lunar radiopulses and then transmitting the same to earth based or
satellite base
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Presented by Ms. Kalpana ROY SINHA
9 Jul 2007
We searched for gamma-ray sources in the EGRET data from cycle 1 to cycle 9. We used
a 2D maximum likelihood method similar to that developed for the Egret 3EG catalog.
Two interstellar background models, due to cosmic-ray interactions in the Milky Way,
were used: a model where the most recent HI, CO, and inverse Compton maps were
linearly fitted to the EGRET gamma rays and a model obtained fr
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Presented by Mr. Jean-Marc CASANDJIAN
4 Jul 2007
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been detected up to GeV energies and are
predicted by many models to emit in the very high energy (VHE, >100 GeV)
regime too. Detection of such emission would allow us to constrain GRB
models. Since its launch, in late 2004, the Swift satellite has been
locating GRBs at a rate of approximately 100 per year. The rapid
localization and follow-up in many wavelengths
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Presented by Dr. Brenda DINGUS
10 Jul 2007
The Vela Supernova remnant is a large, nearby remnant with a complex morphology,
containing a bright pulsar at its centre. This pulsar has an associated pulsar wind
nebula (PWN), gamma-ray emission from which was detected by the H.E.S.S.
collaboration at very high energies. As the Vela remnant is the closest known PWN to
us, detailed study of the spectral and morphological characteristics of t
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Presented by Dr. Bruno KHELIFI
6 Jul 2007
We have investigated a solar activity dependence
of a solar wind (SW) effect on cosmic ray intensity (CRI) variations.
The SW effect discussed here is not concerned with transient origins
such as Forbush decreases nor with known solar modulations.
The effect is represented by the regression coefficient
of CRI variations with SW velocities.
CRI data we used have been recorded by the neutron m
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Presented by Prof. Hiroshi KOJIMA
9 Jul 2007
A spectacular outburst of VHE (>100 GeV) gamma-ray emission
was observed from PKS 2155-304 in 2006 with the H.E.S.S. experiment.
The VHE flux reached levels of ~20 times the Crab Nebula flux,
more that 2 orders of magnitude above typical values
observed from the object. This extremely high flux,
when coupled with the sensitivity of H.E.S.S.,
enables temporal studies of the emission
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Presented by Dr. Wystan BENBOW
6 Jul 2007
Interplanetary coronal mass ejections, the interplanetary counterparts of coronal
mass ejections at the Sun, are the major drivers of interplanetary shocks in the
heliosphere, and are associated with modulations of the galactic cosmic ray
intensity, both short term (Forbush decreases caused by the passage of the shock,
post-shock sheath, and ICME) and possibly with longer term modulation. Usi
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Presented by Dr. Hilary CANE
5 Jul 2007
Milagro is a TeV gamma-ray observatory with a ~2 sr field of view and a >90% duty
factor. A recent survey at 12 TeV of the Galactic Plane by Milagro has discovered
three new sources, along with four promising source candidates. Each of the new
sources and most of the candidates have likely counterparts in the EGRET GeV catalog,
some of which are possibly associated with pulsar wind nebulae (
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Presented by Gary WALKER
6 Jul 2007
Since the discovery of TeV emission from the LS 5039/RX J1826.2-1450 binary system, microquasars are an
established class of Very High Energy gamma-ray sources. Nonetheless, the current catalog of gamma-ray binaries
remains somewhat limited, with only three examples known. We present the results of a systematic search for TeV
emission from known X-ray binaries with similar properties to LS 5
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Presented by Mr. Hugh DICKINSON
6 Jul 2007
The existing imaging air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) are using
imaging cameras of aperture 2-4 degrees. These telescopes
have F/0.7 to F/1.2 optics. The best optical resolution that one
can obtain with these optical designs is in the range of 3 minutes
of arc, and that only in the central region of the imaging camera.
There are indications from simulations that one can further improve
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Presented by Dr. Razmick MIRZOYAN
6 Jul 2007
We discuss the general observational upper limits on the total annihilation rate of
dark matter derived from the diffuse gamma ray background measured by the EGRET
satellitr. We assume that the dark matter annihilates at tree level in the least
detectable final states in the Standard Model, namely neutrinos. Any other decay
channel would lead to stronger constraints. Electroweak jet cascading
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Presented by Dr. Pasquale Dario SERPICO
10 Jul 2007
The KASCADE-Grande experiment at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany,
measures extensive air showers initiated by primary particles with energies
between 100 TeV and 1 EeV. Detector pulses digitized by a Flash-ADC based
data acquisition system were unfolded to study the arrival times of secondary
particles separately for the electromagnetic and the muonic shower component.
Muons arrive on av
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Presented by Dr. Paul DOLL
4 Jul 2007
Deconvolution algorithms have been used successfully for
optimization/restoration/deblurring of astronomical images in a variety of
wavelengths, especially in the optical band (e.g., for HST). We present here an
iterative Richardson-Lucy type method designed for treatment of images
obtained with the High Energy Stereoscopy System (H.E.S.S.) array of ground-
based gamma-ray telescopes. Its
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Presented by Dr. Gilles MAURIN
6 Jul 2007
For the design of an optical module for deep-sea cubic kilometre sized neutrino
telescopes it is important to optimise performance versus cost. In the
framework of the KM3NeT design study we have designed an optical module
consisting of a single glass pressure vessel and containing up to about 40 small
photomultiplier tubes 40 small photomultiplier tubes including their high-voltage
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Presented by Prof. PAUL KOOIJMAN
9 Jul 2007
In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by
gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse
earlier, and later merge to form larger halos. The probability that a halo of mass m
at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time is
described by the progenitor (conditional) mass function f(m,z|M,0), accor
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Presented by Dr. Lidia PIERI
9 Jul 2007
Since 2002, the number of detected blazars at gamma-ray energies of 100 GeV and above
has more than doubled. A synoptic study of these objects therefore might reveal
important collective characteristics. I present a study of all currently known
high-frequency peaked BL Lac-type objects for which photon energy spectra at E>100
GeV have been inferred. The intrinsic energy spectra of the sources
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Presented by Dr. Robert WAGNER
6 Jul 2007
We present the results of a kinetic calculation of the growth rates of
non resonant modes excited by streaming cosmic rays in
non-relativistic shock waves. We show how different assumptions for
the compensating current lead to the appearance of different modes
with different growth rates. We discuss the conditions under which the
modes are non resonant (a la Bell) and lead to large growth rat
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Presented by Dr. Pasquale BLASI
7 Jul 2007
To determine the characteristics of galactic and solar cosmic ray flux near Earth
by using neutron monitor measurements, the observation data are usually
submitted to analysis procedures involving extensive calculations and expert
knowledge. For space weather applications an equally valid method is desirable
that is straightforward, fast, and simple, to allow quasi-automatic data analysis
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Presented by Prof. Erwin O. FLUECKIGER
6 Jul 2007
Observations of the Coma cluster by Beppo-SAX have shown a hard X-ray excess in the
spectrum that could be interpreted as the presence of a particle acceleration site.
However, given that the hard X-ray instrument on board Beppo-SAX was non-imaging,
existence of point sources could change this interpretation. The better angular
resolution of INTEGRAL allowed us to analyze the morphology of the
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Presented by Mr. Dominique ECKERT
6 Jul 2007
We have designed and built a programmable hardware module for TTL pulse
generation and capture in absolute time. The time reference is an on-board GPS
(Global Positioning System) receiver. Tests of a prototype performed at the US
National Institute of Standards (NIST) found a nominal accuracy better than 20 ns
relative to the secondary US frequency standard. Potential applications for this
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Presented by Mr. Jeremy SMITH, Mr. Jason THOMAS, Mr. Stan THOMAS, Prof. Lawrence WIENCKE
6 Jul 2007
The IceCube neutrino detector is built into the Antarctic ice sheet at the South Pole to measure high energy
neutrinos. For this, 4800 PMTs are being deployed at depths between 1,450 and 2,450 meters into the ice to
measure neutrino induced charged particles like muons. IceTop is a surface air shower detector consisting of 160
Cherenkov ice tanks located on top of IceCube. To extend IceTop,
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Presented by Dr. Timo KARG
10 Jul 2007
The readout of optical modules for deep-sea kilometre sized neutrino
telescopes is challenging for many reasons. Power consumption of the
electronics placed at the bottom of the sea must be low, and the data have to
be transported to shore over distances up to possibly 100 km. We present a
novel readout system - developed in the framework of the KM3NeT design
study - where the data from
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Presented by Prof. PAUL KOOIJMAN
9 Jul 2007
Stimulated by the recent HESS galactic survey which discovered 14
new TeV gamma-ray sources, it is now important to measure 100 TeV
gamma rays from celetial sources to locate possible cosmic-ray
accelerators up to PeV energies in our galaxy.
The Tibet air shower array (37,000m**2), located at 4,300 m above
sea levelin Tibet, is a wide field-of-view gamma-ray telescope
above TeV energie
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Presented by Dr. Masato TAKITA
6 Jul 2007
Jets of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are established emitters of Very High
Energy (VHE; >100 GeV) gamma rays. In addition, VHE radiation is expected to be emitted
from the vicinity of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) irrespective of their
activity state. Accreting SMBH rotate and generate a dipolar magnetic field. In the
magnetosphere of the spinning black hole acceleration
of particles can ta
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Presented by Ms. Giovanna PEDALETTI
6 Jul 2007
Utilising the unprecedented TeV sky coverage of the H.E.S.S. galactic plane scan, we present the results of a search
for Very High Energy gamma-ray sources coincident with the positions of known X-ray binaries. Although no
significant detections were obtained, upper limits to the TeV flux from 36 microquasars and X-ray binaries were
Presented by Mr. Hugh DICKINSON
6 Jul 2007
There are some prerequisites to possible success in searching for small-scale
anisotropy of cosmic ray arrival directions at the highest energies. Recent claims
of autocorrelations in the data of giant extensive air shower (EAS) arrays and
presumable correlations between BL Lacertae and ultra-high energy cosmic
rays (UHECRs) incite to sift the Yakutsk array data. Present analysis is based
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Presented by Dr. Anatoly IVANOV
7 Jul 2007
Current status and results of the experiment on recording
neutrino bursts are presented.
The observation livetime (since 1980) is 22.6 years.
The upper bound of collapse frequency in our Galaxy
is 0.10 $y^{-1}$ (90% CL).
Presented by Dr. Yuriy NOVOSELTSEV
5 Jul 2007
We present updated results for anisotropy searches in the direction of the
Galactic centre at energies in the EeV range. We use data from the Pierre
Auger Southern Observatory up to March, 2007. Present analyses are therefore
based on a substantially larger data set than our previous published results.
The larger statistics from the surface array allow for more precise measurements
as a
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Presented by Edivaldo SANTOS
4 Jul 2007
Problems in observation of extensive air showers generated by neutrinos are connected
with an extremely small cross section of inelastic collisions of neutrinos with
nuclei. However, two facts allow to search for showers generated by neutrinos: (1) a
hadron cascade with the primary energy of more than 10^13 eV leaves a mountain ridge
to the atmosphere from the depth ~ 300g/cm^2 without an esse
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Presented by Prof. Vera Georgievna SINITSYNA
9 Jul 2007
A shape of lateral distribution for charged particles in events with energy above
10**19eV is considered. Two methods were used for individual LDF parametrization. In
the first approach, the index of power was determined for generalized Greisen-Linsley
approximation. In second, mean square radius of the shower was determined for
approximation proposed by Lagutin et al. Comparison of resulted p
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Presented by Mr. Artem SABOUROV
4 Jul 2007
The discovery of direct evidence for the acceleration of high energetic particles at
the shell supernova remnant RXJ1713.7-3946 underlined the need to calculate the
cosmic ray (CR) distribution in the Galaxy on a spatial grid fine enough to resolve
the changes in the CR density due to these kind of objects. It was shown before by
Buesching et al 2005 that the discrete nature (both in space and
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Presented by Dr. Ingo BUESCHING
4 Jul 2007
We address the problem of determining the spectrum of night sky background
in a spectral resolution which allows understanding quick changes in the
intensity and shape of these spectra. One can use this information in EAS
observatories for carrying out possible corrective actions during the testing,
designing or normal operation phases.
We present a design of a low cost medium resolution
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Presented by Mr. Emmanuel FOKITIS
6 Jul 2007
The propagation of galactic and solar cosmic rays in the
solar wind (SW) can be strongly influenced by the SW
fluctuations properties. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scale
fluctuations in the solar wind are usually highly
anisotropic, and have also been found to exhibit different
properties in regions of high and low solar wind speed.
We analyze here the anisotropy properties of the solar
wind f
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Presented by Dr. Sergio DASSO
10 Jul 2007
ACORDE (ALICE cosmic ray detector) is one of the ALICE
detectors, presently in construction. It will consist of an array of
plastic scintillator counters placed on the three upper faces of the
magnet. This array will act as the cosmic ray trigger for ALICE
calibration, as well as multiple muon trigger to study high energy
cosmic rays. ACORDE, together with other ALICE subdetectors,
will prov
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Presented by Dr. Arturo FERNANDEZ TELLEZ
5 Jul 2007
It is planned to up-grade the Pierre Auger Observatory through some enhancements so
that the energy spectrum of cosmic rays can be studied down to 0.1 EeV and the muon
component of showers can be determined. The former will lead to a spectrum measured
by one technique from 0.1 EeV to beyond 100 EeV while the latter will aid
identification of the primary particles. These enhancements consist o
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Presented by Prof. Alberto ETCHEGOYEN
6 Jul 2007
We present for the case of Tycho's supernova remnant the relation between the blast wave and contact
discontinuity sizes calculated within the nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray acceleration in SNRs. It is
demonstrated that they are very well confirmed by recently published Chandra measurements, which show that
the observed contact discontinuity radius is so close to the shock radius, th
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Presented by Dr. Leonid KSENOFONTOV
6 Jul 2007
The ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) searches for
ultra high energy neutrinos interacting in the antarctic ice cap.
It is a long duration balloon experiment composed of an array of
broadband dual-polarized horn antennas that had its first science
flight over Antarctica in December 2006 through January 2007. ANITA
relies upon the Askaryan effect, in which a particle shower
in a d
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Presented by Kimberly J. PALLADINO
7 Jul 2007
The ANTARES Collaboration is building a high energy neutrino telescope at 2500
m depth in the Mediterranean Sea. The experiment aims to search for high-
energy cosmic neutrinos through the detection of Cerenkov light induced by
muons and showers resulting from neutrino interactions with the surrounding
medium. The detector will consist of a three-dimensional array of 900 optical
modules h
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Presented by Dr. Yvonne BECHERINI
9 Jul 2007
The ARIANNA concept utilizes the Ross Ice Shelf near the coast of Antarctica
to increase the sensitivity to cosmogenic neutrinos by roughly an order of
magnitude when compared to the sensitivity of existing detectors and those
under construction. Therefore, ARIANNA can test a wide variety of scenarios
for GZK neutrino production, and probe for physics beyond the standard
model by measuri
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Presented by Prof. Steven BARWICK
7 Jul 2007
The characteristics relating to lateral and longitudinal development of EAS in the
energy region of 10**15 - 10**19 eV have been analyzed in the framework of the QGSJET
model and of mass composition of primary cosmic rays. It is found that at E0 >=
5x10**15 eV the mean mass composition of primary cosmic rays begins to vary as
indicated by a rise of <ln(A)> with increasing energy. The maximum
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Presented by Dr. Stanislav KNURENKO
6 Jul 2007
The transparency is one of the primary measures of the atmospheric state. The precise
long term series of atmospheric transparency measurements gives the possibility for
quantitative estimate of the variability of air circulation and to make climatologic
conclusions with regard to contamination, cloud formation, humidity and radiative
exchange. It seems to be possible to estimate the atmospher
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Presented by Dr. alexander MISHEV
6 Jul 2007
Using instruments on the ACE and Wind spacecraft, we investigate the temporal
evolution, spectrum, and ionization states of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Fe in
the impulsive event of 2000 May 1. Proton and electron intensities and anisotropies
were used to help constrain the characteristics of the interplanetary propagation
taking account of focusing, pitch-angle scattering, adiabatic decele
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Presented by Wolfgang DROEGE
4 Jul 2007
Acceleration of charge particles in stochastic electric fields is considered. The
fractional symmetric Fokker-Planck equation is derived on the basis of the
Langevin equations and with an assumption that the fluctuations of electric
fields are subordinated by the Levy stable laws. From the solution of the
equation it is showed that an ensemble of charge particles is relaxed to the
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Presented by Mr. Ivan ZIMOVETS
4 Jul 2007
Accuracies of numerical Fourier and Hankel transforms are examined with the
Takahasi-Mori theory of error evaluation. The higher Moliere terms both for
spatial and projected distributions derived by these methods agree very well
with those derived analytically. The methods will be valuable to solve other
transport problems concerning fast charged particles.
Presented by Prof. Takao NAKATSUKA
4 Jul 2007
Using data derived from the H.E.S.S. telescope system and the LIDAR facility on site,
a method of correcting for changing atmospheric quality based on cosmic-ray
parameters is presented. The method was applied to data from the active galactic
nucleus PKS 2155-304, taken during August and September 2004 when the quality of the
atmosphere at the site was highly variable. Corrected and uncorrect
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Presented by Dr. Paula CHADWICK
6 Jul 2007
Presented by Juan Carlos ROMERO-HICKS
3 Jul 2007
Presented by Simon SWORDY
3 Jul 2007
Presented by Juan Pedro LACLETTE
3 Jul 2007
Extreme Universe Space Observatory on JEM/EF (JEM-EUSO) is a space mission to observe extremely high-energy
cosmic rays. JEM-EUSO is a wide-angle refractive telescope in near-ultraviolet wavelength region to observe time-
resolved atmospheric fluorescence images of the extensive air showers from the International Space Station.
This paper will discuss the optical system of JEM-EUSO. We will r
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Presented by Yoshiyuki TAKIZAWA
6 Jul 2007
The fluorescence detection of ultra high energy ($\gtrsim 10^{18}$ eV) cosmic rays
requires a detailed knowledge of the fluorescence light emission from nitrogen
molecules, which are excited by the cosmic ray shower particles along their path in
the atmosphere. We have made a precise measurement of the fluorescence light spectrum
excited by MeV electrons in dry air. We measured the relative i
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Presented by Dr. Gonzalo RODRIGUEZ FERNANDEZ
10 Jul 2007
Air showers accompanied by high energy atmospheric families observed by Chacaltaya hybrid experiment
Characteristics of air-showers and accompanied high energy atmospheric families
detected in the hybrid experiment at Mt. Chacaltaya are studied in detail and
compared with those of simulations taking into accounts the specific detection bias
of the experiment. It is shown that the observed characteristics of the atmospheric
families accompanied by large air showers, Ne > 10^7, and also
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Presented by Dr. Masanobu TAMADA
9 Jul 2007
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC), a balloon-borne experiment,
is designed to investigate the composition and energy spectra of cosmic rays of
charge Z = 1 to 26 over the energy range ~ 10^11 - ~ 10^14 eV. The
instrument consists of a silicon matrix charge detector, plastic scintillator strip
hodoscopes interleaved with graphite interaction targets, and an 18 radiation
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Presented by Dr. Hoseok AHN
4 Jul 2007
Up to now, analyses of AMANDA data have been limited to searches for diffuse astrophysical sources, time-
integrated searches for point sources, and searches for flares and bursts from pre-selected sources (AGN and
GRB) over limited time-scales. On the other hand, multi-wavelength studies have shown that emissions can
occur in exponential flares or bursts with strengths that can be much great
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Presented by Dr. Rodín PORRATA
9 Jul 2007
We present the all-particle primary cosmic ray energy spectrum obtained by a
parametric event-by-event determination of the primary energy. The results are
obtained on the basis of an expanded experimental data from the GAMMA
experiment. The method was developed using the CORSIKA EAS simulation
code with the SYBILL interaction model and taking into account the response of
the GAMMA detec
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Presented by Dr. R.M. MARTIROSOV
6 Jul 2007
The study of the arrival direction of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays UHECRs
potentially gives us an insight on their origin. In this poster we present a search
for event structures in the sky in which the arrival direction of the events lie on a
great circle (the arc structure) in High Resolution Fly?s Eye (HiRes). The arc
structure is expected when charged cosmic rays get deflected while pa
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Presented by Prof. Charlie JUI
4 Jul 2007
Milagro is a TeV gamma-ray observatory with a ~2 sr field of view and a >90% duty
factor. The large field of view and long observation time make Milagro ideal for
surveying large regions of the Northern Hemisphere sky. A previous all-sky survey
searched for point sources (Atkins, R, et al., 2004, ApJ, 608, 680-685), but the
analysis is easily adaptable to look for intermediate-scale (~10 deg
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Presented by Gary WALKER
4 Jul 2007
We analyze the muon-like Events(single ring image ) in the Super-Kamiokande
(SK) by the Computer Numerical Experiment. Assuming the parameters of the
neutrino oscillation obtained by the SK which characterize the type of the
neutrino oscillation, we reproduce the zenith angle distribution of the muon-like
events and compare it with the real distribution obtained by the SK . Also, we
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Presented by Prof. Eiichi KONISHI
9 Jul 2007
Measuring the cosmic gamma ray flux at super-GZK energies is of significance in both
interpreting the GZK effect and putting constraints on exotic models of the origin of
ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. At these energies, gamma ray primaries interact with
the earth's magnetic field before they enter the atmosphere. We have developed a
simulation of gamma ray preshowers to study their effect on t
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Presented by Mr. Andrew O'NEILL
4 Jul 2007
Air-fluorescence detectors such as the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) instrument
are very sensitive to upward-going, Earth-skimming ultrahigh energy
electron-neutrino-induced showers.
This is due to the relatively large interaction cross sections of these high-energy
neutrinos and the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect, which is responsible for a
significant decrease in the cross secti
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Presented by Dr. Lauren SCOTT
5 Jul 2007
VERITAS employs a 12m segmented mirror and pixellated photomultiplier
tube camera to detect the brief pulse of Cherenkov radiation produced
by the extensive air shower initiated by a cosmic high-energy gamma
ray. The VERITAS data acquisition system consists of a 500
Mega-Sample-Per-Second custom-built flash ADC system, which samples
the Cherenkov light pulse every 2 nanoseconds. The integrate
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Presented by Dr. Peter COGAN
9 Jul 2007
For the chemical composition in the "knee" energy region,
we observe air shower core with hybrid detectors in Tibet,
Yangbajin(4,300 m a.s.l.).
We use the Tibet III air-shower array for the determination of
the primary energy and the burst detector for the measurement of
the energy flow of air shower core.
Previous phase of our experiment used emulsion chamber(X-ray films and
nuclear emuls
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Presented by Mr. Tatsumi OUCHI
4 Jul 2007
Observations of the Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) of 20 January 2005 are
used to investigate a commonly observed, but poorly understood feature of
this class of event. The Sanae neutron monitor observed three distinct peaks
during this event. The observations were augmented by a neutron moderated
detector, from which we could determine that the first, ephemeral peak had a
harder spectrum tha
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Presented by Prof. Harm MORAAL
6 Jul 2007
The arrival directions of ultrahigh energy extensive air showers by the Yakutsk
and AGASA array data have been considered. It is shown that 3 very high
ultrahigh energy showers with E>10^20 eV registered at the Yakutsk array
correlate with the nearest pulsars. The problem of cosmic ray origin is
Presented by Dr. Alexei MIKHAILOV
4 Jul 2007
We analyze arrival time of air shower using Hirosaki AS Arrays. This array
consists of 5 scintillation detectors with GPS antenna for arrival times. We use
Erlang Distribution. The number of air showers observed within short time
windows is analized by using arrival time difference of k-events serial air
showers. We report the results of the analysis.
Presented by Prof. Nobusuke TAKAHASHI
4 Jul 2007
Expansion speed for limb CMEs has been shown to be a good approximation to determine
the radial speed. In this work we present an analytical model to obtain from lateral
expansion the radial propagation speed of CMEs. We found that the relation between
expansion and lateral speeds depends as well on the angular width. We compare the
results of the analytical model with the parameters of limb C
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Presented by Ms. Guadalupe MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ
4 Jul 2007
General higher terms of Moliere series are solved analytically, in Moliere-
Heisenberg definite integral and/or Goldstein series. The terms of higher orders
up to n=6 are practically obtained. Applicable region of Moliere series is
extended to shorter depths of penetration down to B=5 by the results.
Presented by Prof. Takao NAKATSUKA
4 Jul 2007
The GRAPES-3 experiment observes extensive air showers using a high-density array of
scintillators and a large area tracking muon detector. The array consists of 300
scintillation detectors (each 1m^2 in area) and 16 modules of muon detectors having a
total area of 560m^2. Good angular resolution of the array is a key requirement for
detection of point sources of gamma rays. For this purpose w
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Presented by Mr. Akitoshi OSHIMA
9 Jul 2007
The striking alignment effect detected earlier in gamma-hadron stratospheric
STRANA superfamily is supplemented here by analysis of the arrangement of
all particles in the central area of the family. It showed the evident anisotropy in
the lateral distribution of these particles confirming a coplanar scatter effect in
the interaction.
Presented by Dr. Vladislav OSEDLO
9 Jul 2007
The subsonic heliosheath beyond the termination shock (TS) of the solar wind plays a
profound role in the transport of anomalous (ACR) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR). The
energetic particle observations of Voyager-1, after crossing the TS in December 2004,
indicate that the distribution of ACR is not uniform in the heliosheath.
We point out that our concepts based on a simple 1-D shock canno
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Presented by Dr. Jozsef KOTA
10 Jul 2007
The General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) exploits low energy antideuterons
produced in neutralino-neutralino annihilations as an indirect dark matter (DM)
signature that is effectively free from background. When an antiparticle is captured
by a target material, it forms exotic atom in an excited state which quickly decays
by emitting X-rays of precisely defined energy and a correlated pio
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Presented by Dr. Jason E KOGLIN
10 Jul 2007
We calculate the antideuteron flux expected from dark matter annihilation in the
galactic halo.
The propagation is treated in a full 2-D propagation model consistent with the
results obtained from the propagation of B/C and other galactic species.
We discuss the potentials of this indirect dark matter detection means and evaluate
the possible sources of uncertainties affecting future measur
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Presented by Dr. Fiorenza DONATO
10 Jul 2007
The atmosphere is a vital component of the detector in an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope. In order to
understand observations from these instruments and reduce systematic uncertainties and biases in their
data it is important to correctly model the atmosphere in simulations of the extensive air showers they
detect. The Very High Energy Telescope Array (VERITAS) is a system of 4 such telesco
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Presented by Dr. Michael DANIEL
9 Jul 2007
A new significant ground level enhancement was recorded by the worldwide
neutron monitor network during the minimum phase of the 23rd solar cycle, on
13 December, 2006. The event, also known as GLE70, started at ~ 2:48 UT,
whereas the neutron monitor flux in most stations reached its maximum in
~3:00-3:10 UT. In northern Europe the event was registered with big
amplitudes that in some c
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Presented by Dr. Eugenia EROSHENKO
6 Jul 2007
Air shower universality states that the electromagnetic part of hadron-induced
EAS can be completely described in terms of the primary energy and shower age.
In addition, simulations show that the muon part is well characterized by
an overall normalization which depends on the primary particle and hadronic
interaction model. We investigate the consequences of EAS universality
for ground ar
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Presented by Mr. Fabian SCHMIDT
5 Jul 2007
The arrival directions of ultrahigh energy extensive air showers registered at
the Yakutsk array are considered. The correlations of maxima in the distribution
of arrival directions of showers and doublets with the pulsar coordinates
located in the galactic plane are found. It is shown that the correlation of the
arrival directions of ultrahigh energy particles with the plane of Virgo clus
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Presented by Dr. Alexei MIKHAILOV
7 Jul 2007
We will talk about slow control system of Ashra (All-sky Survey High Resolution Air-shower detector) experiment. As
the name shows, it is an experiment observing fluorescence and Cherenkov light yielded by cosmic rays, which has
very wide FOV (80% of 2 pi str) and a few arc-min optical resolution. In addition to cosmic ray detection, it is able to
observe star (especially transient objects
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Presented by Mr. Akira OKUMURA
9 Jul 2007
The solution to the origin of the UHECRs, like the solution
to the origin of the galactic cosmic rays, depends on direct
cosmic ray observations in addition to multiwavelength
and UHE neutrino detections of cosmic-ray sources. The
advent of Auger, IceCube, GLAST, and ground-based
gamma-ray telescopes promises multi-channel data that
should solve this problem. In this talk, I review favor
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Presented by Dr. Charles DERMER
6 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Collaboration intends to extend the energy range of its southern
observatory in Argentina for high quality data from 0.1 to 3 EeV. The extensions
proposed and described in accompanying papers, include three additional fluorescence
telescopes with a more elevated field of view (HEAT) and a nested surface array with
750 and 433 m spacing respectively and additional muon detectio
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Presented by Dr. Gustavo MEDINA TANCO
6 Jul 2007
Despite notable progress in gamma-ray astronomy, understanding the
astrophysical sources of medium energy (MeV-range) gamma-rays still remains
somewhat of a mystery. Medium-energy gamma-ray observations require
diverse measurement techniques since the objects that produce these gamma-
rays are both extended and point-like, transient and steady, and include both
continuum and line emission
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Presented by Dr. Stanley HUNTER
10 Jul 2007
JEM-EUSO will study ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by their optical yield in the
atmosphere. To evaluate this yield it is important to monitor the atmosphere
inside the field-of-view (FOV) of the JEM-EUSO receiver. This monitoring shall
permit the correction of the JEM-EUSO signal, where the critical parameters are
the cloud presence and top altitude. The Atmospheric Monitoring System will
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Presented by Dr. Valentin MITEV, Dr. Mitsuteru SATO
6 Jul 2007
An atmospheric monitoring system has installed at Black Rock Mesa in the Utah
desert to study the properties of atmosphere using a LIDAR(Light Detection And
Ranging) system and an infra-red(IR) camera for cosmic rays experiment. The aims of
atmospheric monitoring are to calibrate observed cosmic ray's energy and to determine
detectable region of the fluorescence detectors. For these reasons, t
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Presented by Prof. Michiyuki CHIKAWA
6 Jul 2007
A cosmogenic radionuclide Be-7 (half life 53.3 days) results from nuclear interactions of galactic
cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere. Most of Be-7 is produced in the lower stratosphere and
slowly tranported to the surface. Be-7 plays a role of atmospheric tracer and its measurements
provide an important clue on atmospheric air mass motions. Since 2002 we have continuously
measured sur
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Presented by Prof. Masato YOSHIMORI
6 Jul 2007
The IceCube Neutrino Detector is a cubic kilometer ice-Cherenkov detector being
constructed in the deep ice under the geographic South Pole. IceCube is sensitive to
high-energy muon neutrinos and muon anti-neutrinos by detecting the secondary muon
produced when the neutrino interacts in or near the instrumented volume. The
principal source of muon neutrinos are atmospheric neutrinos which come
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Presented by Dr. John PRETZ
7 Jul 2007
The Super-Kamiokande started observation in April of 1996 and continued the
data taking for five years of initial running period (SK-I) till the maintenance in
July of 2001. The Super-Kamiokande continued the data taking with the half
PMT density in the second period (SK-II) from resuming in December of 2002 to
shutdown for the reconstruction to return the PMT density in October 2005.
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Presented by Ms. Yumiko TAKENAGA
7 Jul 2007
The EAS characteristics relating to the lateral development of a shower at sea level
are considered, namely, a mean square radius for the spatial distribution of charged
particles, the total number of charged particles and muons with E(th) >= 1 GeV and
their correlation at fixed energy; the longitudinal development of a shower in the
atmosphere, i.e. a maximum depth of EAS. The energy-dependen
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Presented by Dr. Stanislav KNURENKO
4 Jul 2007
BESS-Polar II (the 2nd version of the BESS-Polar spectrometer) has been
prepared for the next Antarctic campaign planned in December 2007. The aim of the
experiment is precise measurement of the low-energy antiproton spectrum
and to search for antimatter at this solar minimum period, with 5 times higher
sensitivity than the total of previous measurements in BESS-Polar I. Most of the detector
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Presented by Dr. Thomas HAMS
4 Jul 2007
We carried out a balloon observation of cosmic rays using the CALET prototype
at the Sanriku Balloon Center of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The
prototype detector consists of 1024 scintillating fibers for track imaging and 24
BGO scintillator bricks for total absorption of cosmic rays. The observation was
carried at altiude between 35 and 37 km for about 4 hours. We measured
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Presented by Dr. Yuki SHIMIZU
4 Jul 2007
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR's) above 100 EeV have been observed with
several experiments. Their origin and propagation mechanism are still
in mystery mainly due to the low statistics. In order to observe UHECR's
with sufficient statistics, the JEM-EUSO experiment is going on.
In the JEM-EUSO experiment, fluorescence and Cherenkov light from the
extensive air showers induced by UHECR
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Presented by Dr. Naoto SAKAKI
6 Jul 2007
High altitude balloon-borne experiments have been a part of Cosmic Ray Research
almost from the inception of the field. Major advances have been, and continue to
be, made with balloon missions, due both to improvements in instrumentation and to
advances in balloon technology and operational techniques. Today we can fly nearly
two ton cosmic ray payloads for periods up to 4-6 weeks at altitud
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Presented by Dr. John P. WEFEL
4 Jul 2007
Silicon sensors with 64 pixels of 1 cm^2 area and 500 micron thickness were developed
as building blocks of a large array for the charge identification of cosmic ray
nuclei in balloon-borne or space-based experiments. A small telescope of sensors was
exposed to pion and proton beams, interacting in a target, at CERN. Experimental
results on the performance of the sensors will be reported.
Presented by Prof. Pier Simone MARROCCHESI
4 Jul 2007
The mirror facets on the VERITAS telescopes, which are of
Davies-Cotton design, are aligned with the telescope axis in
the horizontal position using a laser projector at the radius
of curvature. The instrument used will be described. The
mechanical design of the Optical Support Structure permits some
gravitational slumping with elevation which can be counteracted by
bias alignment (deliberat
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Presented by J. TONER
9 Jul 2007
The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) is an array of
four 12m diameter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique (IACT) telescopes operated
at the base of Mt. Hopkins in southern Arizona. The four-telescope experiment started
operation in February, 2007. GeV and TeV gamma-ray observations of blazars can be
used to probe the structure and composition of their jets,
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Presented by Prof. Henric KRAWCZYNSKI
9 Jul 2007
Milagro is a water-Cherenkov detector capable of observing air showers produced by gamma- rays. The wide field of view (~2 sr) and high duty cycle (>90%) of Milagro make it ideal for searching for transient very high energy emission. We will report on the results of a blind search of the Milagro data for very high energy ranging from 160 μs to 6 minutes. While this analysis is primarily aimed at
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Presented by Mr. Vlasios VASILEIOU
9 Jul 2007
PG 1553+113 is a known BL Lac object, newly detected in the GeVTeV energy
range by H.E.S.S. and MAGIC. The redshift of this source is unknown and a
lower limit of z>0.09 was recently estimated. The very high energy (VHE)
spectrum of PG 1553+113 is attenuated due to the absorption by the
low-energy photon field of the extragalactic background light (EBL). Here
we correct the combined H.E.S.S.
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Presented by Mr. Daniel MAZIN
6 Jul 2007
The large FOV of the AGILE Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector (GRID), 2.5 sr, will allow the
whole sky to be surveyed once every 10 days in the 30 MeV - 50 GeV energy band down
to 0.05 Crab Units. This fact gives the opportunity of performing the first
flux-limited, high-energy g-ray all-sky survey. The high Galactic latitude
point-source population is expected to be largely dominated by blazars. Seve
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Presented by Prof. Alessandro DE ANGELIS
6 Jul 2007
Muon telescopes can have several applications, ranging from astrophysical to
solar-terrestrial interaction studies, and fundamental particle physics. We
show the design parameters, characterization and end-to-end simulations of a
detector composed by a set of three parallel dual-layer scintillator planes,
buried at fix depths ranging from 0.30 m to 3 m. Each layer is 4 m2 and is
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Presented by Mr. Federico SANCHEZ
6 Jul 2007
We are proposing the CALET mission carried out on the Japanese Experiment
Module of International Space Station. Major purpose of the mission is to
search for the nearby cosmic ray sources and dark matter. The detector
consists of an imaging calorimeter and a total absorption calorimeter to detect
the electrons and the gamma-rays up to 10 TeV with very efficient rejection
power of th
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Presented by Prof. Shoji TORII
6 Jul 2007
We have proposed the CALET(CALorimetric Electron Telescope)
mission to observe galactic electrons and gamma rays on ISS/JEM.
In this paper we present the measurements of long-term and
short-term variations of electron intensities in the helisphere.
Galactic electrons of 1-100GeV energy range mostly have negative charges
and the spectrum largely varies with solar activities. Thus we
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Presented by Dr. yoshiko KOMORI
9 Jul 2007
Observations from the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) aboard NASA’s Advanced
Composition Explorer (ACE) have shown that all relevant galactic cosmic ray isotopic
ratios measured are consistent with an OB-Association origin of galactic cosmic rays
(GCRs). Additionally CRIS measurements of the isotopic abundances of 59Ni and 59Co
have shown that the 59Ni has completely decayed into 59Co
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Presented by W. R. BINNS
5 Jul 2007
A comparative study of tri-diurnal anisotropy of Cosmic Ray intensity data has
been performed for Deep River neutron monitoring station on geo magnetically
60 quietest days, 120 quiet days and all days during 1992-94. Histographic
plots of percentage of occurrence of days for Phase (hrs) in a definite interval
reveals that Phase is maximum in the interval of 0 to 2 hrs directions during t
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Presented by Mr. Mahendra RICHHARIA
9 Jul 2007
The SONG instrument onboard the CORONAS-F satellite detected solar flare
gamma-ray emission in the energy range 50 keV – 300 MeV. Study of the fluxes
and spectra obtained during several major flares shows presence of the
gamma-ray emission at the energy > 40 MeV with the characteristic spectrum
feature generated by neutral pion decay. This feature proves unambiguously
that protons wer
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Presented by Prof. Karel KUDELA
4 Jul 2007
Fluxes of protons at the energies 0.8 - 4 GeV accelerated during solar flares of
October-November 2003 were detected onboard the CORONAS-F satellite (polar
circular orbit with an altitude ~450 km). The SONG instrument had sufficient
geometric factor (~1500 cm2∙sr) to detect directly solar protons as a count rate
exceeding above a background level when the satellite crossed a wide range o
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Presented by Prof. Karel KUDELA
4 Jul 2007
The differential energy spectrum of cosmic rays from Cherenkov radiation measurements
in EAS in the energy range of 10**15 - 10**20 eV has been compared with an anomalous
diffusion model for the particles in interstellar space having fractal properties
(Lagutin et al., 2001). Calculations of the spectrum have been carried out for each
of five types of primary nuclei: p, He, C, Mg, Fe, and the
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Presented by Dr. Stanislav KNURENKO
4 Jul 2007
The first flight of the Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) balloon experiment
employed a Timing Charge Detector (TCD) and a Calorimeter. For high energy events a
large background of back splash particles are created in the Calorimeter, which wash
out the low Z charge peaks in the TCD. Traditionally, highly pixelated detectors are
used in this situation in order to reduce the effects of the
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Presented by Taylor CHILDERS
4 Jul 2007
For a long time radio emission accompanying extensive air showers (EAS) is considered
as an alternative to traditional methods of high energy cosmic ray detection (> 10^17
eV). In this paper, results of simulations of radio signals from air showers with
energy greater than 10^17 eV are reported. The simulations are based on a
track-by-track radio emission calculation using the EGSnrc Monte Car
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Presented by Dr. Ralph ENGEL
6 Jul 2007
Utilizing the Gaisser parameterization of the differential vertical muon intensity
and propagating the spectrum underground according to the statistical ionization and
radiative muon energy losses, it is possible to calculate the underground muon
intensity Crouch curve. In addition it is feasible to refine the spectral index of
the Gaisser parameterization by minimizing the deviation from the
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Presented by Dr. Jeffrey DE JONG
9 Jul 2007
We calculate the cosmic ray muon flux at ground level using the model
of primary cosmic ray spectra suggested by Zatsepin and Sokolskaya.
The model supposes contributions to the cosmic ray flux of three classes
of sources - the shocks from exploding stars, nova and supernova of
different types. The model is supported by the new data obtained in the
ATIC-2 balloon experiment. Present
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Presented by Alexander PANOV
9 Jul 2007
The Milagro TeV ground-level gamma-ray telescope detects Forbush decreases
in several of its data channels. To understand how the instrument responds
to Forbush decreases, one must calculate, through simulations, its behavior
to a changing galactic cosmic-ray background as that background is modulated
by heliospheric activity. To this end, we have been modeling the response
of the instrumen
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Presented by Prof. James RYAN
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne ANITA neutrino telescope successfully launched
from McMurdo Station, Antarctica during the 2006-2007 austral summer.
In this paper we present ongoing studies of the energy resolution and
system response of the ANITA detector, which provide an excellent test
bed for validating the ANITA Monte Carlo, and will be of great interest if
ANITA discovers signal events. While
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Presented by D. GOLDSTEIN
9 Jul 2007
The air fluorescence detectors (FDs) of the Telescope Array (TA)
experiment have been constructed in a dessert of Utah, USA.
We can measure the longitudinal developments of EASs directly
with the FDs by detecting air fluorescence lights and determine
the primary energies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.
In order for accurate observation and measurements of EASs,
elaborate detector cal
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Presented by Dr. Hisao TOKUNO
6 Jul 2007
The surface detector of Telescope Array(TA) experiment are deployed in desert of
western utah,USA. The detector consists of two layers of plastic
scintillators of 3m2 area with wave length shifter fiber(WLSfiber).
And at each layer,PMT are connected with WLS fibers.
At each layer ,2 LEDs are also equipped to check PMT linearity.
To estimate number of shower particles with good accuracy, it
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Presented by Dr. Toshiyuki NONAKA
10 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) calorimeter is designed to measure the
spectra of cosmic-ray particles over the energy range from ~10^12 eV to ~10^15 eV.
Its first flight as part of the CREAM-I balloon-borne payload in Antarctica during
the 2004/05 season resulted in a record breaking 42 days of exposure to the cosmic
radiation. A few iterations of the calibration using various bea
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Presented by Mr. Y. S. YOON
4 Jul 2007
LOPES is one the pioneering experiments for the measurement of radio emission
from air showers with digital radio receivers. It is set up at the site of the
KASCADE-Grande air shower array and takes data in conjunction with it. This
gives us the unique possibility to combine LOPES and KASCADE-Grande data.
In its second phase LOPES has been extended to 30 antennas, which increases
the detect
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Presented by Dr. Andreas HORNEFFER
6 Jul 2007
VERITAS is an array of four identical telescopes designed for detecting and measuring
astrophysical gamma rays with energies in excess of 100 GeV. Each telescope uses a 12
m diameter mirror to collect Cherenkov light from air showers initiated by the
incident gamma rays and direct it onto a `camera' comprising 499 photomultiplier
tubes (PMTs) read out by flash ADCs. We describe here calibratio
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Presented by Prof. David HANNA
9 Jul 2007
Cosmic-ray interactions are the only known source of the rare isotope 6Li. The
standard picture is that the observed solar 6Li is produced by galactic cosmic-rays
accelerated in supernova remnants. Thus lithium-6 is a unique probe of the local
Galactic (hadronic) cosmic-ray history. On the other hand, extragalactic gamma-ray
background is a measure of cosmic-ray fluence but for the average st
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Presented by Dr. Tijana PRODANOVIC
5 Jul 2007
Current efforts in ground-based VHE gamma-ray astronomy use two methods: Atmospheric
Cherenkov Telescopes (ACTs) and Extended Air Shower (EAS) Arrays. While ACTs
typically have greater sensitivity to gamma-ray point sources and lower energy
EAS arrays have an enormous advantage in exposure to the sky due to their large
fields of view (1-2 sr) and high duty cycle (>~90%). The lower
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Presented by Dr. Andrew SMITH
4 Jul 2007
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been observed up to energies of a few GeV by satellite
observatories. In particular, GRB941017 showed a spectral component extending beyond
200MeV and distinct from the previously observed at keV energies. Ground based
telescopes have marginally observed very high energy emission (>100GeV). For
instance, the Milagrito observation of GRB970417a hinted at a distinct
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Presented by Dr. Cesar ALVAREZ OCHOA
6 Jul 2007
Using the Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) on NASA's ACE spacecraft, we have measured
the composition and energy spectra of anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) near 1 AU down to
energies of ~10 MeV/nucleon since August 1997. Recently these measurements have been
augmented by data from the Low Energy Telescope (LET) on the STEREO spacecraft, which
allows us to extend the energy spectra down to ~3 MeV
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Presented by Dr. Richard LESKE
7 Jul 2007
Past works suggest the existence of several periodicities in comic ray data.
Nevertheless, the reliability of the obtained periods is not often faced.
In this paper, neutron monitor and IMP data were analysed by using the Fast
Fourier Transform and Wavelet techniques to determine the reliability of each
identified medium- and long-term periodicity. Moreover, their relevance is
analysed along
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Presented by Dr. Monica LAURENZA
9 Jul 2007
The three stations of the Telescope Array fluorescence detectors (FDs)
contain 12 telescopes each, and each of the telescopes has a 256 pixel
PMT camera with a field of view of 18 degree x 16 degrees.
The fluorescence signals of each pixel are digitized with their
waveforms by the Signal Digitizer/Finder modules (SDFs). The signal
alerts from the SDFs are send to the Track Finder modules (TF)
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Presented by Dr. Hisao TOKUNO
6 Jul 2007
A procedure was developed to compute in near real-time the effective vertical cutoff
rigidities for a world grid with a mesh size of 5 x 5 degrees in geographic longitude
and latitude. The evaluation is made every three hours. The cutoff rigidities are
calculated by the backward trajectory tracing method, where the geomagnetic field is
represented by the IGRF model for the internal sources and
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Presented by Dr. Rolf BUETIKOFER
6 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) experiment has now flown over Antarctica
for a total of 70 days, combining a record-breaking continuous 42 days in the air
with a second Long Duration Balloon flight. The array of detection techniques
utilized by CREAM includes a Timing Charge Detector, a Transition Radiation Detector,
a Silicon Charge Detector, and a tracking Calorimeter to obtain th
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Presented by T. J. BRANDT
6 Jul 2007
Energetic heavy ions with 20 – 200 MeV/n in the radiation belts have been observed by
Heavy Ion Telescope (HIT) onboard TSUBASA satellite which stayed in the geostationary
transfer orbit with the inclination of 28.5 deg. The observed data during quiet
period in the outer region of radiation belt found out that the relative abundance
for major elements, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe, were similar t
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Presented by Dr. Makoto HAREYAMA
10 Jul 2007
Further analysis is made on the Tibet hybrid experiment to measure the energy
spectrum of light component (proton and helium) of the cosmic rays at the knee.
The result from three years observation by the burst detectors operated
with Tibet III air-shower array is presented and compared with the
result of the first phase experiment.
Presented by Prof. Makio SHIBATA
4 Jul 2007
Following the terminology adopted by Supe-Kamiokande, Fully Contained
Events are observed in the electron-neutrino which result in the cascade
shower for high energy neutrino astrophysics project, such as NT200, AMANDA
etc., while muon-neutrino event re observed as Partially Contained Events. Fully
Contained Events are essentially only source by which we could extract the
reliable inform
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Presented by Prof. Akeo MISAKI
9 Jul 2007
Gamma-ray astronomy is a new emerging and very successful branch
of astronomy and astrophysics. Exciting results have been obtained by the
current generation Cherenkov telescope systems such as H.E.S.S., MAGIC,
VERITAS and CANGAROO. The H.E.S.S. survey of the galactic plane has
exhibited a large number of sources and new astrophysics as for example the
question about the origin of the cosmi
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Presented by Dr. Thomas SCHWEIZER
10 Jul 2007
The properties of extremely energetic neutrino- and cosmic ray-induced
showers depend on the shower energy, on the type of particle initiating the shower,
and on the medium. Studying these dependences is important both for understanding
cascade phenomenology, and for estimating the efficiency of experiments using the radio
technique. In this contribution we study the feasibility of applying
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Presented by Dr. Jaime ALVAREZ-MUNIZ
10 Jul 2007
The problem of identifying gamma ray events hidden in charged cosmic ray background
(so called
hadrons) in Cherenkov telescopes is one of the key problems in VHE gamma ray
astronomy. In this
contribution, we present a novel approach to this problem by implementing different
relying on the information of each pixel of the camera of a Cherenkov telescope,
rather than using
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Presented by Ms. Raquel DE LOS REYES
9 Jul 2007
The monitoring of atmospheric conditions is very important for
fluorescence observations. Particularly, the presence of clouds can
drastically distort the signal from the extensive air shower. Infra-red
(IR) sensors, measuring sky temperature, can help to distinguish clouds,
which are usually significantly warmer than clear skies. An array of such
sensors, covering the HiRes detector's f
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Presented by Yulia FEDOROVA
6 Jul 2007
Several candidate neutrino sources
manifest variable electromagnetic emission, often with burst-like behaviour.
It is interesting to consider that the neutrino emission from such sources
could have similar time character. In the context of the so called
multi-messenger approach, information from high energy neutrinos and
different electromagnetic wavelengths (e.g., high gamma-rays) is combine
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Presented by Dr. Elisa BERNARDINI
9 Jul 2007
The Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder (TIGER) was launched in December 2001 and
2003 from McMurdo, Antarctica and was designed to observe elements ranging from 14 <
Z < 40 over an extended energy range. Observations of radioactive isotopes produced
during explosive nucleosynthesis such as Ni-59 that decay only through electron
capture provide important constraints on the delay between nucl
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Presented by Dr. G. A. DE NOLFO
4 Jul 2007
Extensive air showers are associated with transient radio emission, which could
provide a new mode of detection of UHECR with an important target volume and a high
duty cycle. The Codalema experiment has been set up and is running in the Radio
Observatory in Nançay, France, to investigate this possibility.
The apparatus is composed of an antenna array overlapped by a ground particle array.
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Presented by Dr. Didier LEBRUN
7 Jul 2007
The IceCube detector is already the world’s largest neutrino detector and when
completed in 2011, will be a cubic kilometer in volume. However, even under
optimistic assumptions about neutrino emission, the potential neutrino signal in
IceCube from AGN and GRBs may be small. The atmospheric neutrino background after
cuts will result in 1-2 neutrinos/yr/km3/deg2 above 1 TeV. For a three year
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Presented by Prof. Jordan GOODMAN
10 Jul 2007
In early December 2006, a large active region (number 10930) rotated over the eastern
limb of the Sun. As it crossed the disk, it generated 4 X-class flares and at least
3 halo coronal mass ejections. Two large SEP events were generated when the region
was at ~E70 and ~W25 and were observed by several spacecraft, including ACE and
STEREO. We have combined observations from the Solar Isotope
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Presented by Dr. Christina COHEN
4 Jul 2007
We survey the properties (including the abundance variations) of the >20 MeV
proton events (~300) that occurred in the years 1997-2005 inclusive. About
20% of the events have the properties of so-called "impulsive events" that are
considered to arise from acceleration in flares. We compare the properties and
associated flare phenomena of these events with those of the larger events
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Presented by Dr. Hilary CANE
4 Jul 2007
A comparison of the energetic neutral atom observations by CELIAS/HSTOF
with the Voyager 1 measurements of the termination shock particles in the
heliosheath shows that the ENA hydrogen flux is consistent with Voyager 1
data. On the other hand, the ENA He flux is much higher than expected from
the helium ion fluxes measured by Voyager 1. We discuss possible
explanations and implications
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Presented by Dr. Andrzej CZECHOWSKI
4 Jul 2007
We have performed a detailed Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for the
Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) detector using the MC
code FLUKA-2006 which is capable of simulating particles up to
10 PeV. The ATIC detector has completed two successful balloon flights
from McMurdo, Antarctica lasting a total of more than 35 days. ATIC is
designed as a multiple, long duration balloon flight, inv
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Presented by Dr. Rathnayaka GUNASINGHA
4 Jul 2007
Due to geomagnetic cascading, the properties of air showers initiated by photons
above 10^19 eV depend strongly on the arrival direction and on the geographical
location of the experimental site. This offers the possibility of a complementary
search for such ultra-high energy photons with observatories located at sites with
significantly different local geomagnetic field. In this paper we comp
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Presented by Dr. Piotr HOMOLA
7 Jul 2007
The majority solar energetic particle events exhibit exponential-law decays for
few-MeV protons. Profiles of mid-relativistic electrons, however, are of
predominantly power-law shape. The comparison of experimental values of
decay times, tau(obs), with those obtained in theoretical models considering
convection transport and adiabatic deceleration shows that the expected
values tau(theo
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Presented by Dr. Karoly KECSKEMETY
4 Jul 2007
Cosmic rays with energies between 10^16.5 and 10^18.5 eV exhibit a rich range
of features. The energy spectrum changes index at at least two points, known
as the "second knee" and the "ankle". There appears to be a composition change
in this energy regime as well, which may indicate a shift in predominance from
galactic to extragalactic sources. The Telescope Array Low-Energy Extension -
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Presented by Prof. John BELZ
9 Jul 2007
A key step towards the understanding of the origin of
ultra-high energy cosmic rays is their mass composition.
Primary photons and neutrinos produce markedly different
showers from nuclei, while showers of nuclear species are
not easy to distinguish. To maximise the discrimination
with the Pierre Auger Observatory ideally all mass-sensitive
observables should be combined, but the 10% duty cy
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4 Jul 2007
SENECA is a hybrid air shower simulation written by H. Drescher that utilizes both
Monte Carlo simulation and cascade equations. By using the cascade equations only in
the high energy portion of the shower, where they are extremely accurate, SENECA is
able to utilize the advantages in speed from the cascade equations yet still produce
complete, three dimensional particle distributions at groun
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Presented by Mr. Jeff ALLEN
6 Jul 2007
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) mission is proposed for the observation
of high energy cosmic rays and gamma radiation for the JEM-EF attached payload on the
International Space Station. The instrument, equipped with an imaging calorimeter of
scintillating fibers (IMC) and a total absorption BGO calorimeter (TASC), is
optimized for the measurement of cosmic ray electrons in the TeV
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Presented by Prof. Pier Simone MARROCCHESI
4 Jul 2007
Theoretical predictions for neutrino fluxes indicate that km3 scale detectors are
needed to detect certain astrophysical sources. The three Mediterranean
experiments, ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR are working together on a design
study, KM3NeT, for a large deep-sea neutrino telescope. A detector placed in
the Mediterranean Sea will survey a large part of the Galactic disc, including the
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Presented by Mr. damien DORNIC
9 Jul 2007
The Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST),scheduled to be
launched in Fall 2007, is a next generation high energy gamma-ray
observatory. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument on-board GLAST
with a wide field of view (>2 sr), large effective area and 20 MeV to
>300 GeV energy range, will provide excellent opportunity for future
Dark Matter studies.
We present an overview o
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Presented by Dr. Eric NUSS
10 Jul 2007
In 2005, the MAGIC telescope observed an unprecedented rapid flare from the AGN Mrk
501. A fast and strong variability was found in several adjacent energy bands above
100 GeV and was used to search for correlated flux variations at different energies.
The resulting constraints on different possible Quantum Gravity effects have been
investigated and will be presented.
Presented by A. BILAND
5 Jul 2007
A number of models of quantum gravity violate Lorentz invariance and
predict an energy dependence of the speed of light, leading to a dispersion
of signals at high energies that travel over cosmological distances. Limits
on the dispersion from short-duration substructures observed in soft
gamma-rays emitted by GRBs at cosmological distances have provided
interesting bounds on this violation o
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Presented by Prof. Stefan WAGNER
10 Jul 2007
In a recently proposed model the cosmic rays spectrum at energies above EeV can be
fitted with a minimal number of unknown parameters assuming that the extragalactic
cosmic rays are only protons with a power law source spectrum. Within this minimal
model, after fitting the observed HiRes spectrum with four parameters (proton
injection spectrum power law index, maximum energy, minimum distance
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Presented by Dr. Oleg KALASHEV
7 Jul 2007
Geminga is a nearby pulsar with an age of 3.42e+05 yr and a spin down power of
3.2e+34 erg/s at present. The wind of this pulsar most probably had powered a PWN
that broke up about less than 1.e+05 yr after the birth of the pulsar. Assuming that
leptonic particles accelerated by the pulsar were confined in the PWN and got
released into the interstellar medium on breakup of the PWN, we calcu
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Presented by Dr. Ingo BUESCHING
4 Jul 2007
In the context of the report by the AGASA experiment of an apparent excess in the
cosmic ray flux above the energy of the expected GZK feature, a variety of "top-down
models" have been proposed for the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs).
These models involve the decay of supermassive particles and generically predict high
neutrino and photon fluxes at ultra-high energy. Relying o
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Presented by Dr. Dmitri SEMIKOZ
4 Jul 2007
When testing and calibrating particle detectors in a test beam, accurate
tracking information independent of the detector being tested is extremely
useful during offline analysis of the data. A general purpose Silicon Beam
Tracker (SBT) was constructed with an active area of 32.0 x 32.0 mm^2 to
provide this capability for the Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM)
calorimeter. The tracke
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Presented by H. S. AHN
4 Jul 2007
The light emitted by an extensive air shower undergoes scattering on molecules and
aerosols in the atmosphere. The scattering effect not only attenuates the light, but
also contributes to the signal recorded by a detector. Hence, this effect directly
influences the determination of shower energy. In routine analyses so far only
contributions from direct and singly-scattered Cherenkov photons h
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Presented by Prof. Henryk WILCZYNSKI
4 Jul 2007
An analysis of the solar magnetic field strength (B(nT)) was based on the
temporal evolution of the minimum (Bmin) values in relation to the maximum
(Bmax) values of the 300-year data series. Three results seem of particular
significance. A two-step cycling mode is exhibited by the absolute values of
Bmax and Bmin. The ratios of Br = (Bmax-Bmin)/(Bmax+Bmin) can be defined as
the dimen
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Presented by Dr. Gisela DRESCHHOFF
9 Jul 2007
Recently we have proposed that the long term solar modulation
of galactic cosmic rays (CR) is influenced by coronal mass eyection (CME)
In this work, we analyze the effect of CMEs number and
latitudinal changes on the CR flux during positive and negative
magnetic cycles.
For CME data, we use both, recent observations by the Large Angle and
Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) expe
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Presented by Dr. Alejandro LARA
6 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass balloon-borne experiment has
accumulated 70 days of exposure during two successful flights in Antarctica.
The instrument is configured with complementary and redundant particle
detectors. Energy measurements are made with a transition radiation detector
and an ionization calorimeter. Charge measurements are made with timing,
pixelated Si, and Cherenko
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Presented by Prof. Eun-Suk SEO
5 Jul 2007
The first long-duration balloon flight of TRACER in 2003 provided high-quality
measurements of the primary cosmic-ray nuclei over the range oxygen (Z = 8) to iron
(Z = 26). The analysis of these measurements is now complete, and we will present
the individual energy spectra and absolute intensities of the nuclei O, Ne, Mg, Si,
S, Ca, A, and Fe. The spectra cover the energy range from 1 GeV/n
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Presented by Dr. Patrick BOYLE
4 Jul 2007
The study of cosmic rays (CRs) is a very mature subject developed around
the concept of radiative particle flux phi as a mono-variant function of
energy E, that is phi = phi(E). This is based on the notion of the cosmos as
being filled with cosmic radiation in the form of a collisionless exosphere
of plasma. Neutrals, however, are likewise ubiquitous in space and planetary
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Presented by Dr. Thomas WILSON
6 Jul 2007
Observations of cosmic-ray helium energy spectra provide important constraints on
cosmic ray origin and propagation. However, helium intensities measured at Earth are
affected by solar modulation, especially below several GeV/nucleon. Observations of
helium intensities over a solar cycle are important for understanding how solar
modulation affects galactic cosmic ray intensities and for sepa
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Presented by Dr. Georgia DE NOLFO
9 Jul 2007
We present a physical model to calculate cosmic ray induced ionization in the
atmosphere. The model is based on the Monte-Carlo CORSIKA tool, which simulates full
development of an electromagnetic-muon-nucleonic cascade in the atmosphere, with the
FLUKA package used for low energy interactions. The model is applicable to the entire
atmosphere, from the ground up to the stratosphere. A comparis
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Presented by Dr. Ilya USOSKIN
7 Jul 2007
Earlier we have found a significant statistical relationship between geomagnetic
activity as measured by the Kp index and hurricane intensity as measured by the
maximum wind speed for a certain type of higher-latitude hurricanes. Here we
reexamine this relationship comparing changes in cosmic ray intensity and hurricane
intensification rates (time derivative of hurricane intensity). Intensific
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Presented by Prof. Stilian KAVLAKOV
6 Jul 2007
We have installed a new air shower array at Mount Chacaltaya (5,200m
above sea level) to observe primary cosmic rays with energies greater
than 10^15 eV. In our previous experiments, we measured energy spectrum
and nuclear composition of primary cosmic rays around the knee region.
Above all, we obtained the cosmic ray composition with three independent
techniques, namely from the equi-i
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Presented by Dr. Yoshiki TSUNESADA
4 Jul 2007
As part of our on-going investigation of the charge-sign dependence in solar
modulation, we measured the cosmic ray positron abundance (~1GeV) on a
long duration balloon flight from Kiruna, Sweden to Victoria Island, Canada
during June 2006. Preliminary results from this flight will be presented and
compared to previous results.
Presented by Prof. Paul EVENSON
9 Jul 2007
Cosmic Ray Tau Neutrino Telescope (CRTNT) is designed to detect tau lepton
showers initiated from Earth-skimming tau neutrinos. A potential site is located
at Balikun, Xinjiang, China. Two CRTNT Cerenkov imaging telescopes are
installed at Yangbajing, Tibet (4300m a.s.l.) near the ARGO-YBJ RPC carpet
detector, with which coincident observation of cosmic ray showers above
10^14 eV is perf
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Presented by Prof. Huihai HE
6 Jul 2007
Physical model for calculation cosmic ray induced ionization in the atmosphere is presented. The model is based on Monte Carlo simulation with CORSIKA 6.52 code using FLUKA and QGSJET hadronic interaction subroutines. On the basis of the simulation results the ion pair production in the atmosphere and the impact of the different shower components, precisely the electromagnetic, muon and hadronic i
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Presented by Prof. Peter VELINOV
6 Jul 2007
For energies less than ~3 GeV/n, the Cosmic Rays Antideuteron component due
to spallation becomes negligible for kinematic reasons and the detection of
even a single antideuteron would strongly suggest the existence of new
sources, like neutralino Dark Matter.
The AMS-02 experiment, on board of ISS for a long duration mission (3 years),
thanks to its large acceptance (~ 0.5 m2 sr) and it
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Presented by Dr. Francesca GIOVACCHINI
9 Jul 2007
The High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) fluorescence detectors have been
collecting extensive air shower (EAS) data for more than 6 years . The
obtained statistics allows us to more precisely estimate the mass
composition of the ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECR). In this study we
summarize the stereo shower parameters measurements, especially X_{max}
measurements. The sensitivity limit
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Presented by Yulia FEDOROVA
4 Jul 2007
It has been claimed (Szensmark, 2007, and others) that observed correlations
of terrestrial cloud cover with 'the cosmic ray intensity' are casual. The
possibility arises, therefore of a connection between cosmic ray intensity and
Global Warming. If true, the implications would be very great.
An examination of the situation is made.
Presented by Prof. Arnold WOLFENDALE
7 Jul 2007
There are two kinds of relations between cosmic ray research and investigations of
space weather effects. Since energetic particles in space and low energy cosmic rays
interact with materials of the satellite and airplane systems as well as with the
atmosphere, monitoring of the changes of flux of cosmic particles especially during
solar flares, space storms and geomagnetic disturbances is imp
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Presented by Dr. Karel KUDELA
6 Jul 2007
We consider a generalized statistical model for the production process of cosmic
rays. This model takes into account temperature distribution of sources and yields
Tsallis statistics for cosmic ray energy spectrum. Results are compared with the
experimental data.
Presented by Dr. Zbigniew WLODARCZYK
5 Jul 2007
Cosmic ray showers that trigger the IceTop surface array generate high energy muons
that are measured by the IceCube in-ice detector. The large surface and underground
area of this 3-dimensional instrument at completion guaranties significant statistics
for shower energy up to about 1 EeV. Since the number of muons is sensitive to the
type of the primary cosmic ray nucleus these events can be
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Presented by Dr. Chihwa SONG
6 Jul 2007
One of the severe limitations in detecting neutrino signals from nuclear reactors
is that the copious cosmic ray background imposes the use of a time veto upon the
passage of the muons to reduce the number of fake signals due to muon-induced
spallation neutrons. For this reason neutrino detectors are usually located
underground, with a large overburden. However there are practical limitations
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Presented by Dr. Edgar CASIMIRO LINARES
9 Jul 2007
As a prototype for the AMS-02 experiment, the AMS-01 particle spectrometer was flown
on the
Space Shuttle Discovery in near earth orbit for a ten day mission in June 1998.
Concerning the
identification of positrons, AMS-01 was limited to energies below 3 GeV due to the
vast proton
background and the characteristics of the subdetectors. In order to extend the
sensitivity towards
higher ener
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Presented by Prof. Stefan Schael SCHAEL
9 Jul 2007
Simulations of ultra high energy showers that may be generated by different
primaries and observed with space detectors are performed. A special driver is
developed which enables to treat neutrino as a primary particle in the
framework of the traditional codes (AIRES, CORSIKA). Possibilities of the TUS
detector employment for ultra high energy neutrino studies are discussed.
Presented by Mr. Jorge COTZOMI
4 Jul 2007
The first flight of the Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) balloon experiment
flew for a record breaking 42 days from McMurdo Station in Antarctica and utilized a
Calorimeter, a Transition Radiation Detector, and a Timing Charge Detector to measure
charge and energy. Galactic cosmic ray propagation models make predictions that fit
current low energy spectra. With the high energy data colle
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Presented by Taylor CHILDERS
4 Jul 2007
The dominant background for observations of gamma-rays in the energy region above 50
GeV with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes are cosmic-ray events. The images
of most of the cosmic ray showers look significantly different from those of
gamma-rays and are therefore easily discriminated. However, a small fraction of
events seems to be indistinguishable from gamma-rays. This constit
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Presented by Dr. Gernot MAIER
6 Jul 2007
Gamma rays have long been recognized as a uniquely powerful probe of the existence, origin, and nature of cosmic
rays beyond the solar system. The unprecedented sensitivity and resolution of GLAST should for the first time
confirm the presence of cosmic rays in Local Group galaxies today, and in all galaxies throughout the history of
cosmic star formation. We show that GLAST should detect,
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Presented by Prof. Brian FIELDS
5 Jul 2007
Nearly ten years after the discovery of the supernova remnant RX
J0852.0-4622 ("Vela Jr.") with ROSAT in 1998, many important parameters of
the remnant are still largely uncertain. Distance estimates range between
200 pc and 1-2 kpc, with correspondingly different estimates on the time
and type of the supernova explosion. We present the application of our
kinetic theory of cosmic ray accelera
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Presented by Prof. Heinrich J. VOELK
7 Jul 2007
We calculate the flux of neutrinos generated by the propagation of
ultra-high energy nuclei over cosmological distances. The propagation takes into
account the interactions with cosmic background radiations including the CMB
and the most recent estimates of higher energy (infra-red, optical, and ultra violet)
backgrounds. We assume that the composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
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Presented by Dr. Nicolás BUSCA
9 Jul 2007
L. I. Dorman (1,2), O. A. Danilova (3), M. I. Tyasto (3), N. G. Ptitsina (3), G.
Villoresi (4), N. Iucci (4) and M. Parisi (4)
(1) Israel Cosmic Ray Center affiliated to Tel Aviv University,
Technion and Israel Space Agency, Israel; (2) IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Russia; (3)
SPbFIZMIRAN, St. Petersburg, Russia; (4) Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Amaldi",
Università "Roma Tre", Rome, Italy
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Presented by Prof. Lev DORMAN
6 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. stereoscopic Cherenkov telescope system has observed the
Crab nebula since January 2004 with the complete four telescope array.
The stable signal from this pulsar wind nebula (PWN) has been used to
verify the performance and calibration of the instrument because of its
high flux compared to the H.E.S.S sensitivity.
These observations allow us also to study the radiation mechan
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Presented by Dr. Bruno KHÉLIFI
6 Jul 2007
The Zero Degree Detector (ZDD) is a new instrument that has been used in
accelerator exposures to measure the angular dependence of secondary
particles produced in fragmentation experiments. The ZDD uses two identical
layers of pixelated silicon detectors that make coincident measurements over
the active area of the instrument. The angular distribution of secondary particle
produced in n
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Presented by Dr. Mark CHRISTL
9 Jul 2007
GRAPES-3 experiment employs a high-density array of scintillators and a
large area tracking muon telescope. The GRAPES collaboration is being
expanded with addition of several major facilities. These include a
Cerenkov telescope and low frequency dipole array for the measurement of
shower energy. Addition of several modules of muon telescopes to cover a
larger area, expansion of the scintilla
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Presented by Prof. Sunil GUPTA
10 Jul 2007
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), to be installed on the International Space
Station, will provide data on cosmic radiations in a large range of rigidity from 0.5
GV up to 2 TV. The main physics goals in the astroparticle domain are the anti-
matter and the dark matter searches.
Observations and cosmology indicate that the Universe may include a large amount of
unknown Dark Matter. It sh
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Presented by Dr. Sylvie ROSIER-LEES
10 Jul 2007
The Telescope Array(TA) experiment will investigate the origin of the ultrahigh
energy cosmic rays (UHECRs).
This experiment is a hybrid observation of an air shower array and fluorescence
telescopes installed in Utah, USA.
We finised deploying about 500 Surface Detectors(SDs) for AS array to our site in
winter of 2006-2007,
and start SD operation from April 2007.
Effective area of this arr
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Presented by Dr. SHUNSUKE OZAWA
6 Jul 2007
The construction of the fluorescence detectors (FDs) of the
Telescope Array (TA) experiment will be completed in June 2007,
and the first observation with the full configuration is planned
in summer in this year. In this paper, we describe the development
of the data acquisition (DAQ) system for the TA FD observations.
The DAQ system of each TA FD station is comprised of 16 CPUs:
13 fo
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Presented by Dr. Hisao TOKUNO
6 Jul 2007
Project GRAND, an array of proportional wire chambers with muon identification, is used to examine the
decrease in ground level muon counting rate during the Forbush decrease event of September 11, 2005.
Data are presented and compared to that of other cosmic ray muon and neutron monitor detectors.
GRAND's angular resolution capabilities allows a directional study of the Forbush decrease.
Presented by Prof. John POIRIER
6 Jul 2007
Both, Super-Kamiokande-I and SNO have reported a day night asymmetry that, after
statistics and systematics are accounted for, is consistent with zero. Nevertheless,
the Kamiokande values of 2.1% is sizable and, at least in sign, consistent with
theoretical expectations. Taking into account in a simplified, yet realistic way the
internal structure of the Earth, we present new analytical and nu
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Presented by Dr. Daniel SUPANITSKY
9 Jul 2007
The unknown flux of prompt atmospheric neutrinos presents a challenging background to
searches for extra-terrestrial neutrinos in high-energy detectors. Uncertainties in this flux
will weaken the power of the detector to place constraints on other expected signals. A
new likelihood analysis, using the full information present in event arrival directions and
energy will be presented, which
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Presented by Gary HILL
9 Jul 2007
An application of absorption effect of the CR neutron component to the
estimation of snow-water equivalent is considered in this work. The primary CR
variations, changes of the atmospheric pressure and humidity concentration in
bedding surface are discussed as influence on the accuracy of the obtained
results. Monitoring of the snow-cover during several seasons demonstrated an
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Presented by Dr. Viktor YANKE
6 Jul 2007
Basing on the EAS simulations with CORSIKA we investigate the lateral distributions
of electrons with a fixed energy in large showers. We show how these distributions
scale with electron energy, with air density and/or shower age. We fit some
analytical functions to describe them in an easy way.
This work is necessary when reconstructing the shower parameters from the light
images obtained
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Presented by Prof. Maria GILLER
4 Jul 2007
A new small array of cherenkov detectors is deployed in Tehran, 1200 m
above sea level. This array contains of four tanks full of distilled water with
diameter of 60 cm and height of 120 cm. The effective area of each tank is
about 0.6 . They are used to detect the air showers and to record the arrival
time of the secondary particles. We have collected about 200000 EAS in 1894 h
of obser
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Presented by Ms. Farzaneh SHEIDAEI
6 Jul 2007
Moliere simultaneous distribution between the deflection angle and the lateral
displacement is derived by applying numerical Fourier transforms on the
solution for frequency distribution acquired through Kamata-Nishimura
formulation of Moliere theory. The differences of our result from that under the
gaussian approximation and the basic properties of our distribution are
investigated clo
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Presented by Prof. Takao NAKATSUKA
4 Jul 2007
We discuss a general scheme of the optics and electronics read out as well
as preliminary test results of a detector prototype for the space fluorescence
telescope TUS (FD-TUS). The mirror of this prototype is coupled to an 8 by 8 pixel
camera. Each of the 64 pixels is read by one PMT of 13 mm diameter (Hamamatsu model
R1463) . The optics design is a multi-hexagonal segmented telescope with fo
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Presented by Dr. Humberto SALAZAR
6 Jul 2007
The HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS experiments are now fully operational
and are detecting and discovering a large number of high-energy gamma-ray
sources. This is a good time to work on the design of the next generation of IACT
We estimate the limiting angular resolution and detection area for an
array of 3 large-aperture IACTs. We consider an idealized IACT system in order to
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Presented by Dr. Viatcheslav BUGAEV
6 Jul 2007
Recently, ground-based very high-energy gamma-ray astronomy achieved a remarkable
advancement in the development of the observational technique for the registration
and study of gamma-ray emission above 100 GeV. Construction of telescopes of
substantially larger size than the currently used 12 m class telescopes can
drastically improve the sensitivity of ground-based detectors for gamma rays o
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Presented by Dr. Alexander KONOPELKO
9 Jul 2007
The use of the radio-detection technique in a wide area cosmic-ray detector requires
autonomous antenna stations, in terms of power feeding, triggering and data
transmission. A
prototype has been tested at the Nançay Radio Observatory (France).
It uses the broadband (1-200 MHz) active dipoles installed on the CODALEMA
experiment (see other contributions in this conference), together with a s
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Presented by Dr. Benoit REVENU
6 Jul 2007
We present a summary of AMANDA results obtained in searches for neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs).
Using simulations, we show how the IceCube detector, which is currently being constructed at the South Pole, will
improve the sensitivity of the search. In order to improve the prospects for detections of gamma-ray dark bursts, as
well as core collapse Supernovae (SNe), we discuss a novel
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Presented by Dr. Marek KOWALSKI
6 Jul 2007
We discuss the prospect of detecting a spectral break in the gamma-ray
spectra of blazars due to the extragalactic background light in the near
to mid-IR. A measurable break in the TeV spectra could arise from the
drop in the EBL density above ~ 1um. This change in the spectral index
is mediated by the ratio of the near to mid-IR density of EBL. A detection
of such a spectral feature co
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Presented by Mr. Asif IMRAN
6 Jul 2007
Observations of PKS 2155-304 with the CANGAROO-III imaging atmospheric
Cherenkov telescope were performed for 5 nights from July 28 to August 2 in
2006, just after H.E.S.S. reported that this target object was at a strong active
state. Signal exceeding 6 sigma significance level was detected in the effective
live time of 15.0 hours using three-fold steroscopic data set. Obtained time
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Presented by Ms. Yukiko SAKAMOTO
6 Jul 2007
In association with the large solar flare of April 15th 2001, the Chacaltaya
neutron monitor observed an 8.2 sigma enhancement of the counting rate
between 13:51 and 14:24 UT. Since the enhancement was observed from 11
minutes before the GLE, solar neutrons must be involved in this enhancement.
Comparing with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope images with the observed
particle time profi
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Presented by Prof. Yasushi MURAKI
4 Jul 2007
The radio technique for the detection of cosmic particles has seen a major
revival in recent years. New and planned experiments in the lab and the
field, such as GLUE, Anita, Codalema, LOPES and LOFAR as well as
sophisticated Monte Carlos experiments have produced a wealth of new
information. Radio emission of ultra-high energy cosmic particles offers a
number of interesting advantages. Since
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Presented by Dr. Heino FALCKE
5 Jul 2007
We have detected Cherenkov light from air showers with Geiger-mode
APDs (G-APDs). G-APDs are novel semiconductor photon-detectors
which offer several advantages compared to conventional
photomultiplier tubes in the field of air shower detection. Folded
with the Cherenkov spectrum the response of G-APDs is up to a
factor of three higher if compared with classical
photomultipliers. Moreover th
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Presented by Mr. A. Nepomuk OTTE
9 Jul 2007
The increasing number of reports on the gamma-ray detection from thunder clouds and
lightenings indicate that charged particles are accelerated by the strong electric fields
associated with the thunder phenomena. In order to search for high-energy radiation
from winter thunder clouds in the Japan sea coast areas, we have set up an autonomous
radiation detection system at Kashiwasaki, Niigata p
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Presented by Mr. Teruaki ENOTO
7 Jul 2007
The study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays represents one of the most
challenging topic in this field. The interaction of primary particles with
atmospheric nuclei produces a huge Extensive Air Shower together with
isotropic emission of UV fluorescence light and highly directional Cherenkov
photons, that are reflected/diffused isotropically by the impact on the Earth's
surface or on h
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Presented by M. C. MACCARONE
4 Jul 2007
The MAGIC telescope has observed very high energy gamma-ray emission from the AGN 1ES
2344+514. A gamma-ray signal corresponding to an 11 sigma excess and an integral flux
of (2.38+-0.30)*10^-11 cm^-2 s^-1 above 200 GeV has been obtained from 23.1 hours of
data taking between 2005 August 3 and 2006 January 1. The data confirm the previously
detected gamma-ray emission from this object during a
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Presented by Dr. Robert WAGNER
6 Jul 2007
Detection of very high energy gamma-rays from the BL Lac object PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC telescope
The MAGIC telescope has observed very high energy gamma-ray emission from the BL Lac
object PG 1553+113 in 2005 and 2006 at an overall significance is 8.8 sigma in 18.8h.
The light curve shows no significant flux variations on a daily time-scale. The flux
level during 2005 was, however, significantly higher compared to 2006. The
differential energy spectrum between ~90 GeV and 500 GeV is well
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Presented by Dr. Robert WAGNER
9 Jul 2007
We have developed a method for determining ICME (Interplanetary coronal
mass ejection) geometry from galactic cosmic ray data recorded by the ground-
based muon detector network. The cosmic ray density depression inside the
ICME, which is the cause of a Forbush decrease, is represented as an
expanding cylinder based on a theoretical model of the cosmic ray particle
diffusion. ICME geometr
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Presented by Dr. Takao KUWABARA
4 Jul 2007
We have a plan to apply CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) to make
observations of high energy cosmic rays, electrons, gamma-rays, and nuclei, on
the International Space Station (ISS). The detector of CALET consists of an
imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a total absorption calorimeter (TASC). We have
been developing front end circuits for the IMC and TASC. We also made a scale
model (1
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Presented by Dr. Yuki SHIMIZU
4 Jul 2007
Development of Gigahertz Analog Memory for Front-End Electronics of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes
The night sky light is one of the major components of background for imaging air
Cherenkov telescopes. It disturbs images of air shower and makes both the
gamma/hadron separation and the angular resolution worse. For example, The
CANGAROO-III electronics consists of charge ADCs and multi-hit TDCs. In using charge
ADCs, we have to delay the signal from PMTs until the trigger signal input to ADC
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Presented by Mr. Taku MIZUKAMI
9 Jul 2007
We have been developing the CALET instrument, which is proposed
to be launched on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM), Exposed
Facility (EF) of the ISS.
CALET consists of an imaging calorimeter (IMC) and a total absorption
calorimeter (TASC). The role of IMC is identification of the incident
particle by imaging the shower tracks with scintillating fibers.
used for observing the t
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Presented by Dr. yusaku KATAYOSE
4 Jul 2007
The observation of trans-iron nuclei in galactic cosmic rays (Z30) requires a high
performance cosmic ray detector telescope with a very large exposure area because of
their extremely low fluxes. It is realized by the use of solid-state track detector
of CR-39, which has an advantage of easy extension of exposure area. The verification
of mass and nuclear charge identifications with CR-39 s
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Presented by Mr. Satoshi KODAIRA
4 Jul 2007
A promising method for the detection of UHE neutrinos is the Lunar Cherenkov
technique, which utilises Earth-based radio-telescopes to detect the coherent
Cherenkov radiation emitted when one of these particles interacts in the outer
of the Moon. The LUNASKA project aims to overcome the technological
limitations of
past experiments to utilise the next generation of radio-telescopes
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Presented by Mr. Clancy JAMES
7 Jul 2007
There are small differences in both ionization energy loss and catastrophic
energy loss between positive and negative muons, which are usually neglected
in most Monte Carlo simulations. These small differences can be amplified when
measuring the charge ratio underground, where the total energy loss between
the surface and the measurement is significant. Calculations of these effects
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Presented by Dr. Maury GOODMAN
9 Jul 2007
Many astrophysical models predict a diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos from active
galactic nuclei and other extra-galactic sources. At muon energies above 1 TeV, the
upward-going muon flux induced by neutrinos from active galactic nuclei is expected
to exceed the flux due to atmospheric neutrinos. We have performed a search for this
astrophysical neutrino flux by looking for upward-going m
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Presented by Molly SWANSON
5 Jul 2007
The AMANDA-II data collected during the period 2000-03 have been analysed in a search
for a diffuse flux of high-energy extra-terrestrial neutrinos from the sum of all sources in
the universe. With no excess of events seen, an upper limit on an E-2 flux of E2 Phi < 8.8
x 10-8 GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1 was obtained. The astrophysical implications of this bound and
of others obtained for specific mo
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Presented by Gary HILL, Jessica HODGES, Kotoyo HOSHINA
5 Jul 2007
We present preliminary results of measuring the direction of the anisotropy
vector of cosmic ray intensity. The measurements were made with the Carpet
air shower array of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. The anisotropy vector
direction is determined by analyzing the distribution of time delays of the
shower signal detected by distant detectors of the array relative to the array’s
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Presented by Dr. Alexander LIDVANSKY
10 Jul 2007
The values of the spectral indices of the cosmic ions below the knee energy
band are of notable importance for a quantitative account of the characteristic
of the knee and the ankle of the differential energy spectrum of the cosmic
radiation. Present available measurements of proton and helium spectral
indices below the knee energy interval from a variety of experiments are
examined. Acc
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Presented by Dr. Antonio CODINO
6 Jul 2007
Recent development in the analysis techniques used by the Milagro
collaboration had resulted in the discovery of an extended TeV
gamma-ray source in the Cygnus region of the Galaxy. The new source
MGRO J2019+37 has been detected at median energies of 12 TeV. In
addition to this extended source, new TeV gamma-ray sources have been
discovered at the same median energies when more data was analy
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Presented by Mr. Aous ABDO
7 Jul 2007
H.E.S.S. observations of the old-age (more than 10000 yrs; about 0.5 deg diameter) composite SNR W28
reveal TeV emission situated at its northeastern and southern boundaries. The northeastern TeV source is
in an
area where W28 is interacting with a dense molecular cloud, containing OH masers, local radio and X-ray
peaks. The southern TeV sources are found in a region occupied by several HI
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Presented by Dr. Gavin ROWELL
6 Jul 2007
Since the new generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
came online with the commissioning of the four telescopes of the
H.E.S.S. experiment in 2004, the number of known extragalactic gamma-
ray emitters in the very high energy (VHE) domain has more than doubled.
All of the sources detected so far are active galactic nuclei and all
but one belong to the class of BL Lac objects. T
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Presented by Mr. Martin RAUE
9 Jul 2007
The extreme synchrotron BL Lac object PKS 0548-322 has been observed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S) array of atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes. The observations were performed between October 2004 and December 2006 for a total exposure of nearly 25 hours live-time.
We will report the HESS detection and present a spectral energy distribution of this object using a quasi-simultan
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Presented by Dr. Bruno KHELIFI
6 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. telescope has detected a new very high energy gamma-ray point-like
source, HESS J0632+058. It is the first point-like source detected by H.E.S.S.
without any obvious counterpart. The excess lies in a region where interaction
between the Monoceros supernova remnant and the Rosette Nebula may occur. The energy
spectrum of the observed gamma-rays is well described by a power law of i
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Presented by Mr. Armand FIASSON
4 Jul 2007
The giant radio galaxy M87 was observed at GeV/TeV gamma-ray energies with the
H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) Cherenkov telescopes in the years
2003-2006. The observations confirm M87 as the first extragalactic TeV gamma-ray
source not of the blazar type (first indications of a signal were reported by the
HEGRA collaboration earlier). The TeV gamma-ray flux from M87 as measured wit
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Presented by Dr. Matthias BEILICKE
10 Jul 2007
Motivated by recent detections of pulsar wind nebulae in very-high-energy (VHE) gamma
rays, a systematic search for VHE gamma-ray sources associated with energetic pulsars
was performed,
using data obtained with the H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) instrument.
The search for VHE gamma-ray sources near the pulsar PSR J1718-3825 revealed the new
VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1718-385. We
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Presented by Svenja CARRIGAN
6 Jul 2007
The low-frequency peaked BL Lac (LBL) object BL Lacertae was observed with the MAGIC telescope from August to
December 2005 (22.2 hrs), and from July to September 2006 (26.0 hrs). A very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray
signal was discovered with a 5.1 sigma excess in the 2005 data. Above 200 GeV, an integral flux of approximate by
3% of the Crab flux was measured. The differential spectrum between
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Presented by Mr. Masaaki HAYASHIDA
9 Jul 2007
Gamma-families were sampled for Pamir altitude (600g/cm2) by MC0 model with
PCR spectra and composition proposed by KASCADE. Comparison of the
calculated and Pamir experimental data on the gamma-families characteristics
( energy spectra of particles, summary energy spectra of particles and intensity
of families) shows contradiction between them
Presented by Dr. V.G. DENISOVA
9 Jul 2007
The nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxy Draco with its high mass to light ratio
is a promising target for indirect dark matter (DM) searches. It is
located at a distance of about 82 kpc, at the edge of the Milky Way. The
dwarf galaxy is enclosed by a DM halo where the DM particle may annihilate
and produce an observable gamma-ray flux.
Among the different DM particle candidates the lightest supers
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Presented by M. RISSI
10 Jul 2007
It is shown that EAS longitudinal development has a critical point where an
equilibrium between the main hadronic component
and the secondary electromagnetic one is broken. This results in a change of slope in
quasi-power law function Ne(Eo).
The latter leads to a knee in the EAS size spectrum at primary energy of about 100
TeV/nucleon at sea level.
Presented by Dr. Yuri STENKIN
9 Jul 2007
Radio electric field strengths associated with extensive air shower can be
evaluated at large impact parameter with analytical expressions. Such a
theoretical tool is most valuable in the present stage of development of the
radio detection technique when the capabilities of the latter for comic-ray
physics are under investigations. It provides a manageable tool which can help
in devising
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Presented by Thierry GOUSSET
6 Jul 2007
The scale and scope of the physics studied at the Auger Observatory offer significant
opportunities for original outreach work. Education, outreach and public relations of
the Auger collaboration are coordinated in a separate task whose goals are to
encourage and support a wide range of education and outreach efforts that link
schools and the public with the Auger scientists and the science of
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Presented by Prof. Gregory SNOW
4 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) investigation is
designed to make direct measurements of high energy cosmic-ray particles at
the top of the atmosphere. The Silicon Charge Detector (SCD) provides charge
measurements of all primary particles from protons to iron nuclei. As the SCD is
mounted above the calorimeter, albedo particles backscattered from the
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Presented by J. YANG
4 Jul 2007
Energy spectra of hadron cascade showers produced by the cosmic ray muons travelling
through water and the muon integral spectra underwater at the depth up to 4 km are
calculated with two models of muon inelastic scattering on nuclei, the recent hybrid
model (two-component, 2C) as well as the well-known generalized
vector-meson-dominance (GVMD) model for the comparison. The 2C model involv
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Presented by Prof. Akeo MISAKI
9 Jul 2007
The effect of energetic solar protons on the middle atmosphere (20-80 km )
chemical composition during SPE 13 December, 2006 has been studied. The
solar proton spectra were obtained from the neutron monitors, balloons and
spacecraft data. One-dimensional time-dependent model (Fadel et al., 2006,
ASR, 38, p.1881-1886) has been used to calculate the production and loss of
minor atmospheric
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Presented by Dr. Andrey KIRILLOV
6 Jul 2007
At low energies, cosmic-ray nuclei experience the adiabatic limit where their
intensity becomes proportional to their kinetic energy per nucleon, independent
of the diffusion tensor and interstellar spectrum. Low-energy electrons, on the
other hand, do react to changes in the diffusion tensor and are therefore ideal
probes of its spatial- and rigidity dependence. To construct a diffusion t
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Presented by Prof. Renier BURGER
9 Jul 2007
IceCube data acquisition system is capable of recording information about all photons
registered by its photomultiplier tubes for up to 13 microseconds for each sensor
with high precision. The time resolution of 3 ns and charge resolution of 30% of all
1 photoelecton pulses within each sensor’s event record is achieved. The first
atmospheric neutrino analysis did not take full advantage of t
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry CHIRKIN
6 Jul 2007
We consider the effect of pre-existing turbulent fluctuations
in the fluid upstream of a propagating hydromagnetic
shock wave, in the limit of high enough Alf\'en mach
number that the magnetic field stresses can be neglected.
We find the expected effects on transverse diffusion, and
show that particles can be readily accelerated up to the
knee in the spectrum at a perpendicular shock.
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Presented by Prof. Jack (Randy) JOKIPII
5 Jul 2007
Voyager 1 observations at the termination shock and in the
heliosheath revealed new phenomena which required rethinking
of some of our established paradigms. Very important among the new
factors is the temporal and probably spatial variations
which produce a number of effects which affect the
energetic-particle spectra, anisotropies and their
time variations observed at Voyager1.
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Presented by Prof. Jack (Randy) JOKIPII
10 Jul 2007
It is known from long ago that solar energetic charged particles, driven by the
geomagnetic field, are able to produce ionization at different altitudes of the
terrestrial atmosphere. Moreover, they can initiate catalytic cycles for the ozone
depletion, involving NOx (N+NO+NO2) and HOx (H, OH, HO2) components.
Nevertheless, only in recent years it was possible to compare chemical models
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Presented by Dr. MARISA STORINI
6 Jul 2007
In order to investigate the effects of the fluorescence energy error distributions on
the determination of the ultra high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) spectrum we developed a
Monte Carlo simulation of fluorescence telescopes using the HiRes and Auger
telescopes as examples. We show that the energy error distribution (EED) for this
kind of detector cannot be adequately represented by Gaussian or
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Presented by Mr. Washington, Jr. CARVALHO
4 Jul 2007
The effects of electric thunderstorms on the electromagnetic and muon
components of the cosmic ray secondary flux were studied during severe
storms in 2004 and part of 2005 analyzing the variations of the counting rates
shown in the upper and lower scintillators of the muon telescope installed in
Mexico City. Results show that for positive configurations of the electric field
soft compon
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Presented by Mr. Jesús ALVAREZ CASTILLO
6 Jul 2007
We discuss discrimination techniques and their quantitative efficiency that allow the
separation of high energy electron/photon and muon primaries originated in cosmic ray
extensive air showers impinging the ground. The experimental setup used in this study
is detailed elsewhere in this volume (Sanchez et al.). Several approaches are
analyzed, including track timing, footprint characterization
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Presented by Mr. Federico SANCHEZ
6 Jul 2007
Electron injection process at high Mach number collisionless quasiperpendicular shock
waves is investigated by means of one-dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell
simulations. We find that energetic electrons are generated through the following two
steps: (1) electrons are accelerated nearly perpendicular to the local magnetic field
by shock surfing acceleration at the leading edge of th
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Presented by Mr. Takanobu AMANO
7 Jul 2007
KASCADE-Grande, located at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, is a multi
detector experiment for the measurement of extensive air showers induced by primary
cosmic rays in the energy range of $10^{14}-10^{18}$ eV. With its
0.5 km$^2$ large field detector, in combination with the muon detectors
of the KASCADE array, it allows the reconstruction of both the total
electron and muon numbers, which are
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Presented by Dr. - -
4 Jul 2007
The COSPIN/KET experiment on board the Ulysses spacecraft has been
observing the flux of 3-30 MeV and also higher energy electrons in the inner
heliosphere (radial distances > 5.2 AU) since its launch in 1990. These
observations have indicated the presence of low-energy electrons with a
strong anisotropy off the equatorial plane as far as 2.2 AU from Jupiter. This
was observed during Uly
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Presented by Prof. Marius POTGIETER
9 Jul 2007
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are playing an increasing role in
DAQ systems in cosmic ray experiments due to their high speed and
integration and their low cost and low power comsumption. In this paper we
describe in detail the new electronics and data acquisition system based on
FPGA boards of the extensive air shower detector array built in the Campus of
the University of Puebla. T
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Presented by Dr. Luis VILLASENOR
6 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) instrument is a balloon-borne
experiment designed to measure the composition and energy spectra of cosmic
rays of charge Z = 1 to 26 up to an energy of ~ 10^15 eV. CREAM had two
successful flights on long-duration balloons (LDB) launched from McMurdo
Station, Antarctica, in December 2004 (CREAM-I) and December 2005. CREAM-I
achieves a substantial me
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Presented by Dr. Hoseok AHN
4 Jul 2007
Strong signals of energetic neutrons associated with the solar flare of 7
September 2005 were detected by using the Solar Neutron Telescopes located at
Mt. Chacaltaya in Bolivia and Mt. Sierra Negra in Mexico, Neutron Monitors
located at Mt. Chacartaya and Mexico City. The observed profiles
indicate a continuous emission of neutrons. In this paper, we present the
results of combined anal
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Presented by Dr. Takashi SAKO
4 Jul 2007
We study non-thermal emissions by relativistic electrons from supernova
remnants(SNRs) in the presence of small-scale random and large-scale regular magnetic
fields. We extend our pure jitter and inverse Compton emission models (Ogasawara et
al. 2006) and construct the emission models with regular magnetic fields. We apply
them to the multi-wavelength data of TeV gamma-ray sources SNRs RX J1
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Presented by Dr. Tatsuo YOSHIDA
6 Jul 2007
In order to fit observational data of solar particle charge states, two different
have been developed, to study the evolution of charge during their source
acceleration. :(1) on basis to high energy electron loss and capture cross
sections, from laboratory experiments in atomic and ionized hydrogen gases,
under the assumption of an interaction process of two different populat
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Presented by Prof. JORGE PEREZ-PERAZA
4 Jul 2007
Since 1996, energetic hydrogen and helium atoms (ENAs) have been identified and their
fluxes are monitored by the High-Energy Suprathermal Time-of-Flight sensor (HSTOF) of
the Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis System (CELIAS) on the Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) near the Lagrangian point L1. ENAs, neutralized via
charge transfer reactions, move along ballistic trajectories una
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Presented by Martin HILCHENBACH
10 Jul 2007
In this contribution we discuss the possibility of using the observations by
GLAST of standard gamma sources, as the Crab Nebula or Vela and some
selected AGNs, to calibrate the Imaging Air Cherenkov detectors and improve
their energy resolution. Results of the calibration technique can possibly be
used to discriminate between VHE gamma-rays emitted by the Nebula and by
the inner pulsar
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Presented by Dr. Denis BASTIERI
9 Jul 2007
Observations with H.E.S.S. in 2004-2005 revealed a new source of very high-energy
(VHE) gamma-rays above 100 GeV -- HESS J1825-137 -- extending mainly to the south of
the energetic pulsar PSR B1823-13. While the direction of the VHE gamma-ray emission
with respect to the pulsar is similar to that of the asymmetric X-ray PWN G18.0-0.2
in this system, the RMS extension of HESS J1825--137 is >0.2
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FUNK
6 Jul 2007
The Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS)
was flown eight times from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada between 1993 and
2002. The performance of the instrument was improved with essentially each
successive flight, and precise spectral measurements of cosmic-ray hydrogen
and helium isotopes were made during different phases of the solar
modulation. This paper prese
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Presented by Eun-Suk SEO
4 Jul 2007
The Crab is a standard calibration source for TeV gamma ray astronomy.
Its energy spectrum extends beyond 10s of TeV, however, an open question
is does the spectrum cutoff and at what energy. We present new results from
Milagro analysis of the energy spectrum of the Crab nebula up to 100 TeV
with good statistical determination. A robust algorithm was developed to
estimate the energies of gam
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Presented by Prof. Gaurang YODH
6 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM) balloon experiment had two successful
flights in 2004/05 and 2005/06. It was designed to perform energy measurements from
a few GeV up to 1000 TeV, taking advantage of different detection techniques. The
first instrument, CREAM-I, combined a transition radiation detector (equipped with an
array of proportional tubes and an acrylic Cherenkov device) w
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Presented by Dr. Paolo MAESTRO, Riccardo ZEI
6 Jul 2007
In the fluorescence detection of ultra high energy ($\gtrsim 10^{18}$ eV) cosmic
rays, it is assumed that the number of emitted fluorescence photons is proportional
to the energy deposited in air by shower particles. We have performed measurements of
the fluorescence yield in atmospheric gases excited by electrons over a wide energy
range. AIRFLY has collected data between 1 and 3 MeV at a Va
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Presented by Dr. Lorenzo CAZON
10 Jul 2007
Normalized cumulative particle fluence plots are very useful for characterizing the
variability of interplanetary suprathermal and energetic particle fluxes on various
time scales. For some applications it is practicable to describe the deviations of
annual fluence plots from straight lines by a single parameter (the Kolmogorov or K
parameter), and then check the dependence of that parameter o
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Presented by Péter KIRÁLY
5 Jul 2007
Extremely high energy (EHE) cosmic rays are expected to interact with cosmic
microwave photons and generate EHE neutrinos (>10PeV).
The IceCube telescope can detect the EHE neutrinos due to its large effective volume,
although the expected flux is much lower than the huge flux of atmospheric background
muons at lower energies. Therefore, reconstruction of the track geometry and
especially t
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Presented by Dr. David BOERSMA
9 Jul 2007
We have observed cosmic-ray electrons from 10GeV to 1TeV with PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight
using Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an altitude of 35 km
in January 2004. The detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic
scintillators inserted between lead plates. The geometrical factor
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Presented by Dr. Kenji YOSHIDA
4 Jul 2007
The Solar Neutron Telescope (SNT) at Mt. Sierra Negra in Mexico (19.0°N, 97.3°W) is
taking data since June of 2004. A solar neutron event was registered by this SNT,
associated with the flare of September 7 of 2005, at the minimum phase of solar cycle
23. In this work we calculate the energy spectrum for this solar neutron event, using
the attenuation model by Dorman & Valdés-Galicia (J. G
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Presented by Dr. Luis Xavier GONZÁLEZ
4 Jul 2007
A recently proposed novel technique for the detection of cosmic rays with arrays of
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes is applied to data from the High Energy
Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.). The method relies on the ground based detection of
Cherenkov light emitted from the primary particle prior to its first interaction in
the atmosphere. The charge of the primary particle (Z) can be es
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Presented by Mr. Rolf BUEHLER
4 Jul 2007
Recently, advances in VHE instrumentation have made the discovery of many new,
predominantly Galactic, sources possible. Of these, a significant number can be
identified as pulsar wind nebulae. It has long been known that pulsars can drive
powerful winds of highly relativistic particles. These winds end in a termination
shock from which high-energy particles with a wide spectrum of energies em
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Presented by Svenja CARRIGAN
7 Jul 2007
Energy spectra and chemical composition of the primary cosmic ray nuclei for energies
higher than 1 PeV are obtained mainly from measurements of intensities and various
properties of extensive air showers. Additional and importent data from the study of
gamma ray families are available in addition. In bouth cases we have informations
from the range of very high fluctuations. An importent fact
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Presented by Prof. Janusz KEMPA
4 Jul 2007
The Ursa Major (UM) cluster of UHECRs consists of 5 events in the combined
HiRes-AGASA sample above 10 EeV which are consistent with coming from a single point
source, with little magnetic deflection. The probability of finding the cluster of 4
highest energy events by chance is about 2 10^-3; the probability that the 5th low
energy event is a chance correlation, given the size of the low ene
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Presented by Prof. Glennys FARRAR
4 Jul 2007
The dependence of the intensity of muon bundles detected at the Earth's surface by
means of the coordinate-tracking detector DECOR on the angle between muon arrival
direction and geomagnetic field vector (pitch angle) has been analysed. It is found
that muon bundle intensity decreases with the increase of the transverse component of
the magnetic field in comparison with calculations performed
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Presented by Dr. Igor YASHIN
6 Jul 2007
The IceCube neutrino observatory, currently under construction at the South Pole,
offers a novel environment to search for particles beyond the Standard Model. With
IceCube nearly 20% complete it is currently the largest neutrino telescope. The large
instrumented volume and relatively clear glacial ice allows for the improvement of
detection limits (in the absence of discovery) on many types o
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Presented by Dr. Alexander OLIVAS
9 Jul 2007
As described in a paper (S.Torii et al) of this conference, CALET is
a versatile detector for exploring high energy universe by observing
gamma rays (>20 MeV), electrons (>GeV) and other charged particles
(>100GeV). It is planned to be on board the JEM (Japanese
Experiment Module, Kibo) of the International Space Station. We
study its basic performance by M.C simulations.
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Presented by Prof. katsuaki kasahara KASAHARA
9 Jul 2007
GAW is a research and development project to test the feasibility of a new
generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes suitable for large
field observations.
GAW is defined as an array of three identical imaging Cherenkov telescopes
posed at the vertexes of a quasi-equilateral triangle, 80m side. Each telescope
is equipped with a refractive optics consisting of a 2.13m diameter
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Presented by Dr. Maria Concetta MACCARONE
9 Jul 2007
The ANTARES telescope is being built in the Mediterranean Sea. The detector
consists of a 3D array of photomultipliers (PMTs) that detects the Cherenkov
light induced by the muons produced in neutrino interactions. Since the
neutrino fluxes from point-like sources are expected to be small, it is of
the utmost importance to take advantage of the ANTARES accurate pointing
power (angular resolut
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Presented by Mr. Juan Antonio AGUILAR SÁNCHEZ
5 Jul 2007
New SPHERE-2 detector basic parameters are described.
New calorimetric method is used to study the primary cosmic rays energy spectrum and
chemical composition at energy region 10 PeV - 1 EeV. The method is practically
independent of the particle interaction model. Results of CORSIKA simulation of
detector are presented.
Lifted by tied balloon to the 1 km altitude detector will detect EAS
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry CHERNOV
6 Jul 2007
The thin target mode of the FLASH (Fluorescence in Air from Showers)
experiment was conducted at SLAC. The aim was to measure the total
and spectrally resolved fluorescence yield of charged particles
traveling through air to better than 10%. The setup consisted of a
15.24 cm thick gas volume which was viewed by two PMT detectors
each equipped with 15 remotely interchangeable narrow band
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Presented by Dr. Petra HUENTEMEYER
6 Jul 2007
Having high-resolution UV spectra produced from EAS fluorescence, one can
determine in a more accurate way the effects of atmospheric attenuation of
these signals by including Rayleigh, Mie-scattering as well as resonance
absorption inside the atmosphere. For this reason, we developed an
experimental setup for emulating the air-fluorescence using high-resolution
spectroscopy in the UV r
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Presented by Mr. Stavros MALTEZOS
6 Jul 2007
Extensive air showers of cosmic rays ultra-high energy without muon
component registered by the Yakutsk array have been analysed. Among them
we found some clusters and these clusters correlate with pulsars. The problem
of origin showers without muons and the chemical composition of cosmic rays
are discussed.
Presented by Dr. Alexei MIKHAILOV
7 Jul 2007
The phenomenon of alignment of most energetic structures of gamma-ray-hadron families
found in mountain and stratospheric X-ray - emulsion chamber experiments cannot be
explained without a coplanar particle generation with large transverse momenta in
hadron interactions at superhigh energies. A phenomenological model, which makes it
possible to simulate such interactions, is presented. Differe
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Presented by Prof. Rauf MUKHAMEDSHIN
6 Jul 2007
According to the time variations of the cosmic ray (CR) rigidity spectrum
parameters the dynamic processes are researched in the interplanetary space,
and it is found that the variation of electromagnetic characteristics of
heliosphere begins before the sporadic phenomena on the Sun. In particular, it
is shown that before the sporadic phenomena the decrease of generation of
local polariz
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Presented by Dr. Olga KRYAKUNOVA
4 Jul 2007
Several experimental works demonstrate the possibility of observation of shadows of
the Moon and the Sun for the mean energy of primaries higher than 1 TeV. Calculations
are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of Moon shadow observations for mean
primary energies in the region 0.5-1 TeV in a muon detector operating under the
Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Due to the relatively
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Presented by Dr. Varlen GRABSKI
9 Jul 2007
Astrophysical neutrinos in the EeV range (particularly those generated by the
interaction of cosmic rays with the microwave background) promise to be a valuable
tool to study astrophysics and particle physics at the highest energies. Much could
be learned from temporal, spectral, and angular distributions of ~100 events, which
could be collected by a detector with ~100 km^3 effective volume i
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Presented by Mr. Justin VANDENBROUCKE
7 Jul 2007
The South Pole Acoustic Test Setup (SPATS) has been built to evaluate the
acoustic characteristics of the Antarctic ice in the 10 to 100 kHz frequency range
so that the feasibility and specific design of an acoustic neutrino detection array
at South Pole can be evaluated. SPATS consists of three vertical strings that
have been deployed in the upper 400 meter of the Antarctic ice cap in Jan
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Presented by Ms. Freija DESCAMPS
9 Jul 2007
Using our new Monte Carlo code REAS2, geosynchrotron radio emission from
extensive air showers can now be calculated on the basis of individual high
quality CORSIKA-simulated showers. We present an analysis of the radio
emission properties predicted by REAS2, with particular focus on shower to
shower fluctuations and primary particle composition effects which can now
for the first time b
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Presented by Dr. Tim HUEGE
5 Jul 2007
For the conditions of KASCADE-Grande the lateral particle density at about 500 m
distance from the shower core S(500) has been shown by detailed simulation studies to
be an approximate energy estimator, being nearly independent of the mass of the
primary particle. This report presents some features of the S(500) observable of EAS
registered with the KASCADE-Grande array installed at Forschungs
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Presented by Dr. Iliana BRANCUS
6 Jul 2007
The Cern Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) project aims to produce a high
energy, wide band muon neutrino beam at Cern and send it towards the INFN
Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS). Its main goal is the observation of the
tau neutrino appearance.
The beam started its operation in August 2006: a total amount of $7.6~10^
{17}$ protons were delivered to the target.
The LVD detector, instal
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Presented by Gabriella SARTORELLI
10 Jul 2007
The Moon based observation of cosmic rays must be part of the complete
program at the forefront of the space science and technology of the set of Moon
based observatories that will operate on the Moon in the next few decades.
When compared with the cost of a dedicated vehicle and its launch, the
installation of CR experiments on the Moon, in a suitable equipped location,
compensates for
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Presented by Prof. Piero SPILLANTINI
6 Jul 2007
The central array of the ARGO detector at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory
(4300 m a.s.l., Tibet, P.R. China) has been put into operation for physics runs.
It is made of 130 identical sub-units of 12 RPCs each ('cluster') covering a
surface of about 5800 m**2 with 92% active area. Signals are picked-up by external
electrodes of small size, thus allowing the sampling of EAS with high space
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Presented by Dr. Daniele MARTELLO
9 Jul 2007
A new Muon Spaceweather Telescope for Anisotropies dedicated to spaceweather forecast
is presently under construction in Greifswald (MuSTAnG), Germany. MuSTAnG in its
present configuration consists of 8 m2 (2 x 4 m2) of scintillator plates in 2
layers. Each scintillator plate has a size of 0.25 m2 and is connected via
wavelength-shifting fibres to a photomultiplier unit with integrated high-v
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Presented by Prof. Rainer HIPPLER
4 Jul 2007
When high-energy cosmic rays impinge on a dense dielectric medium, radio waves
are produced through the Askaryan effect. At wavelengths comparable to the
typical longitudinal size of showers produced by Ultra-High Energy cosmic rays
or neutrinos, radio signals are an extremely efficient way to detect these
particles [1]. These can be detected using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio
Telescope (WS
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Presented by Olaf SCHOLTEN
7 Jul 2007
Multiwavelength observations provide valuable information to estimate the physical parameters of AGN emission
models. Since blazars show a strong flux variability, it is important to derive these physical parameters in the
different states in order to understand the acceleration mechanism and in the jet. So far simultaneous blazar
observations in X-rays and VHE gamma-rays could only be perfo
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Presented by Mr. Masaaki HAYASHIDA
6 Jul 2007
The yield of fluorescence photons in an extensive air shower allows
the observer to determine the number of shower particles by measuring
the number of photons produced. As the systematic uncertainties in
both ground array and fluorescence detectors improve our need to
better understand this calibration is required. Additionally, as more
sensitive fluorescence detectors observe further into t
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Presented by Dr. Kevin REIL, Dr. Petra HUENTEMEYER
10 Jul 2007
Photon yields in moist air are measured with Sr90 beta source
and compared with those in dry air.
Considerable reduce in the photon yields is found due to water vapor.
Since the ultrahigh energy cosmic ray observatories (HiRes, Auger, TA)
with fluorescence technique on ground are at high altitude,
the effect of the water vapor may be negligible.
However, for the experiments from space like
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Presented by Dr. Naoto SAKAKI
6 Jul 2007
By the solar flare, a large number of solar protons are usually accelerated into
high energies. When the intensities of solar protons are very strong, they are
observed as a phenomenon, the Ground Level Enhancement (GLE). However,
it is used to be reported in the cosmic ray conferences how much percentage
they increased in comparison with the flux of the galactic cosmic rays.
In order t
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Presented by Prof. Yasushi MURAKI
7 Jul 2007
VERITAS is a new atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope array to detect
very high energy gamma rays above 100 GeV. The array is located in
southern Arizona, USA, at an altitude of 1270m above see level.
The array currently consists of four 12 m telescopes, structurally
resembling the Davis-Cotton design of the Whipple 10 m telescope.
The VERITAS focal plane instruments are equipped with
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Presented by Dr. Tomoyuki NAGAI
9 Jul 2007
Forbush decreases in relation to CME related shocks and solar wind
Department of Physics Govt. Vivekanand P.G. College Maihar Distt. Satna (M.P.)
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the most energetic events in the
heliosphere and are widely recognized as being responsible for production of
large disturbances in solar wind, t
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Presented by Dr. PL VERMA
4 Jul 2007
We presented a statistical study of major Forbush decreases during the last decades,
using cosmic ray data from ground based detectors -- neutron monitors and a muon
detector. We show that, in addition to typical event (e.g., September 2005), there
are several unusual Forbush decreases (e.g., November 2004), which depict unexpected
(1) the recovery time of a Forbush decrease stron
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Presented by Dr. Ilya USOSKIN
5 Jul 2007
It is well known that energy spectrum of solar energetic particles (SEP),
observed by ground based neutron monitors and muon telescopes (in high
energy region; the transfer to the space from the ground observations is made
by the method of coupling functions, see in [1], Chapter 3), and by detectors on
satellites and space-probes (in small energy region) changed with time very
much (usua
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Presented by Prof. Lev DORMAN
4 Jul 2007
Shell-type Supernova remnants (SNRs) have long been known to harbour a population of
ultra-relativistic particles, accelerated in the Supernova shock wave by the
mechanism of Diffusive shock acceleration. Experimental evidence for the existence of
electrons up to energies of ~100 TeV was first provided by the detection of hard
X-ray synchrotron emission as e.g. in the shell of the young SNR SN
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FUNK
6 Jul 2007
The future of ground based gamma ray astronomy lies in large arrays of Imaging
Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) with better capabilities: lower energy
threshold, higher sensitivity, better resolution and background rejection. Currently,
designs for the next generation of IACT arrays are being explored by various groups.
We have studied possible configurations with a large number of tele
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Presented by Ms. Saeeda SAJJAD
10 Jul 2007
Although SNRs are theoretically considered to be the most plausible candidates for
the acceleration of cosmic-ray hadrons up to PeV energies, no observations have
succeeded in definitely specifying those objects so far.
Since accelerated electrons have difficulty producing very high-energy gamma rays
with energies above 100 TeV via bremsstrahlung or inverse Compton scattering, it can
be an ef
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Presented by Mr. Takashi SAKO
6 Jul 2007
The Tibet air shower array, which has an effective area of 37,000 square meters and
is located at 4300 m in altitude, has been observing air showers induced by cosmic
rays with energies above a few TeV.
We have a plan to add a large muon detector array to it for the purpose of increasing
its sensitivity to cosmic gamma rays in the 100 TeV energy region by discriminating
them from cosmic-ray h
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Presented by Mr. Takashi SAKO
4 Jul 2007
GAW, acronym for Gamma Air Watch, is a Research and Development
experiment in the TeV regime, whose main goal is to explore the feasibility of
large field of view Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. GAW is an array
of three relatively Cherenkov telescopes (2.13 m diameter) which differentiate
from the existing and presently planned projects for two main features: the
adoption of a
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Presented by Dr. giancarlo CUSUMANO
9 Jul 2007
We report on the results of a preliminary study of the GCR-induced photon
luminescence of the Moon using the Monte Carlo program FLUKA. The model of
the lunar surface is taken to be the chemical composition of soils found
at various landing sites during the Apollo and Luna programs, averaged over
all such sites to define a generic regolith for the present analysis. This
then becomes the
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Presented by Dr. Thomas WILSON
6 Jul 2007
The CREAM instrument is a balloon-borne detector designed to measure the cosmic-ray
spectrum in the 1-1000TeV energy range, with good charge resolution from protons to
iron (Z = 1 to 26). The CREAM instrument has had two successful flights, both from
McMurdo Station, Antarctica. CREAM-I was flown in the 2004-2005 Antarctic summer
campaign and CREAM-II in 2005-2006, with a combined flight durat
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Presented by Mr. Samuel MOGNET
4 Jul 2007
High-energy gamma-ray sources are inherently nonthermal, multiwavelength objects.
With the launch of the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) in late 2007, the
GLAST Large Area Telescope (LAT) Collaboration invites cooperative efforts from
observers at all wavelengths. Among the many topics where multiwavelength studies
will maximize the scientific understanding, three stand out. (1)
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Presented by Dr. Jennifer CARSON
9 Jul 2007
The Large Area Telescope (LAT, 30 MeV < E < 300 GeV) aboard the Gamma-ray Large Area
Space Telescope (GLAST), scheduled to launch in late 2007, promises a factor of ~30
increase in sensitivity over its predecessor, EGRET. It is expected that the LAT will
detect over a thousand blazars in its first year, enabling the first detailed
population studies of these gamma-ray sources. The LAT’s sens
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Presented by Dr. Jennifer CARSON
6 Jul 2007
The Gamma ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) is the next-generation
high energy gamma-ray astronomy mission, scheduled for launch in Fall
2007. The observatory comprises two instruments. The Large Area Telescope
(LAT) will survey the sky in the energy range from 20 MeV to >300 GeV,
while the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) will monitor gamma-ray bursts and
other transients in the 10 keV to 25 M
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9 Jul 2007
The latest GLE event (70th since 1942) was registered using neutron monitor
net on December 13, 2006. The response of neutron monitors shows a sharp
anisotropy of solar particle flux with direction close to the acceptance cone of
MEPhI muon hodoscopes (Moscow). Analysis of the enhancement in muon
ground level intensity measured by means of muon hodoscope URAGAN (MEPhI,
Moscow) is present
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry TIMASHKOV
6 Jul 2007
A method is presented for the identification of high-energy neutrinos from
gamma ray bursts by means of a large-scale neutrino telescope.
The procedure makes use of a time profile stacking technique of observed
neutrino induced signals in correlation with satellite observations.
By selecting a rather wide time window, a possible difference between the
arrival times of the gamma and neutrino
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Presented by Dr. Nick VAN EIJNDHOVEN
5 Jul 2007
Spectral properties of some GRB with presence of high energy component
within RHESSI, HETE and
SWIFT t90 intervals are discussed. In some cases the temporal profiles of GRB
in low and high
energy bands are similar but in some cases they are different and maxima are
not coincide.
We found the same type GRB in CGRO database too – for example, GRB930131.
Moreover, for some GRB
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Presented by Dr. Leonid MIROSHNICHENKO
6 Jul 2007
The spatial distribution of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere
at solar maximum of Cycles 21, 22 and 23 are studied using a one
dimensional model of the cosmic ray transport equation. We investigated
the radial intensity gradients from 1 AU to the distant heliosphere and
interpreted the data from IMP8, Voyagers 1/2, Pioneer 10 and balloon
experiment BESS. In our model we considered
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Presented by Oscar G. MORALES-OLIVARES
9 Jul 2007
We use a diffusive model for the propagation of Galactic cosmic rays to estimate the
charged meson production in interactions with protons of the interstellar medium.
Cosmic ray nuclei from proton to iron are considered and the corresponding
contribution to the neutrino secondary flux produced as a result of spallation is
also estimated. The contribution from nearby Galaxies to the all sky neu
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Presented by Cinzia DE DONATO
9 Jul 2007
Based on the cosmic-ray (CR) data currently available, we estimate the gas
density, diffusion coefficient, and their spacial gradient in both the longitudinal
and the latitudinal directions in the Galaxy. Applying our model on the three
dimensional CR propagation for various CR observables such as stable nuclear
components, isotopes, antiprotons, diffuse gamma-rays, we present analytical
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Presented by Prof. Toru SHIBATA
5 Jul 2007
The new galactic gamma-source neutron star 2129+47XR is detected at energy >0.8TeV
with flux (0.19\pm0.9)×10^{-12}cm^{-2}s^{-1} and index of the integral spectrum is kγ
= -1.05\pm0.10.
Cygnus X-3 is peculiar X-ray binary system discovered about 40 years ago. The system
has been observed throughout wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is one of
the brightest Galactic X-ray sources
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Presented by Vera Yurievna SINITSYNA
6 Jul 2007
GAW proposes a new approach for the detection and measurement of the Cherenkov light
produced by GeV/TeV gamma rays traversing the Earth atmosphere which imposes specific
requirements on the electronics design. The focal surface of the GAW telescope
consists of a matrix of multi-anode photomultipliers. The large number of active
channels (of the order of 104) makes it basically a large UV sens
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Presented by Pedro ASSIS
9 Jul 2007
By using Egret data, considering a gamma ray flux for Virgo suppercluster and a
detailed analysis on our postulates, with a new methode a gamma ray flux in
Coma direction reasults.
some analogy between the works has made, is done.
a flux index for Coma direction gamma rays has resulted which is in the favor of
our information from Coma supercluster.
Presented by Mrs. Pantea DAVOUDIFAR
6 Jul 2007
The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) will be launched less than a year
from now, and its Large Area Telescope (LAT) is expected to discover scores to
hundreds of gamma-ray pulsars. This poster discusses which of the over 1700 known
pulsars, mostly visible only at radio frequencies, are likely to emit >100 MeV
gamma-rays with intensities detectable by the LAT. The main figure of mer
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Presented by Mrs. Marianne LEMOINE-GOUMARD
7 Jul 2007
Young rotating neutron stars (pulsars) are considered as strong sources of TeV
muon neutrinos, which are produced through the delta resonance in proton-
gamma photon interactions. In this presentation it is shown that the observed
upper limit of gamma ray fluxes from the young pulsars put limit on fluxes of
muon neutrinos from the sources.
Presented by Dr. Arunava BHADRA
6 Jul 2007
Recent results from the HESS gamma-ray telescope have shown the presence of both
a diffuse, extended flux of gamma rays above ~0.4 TeV and discrete sources in and
near the Galactic Centre. Here, we put forward a possible explanation in terms of the
diffusion of cosmic-ray protons from a succession of supernova remnants ( SNR ) in
the SgrA* region of the Galaxy plus a probable contribution from
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Presented by Prof. Anatoly ERLYKIN
4 Jul 2007
In this work we consider the situation in which the pulsar (and its nebula) is formed
inside or close to the high density regions of a molecular cloud. Recent models for
the gamma radiation of pulsar wind nebula try to include not only radiation processes
due to the injected leptons but also processes due to injection of relativistic
hadrons into the nebula. Hadrons accelerated during the life
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Presented by Dr. Hendrik BARTKO
6 Jul 2007
Measurements at 100 TeV and above are an important goal for the
next generation of high energy $\gamma$-ray astronomy experiments.
In fact, the high energy end of $\gamma$-ray source spectra might
provide clear discrimination between electron and hadron
processes, thus allowing the identification of cosmic "PeVatrons",
the sites of Cosmic Rays production and acceleration.
The most natural
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Presented by Dr. Giuseppe DI SCIASCIO
6 Jul 2007
The Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE) is an atmospheric
Cherenkov telescope that uses a large mirror array to achieve a relatively low energy
threshold. For sources with Crab-like spectra, at high elevations, the detector
response peaks near 100 GeV. Gamma-ray burst (GRB) observations have been a high
priority for the STACEE collaboration since the inception of the
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Presented by Alexander JARVIS
9 Jul 2007
The GLAST Large Area Telescope (LAT) is the next generation satellite experiment for
high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. It is a pair conversion telescope built with a
plastic anticoincidence shield, a segmented CsI electromagnetic calorimeter, and the
largest silicon strip tracker ever built. It will cover the energy range from 20 MeV
to more than 300 GeV, shedding light on many issues left open
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Presented by Frederic PIRON
10 Jul 2007
In this work we study the individual contribution to diffuse $\gamma$-ray
emission from the secondary products in hadronic interactions generated by
cosmic rays (CRs), in addition to the contribution of neutral-pions via
the decay into two gamma rays. For that purpose we employ the Monte
Carlo particle collision code DPMJET3.04 to determine the multiplicity
spectra of various secondary p
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Presented by Prof. Martin POHL
6 Jul 2007
The recent advances in TeV gamma-ray astronomy are largely due to the ability to
distinguish between extensive air showers generated by gamma rays and hadronic cosmic
rays. In this paper, we report on a method to distinguish electromagnetic air showers
from hadronic air showers in Tibet air-shower observation. An extensive Monte Carlo
simulation has been carried out and the secondary particle
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Presented by Mr. Ding CHEN
6 Jul 2007
We propose to provide a gamma-ray burst monitor (GBM) for the CALET mission to
monitor gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) simultaneously with the CALET main detector. The
major purpose is to derive a wide-band energy spectrum of GRB over an unprecedented 9
decades of energy (from a few keV to 10 TeV) in combination with the CALET tower
detector. Hence it is desirable to have the CALET-GBM covering an ene
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Presented by Dr. Kazutaka YAMAOKA
9 Jul 2007
Ongoing deep surveys of galaxy luminosity functions, spectral energy
distributions and backwards evolution models of star formation rates
can be used to calculate the past history of intergalactic photon
densities and, from them, the present and past optical depth of the
universe to gamma-rays. Stecker, Malkan & Scully have recently done
this calculation for pair-production in
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Presented by Dr. F. W. STECKER
9 Jul 2007
We calculate the production of gamma rays by cosmic ray interactions with the lunar
surface. We show that the major contribution comes from neutral pions produced in
proton interactions with the nuclei in the lunar surface while the electron
bremsstrahlung is a minor component contributing mostly at low energies. Our
calculations show a good agreement with the EGRET observations of the lunar a
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Presented by Dr. Igor MOSKALENKO
6 Jul 2007
In this contribution we will show our predictions for the intensity and the
angular distribution of the gamma-ray and neutrino emissions above the TeV as
should be originated from the hadronic scattering of cosmic rays (CR) with the
interstellar medium (ISM).
We simulated the spatial distribution of primary nuclei by solving numerically
the diffusion equation considering several models o
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Presented by Dr. Dario GRASSO
10 Jul 2007
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are among the potential very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray
sources. VHE emission from GRBs is predicted by most GRB models. Despite its
generally fast-fading nature in many wavebands, the time evolution of any VHE
radiation is still not clear. The highest energy radiation from GRBs ever detected
firmly by any instrument was a 18 GeV photon coming from GRB 940217 detected
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Presented by Pak Hin TAM
6 Jul 2007
Recent observations have revealed the existence of an enormously
energetic ~ 10^61 erg AGN outburst in the Hydra A cluster of galaxies.
This outburst has produced cavities in the
intra-cluster medium, apparently supported by pressure from
cosmic rays. Here we argue that these particles are very
likely protons and nuclei. For a plausible
spatial distribution of the target gas, based on observ
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Presented by Wilfried DOMAINKO
6 Jul 2007
The millisecond pulsars in globular clusters can accelerate leptons at the shock waves
originated in collisions of the pulsar winds and/or inside the pulsar magnetospheres.
Leptons diffuse gradually through the globular cluster comptonizing stellar and
microwave background radiation. We calculate the GeV-TeV $\gamma$-ray spectra for
different models of injection of leptons and parameters of
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Presented by Dr. Wlodek BEDNAREK
6 Jul 2007
Open clusters are concentrations of dense matter and young stars. It is expected that
non-thermal processes play important role in these objects due to the observations of
non-thermal X-ray emission and directional coincidence with some uniEGRET sources. We
calculate the gamma-ray spectra expected from the open cluster Ber 87 assuming that
hadrons and leptons are accelerated inside this objec
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Presented by Dr. Wlodek BEDNAREK
6 Jul 2007
Charged Cosmic Rays are a huge background in any IACT measurement.
Traditional data analysis methods involve variables that try to characterize the
shape of the shower 2D pattern at the IACT focal plane. The Hillas parameters
are, in this context, widely used.
In this contribution an innovative method based on 3D variables, the angles
and the distances (impact parameters) in space between
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Presented by Prof. Mario PIMENTA
9 Jul 2007
The high energy ionizing radiation environment in the solar system consists of three
main sources: the radiation belts, galactic cosmic rays and solar energetic
particles. Geant4 is a Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation toolkit, with
applications in areas as high energy physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics or
medical physics research. In this poster, Geant4 applications to model and s
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Presented by Dr. Bernardo TOMÉ
4 Jul 2007
Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) detect the Cherenkov light flashes
of Extended Air Showers (EAS) triggered by VHE gamma-rays impinging on
the Earth's atmosphere. Due to the overwhelming background from hadron
induced EAS, the discrimination of the rare gamma-like events is rather
difficult, in particular at energies below 100 GeV. The influence of the
Geomagnetic Field (GF) on t
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Presented by Mr. S.C. COMMICHAU
9 Jul 2007
The experimental technique of fluorescence light observation is used in
current and planned air shower experiments that aim at understanding
the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In the fluorescence technique,
the geometry of the shower is reconstructed based on the correlation
between viewing angle and arrival time of the signals detected by the telescope.
The signals are compare
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Presented by Dr. Markus RISSE
4 Jul 2007
The most common way to simplify extensive Monte-Carlo simulations of air showers is
the thinning approximation. We study its effect on the physical parameters
reconstructed from simulated showers. To this end, we created a library of showers
simulated without thinning with energies from $10^{17}$~eV to $10^{18}$~eV, different
zenith angles and primaries. This library is publicly available. Var
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Presented by Mr. Grigory RUBTSOV
6 Jul 2007
It is generally believed that Forbush Decrease (FD) events happen
simultaneously over the globe of the Earth. However, there have been reports
on non-simultaneous FD events. We investigate the properties of non-
simultaneous FD events in order to determine what solar wind conditions lead
to global simultaneity of FD events.
We examined the hourly data of the Oulu Neutron Monitor (NM)
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Presented by Dr. Su Yeon OH
4 Jul 2007
We present the results of a study of the annual frequency distribution of cosmic ray
decreases (amplitude ≥ 3%) for five solar activity cycles (19 to 23), using Climax
neutron monitor hourly counting rate data. We confirm the main result of our earlier
study, on a similar topic, over a shorter time interval (cyles 20, 21, and 22) that
there is a notable gap in the distribution, near the maxi
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Presented by Prof. Harjit AHLUWALIA
4 Jul 2007
We study the spatial gradients of galactic cosmic rays in the inner heliosphere using
data from the Kiel Electron Telescope (KET) aboard Ulysses and the Cosmic Ray Isotope
Spectrometer (CRIS) aboard the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) for the time
period from 1997 to 2007. This covers the solar minimum in the A>0-solar magnetic
epoch, the solar magnetic reversal to an A<0-magnetic epoch at
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Presented by Mr. R. MÜLLER-MELLIN
7 Jul 2007
On the basis of neutron monitor world network data the GLE event of December 13, 2006
is studied. Taking into account the initial differential spectrum of galactic cosmic
rays, viewing cones of the detectors, integral multiplicity of secondary neutrons at
various latitudes and observation levels the GLE spectrum is estimated. It is noted
that at the Yakutsk station this event has also been reg
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Presented by Dr. Sergey STARODUBTSEV
6 Jul 2007
An update list of responses to relativistic solar particles and to particles
accelerated in interplanetary space to high energies (Kudela et al, Proc. 23rd
ICRC, Calgary, vol. 3, p.71-74, 1992) for the period 1966 until December 2006
as recorded by a high mountain neutron monitor with nominal vertical cut-off
rigidity ~ 4 GV is presented. Selected events and the specifics of high mountain
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Presented by Prof. Karel KUDELA
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) payload flew for a
record-breaking 42 days during the 2004/05 Antarctic season. The instrument
incorporates a tungsten/scintillating-fiber sampling calorimeter and graphite targets
to measure energies of nuclei. A finely segmented Silicon Charge detector (SCD)
located above the targets is used for charge measurements. The position of the
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Presented by Mr. Y. S. YOON
4 Jul 2007
The Galactic Plane is accessible to H.E.S.S. at longitudes up to 80
degrees through very low elevation observations.
The ability of H.E.S.S. to observe at elevations as low as 25 degrees
corresponding to an energy threshold of few TeV has been
already validated through observations of the blazar Mkn 421.
We report on H.E.S.S. data on the Galactic Plane up to the 80° longitude range
and w
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Presented by Dr. Arache DJANNATI-ATAÏ
7 Jul 2007
Scan-based observations of the Galactic plane and continuing
re-observations of known very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray sources with
the H.E.S.S. system of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have
revealed a wide variety of new VHE objects. While in many cases these
objects can be associated with known sources in the X-ray, radio, or
optical wavebands, a subset of them currently have no o
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Presented by Dr. Karl KOSACK
6 Jul 2007
Clusters of galaxies, the largest gravitationally bound objects in the
universe, are expected to contain a significant population of hadronic
and leptonic cosmic rays. Potential sources for these particles are
merger and accretion shocks, starburst driven galactic winds and radio
galaxies. Furthermore, since galaxy clusters confine cosmic ray protons
up to energies of at least 1 PeV for a tim
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Presented by Dr. Wilfried DOMAINKO
9 Jul 2007
The shell-type supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 was detected in 2004 and re-observed
between December 2004 and May 2005 with the High Energy Stereoscopic System
(H.E.S.S.), an array of four Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes located in Namibia and
dedicated to the observations of gamma-rays above 100 GeV. The angular resolution of
< 0.1° and the large field of view of H.E.S.S. (5° diameter) are w
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Presented by Mrs. Marianne LEMOINE-GOUMARD
6 Jul 2007
The shell-type supernova remnant (SNR) RCW 86 - possibly associated with
the historical supernova SN 185 - was observed during the past three years with the
High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.), an array of four
atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes located in Namibia.
The multi-wavelength properties of RCW 86, e.g. weak radio emission and North-East
X-ray emission almost entirely consist
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Presented by Mr. Stefan HOPPE
4 Jul 2007
In view of the discovery of HESS J1023-575 (discussed in a separate
presentation), we
examine other very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray
sources possibly associated with massive star clusters. Particle acceleration in
massive star forming regions can proceed at
the interface of two interacting winds or result from a collective process;
shock acceleration or MHD turbulence.
The gamm
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Presented by Dr. Alexandre MARCOWITH, Dr. Nukri KOMIN
6 Jul 2007
The High Altitude Water Cerenkov detector HAWC will be a powefull instrument to
survey the TeV sky. Mexico has proposed to locate this experiment in the Parque
Nacional Pico de Orizaba, between Citlaltepetl and Tliltepetl, host of the Large
Millimeter Telescope (LMT). The region has a sizeable technical infrastructure
related to the LMT and we recently studied a 4100m location in terms of i
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Presented by Dr. Alberto CARRAMINANA
9 Jul 2007
Presented by Prof. Masahiro TESHIMA
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Prof. Tom GAISSER
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Ralph ENGEL
11 Jul 2007
The southern part of the Pierre Auger Observatory is nearing completion in the
province of Mendoza, Argentina. The instrument has been used to take air
shower data at the highest energies since 2004. The energy threshold for high
quality shower data is about 3 10**18 eV for the surface array of particle
detectors (SD). The data of the Auger fluorescence telescopes (FD) enable
precise ev
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6 Jul 2007
The results from H.E.S.S. observations towards Westerlund 2 are presented. The
detection of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission towards the young stellar cluster
Westerlund 2 in the HII complex RCW49 by H.E.S.S. provides ample evidence that
particle acceleration to extreme energies is associated with this region. A variety
of possible emission scenarios will be reviewed, ranging from high-ener
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Presented by Mr. Martin RAUE
6 Jul 2007
Since about one decade, air shower simulations based on the hadronic interaction
models QGSJET and SIBYLL predict very similar results for the main observables. For
instance, the mean depth of the shower maximum Xmax agrees within 5% between the
different models and are in relative good agreement with the measurements. However
the number of muons at ground differs substantially between th
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Presented by Dr. Tanguy PIEROG
5 Jul 2007
We examine the impact of nonlinear diffusive shock acceleration on the TeV visibility
of SNRs. A dense molecular cloud near a SNR provides a good target for pp-collisions
leading to subsequent gamma ray emission through neutral pion decay. The intensity
and the spectral shape of this radiation is thus determined by the spectrum of
accelerated particles. This may become instrumental in distin
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Presented by Dr. Igor MOSKALENKO
7 Jul 2007
If taken into account, the transmission of the particle-scattering turbulence --in
addition to just the particles-- through the shock front can change the effective
compression ratio felt by the accelerating particles significantly from the
compression of the underlying plasma. This can lead to significantly harder energy
spectra than what are traditionally predicted assuming frozen-in turbule
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Presented by Dr. Joni TAMMI
4 Jul 2007
IceTop is an air shower array now under construction at the South Pole. It is
the surface component of IceCube, an observatory primarily focused on cosmic
neutrinos. When completed, IceTop will have approximately 500 square meters
of collecting area in the form of 160 separate ice Cherenkov detectors. These
detectors are sensitive to electrons, photons, muons and neutrons. With the
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Presented by Dr. Takao KUWABARA
4 Jul 2007
Short-period variations in the integral GCR fluence ( > 100 MeV) often observed
in neutron monitor data have also been seen by the High Sensitivity Telescope
(HIST) aboard the Polar spacecraft. Although HIST was designed to measure
radiation-belt electrons, it makes clean measurements of the integral GCR
fluence when Polar is outside the radiation belts. These measurements show
GCR varia
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Presented by Tamitha MULLIGAN
6 Jul 2007
Point-like excesses have been alternately claimed and refuted in the direction
of Cygnus X-3, BL-Lacertae objects, and others. We conduct a search for point-
like deviations from isotropy in the arrival direction of ultra-high energy cosmic
rays in the monocular data set collected by the High-Resolution Fly's Eye. We
find no evidence for point-like excesses and place a 90% c.l. upper l
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Presented by Ms. Malina KIRN
4 Jul 2007
Data from the High Resolution Fly's Eye detector that measures cosmic rays
with the fluorescence technique is used to set limits on the flux of tau
neutrinos in the energy range from 10^17 to 10^21 eV. This energy range is
particularly interesting as we expect a guaranteed flux of cosmogenic
neutrinos from the GZK mechanism.
Presented by Prof. Kai MARTENS
4 Jul 2007
We present results on the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum as measued
by the High Resolution Fly's Eye Experiment. The spectrum is analyzed in
two different ways: monocular reconstruction and stereo reconstruction.
The monocular spectrum has the highest statistics while the stereo
spectrum has the best resolution.The monocular spectrum has a threshold of
.1 EeV while the stereo spectrum'
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Presented by Prof. Pierre SOKOLSKY
4 Jul 2007
The Track Imaging Cerenkov Experiment (TrICE) is an air Cerenkov telescope designed
to use a high resolution method for measuring cosmic-ray composition at TeV-PeV
energies. The method aims to separate the fast and compact direct Cerenkov signal
produced by primary cosmic ray nuclei in the upper atmosphere from the light produced
by the subsequent air shower cascade. Efficient discrimination
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Presented by Elizabeth HAYS
6 Jul 2007
We calculate the yield and flavor content of high energy neutrinos
produced in astrophysical sources with and without magnetic fields
varying their interaction depth.
We pay special attention to the multiple scattering of secondaries
on background photons as well as the direct production of neutrinos
in decays of charm mesons.
If multiple scattering of nucleons becomes important, the ne
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Presented by Dr. Ricard TOMAS
9 Jul 2007
Using data of the L3+Cosmics experiment, a preliminary measurement
of the muon multiplicity distribution is presented.
These are compared to Monte Carlo simulation results obtained with
the CORSIKA/QGSJET code. Below the "knee" of the primary spectrum
20% more muons are observed than expected.
Taking into account the uncertainty of the present primary
spectrum measurements, no abnormal phen
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Presented by Prof. Yuqian MA
5 Jul 2007
Perturbative QCD predicts that there should be a significant flux of
muons with high transverse momentum (p_T) produced in primary interactions
of high-energy cosmic-rays. These muons arise from the semileptonic decays
of heavy quarks, and from the decays of high p_T kaons and pions produced
in jets. These muons can be useful to study the cosmic-ray composition in
a pQCD framework.
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Presented by Dr. Spencer KLEIN
9 Jul 2007
The handling of solid-state track detector (SSTD) has been historically required for
a long period and many human powers to scan and analyze etch-pits produced on the
detector. Because a large area greater than a few m^2 detector is required to observe
ultraheavy nuclei in galactic cosmic rays, a high speed scanning system is
practically important to realize our observation. We have developed
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Presented by Mr. Satoshi KODAIRA
4 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory is now ~80% completed with all of the fluorescence
detectors and 1300 tanks in operation. The exposure accumulated since January 2004
is ~ 5000 km^2 sr yr, approximately 3 times that reached by AGASA and about twice the
exposure of HiRes. The hybrid nature of the detector and unparalleled attention to
systematic uncertainties has allowed an accurate measurement o
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Presented by Dr. Alan A. WATSON
10 Jul 2007
We study the propagation of cosmic rays at the highest energies of different compositions and discuss the
implications for anisotropy studies of future UHECR observatories. The evolution of the horizon of cosmic rays as a
function of the energy is mass dependent: low and intermediate mass nuclei can only originate from very nearby
sources above a few 10^19 eV and the composition above 4.10^1
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Presented by Prof. Angela OLINTO
7 Jul 2007
We have developed a hybrid photo-detector (HPD) for the Ashra detector.
The HPD consists of a 6-inch electron tube and a multi-pixel silicon detector
followed by trigger decision ASIC circuits.
The advanced features of the silicon detector are as follows:
1. high resolution with 64 x 64 channels using bump bonding technique
2. high gain due to a thin dead layer and a large effective area
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Presented by Dr. Masataka MASUDA
9 Jul 2007
A key feature of the Pierre Auger Observatory is its hybrid design, in
which ultra high energy cosmic rays are detected simultaneously by
fluorescence telescopes and a ground array. The two techniques see air
showers in complementary ways, providing important crosschecks and
measurement redundancy. Much of the hybrid capability stems from the
accurate geometrical reconstruction it achieves, w
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Presented by Dr. Bruce DAWSON
4 Jul 2007
The long-term variation (modulation) of CR intensity is not exactly anti-parallel
to sunspot activity. In odd cycles, there is a large hysteresis loop (difference in
the evolution during the rising and falling phase of solar activity). In even
cycles, the loop is narrow. So far, only data for two odd cycles (cycle 19 and 21)
and two even cycles (20 and 22) were available and the above patt
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Presented by Dr. RAJARAM KANE
9 Jul 2007
The Goddard Medium Energy experiment on the IMP 8 spacecraft has made nearly
continuous observations of the near-Earth energetic particle environment from its
launch in October, 1973 until near present. We summarize several aspects of these
observations, including solar energetic particle events, CIR-associated events, and
cosmic ray modulations. In particular, we note that, as expected from
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Presented by Tycho VON ROSENVINGE
5 Jul 2007
Peculiarities in distribution of the Jovian electrons along the Earth's orbit based
on an extended set of observational data are investigated. It is shown that the
maximum in the electron intensity appears 243 days after the Earth-Jupiter
opposition. It corresponds to the IMF field time simultaneously covering the
Jupiter and the Earth. Through the charged particle flux the Jupiter forms 3
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Presented by Dr. Vladislav TIMOFEEV
9 Jul 2007
The IceCube Neutrino Detector is a cubic kilometer ice-Cherenkov detector being constructed in the deep ice under
the geographic South Pole. After a successful construction season ending in February 2007 IceCube consists of 22
strings and 26 IceTop stations with a total of 1424 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) deployed at depths up to 2450m.
This together with the commissioning of the central
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Presented by Albrecht KARLE
5 Jul 2007
IceCube is a 1 km^3 neutrino observatory now being built at
the South Pole. In addition to its larger size, IceCube is also
designed to have smaller systematic errors than its AMANDA
predecessor. IceCube performance for showering ('cascade'-like)
events has been studied with LED and laser light sources.
The detector resolution for cascade position, energy and
direction has been studied
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Presented by Dr. Joanna KIRYLUK
9 Jul 2007
The calibration of the surface air shower array of IceCube - IceTop is based on
identifying and understanding the muon response of each IceTop tank. Special
calibration runs are carried out throughout the year and are supplemented with
austral season measurements with tagging telescope for vertical muons. The vertical
equivalent muon (VEM) charge value of each tank is determined and monitored
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Presented by Dr. Levent DEMIROERS
9 Jul 2007
Small air showers that trigger single or several IceTop stations usually have one or
several muons with energy high enough to reach the IceCube in-ice detector. In this work,
we first use the coincident events to calibrate the timing resolution between and
within the two detectors. Using muons tagged by IceTop single station triggers, which
usually contain a single high energy muon, we also cr
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Presented by Dr. Thomas GAISSER
9 Jul 2007
The chemical composition of Ultra-High-Energy (UHE) comic rays is one of unsolved
mysteries, and its study will give us fruitful information on the origin and
acceleration mechanism of UHE cosmic rays. Especially, a detection of UHE gamma-rays
by hybrid experiments, such as AUGER and TA, will be a key to solve these questions.
The characteristics of UHE gamma-ray showers have been studied on l
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Presented by Mr. Yoshimitsu WADA
4 Jul 2007
The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment may be the first
experiment to identify astrophysical neutrinos of energy greater than 10^18 eV
through the detection of radio Cherenkov pulses emitted by neutrino-induced particle
showers in the Antarctic ice. A Monte Carlo simulation has been developed to
determine the sensitivity and improve the event reconstruction capabilities o
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Presented by Brian MERCURIO
9 Jul 2007
This work is directed toward the experimental and theoretical investigation of
the ground level solar cosmic ray enhancements (GLE). Relativistic protons (>1
GeV) are generated in powerful flares more often than they are observed at
the Earth. Especially it concerns to observation at the middle latitudes.
Although recorded magnitudes of ground level enhancements are usually very
small at
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Presented by Dr. Olga KRYAKUNOVA
6 Jul 2007
A instrument to image medium energy gamma-rays is being designed for the
future NASA Advanced Compton Telescope (ACT) mission. This instrument
consists of a gas microwell imaging detector with an active detection volume of
approximately 1.6 m x 1.6m x 0.5m which is surrounded by a segmented
calorimeter. The use of the gas imager allows for the detection and tracking of
the recoil elect
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Presented by Dr. Jason LINK
9 Jul 2007
This paper presents the sidereal anisotropy of ~10 TeV galactic cosmic ray
(GCR) intensity observed by the Tibet Air Shower experiment. The observed sky-
map of the directional anisotropy clearly shows the large-scale feature
consisting of excess and deficit of the relative intensity. We note that the
observed angular separation between the excess and the deficit is ~120 deg,
which is muc
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Presented by Prof. M. TAKITA
10 Jul 2007
The CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass) data acquisition (CDAQ) system
showed excellent stability and robustness during the 2004/05 and 2005/06
Antarctic campaigns. The CREAM-III Calorimeter, scheduled to be launched in
December 2007, was calibrated at a CERN test beam in October 2006. During
the beam test, the CDAQ software, running on a non-flight Beam Test
Computer (BTC) system, c
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Presented by Prof. Eun-Suk SEO
4 Jul 2007
In neutrino astronomy, glacial ice or deep ocean water are used as
detector media. Typically, neutrinos are recognized by distinguishing
charged particles generated in neutrino interactions from atmospheric
muons, using in situ detectors recording time distributions and fluxes of
faint photon fields of Cherenkov radiation.
The IceCube collaboration has developed an empirical model descri
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Presented by Mr. Johan LUNDBERG
9 Jul 2007
7 Jul 2007
Radio receivers (RICE, AURA) have been deployed to detect impulsive emissions from
neutrino interactions in ice at South Pole. An alternative source of pulses is the
cores of cosmic ray induced air showers. AIRES and CORSIKA simulations suggest that
>10% of the primary cosmic ray energy enters the ice within 20 cm of the primary axis
impact point. The resulting 5-10 m cascade will make Askarya
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Presented by Dr. David SECKEL
10 Jul 2007
The Large Area Telescope (LAT) is one of the two instruments onboard the Gamma-ray
Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), the next generation high-energy gamma-ray
telescope, to be launched in Fall of 2007. It is comprised of sixteen identical
towers in a four by four grid, each tower containing a silicon tracker and a CsI
calorimeter that together will give the incident direction of the pair-con
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Presented by Mrs. Claudia LAVALLEY
9 Jul 2007
PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment designed to study the charged component of the
cosmic radiation of galactic, solar and trapped nature. The main scientific objective
is the study of the antimatter component of cosmic rays over a wide range of
energies. PAMELA is mounted on the Resurs DK1 satellite that was launched on June
15th 2006 from the Baikonur cosmodrome and is now on a semipolar
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Presented by Dr. Silvio ORSI
4 Jul 2007
PAMELA cosmic-ray detector is orbiting around the Earth on board the Resurs DK1
satellite since June 2006. The experiment is designed to study charged particles in
the cosmic radiation, being optimized in particular for antiprotons and positrons.
The core of the telescope is a magnetic spectrometer equipped with several detectors.
Six planes of silicon microstrip sensors are placed inside the
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Presented by Massimo BONGI
4 Jul 2007
Under the assumption the Neutralino as lightest supersymmetric particle
being the DM particle, studies of the evolution of Super Massive Black
Holes expected in the center of most galaxies predict the existance of
some 100-1000 Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBH) also in our galaxy
[Bertone et al. 2005].
Since IMBHs did not suffer major merging and barionic accretion, they can
have a very
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Presented by Dr. Michele DORO
9 Jul 2007
Within the Cold Dark Matter scenario of structure formation, assuming the dark matter
is composed by common candidates such as supersymmetric particles, the smallest bound
structures have masses as low as 10^-6. High-resolution N-body experiments have shown
that a large fraction of these small structures survive hierarchical clustering and
can be found within the halo of our own Galaxy.
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Presented by Dr. Lidia PIERI
10 Jul 2007
Relativistic outflows carrying large scale magnetic fields have large
inductive potential and may accelerate protons to ultra high energies.
We discuss a novel scheme of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic
Ray acceleration due to drifts in
magnetized, cylindrically collimated, sheared jets of powerful active galaxies.
We point out that a
positively charged particle carried by such a flow is in
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Presented by Mr. Maxim LYUTIKOV
7 Jul 2007
The GRAPES-3 experiment observes extensive air showers using a high-density
array of scintillation detectors and a large area tracking muon detector. We have
studied the relationship between the muon multiplicity distribution and
shower size for the GRAPES-3 data taken during the period of 2000 - 2003.
Monte Carlo simulations using CORSIKA code were performed to extract the
spectra for vario
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Presented by Dr. Hideki TANAKA
9 Jul 2007
The paper concerns the images in the fluorescence light of EAS of ultra-high energies.
The effect of the multiple scattering of the light in the atmosphere on the way from
the shower to the observer is investigated. We show what are the relevant parameters
of the geometry for describing this effect. We also show that when analysing the
scattered light not delayed too much (with respect to the
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Presented by Prof. Maria GILLER
4 Jul 2007
The EAS induced by ultra high energy cosmic rays excite the atmosphere which emits
fluorescence light. Images of showers in this light can be registered from large
distances,as narrow tracks, the intensity at a given level being proportional to the
shower energy deposited there. However, there is also Cherenkov light accompanying
the shower which, when scattered sideways, adds to the fluoresc
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Presented by Prof. Maria GILLER
6 Jul 2007
JEM-EUSO with a large and wide-angle telescope mounted on ISS has been
planed as a space mission to explore extremes of the universe through the
investigation of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by detecting photons which
accompany air showers developed in the earth's atmosphere. JEM-EUSO will
be launched by Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle(HTV) and mounted at the
Exposed Facility of Japanes
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Presented by Prof. Fumiyoshi KAJINO
10 Jul 2007
We present results from the operation of the high mountain array of 4
water Cherenkov detectors located at 4550 m. a.s.l. located at Sierra
Negra mountain (N 18 59.1, W 97 18.76 ) near of Puebla city in Mexico.
The detectors consist of 4 light-tight cylindrical containers of 4 m2
cross section separated 25m. The vertices of the array form a triangle
with one detector in the middle. The detect
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Presented by Dr. Humberto SALAZAR
4 Jul 2007
A population of dust grains produced by asteroids and comets is continually
orbiting the Sun to within several Rsun. The grains scatter sunlight and make
up the solar F corona, which shows only slow variations with time. Grain
dynamics are due primarily to interactions with solar photons and the solar
wind, but they are also bombarded by the E > 1 MeV energetic particles
propagating an
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Presented by Stephen KAHLER
6 Jul 2007
Data on the hourly means of cosmic ray density and anisotropy derived by the
GSM method over the 1957-2006 are introduced in to MySQL database. This
format allowed an access to data both in local and in the Internet.
Using the realized combination of script-language Php and My SQL database
the Internet project was created on the access for users data on the CR
anisotropy in different for
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Presented by Dr. Viktor YANKE, Mr. Aliaksandr ASIPENKA
9 Jul 2007
The Forbush decreases, recorded during 1951-2005 neutron measurements on Climax
Cosmic Ray Station were used, estimating their number per year F(n) and calculating
their total yearly decrease F(t). They were investigated together with certain
parameters of the hurricanes recorded over a large Atlantic Ocean area, situated
between 25 and 60 degrees West, and 8 and 23 degrees North. In that are
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Presented by Prof. Stilian KAVLAKOV
6 Jul 2007
MINOS is the first large magnetic detector deep underground and is the first to
measure the muon charge ratio with high statistics in the region near 1 TeV.
An approximate formula for the muon charge ratio can be expressed in terms of
epsilon_pi = 115 Gev,
epsilon_K = 850 GeV and E_mu times cosine theta-zenith. The implications for
K production in the atmosphere will be discussed.
Presented by Dr. Maury GOODMAN
5 Jul 2007
Inverse Compton scattering by relativistic electrons produces a major component of
the diffuse emission from the Galaxy. The photon fields involved are the cosmic
microwave background and the interstellar radiation field from stars and dust.
Calculations of the inverse Compton distribution have usually assumed a smooth ISRF,
but in fact a large part of the Galactic luminosity comes from the mo
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Presented by Mrs. Elena ORLANDO
6 Jul 2007
Muon rate variations during Forbush decreases registered by means of muon
detectors DECOR, TEMP and URAGAN operated in the experimental complex
NEVOD (MEPhI, Moscow) have been studied. Analysis of data of these setups
and also of Moscow neutron monitor (IZMIRAN) has been performed using a
special technique that reduces as statistical as systematic uncertainties.
Preliminary muon energy a
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry TIMASHKOV
5 Jul 2007
EAS events are developing in the last few 10 kilometers of their path. But
geomagnetic field has been extended until a few thousand kilometers
from the ground. This field deflects charged particles. The deflection is
different for different directions and observers. These differences
is due to amount and direction of the geomagnetic field (a dipole at the
centre of the earth) and the directio
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Presented by Dr. Mehdi KHAKIAN
4 Jul 2007
Actually until the shower maximum the effect of the atmosphere is: 'an
environment for extension of EAS events', but after it the 'absobtion effect of
the atmosphere' will be dominant. Since the shower maximum for ~100 TeV is
~550 gr/cm^2(~5000m a.s.l), and we are always after it (1200m a.s.l) specially
for higher zenith angle events. So actually in the energy and the site we have
to con
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Presented by Dr. Mehdi KHAKIAN
4 Jul 2007
A possible signature of a neutrino-induced air shower is a near-horizontal event
developing very deeply in the atmosphere at depths exceeding a few thousand g/cm^2.
Making use of high-statistics shower libraries we study the background to such events from:
(1) high-energy muons produced in primary proton events, which may propagate deeply
into the atmosphere before initiating a subcascade;
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Presented by Prof. Karl-Heinz KAMPERT
10 Jul 2007
Ion acceleration and Alfven waves excitation at the interplanetary
shocks is studied within the quasilinear approach. Numerically calculated
spectra of ions and Alfven waves are compared with experimental data.
It is shown that calculations are well consistent with the existing measurements.
Presented by Prof. Evgeny BEREZHKO
9 Jul 2007
In association with an X17.0 flare on 2005 September 7, strong neutral
emissions were detected both in space and on the ground. In space, intense
emissions of gamma-rays were registered by INTEGRAL and by RHESSI during
the decay phase. Gamma-ray lines at 0.511, 2.2, 4.4, and 6.1 MeV were
observed and there was evidence for pion-decay radiation. On the ground,
relativistic neutrons were o
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Presented by Dr. Kyoko WATANABE
4 Jul 2007
Measurements with advanced instrumentation on the SAMPEX, SOHO and ACE spacecraft show a large
variability of the ionic charge of heavy ions in solar energetic particle (SEP) events with energy,
in particular for Fe. In this paper we present a survey of ionic charge observations in interplanetary shock
related SEP events obtained in the energy range ~0.18-0.43 MeV/nuc with the SEPICA instrum
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Presented by Dr. B. KLECKER
4 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. collaboration found several so far unidentified sources of
TeV-gamma-radiation without any known counterpart in other wavelengths. One of those
is HESS J1303-631 which was serendipitiously found in the same field of view of PSR
B1259-63 / SS 2883. The possibility that HESS J1303-631 is a clump of dark matter is
Presented by Joachim RIPKEN
6 Jul 2007
We use the GALPROP code and the ACE data to derive the cosmic ray isotopic
composition at the sources. The composition is derived for two propagation models,
diffusive reacceleration and plain diffusion. We show that the compositions derived
assuming different propagation models are different. We also compare the isotopic
composition at the sources with the latest solar composition. This may p
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Presented by Dr. Igor MOSKALENKO
5 Jul 2007
The detection of cosmic gamma quanta is very important towards to build an
appropriate picture of the Universe. One of the most convenient techniques is the
atmospheric Cherenkov technique i.e. the detection of the Cherenkov light in
extensive air shower. The Cherenkov telescope Kartalska field for ground based gamma
astronomy is presented. The Cherenkov telescope represents set of spherical m
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Presented by Dr. alexander MISHEV
9 Jul 2007
Muon neutrino disappearance probability as a function of neutrino flight lenght
L over neutrino energy E was studied. A dip in the L/E distribution was bserved
in the data from Super-Kamiokande-I+II, as perdicted from the sinusoidal flavor
transition probability of neutrino oscillation. The observed L/E distribution
onstrained nu_mu <-> nu_tau neutrino oscillation parameters. We also prese
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Presented by Dr. Itaru HIGUCHI
7 Jul 2007
LOPES30 is a digital radio antenna array working in the frequency range 40 -- 80 MHz
with 30 dipole antennas triggered by the air shower experiment KASCADE-Grande. From
an absolute calibration the measured field strength of the LOPES30 antenna system is
known and the invesitigation of a large data set taken in east-west polarisation is
The reconstructed pulse height of the radio em
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Presented by Mr. Steffen NEHLS
6 Jul 2007
Our galaxy is filled with relativistic nuclei and electrons, or galactic cosmic
rays(GCRs). The source of GCR nuclei, especially ultraheavy nuclei(Z>30), is still
unknown, though the measurement of ultraheavy cosmic rays has been identified as an
important goal of cosmic-ray research. Observation program of ultra-heavy nuclei in
GCRs is proposed with the use of solid-state track detector on bo
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Presented by Prof. Nobuyuki HASEBE
4 Jul 2007
As a calibrated laser pulse propagates through the atmosphere, the Rayleigh scattered
light intensity arriving at the VERITAS telescopes can be calculated precisely when
atmospheric conditions are good. This technique is originally developed for the
absolute calibration of ultra high energy cosmic ray fluorescence telescopes but is
also applicable to imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes.
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Presented by Ms. Michelle HUI
9 Jul 2007
The relative fluorescence efficiency for MeV electrons in nitrogen and air has
been measured with high precision by the AIRLIGHT experiment. The range
from 300nm to 400nm was spanned using a 300nm to 400nm broad-band (M-
UG6) filter and 5 narrow-band filters. Fluorescence photons were detected by
seven 2” PMTs in coincidence with the signals of a plastic scintillator which
stopped the c
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Presented by Dr. Danays GONZALEZ
6 Jul 2007
The energy is among the characteristics of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
(E>5 x 1019 eV) which could be estimated experimentally. The following paper
attempts to estimate the energy of an UHECR proton by applying a Monte Carlo
simulation code. A number of extensive air showers, vertical and inclined,
is simulated to derive the Lateral Distribution Functions of the shower muons.
The scenar
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Presented by Dr. Olga MALANDRAKI
4 Jul 2007
With the present size of the IceTop air shower array it is possible to measure an
energy spectrum in the range of 1 PeV to 100 PeV. To do so, a lateral pulse height
fit was performed on all analysed showers. Therefore it is crucial to have a
realistic parametrisation of the expected lateral distribution and the corresponding
fluctuations of the measured tank signals. Since IceTop tanks do not
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Presented by Mr. Stefan KLEPSER
9 Jul 2007
The normalization constant of the lateral distribution function (LDF) of an extensive
air shower is a monotonous (almost linear) increasing function of the energy of the
primary, as well as a monotonous decreasing function of the distance from the shower
core. Therefore, the interpolated signal at some fixed distance from the core can be
calibrated to estimate the energy of the shower. There i
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Presented by Mr. Germán ROS
4 Jul 2007
Interpretation of EAS measurements strongly depends on detailed air shower
simulations. The uncertainty in the prediction of shower observables for different
primary particles and energies is currently dominated by differences between hadronic
interaction models.The new models QGSJET-II and EPOS, which reproduce all major
results of existing accelerator data (including detailed data of RHIC ex
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Presented by Dr. Tanguy PIEROG
5 Jul 2007
Richardson et al. [1996] statistically investigated CIR-driven modulations of
Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) density with the data obtained by satellites. By examining
depressions caused by CIRs with and without the Sector Boundary (SBs), they concluded
that SBs do not organize the GCR density. On the other hand, a 22-year cycle in the
amplitude of depressions was also confirmed. They suggested tha
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Presented by Mr. Yoshitaka OKAZAKI
4 Jul 2007
The PAMELA (Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light nuclei Astrophysics)
experiment is a satellite-borne apparatus mounted on the Resurs DK1 russian
satellite, launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on June 15th 2006. It is designed
to study charged particles in the cosmic radiation with a particular focus on
antiparticles and light nuclei.
The PAMELA apparatus comprises a time-o
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Presented by Dr. Giuseppe OSTERIA
6 Jul 2007
We have established cumulative flux limits in the COMPTEL energy range (0.75-30 MeV)
for a large sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) of general interest. Our target
list consists of both known and unidentified gamma-ray sources at high Galactic
latitudes. Limits to the time-averaged MeV-emission measured with COMPTEL are derived
from all-sky maximum-likelihood and flux maps produced using t
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Presented by Dr. J. Gregory STACY
6 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory has the capability of detecting
ultra-high energy neutrinos by searching for very inclined showers
with a significant electromagnetic component. In this work we discuss
the discrimination power of the instrument for ultra-high energy
neutrinos. Based on the data collected since January 2004 an upper
limit to the diffuse flux of neutrinos at EeV energies is presen
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Presented by Dr. Oscar BLANCH-BIGAS
5 Jul 2007
The detection of TeV gamma-rays from the direction of the Galactic Centre is one of
the most exciting discoveries in recent years. Observations by the H.E.S.S. system of
imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes provide the most precise available data on
this source in the energy range 150 GeV - 30 TeV. The vicinity of the kinetic centre
of our galaxy harbours numerous objects which could poten
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Presented by Christopher VAN ELDIK
4 Jul 2007
Active Galaxies such as Mrk 421 have been shown to be highly variable
at all time scales. Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (ACTs) have
excellent instantaneous sensitivity and have observed short bright
flares from Mrk 421. However, long duration variability is difficult
to monitor with ACTs due to their intermittent exposure. Milagro,
in contrast, monitors Mrk 421 with daily observations. Whi
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Presented by Dr. Andrew SMITH
6 Jul 2007
The MAGIC telescope has performed long term monitoring observations of
the bright TeV Blazars Mrk421, Mrk501 and 1ES1959+650. Up to 40
observations, 30 minutes each have been performed for each source
evenly distributed over the observable period of the year. The
sensitivity of MAGIC is sufficient to establish a flux level of 25% of
the Crab flux for each measurement. These observations are w
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Presented by Dr. Florian GOEBEL
6 Jul 2007
The high-frequency peaked BL Lac PKS 2155-304, the lighthouse of the Southern
hemisphere sky at VHE gamma-ray energies, has been followed by the H.E.S.S. array of
atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes since the first light of the project, first with a
single telescope in 2002, then with two & three telescopes in 2003, and since 2004
with the full-sensitivity four-telescope array. In this mode, a n
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Presented by Dr. Michael PUNCH
9 Jul 2007
The residual modulation refers to the invariant level of modulation (modulation
potential approximately 450 MV) observed at sunspot minimum since the
commencement of the neutron monitor record in 1951. Satellite measurements
of the heliomagnetic field show that it exhibited a similar invariance (~5.2 nT)
between the sunspot minima of 1965 and 1996. The cosmic ray record since
1428 shows
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Presented by Dr. Ken MCCRACKEN
9 Jul 2007
High-peaked BL Lacertae objects are the prime source population for studies with
Cherenkov telescopes. It is obvious that monitoring observations of strong blazars
are orthogonal to the mission of the larger Cherenkov telescopes, as H.E.S.S. and
MAGIC with their discovery potential for new sources (luminosity function, redshift
We propose to set up a Cherenkov telescope with lo
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Presented by Markus MEYER
9 Jul 2007
Cosmogenic radionuclides can be considered as surrogates for a neutron monitor because they are produced mainly
by the interaction of cosmic ray neutrons with nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere. Measured in natural
archives such as ice cores (10Be) and tree rings (14C) they record the cosmic ray intensity. Compared to manmade
neutron monitors their time resolution is low (years) and their
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Presented by Prof. Juerg BEER
7 Jul 2007
After a 1-year-long running time, much information has been collected on the
performance of the ARGO-YBJ detector. In particular, increased expertise on the
detector behaviour in the peculiar environmental conditions of the experimental
site (4300 meters a.s.l.) has been reached. Here we show and discuss the
correlation between the detector operating parameters and the environmental
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Presented by Dr. Paolo CAMARRI
6 Jul 2007
Traditionally, longitudinal shower profiles are reconstructed in
fluorescence light experiments by treating the Cherenkov light
contribution as background. In this talk we will argue that, due to
the universality of the energy spectra of electrons and positrons, both
fluorescence and Cherenkov light can be used simultaneously as signal
to infer the longitudinal shower development.
We pres
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Presented by Dr. Michael UNGER
7 Jul 2007
The LAGO project aims at the detection of high energy photons from GRBs using the
single particle technique in ground based water Cherenkov detectors. To reach a
reasonable sensitivity, high altitude mountain sites have been selected and detectors
are in operation in Mexico (Sierra Negra, 4650m a.s.l.) and Bolivia (Chacaltaya,
5300m a.s.l.). We report on detector calibration and operation at h
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Presented by Xavier BERTOU
6 Jul 2007
Super-Kamiokande-I studied low energy neutrino interactions above 4.5 MeV.
Photo-cathode coverage has been restored to 40% in Super-Kamiokande-III in order to
observe Cherenkov events with an energy even below 4.5 MeV. This is motivated by the
transition of solar neutrino oscillations between vacuum and matter-dominated
oscillations near 3 MeV and delayed neutron detection from inverse-beta in
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Presented by Dr. Michael SMY
7 Jul 2007
During its first observation cycle, between April 2005 and March 2006,
the MAGIC telescope was able to observe nine different GRB events
since their early beginning. Other observations have been performed
during the following months in its second observation cycle.
The observations, with an energy threshold spanning from 80 to 200 GeV,
did not reveal any gamma-ray emission.
The computed up
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Presented by Dr. Markus GARCZARCZYK
6 Jul 2007
A nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants is employed to investigate the
properties of the remnant SN 1987A. It is shown that a large downstream magnetic field 10 mG is required to fit
the existing observational data. Such a strong field, together with the strong shock modification due to CR back-
reaction, provides the steep and concave radio-emission spectr
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Presented by Dr. Leonid KSENOFONTOV
6 Jul 2007
We propose a non stationary three dimensional (3-D) model based on the
transport equation to describe the temporal changes of the rigidity spectrum of
the sporadic Forbush effect of galactic cosmic ray intensity observed by neutron
monitors and ground meson telescopes (energy range of 5-50 GeV). We show
that the main reason of the temporal changes of the rigidity spectrum of the
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Presented by Prof. Michael ALANIA
6 Jul 2007
Detailed Monte Carlo simulations of possible configurations for a future
large-scale installation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes,
the CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array), have been carried out. This includes
a full treatment of shower fluctuations, night sky background, registration
of the signal and reconstruction of the registered showers. Although not
representing a detailed desig
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Presented by Dr. Thomas SCHWEIZER
9 Jul 2007
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) experiment has continued to
collect atmospheric neutrino events while doing a precision measurement of NuMI beam
nu_mu disappearance oscillations. The 5.4 kton iron calorimeter is magnetized to
provide the unique capability of discriminating between nu_mu and nu_mu_bar
interactions on an event-by-event basis and has been collecting atmosp
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Presented by Prof. Alec HABIG
9 Jul 2007
Magnetic clouds, as subsets of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections, are
modulating the interplanetary space. We present six observed magnetic clouds
and simulate them according to the circular and the new elliptic cylindrical
models. Both models correspond to magnetic clouds attached to the sun and
simulations estimate the characteristics of the clouds, such
probable shapes, orientat
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Presented by Dr. Olga MALANDRAKI
4 Jul 2007
We report on a project to constrain the large-scale and turbulent magnetic fields of
the Milky Way galaxy, which eventually will incorporate all of the relevant
observational data. The initial work is based primarily on the WMAP3 polarization
and intensity maps, plus a large number of galactic and extragalact point source
Faraday Rotation Measures. Preliminary results on the Galactic magneti
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Presented by Mr. Ronnie JANSSON
5 Jul 2007
A strong magnetic storm occurred in January 21st, 2005. During this magnetic storm,
fluxes of electrons trapped in the radiation belt were observed simultaneously with
two low altitude satellites, CORONAS-F and SERVIS-1 and some geostationary
satellites, LANLs. During under developing of the magnetic storm, both of the
velocity and the dynamic pressure of solar wind increased by two discrete s
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Presented by Dr. Makoto HAREYAMA
4 Jul 2007
The magnetic trapping acceleration is a new type of particle trapping and
acceleration in which, in principle, test particles are accelerated indefinitely. A
model of magnetized plasma clouds is used to simulate a shock-type wave.
The attainable energies of test particles trapped by the moving magnetic
neutral sheets are investigated by analytical and numerical methods. To
account for
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Presented by Prof. Satoshi TAKEUCHI
5 Jul 2007
We present preliminary results of Particle-In-Cell simulations of magnetic turbulence
production by isotropic cosmic ray nucleons streaming upstream of supernova remnant
shocks. The studies aim at testing the MHD predictions by Bell (2004, 2005) of a
strong amplification of short-wavelength nonresonant wave modes and at studying the
the subsequent evolution of the magnetic turbulence and its b
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Presented by Dr. Jacek NIEMIEC
5 Jul 2007
We discuss the improving of the semi-empirical model of cosmic ray (CR) modulation
proposed by us previously. In order to describe the long-term variations with more
complete reflection in the CR modulation of the complex interaction of global and
local solar magnetic fields it has been proposed to introduce into the model the next
characteristics: the solar magnetic field polarity, the integr
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Presented by Dr. Raisa GUSHCHINA
9 Jul 2007
The history of life in our planet has not always been a process of gradual evolution. In fact, the study of fossils throughout the different geological eras has revealed that occasionally numerous species disappear abruptly.
In five of the extinctions that have been identified in the last 550 million years more than half of the species disappeared in a short time. The last of these mass extinct
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Presented by Prof. Arcadio POVEDA
10 Jul 2007
We perform a study of the ultra high energy neutrino detection performances of
a km^3 Neutrino Telescope sitting at the three proposed sites for ANTARES,
NEMO and NESTOR in the Mediterranean sea. We focus on the effect of the
underwater surface profile on the total amount of yearly expected tau and mu
crossing the fiducial volume in the limit of full detection efficiency and energy
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Presented by Dr. Ofelia PISANTI
5 Jul 2007
A magnetic detector such as MINOS which is measuring the sign of muons has
to deal with issues of bending, which depend on the magnetic field
configuration, and multiple scattering, which depends on the amount of material
which is traversed. Above some momentum which depends on these factors,
the momentum cannot be resolved. Issues related to measurement of the
muon charge ratio in the
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Presented by Dr. Maury GOODMAN
9 Jul 2007
In the analysis of Imaging Air Cerenkov Telescope (IACT) data, offset and/or
extended source observations require more sophisticated schemes for
determining the presence and statistical significance of any excess gamma ray
signal than the standard Li and Ma On-Off technique that has been
conventionally used in the analysis of point sources. Although arrays of multiple
telescopes have muc
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Presented by Dr. Glenn SEMBROSKI
9 Jul 2007
We introduce a new Maximum Likelihood method for analyzing cross correlations between
a catalog of candidate astrophysical sources and Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
(UHECRs), which allows for variable source luminosities and provides a ranking of
individual sources according to their likelihood of having emitted the correlated
UHECRs. We use simulated data to test the validity of this and the
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Presented by Mr. Ronnie JANSSON
4 Jul 2007
Due to energy losses in the interstellar medium, cosmic ray electrons at TeV energies carry
information on local (within a few hundred parsecs) accelerators. However, measurements
of the spectrum of the cosmic ray electrons beyond 1 TeV are extremely difficult due to the
rapidly declining flux and the much more numerous background of nucleonic cosmic rays. The
very large collection
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Presented by Mrs. Kathrin EGBERTS
4 Jul 2007
Nowadays, the information on the flux of cosmic ray neutrons has become very
important for the computer technology. Since the reduction of LSI (large scale
integrated circuit) scaling proceeds, the effect of cosmic ray neutrons becomes
significant. Neutrons hit the LSI of the computer and make pseudo signals and false
data. This phenomenon is known as the soft error of the computer. The soft e
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Presented by Dr. Ryozo TAKASU
6 Jul 2007
Properties of high-energy hadronic interactions can be studied by
measurements of the attenuation lengths of hadrons in air showers.
The hadronic, electromagnetic, and muonic components of air showers
are registered with the KASCADE-Grande experiment. Different methods
are applied to derive attenuation lengths of hadrons from the
measurements. a) The flux of unaccompanied hadrons at ground l
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Presented by Dr. Joerg HOERANDEL
9 Jul 2007
We found 140 neutrino-induced muons in 854.24 live days in the MINOS far detector,
which has an acceptance for neutrino-induced muons of 6.9e6 cm**2 sr. We looked for
evidence of neutrino disappearance in this data set by computing the ratio of the
number of low momentum muons to the sum of the number of high momentum and unknown
momentum muons for both data and Monte Carlo expectation in the
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Presented by Prof. Stuart MUFSON
7 Jul 2007
The 980 ton MINOS Near Detector is located at the end of the NuMI beam facility at
Fermilab in a 100 m deep underground cavern. It was designed to study neutrino
oscillations with the Fermilab NuMI beam in conjunction with the MINOS Far Detector.
The magnetized Near Detector has been recording charge-separated atmospheric
cosmic-ray muons since January 2005. A preliminary measurement of the Mu
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Presented by Dr. Jeffrey DE JONG
5 Jul 2007
Observations of Ultra-Heavy galactic cosmic rays (GCR) help to distinguish the
possible origins of GCRs. The Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder (TIGER) is
designed to measure the charge (Z) and energy of GCRs using a combination of
scintillation counters, Cherenkov counters, and a scintillating fiber hodoscope. The
two Cherenkov radiators, one acrylic and one aerogel, provide TIGER with an
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Presented by B. F. RAUCH
4 Jul 2007
At the southern site of the Pierre Auger Observatory, which is close to completion,
an exposure that significantly exceeds the largest forerunner experiments has already
been accumulated. We report a measurement of the cosmic ray energy spectrum based on
the high statistics collected by the surface detector. The methods developed to
determine the spectrum from reconstructed observables are des
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Presented by Dr. Markus ROTH
4 Jul 2007
We report on the cosmic ray spectrum obtained using the inclined events detected with
the Pierre Auger Observatory. Showers with zenith angles between 60$^\circ$ and
80$^\circ$ recorded in the period between January 1st, 2004 and December 31st, 2006
are analysed. Showers are first reconstructed in arrival direction and then fitted to
density maps of the muon numbers obtained from $10^{19}$eV s
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Presented by Mrs. Pedro FACAL
4 Jul 2007
The ARGO-YBJ experiment is a full coverage EAS-array installed at
the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (4300 m a.s.l., Tibet, P.R.
China). We present the results on the angular resolution measured
with different methods with the full central carpet ($\sim$5800
m$^2$). The comparison of experimental results with MC simulations
is discussed.
Presented by Dr. Elvira ROSSI
4 Jul 2007
Potential sources for the ultrahigh energy cosmic ray flux are
extragalactic source types such as active galactic nuclei and gama ray
busts. With the prediction of hadronic processes in these sources, a
diffuse neutrino flux ca be produced together with the charged cosmic ray
component. To measure this diffuse neutrino flux is one of the main goals
of the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector
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Presented by Jan LUENEMANN
9 Jul 2007
Three years of data collected with the fluorescence detector in coincidence with at
least one station of the surface detector array ('hybrid data') are used to measure
the flux and energy spectrum of cosmic rays above about 10^{18}eV. The hybrid
measurement extends the spectrum measured with the surface detector data alone
towards lower energies, and provides a cross-check in the overlap regio
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Presented by Dr. Lorenzo PERRONE
4 Jul 2007
The complete 5.4 kton MINOS far detector has been taking charge-separated cosmic ray
muon data since the beginning of August, 2003 at a depth of 2070 meters
water-equivalent in the Soudan mine, Minnesota. The data with both normal and
reversed magnetic field running configurations were combined to minimize residual
systematic errors in the charge ratio. Using the map of the Soudan rock overb
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Presented by Prof. Stuart MUFSON
5 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne cosmic-ray experiment CREAM-I (Cosmic-Ray Energetics And Mass)
completed a successful 42-day flight during the 2004-2005 NASA/NSF/NSBF Antarctic
expedition. CREAM-I combines an imaging calorimeter with charge detectors and a
precision transition radiation detector (TRD). The TRD component of CREAM-I is
targeted at measuring the energy of cosmic-ray particles with charges grea
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Presented by Prof. Scott WAKELY
6 Jul 2007
High-statistics data collected with Russian-Italian coordinate detector DECOR are
analyzed. Precise measurements of muon angular distributions in zenith angle interval
from 20 to 90 degrees have been performed. In total, more than 160 million muons are
selected. Dependences of the absolute integral muon intensity on zenith angle for
several threshold energies ranging from 1.7 GeV up to 7 GeV a
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Presented by Dr. Igor YASHIN
9 Jul 2007
The air fluorescence detectors (FDs) of the Pierre Auger Observatory are
vital for the determination of the energy scale. To compensate for
variations in atmospheric conditions that affect shower energy
determination, Auger has instituted an extensive atmospheric monitoring
program. The program includes a Central Laser Facility (CLF) and an Extreme
Laser Facility (XLF) to provide the FDs with
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Presented by Mr. Seveg BEN ZVI
4 Jul 2007
Important information pertaining to the origin of high-energy cosmic rays can be gained by studying their mass
composition in the region of the knee (~3 PeV). Thus, air showers have been observed at the South Pole using the
SPASE-2 surface array, which measures the electron-component, and the AMANDA-2 neutrino telescope, which
measures the coincident muon-component. These two components, t
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Presented by Dr. Chihwa SONG
4 Jul 2007
We present here the capabilities of the GLAST Large Area Telescope to detect cosmic
ray high-energy (HE) electrons in the energy range from 10 GeV to 1 TeV. We also
discuss the science topics that can be investigated with HE electron data and
quantify the results with LAT instrument simulations. The science topics include CR
propagation, calibration of the IC gamma-ray model, testing hypothese
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Presented by Dr. Alexander MOISEEV
6 Jul 2007
Diffuse gamma radiation produced in the interaction of cosmic-ray
particles with matter and radiation in the Galaxy can be used for
probing the origin of cosmic rays. The large field of view and
long observation time of the Milagro Gamma-Ray Observatory-- a water
Cherenkov detector that operates continuously, detecting extensive air
showers from the overhead sky -- is an ideal instrument f
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Presented by Dr. Petra HUENTEMEYER
4 Jul 2007
Ionization loss of electrons in atmosphere, as a corresponding fraction of
extensive air shower (EAS) energy dissipated along cascading, amounts to a
major part of the primary particle energy. It has been shown that there is a
relation between the loss and the total flux of air Cherenkov light induced by
relativistic electrons where the model dependence is parameterized by the
shower max
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Presented by Dr. Anatoly IVANOV
4 Jul 2007
The two-point autocorrelation function of ultra-high energy cosmic ray
(UHECR) arrival directions has a broad maximum around 25 degrees,
combining the data with energies above $4\times 10^{19}$ eV (in the
HiRes energy scale) of the HiRes stereo, AGASA, Yakutsk and SUGAR
experiments. This signal is not or only marginally present analyzing
events of a single experiment, but becomes significant
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Presented by Prof. Michael KACHELRIESS
7 Jul 2007
The method of the analysis of data on vertical rigidities of cosmic rays cutoff is
described. The essence of the method consists in the fact, that both the
experimental data and the calculation results are described in the form of
change of their value relative to the values related to IGRF. The value of these
relative changes quite certainly depends on the rigidity itself and on the level
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Presented by Dr. Boris Yu. YUSHKOV
6 Jul 2007
The new statistical method for search of weak signals of the various natures is
offered. This method is applied, when average value of a signal does not give
statistically significant excess over an average background of the device. The method
uses property of statistical distributions to increase number of the large
fluctuations in the mentioned above case. In result a noticeable change of
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Presented by Prof. Leonty MIROSHNICHENKO
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne ANITA high energy neutrino telescope successfully launched
on December 15, 2006 and flew for a little less than 35 days. Its primary
mission is to detect astrophysical neutrinos with energies in excess
of 10^19 eV. Neutrino interactions in Antarctic ice produce short, intense
radio pulses that are detected by ANITA at distances as large as 600 km.
The usual detection scena
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Presented by Prof. Steven BARWICK
9 Jul 2007
Milagro is a ground-based TeV gamma-ray telescope in the Jemez mountains
near Los Alamos NM. Designed to image TeV gamma-ray sources, it is also
sensitive to energetic solar particles above the local geomagnetic cutoff.
It sits relatively close to the Climax neutron monitor in Colorado. Because
of their geomagnetic proximity, these two instruments can be jointly used to
construct a time-dep
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Presented by Mr. Trevor MORGAN
6 Jul 2007
Each of the VERITAS telescopes has 345 adjustable glass facets
which were manufactured by D.O.T.I., Roundrock, Texas with
slumping and grinding to get the optical figure. The facets
were aluminized and anodized at the Whipple Observatory. The
parameters (reflectivity, focal length and blur circle) were
measured. The design specifications for focal length (12.00 m
+/- 1%) and spot size (< 10
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Presented by J. PERKINS
9 Jul 2007
The MAGIC Collaboration operates the 17m imaging Cherenkov telescope on the Canary
island La Palma. The main goal of the experiment is an energy threshold below 100 GeV
for primary gamma rays. The new analysis technique (model analysis) takes advantage
of the high resolution (both in space and time) camera by fitting the averaged
expected templates of the shower development to the measured sho
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Presented by Mr. Daniel MAZIN
9 Jul 2007
The heliospheric interface is calculated using a three-fluid hydrodynamic model.
Using this approach the effects of different solar wind profiles, as they may
occur during different levels of solar activity, on the heliospheric structure and
the distribution of hydrogen and pickup ions are calculated self-consistently.
We present a time dependent parameter study with respect to the solar w
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FERREIRA
9 Jul 2007
Elaboration of a multipurpose astrophysical orbital observatory (MAOO) INCA is
continued. The MAOO is designed on basis of ionization-neutron calorimetry for the
direct study of spectra and composition of high-energy primary cosmic radiation in
the range ~1011 –1016 eV. Scientific goals of the project are discussed, namely,
measurements of (a) the PCR charge composition and energy spectra of
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Presented by Prof. Rauf MUKHAMEDSHIN
4 Jul 2007
The diurnal variations of GCR intensity observed by the ground NM stations
represent the anisotropic GCR flow at 1 AU. It is generally believed that the
variation of the local time of the GCR maximum intensity (phase) has 22-year
period of two sunspot cycles. However, there even exists doubt on such
anisotropy variation cycle. Those different interpretations come from the lack of
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Presented by Prof. Yu YI
9 Jul 2007
The Ulysses spacecraft was close to the ecliptic at ~5 AU during the periods of
enhanced solar activity in January and September 2005. The KET/Ulysses
instrument registers a flux of cosmic ray protons within 5-2000 MeV, fluxes
have been disturbed more than three solar rotations during the considered
period. We find two periods of 27 days, when disturbances from the active
region have bee
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Presented by Dr. Alexei STRUMINSKY
4 Jul 2007
The energy spectra of protons in the 1-100 MeV range are studied under quiet
solar activity periods during the 21st - 23rd cycles using data sets from near-
Earth spacecraft. A series of low-flux spectra is approximated by the form J(E)
=AE(^-g)+CE^n, the two terms describing solar/heliospheric and galactic
components, respectively. By determining the best fitting parameters to the
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Presented by Dr. Karoly KECSKEMETY
10 Jul 2007
The Milagro gamma-ray observatory is a water-Cherenkov detector capable
of observing air showers produced by very high energy gamma-rays. The sensitivity and
performance of the detector is determined by a detailed Monte Carlo
simulation and verified through the observation of gamma-ray sources
and the isotropic cosmic-ray background. Corsika is used for simulating
the extensive air showers pr
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Presented by Mr. Vlasios VASILEIOU
9 Jul 2007
MAGIC-II, a two 17m telescope system, will start operating at La Palma in the fall of
2007. Its main goal is to improve the sensitivity in the stereoscopic/coincident
operational mode. At the same time it will lower the analysis threshold of the
currently running single MAGIC telescope. Results from the Monte Carlo simulations of
this system will be discussed. A comparison of the two telescope
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Presented by Mr. Nepomuk OTTE
9 Jul 2007
The Very High Energy Telescope Array (VERITAS) is a system of four imaging Cherenkov
telescopes located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona. We
present here results of detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the array response to
extensive air showers. Cherenkov image and shower parameter distributions are
calculated and show good agreement with distributions obtained from
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Presented by Dr. Gernot MAIER
9 Jul 2007
This talk present preliminary results for the time-dependent cosmic-ray
propagation in the Galaxy by a fully 3-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation.
The distribution of cosmic-rays (both protons and helium nuclei) in
the Galaxy is studied on various spatial scales for both constant and variable
cosmic-ray sources.
The continuous diffuse gamma-ray emission produced by cosmic-rays during the
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Presented by Prof. Martin POHL
6 Jul 2007
A bimodal distribution around the sunspot cycle maximum was suggested to
exit for solar-terrestrial parameters (Storini et al., Adv. Space Res. 31, n° 4, 895-
900, 2003). The period between the two activity peaks was called the
Gnevyshev Gap by the Rome Cosmic Ray Group (Storini and Pase, GBRSC News
5, Special Issue, 255-258, 1995) and it is world-wide accepted by the scientific
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Presented by Dr. MARISA STORINI
9 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. source J1809-193 was discovered in 2006 in data of the Galactic Plane
survey, followed by several re-observations. It shows a hard gamma-ray spectrum and
the emission is clearly extended. Its vicinity to PSR J1809-1917, a high spin-down
luminosity pulsar powerful enough to drive the observed gamma-ray emission, makes it
a plausible candidate for a Pulsar Wind Nebula. On the other
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Presented by Nukri KOMIN
6 Jul 2007
AMANDA is a high volume neutrino telescope designed to search in the down-going direction for muons from
astrophysical muon-neutrinos. It is possible to extend the range of AMANDA to search for neutrinos with
extremely high energies. The atmospheric neutrino flux becomes negligible above 10^15 eV, so this value serves
as rough energy threshold for this search. Above 10^16 eV the Earth is ess
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Presented by Lisa GERHARDT
5 Jul 2007
The high-frequency peaked BL Lac PG 1553+113
was discovered by H.E.S.S. to be a emitter of VHE (>100 GeV)
gamma rays during ~8 hours of observations in 2005.
The AGN was observed again by H.E.S.S in 2006.
A total of ~17 hours of additional data were taken.
In addition, observations using the VLT Sinfoni
instrument were made to determine the presently unknown
redshift of PG 1553+113. Res
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Presented by Dr. Wystan BENBOW
6 Jul 2007
The EEE (Extreme Energy Event) Project is an extensive air shower experiment devoted
to the study of very high energy events through the detection at ground of the muon
component of the shower. The detectors are installed inside many Italian High
Schools, involving students in the experiment. The detector used is a tracking
telescope made of 3 planes of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC
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Presented by Giovanni IMPONENTE
7 Jul 2007
Since their discovery as VHE emitters by H.E.S.S. in 2004,
the high-energy peaked BL Lacs PKS 2005-489 and H 2356-309 have been monitored
at VHE to study their flux and spectral variability.
To sample their SED, several multiwavelength campaigns with X-ray satellites have been
performed, showing important spectral changes. Here we present the results
of 3 years of H.E.S.S. observations to
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Presented by Dr. Luigi COSTAMANTE
6 Jul 2007
High redshift massive protogalaxies, the sites of early star formation
in the Universe, provided a suitable environment for the formation of
the first supermassive black holes. Mass accretion causes the black
hole to grow and become a gamma-ray blazar for those observers
privileged by a line of sight parralel to the jet. Possible
evolutionary sequences are explored in terms of their visibili
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Presented by Dr. Alberto CARRAMINANA
6 Jul 2007
A large area streamer tube detector (128m^2), located within the KASCADE-
Grande Experiment, has been built with the aim to identify muons
(E>0.8GeV) and their direction in extensive air showers. Besides the
investigation of the muon pseudorapitity in EAS, the application of the
tracking detector in reconstructing the muon production height is
evaluated. The combination of the muon production
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Presented by Dr. Paul DOLL
6 Jul 2007
Muon diagnostics is a new technique of remote monitoring and forecasting of
the development of various dynamic processes in the heliosphere and in the
atmosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth based on the analysis of spatial-
angular and temporal variations of muon flux simultaneously detected from all
directions of upper hemisphere. For practical realization of the technique multi-
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry TIMASHKOV
7 Jul 2007
Data collected during the year 2006 by the first 9 strings of IceCube
have been used to measure the energy spectrum of the atmospheric
neutrino flux. Atmospheric neutrinos, an important scientific output
by itself (for instance, to understand the high-energy hadronic
interaction models), are also fundamental in order to check the
performance of the detector and to estimate the background for
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Presented by Dr. Juan-de-Dios ZORNOZA
9 Jul 2007
Measurements of muon flux in the atmosphere have been performed
by Lebedev Physical Institute during sea expeditions in November, 1975 -
March, 1976 period. This survey covered a wide range of latitudes with
geomagnetic cutoff rigidities Rc from 0.8 up to 14.2 GV.
The data on muon flux as a function of atmospheric depth ( X~ 10-1000 g/cm2)
On the other hand based on
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Presented by Dr. Vladimir MAKHMUTOV
7 Jul 2007
Inclined showers (i.e. showers with zenith angle above 40 degrees)
are registered by the KASCADE-Grande experiment, which is designed
to address fundamental questions about the origin, composition and
acceleration mechanisms of primary cosmic rays between $10^{14}$
and $10^{18}$ eV. Despite the aggravate reconstruction due to the
thin scintillation detectors used in KASCADE-G
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Presented by Dr. Juan Carlos ARTEAGA-VELAZQUEZ
6 Jul 2007
A review of measurements of the muon energy spectra for different altitudes, height
and directions performed with devices placed at various geomagnetic latitudes is
presented. The theoretically motivated final fit to the existing experimental
differential and integral data will be presented. The muon spectra and the muon
charge ratio, defined as the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes, a
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Presented by Prof. Janusz KEMPA
9 Jul 2007
We combined solar wind observations from five different spacecraft: Helios 1, Helios
2, IMP-8, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, from November 1977 to February 1978, to study the
structure of the solar wind streams and the propagation of interplanetary shocks,
interaction regions and ejecta. Comparing the in-situ observations is possible to
illuminate some aspects of these events such as their longitud
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Presented by Dr. Gonzalez-Esparza AMERICO
5 Jul 2007
The NASA Balloon program offers a unique, reliable and low cost platform for
conducting cutting edge cosmic ray research and scientific investigations.
Recently, the balloon program completed new payload support facilities in
Antarctica. In addition, during the 2007 Campaign, for the first time, NASA
demonstrated the ability to launch three science payloads in the same season.
These Anta
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Presented by Dr. Magdi SAID
4 Jul 2007
We calculate the temporal changes of the exponent g of the power law rigidity
R spectrum of the GCR isotropic intensity variations using neutron monitors
experimental data for four 11-year cycles of solar activity (1960–2002). The
temporal changes of the power law rigidity spectrum exponent g of the GCR
isotropic intensity variations are inversely correlated with the changes of the
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Presented by Prof. Michael ALANIA
9 Jul 2007
Nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants is used to investigate the properties of
Kepler's SNR and, in particular, to predict the gamma-ray spectrum expected from this SNR. Observations of the
non-thermal radio and X-ray emission spectra as well as theoretical constraints for the total supernova explosion
energy are used to constrain the astronomical and part
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Presented by Dr. Leonid KSENOFONTOV
6 Jul 2007
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) long baseline experiment
has been actively taking beam data since 2005, having already
accumulated 2.6E20 protons-on-target. MINOS uses the most
powerful neutrino beam currently in operation measured in two
locations: a Near detector at Fermilab, close to beam production, and
a Far detector, 735 km downstream, in Northern Minnesota.
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Presented by Dr. Alexandre SOUSA
9 Jul 2007
The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) long baseline experiment
has been actively taking beam data since 2005, having already
accumulated 2.6E20 protons-on-target. MINOS uses the most
powerful neutrino beam currently in operation measured in two
locations: at Fermilab, close to beam production, and 735 km
downstream, in Northern Minnesota. By observing the oscillatory
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Presented by Dr. Alexandre SOUSA
7 Jul 2007
Fourth generation neutrino telescopes are now being constructed (IceCube) and
designed (KM3NET). While no neutrino flux of cosmic origin has been discovered so
far, the first weak signals are expected to be discerned in the next few years.
Multi-messenger investigations aim at addressing the problem of extracting these
signals from irreducible backgrounds. One possible application is the searc
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Presented by Elisa BERNARDINI
10 Jul 2007
A simple model of a homogeneous population of cosmic accelerators injecting protons
following a unique power law has long been shown to fit the HiRes monocular data very
well. The model evolves the sources with redshift and adjusts both the redshift
evolution and the exponent in the injecting power law to fit the data. At lower
energies galactic iron is added in as suggested by composition mea
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Presented by Mrs. Olga BRUSOVA
4 Jul 2007
Hadronic interactions of cosmic protons and nuclei with the ambient gas lead to the
production of both neutrinos and gamma-rays. Both types of secondary particles can be
used to provide information on sites of cosmic-ray acceleration. As messengers
gamma-rays have a clear advantage in that sensitive detectors can be readily
constructed. However, despite the difficulty of experimental neutrino
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Presented by Mr. Christian STEGMANN
10 Jul 2007
The space weather refers to conditions on the sun, solar wind and Earth’s
magnetosphere and ionosphere. Several characteristic signatures in cosmic ray may be
used for space weather applications on the basis of secondary cosmic ray neutron
data. Good examples are the solar proton events and Geomagnetic storms. A possible
tool for investigations from Earth the variation of cosmic ray flux is
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Presented by Dr. alexander MISHEV
6 Jul 2007
One of the physics goals in SK-III is the observation of relic supernova
neutrinos from the identification of their electron anti-neutrino component.
Application of the delayed coincidence method benefits as a powerful tool
in the selection of an electron anti-neutrino with largely reduced background.
This selection is accomplished by detecting both a positron and a neutron
created in the inv
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Presented by Dr. Hideki WATANABE
9 Jul 2007
The neutron multiplicity changes on the neutron monitor in Barentsburg
(Spitsbergen) during the GLE December 13, 2006 has been studied. The
neutron monitor in Barentsburg was put into operation on April, 2003. In 2006
it has found the complete configuration 18-NM-64. The new data collecting
system based on a digital ADLINK 7233 card allows to register both pulses, and
intervals between t
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Presented by Prof. Eduard VASHENYUK
6 Jul 2007
The deeper and more extended scan of the Galactic Plane by H.E.S.S. during 2005 and
2006 has revealed a number of new point-like as well as extended sources. We will
present and discuss cases where the VHE emission detected by HESS could be associated
to pulsar wind nebulae around young pulsars in our Galaxy.
Presented by Dr. Arache DJANNATI-ATAÏ
6 Jul 2007
The star and galaxy formation history has left an imprint on the diffuse
extragalactic radiation field in the ultraviolet to infrared wavelength regime. In
the spectral energy distribution two distinct bumps
are expected: A first bump in the optical to near-infrared coming from direct
starlight redshifted
over time and a second bump in the infrared from dust-reemission. Direct measurements
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Presented by Mr. Martin RAUE
10 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. 2004-2005 survey of the Galactic Plane at energies above 200
GeV had revealed a number of pulsar wind nebulae candidates, including the
remarkable source HESS J1825-137. Spatially resolved spectral measurements
of this source gave the first evidence of an energy-dependent morphology
which was interpreted as being due to the cooling of relic electrons
cumulated throughout pul
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Presented by Dr. anne LEMIERE
6 Jul 2007
Approximately 20 years ago it was discovered that the largest solar energetic
particle (SEP) events are closely associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in
which the Sun suddenly ejects a billion tons of material at speeds that can exceed
2500 km/sec. The past solar maximum provided the opportunity to study the connection
between CMEs and SEPs using SOHO images and SEP data from near-Eart
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Presented by Dr. Richard A. MEWALDT
5 Jul 2007
A new approach to investigations of ultra-high energy cosmic rays based on the new
EAS observable - spectra of local density of muons measured at ground level in a wide
range of zenith angles - is considered. It is shown that muon density spectra are
sensitive to the primary cosmic ray spectrum and composition, and to features of the
forward kinematic region of hadronic interaction, and thus p
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Presented by Dr. Igor YASHIN
6 Jul 2007
FRAM - F/(Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor is the latest addition
to the atmospheric monitoring instruments of the Pierre Auger Observatory.
An optical telescope equipped with CCD camera and photometer, it
automatically observes a set of selected standard stars and a calibrated
terrestrial source. Primarily, the wavelength dependence of the
attenuation is derived and the comparison be
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Presented by Dr. Petr TRAVNICEK,
4 Jul 2007
In this work we investigate new statistical parameters to infer the mass composition
of high energy cosmic rays above $10^{17}$ eV.
Trying to overcome the difficulties imposed by large fluctuations and limited
experimental observables, we present a statistical method for composition studies
based on several measurable features of the longitudinal and lateral development of
the air shower.
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Presented by Dr. Vitor DE SOUZA
4 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) experiment is designed to investigate the
source, propagation and acceleration mechanism of high energy cosmic-ray nuclei, by
directly measuring their energy and charge. Incorporating a transition radiation
detector (TRD) provides an energy measurement complementary to the calorimeter, as
well as additional track reconstruction capability. The next
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Presented by Dr. Alexander MALININ
4 Jul 2007
The origin of anomalous cosmic ray ions has long been assumed to be heliospheric
pickup ion production from interstellar neutrals and acceleration at the solar wind
termination shock. The Voyager-1 shock crossing showed a well-defined boundary for
sharply increased keV ion fluxes in the heliosheath but no sign of local
acceleration. Ion flux spectra at keV to MeV energies are instead unfolding
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Presented by Dr. John F. COOPER
10 Jul 2007
An improved nonlinear theory for the perpendicular transport of charged particles is
presented. This approach is based on an improved nonlinear treatment of field-line
random walk in combination with a generalized compound diffusion model. The
generalized compound diffusion model employed is much more systematic and reliable,
in comparison to previous theories such as the nonlinear guiding cen
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Presented by Dr. Andreas SHALCHI
9 Jul 2007
We present the results of an analysis of Chandra and RXTE X-ray spectral
data for the supernova remnant Cas A. Thousands of Chandra spectra for
roughly arcsecond-sized regions were fitted with a simple model that
includes a bremsstrahlung continuum and several Gaussian emission lines.
The results of this analysis reveal that the faint, narrow filaments around
the outer edge of the remnant hav
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Presented by Dr. Glenn ALLEN
4 Jul 2007
In 80th a new type of APDs with negative local feedback which significantly
reduces the excess noise factor introduced by the avalanche process - the
metal-resistive layer-semiconductor (MRS) APDs - were developed in INR
(Moscow) by Sadygov et al. in the frameworks of the Soviet DUMAND program
led by M.A. Markov.
In 90th and during a few last years some new kinds of the Micro-pixel
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Presented by Dr. Igor ZHELEZNYKH
9 Jul 2007
The future high energy nuclear cosmic ray flux measurements in the upper atmosphere
will require large, and thus accurate, corrections for reliable Top of Atmosphere
(galactic) fluxes to be derived. In this perspective, the atmospheric corrections are
evaluated from the transport calculations of the flux in the atmosphere. The
contributions of these corrections to the accuracy of the experimen
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Presented by Dr. Laurent DEROME
6 Jul 2007
We have measured the primary cosmic ray spectra of various nuclear groups
by analyzing the relationship between muon multiplicity distribution
and air shower size, and we have also estimated their mean mass as a function
of primary energy. The shower data were obtained from the four years of
observations with the GRAPES-3 air shower experiment, which has a
high-density air shower array o
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Presented by Dr. Hideki TANAKA
9 Jul 2007
We present a Monte-Carlo calculation of the propagation of cosmic ray protons in the
Galaxy for energies above 1 PeV. We discuss the relative strengths of competing
effects such as parallel/perpendicular diffusion and drifts in toy models of the
Galaxy. We compare our estimates with the results of the MC calculation for the toy
models and then we apply the MC calculation to a few realistic mod
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Presented by Dr. Daniel DE MARCO
5 Jul 2007
A direct comparison of impulsive nitrate enhancements observed in multiple
polar ice cores from both hemispheres is presented for the years 1940-1950.
During that time period, four ground-level solar cosmic ray events (GLEs) were
recorded by ionization chambers. We show that large and sudden
enhancements in the nitrate records from both hemispheres were observed
within weeks of the dat
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Presented by Dr. Don SMART
7 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Pasquale BLASI
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Jim HINTON
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Gavin ROWELL
11 Jul 2007
A strong Forbush Decrease (FD) was observed by ground based neutron
monitor at Oulu in the mid of May 2005. The onset of FD took place on May 13
and attained its maximum on May 15, 2005. The event was in response to 221
X-ray flares out of which 13 were of M class and they were followed by coronal
mass ejection (CME). This has caused a rapid decrease in galactic cosmic ray
intensity call
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Presented by Mrs. Manjula JAIN
5 Jul 2007
Ions accelerated in solar flares interact with the solar atmosphere to produce
gamma-ray lines and neutrons. Some of the neutrons that escape from the Sun
into interplanetary space can survive to the Earth and be observed both by
satellite detectors and by ground-based neutron detectors. In association with
the X12.0 flare on 1991 June 4, solar neutrons were observed in space by
OSSE onb
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Presented by Dr. Kyoko WATANABE
4 Jul 2007
In August 2005, MAGIC telescope observed the cataclysmic variable AE Aquarii.
Observations were done during four consecutive nights within the context of a
coordinated quasi-simultaneous multiwavelength campaign covering radio, optical, UV,
and X-ray range. We report on the results of this campaign.
Presented by Ms. Nuria SIDRO MARTIN
6 Jul 2007
The Large Area Air Shower experiments have been observing
extensive air showers at sea level, in large part of Japan.
The data set obtained for more than 10 years are going to be analyzed
in order to study isotropic and anisotropy nature of cosmic ray
arrival directions. We compare our results with diffusive propagation
model of galactic cosmic rays in one and two dimensional anisotropy
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Presented by Dr. Atsushi IYONO
7 Jul 2007
The MAGIC Telescope is the only IACT suited for the observation of GRBs.
Thanks to its fast repositioning time and low energy threshold, MAGIC has
been able to perform observations of the prompt and early afterglow
emission of several GRBs. Since the beginning of operations of Swift
the GRB scenario has changed, both for what concerns the statistics of
alerts and for the new discoveries on th
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Presented by Dr. Markus GARCZARCZYK
9 Jul 2007
HESS J1303-631 is one of the unidentified TeV gamma-ray sources
which H.E.S.S. group discovered as a diffuse source.
We observed HESS J1303-631 between February and May in 2006
with the CANGAROO-III imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope system.
After considering the weather conditions, the total exposure is
about 35 hours live-time. Estimated threshold energy based on
the Monte Carlo
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Presented by Dr. Junko KUSHIDA
6 Jul 2007
The H.E.S.S. collaboration has reported the detection of gamma-ray emission from
eight new sources located in the Galactic Plane. HESS J1804-216 is one of the
brightest of them, and its size and photon index make it one of the largest and
softest sources. The H.E.S.S. collaboration proposed two possible counter parts,
young Vela-like pulsar B1800-21 and the SNR G8.7-0.1, but it does not perfec
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Presented by Mr. Yusuke HIGASHI
6 Jul 2007
More than forty gamma-ray sources have been detected
by atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes at TeV energies.
However, no cluster of galaxies have been proved to be
a TeV gamma-ray emitter until now, though there
are many theoretical predictions on the possible
gamma-ray fluxes from these gigantic objects
assuming various emission mechanisms.
We have observed a couple of clusters of galaxies in
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Presented by Mr. Ryuta KIUCHI
9 Jul 2007
The binary system LS 5039 was serendipously with the High Energy
Stereoscopic system (H.E.S.S.)
during the scan of the inner galactic plane in 2004. Deeper observations
were carried out in 2005, and brought clear evidence for TeV emission
perodicity. This is the highest energy periodic source known so far.
The observed flux modulation is attributed to a modulated absorption
of the VHE gamma
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Presented by Mr. Mathieu DE NAUROIS
6 Jul 2007
The relative sidereal variation in the arrival direction of primary
cosmic ray nuclei of median energy 10 TeV was measured using downward,
through-going muons detected with the Super-Kamiokande-I detector.
The projection of the anisotropy map onto the right ascension axis has
a first harmonic amplitude of
(6.64 +/- 0.98 (stat.) +/- 0.55 (syst.)) x 10^-4 and a phase at maximum at
(33.2^o +/-
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Presented by Dr. Yuichi OYAMA
10 Jul 2007
The Crab nebula is the best known pulsar wind nebula and one of
the most energetic sources of non-thermal radiation known in our
Galaxy. It has been extensively studied over a broad range of
energies from Radio to TeV gamma-rays. However, an observational
gap in VHE-gamma-rays exists between the data available from
satellite experiments and the currently running ground based
experiments. The
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Presented by Mr. A. Nepomuk OTTE
6 Jul 2007
The HiRes Experiment has observed the GZK Cutoff. We will present power law fits to
the latest HiRes monocular spectra, and use the results of these fits to argue that
the GZK Cutoff has been definitively observed in that dataset. We will also present
fits to a uniform sorce density model.
Presented by Prof. Douglas BERGMAN
4 Jul 2007
The Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A was observed with the 17 meter imaging atmospheric
Cherenkov telescope MAGIC for about 50 hours in winter 2006/07. The observations were
performed in the so-called wobble mode, under moderated Moon illumination. Above 1
TeV, Cas A has been detected by the HEGRA Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System, at
the level of few percent of Crab. The detection of TeV
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Presented by Dr. Emma OÑA-WILHELMI
4 Jul 2007
The 5.4 kT MINOS Far Detector (Fardet) has accumulated 45 million
cosmic-ray induced
muon tracks at a depth of 2100 mwe since it began operation in 2003.
An analysis of the muon intensity over the time of detector running
has revealed periodic fluctuations, which are correlated with
temperature fluctuations in the upper atmosphere. This agrees with the
expectation for muon
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Presented by Eric GRASHORN
5 Jul 2007
Shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs) accelerate particles at the shock front
between the expanding remnant and the swept-up interstellar medium. If these
particles include protons and nuclei, very-high-energy gamma-ray emission may
result from the decay of pions produced in interactions between cosmic rays and
the local insterstellar medium. For SNRs that are interacting with a nearby
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Presented by Dr. Brian HUMENSKY
7 Jul 2007
The ultra-luminous infra red galaxies (ULIRGs) have an enhanced starburst
rate which might be related to a large emission of very high
energy gamma rays.
Arp 220 is the nearest ULIRG (72 Mpc) and a well studied object.
This source was observed with the stand alone imaging atmospheric
Cherenkov telescope MAGIC for more than 15 hours on-source.
No significant gamma ray excess was detected dur
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Presented by Dr. vincenzo VITALE
6 Jul 2007
The high mass x-ray binary LSI +61 303 was observed for several months in 2006 and
2007 by VERITAS, an array of several imaging Cherenkov telescopes located at the Fred
Lawrence Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona. The unusual system of a black hole
or neutron star orbiting a Be star proves to be an efficient particle accelerator.
Here we present the detection of LSI +61 303 in very high
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Presented by Dr. Gernot MAIER
6 Jul 2007
The increase of the gamma-ray dose-rate in association with the activity of the
thunderstorm was observed by the detectors located at the ground level in the
winter of Japan. To investigate the particle acceleration mechanism during
winter thunderstorms, the four sets of radiation detectors were used which
consist of four long proportional counters (PRCs). These PRCs have a different
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Presented by Dr. Tatsuo TORII
6 Jul 2007
Baksan Neutrino Observatory results on variations of thermal
neutron flux near
the ground surface measured with an open scintillator
detector are presented.
Experimental evidences were obtained of correlation between
the long-term thermal
neutron flux variations and the lunar periods (Radon-neutron
tidal waves).
Presented by Dr. Victor ALEKSEENKO
7 Jul 2007
The Telescope Array (TA) experiment is an array of surface detectors
surrounded by three stations of fluorescence telescopes in Utah, USA, to
investigate the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays of energy beyond 10^
{20}eV. We deployed about 500 plastic scintillation counters on a grid with 1.2
km spacing as a surface array by March 2007. Each surface detector is outfitted
with double
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Presented by Dr. Hiroyuki SAGAWA
7 Jul 2007
Observations of the blazars 1ES 0647+250 and 1ES 0806+524 with VERITAS
are reported here. These objects are among the favoured candidate
extragalactic sources in the very high-energy regime due to the
presence of high-energy electrons and adequate seed photons. The
presence of high-energy electrons is established from the location of
the synrchrotron peak in the spectral energy distribution o
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Presented by Dr. Peter COGAN
6 Jul 2007
VHE observations of the distant (z=0.186) blazar 1ES 1101-232 with H.E.S.S. are used
to constrain the extragalactic background light (EBL) in the optical to near infrared
band. As the EBL traces the galaxy formation history of the universe, galaxy
evolution models can therefore be tested with the data. In order to measure the EBL
absorption effect on a blazar spectrum, we assume that usual con
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Presented by Dr. Gerd PUEHLHOFER
9 Jul 2007
The high luminosity blazar 3c279 has been discovered by the EGRET instrument on board
the CGRO. Later, intensive simultaneous monitoring of this object was done in low
energy gamma rays, X-rays and optical to probe crucial questions regarding the
emission mechanism and structure of jets. However, no ground based VHE gamma ray
experiment has been able to detect a signal from it due to its high
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Presented by Prof. Masahiro TESHIMA
9 Jul 2007
In the present declining phase of the solar cycle, corotating interaction regions
(CIRs) have once again become more prevalent. Since the launch of the two STEREO
spacecraft in October 2006, at least 5 significant particle enhancements due to CIRs
have been observed at 1 AU. The Low Energy Telescope (LET) on each STEREO spacecraft
has been operating since mid-November 2006. This instrument
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Presented by Dr. Richard LESKE
4 Jul 2007
The 5.4 kT MINOS Far Detector (Fardet) has accumulated 45 million
cosmic-ray induced
muon tracks since it began operation in 2003. An analysis of the muon
flux in the direction of the Moon and Sun, which both obscure a
circular disc of similar radius as viewed from Earth, have
revealed statistically significant deficits. The shadow of the moon has
been used to establish the alignment and
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Presented by Eric GRASHORN
9 Jul 2007
Many authors have predicted very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) emission from
gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) both during the prompt phase and during the multi-component
afterglow. To date however, there has been no definitive detection of such emission.
Recently, Swift made the exciting discovery that almost half of GRBs are accompanied
by one or more X-ray flares which are found to occur from severa
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Presented by Dr. Deirdre HORAN
6 Jul 2007
The TeV emitting high-mass X-ray binary system LSI+61303 was observed with the
Swift satellite from early September 2006 to early January 2007. Many of these
observations were contemporaneous with TeV observations. The data consist of
observations on 24 separate days with durations ranging between 700s and
4700s, and cover 4.5 orbital periods of the binary system. We present here a
temporal a
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Presented by Dr. Jamie HOLDER
6 Jul 2007
M87 is the only non-blazar AGN to be discovered emitting VHE gamma rays, and so it
represents a unique opportunity to study the phenomena of gamma ray emission from
AGN. The rapid variability and unexpectedly hard TeV energy spectrum of M87 has
recently been reported by the HESS collaboration. With VERITAS beginning initial
science observations in early 2007, M87 is a prime target for observat
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Presented by Mr. Pierre COLIN
10 Jul 2007
VERITAS, the Very Energetic Radiation Telescope Array System, is an
array of four imaging Atmosphereic Cherenkov telescopes in southern
Arizona. It is sensitive to gamma-rays at energies above 100GeV. Here,
we discuss the results of observations of two well known VHE blazars,
Markarian 421 and Markarian 501, during Spring 2006 which were made
with the first two telescopes during the comission
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Presented by Stephen FEGAN
6 Jul 2007
Many of the recently discovered galactic very high-energy gamma-ray sources are
associated with Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWN), which is the most populous source category
at TeV energies. Extended synchrotron nebulae seen from these objects in the X-ray
band is a footprint of the relativistic winds, generated by the young energetic
pulsars, which interact with the matter ejected by the supernova ex
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Presented by Dr. Alexander KONOPELKO
6 Jul 2007
Up to now, nearly all the detected extragalactic VHE gamma-ray sources belong to the
class of high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (HBL), which show a pronounced peak in
the hard X-ray band. All detected VHE sources show a comparable luminosity at TeV
MAGIC has started a systematic scan on X-ray bright HBL objects in the northern sky
during its cycle1 observations from January 2005
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Presented by Mr. Markus MEYER
9 Jul 2007
The gamma-ray pulsar PSR B1509-58, surrounded by the supernova remnant
52, was expected to be a Very High Energy gamma-ray source. CANGAROO-I 3.8
m telescope reported a marginal detection of VHE gamma-rays above 1.9 TeV
recently H.E.S.S. detected an extended signal along with the pulsar jets, from
sub-TeV to tens of TeV.
We observed MSH15-52 using CANGAROO-III imaging atmosp
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Presented by Mr. Takeshi NAKAMORI
4 Jul 2007
Along its first two cycles of observations (May 2005 - April 2007) the MAGIC
telescope has observed the microquasars GRS 1915+105, Cygnus X-3 and Cygnus X-1. The
first two objects were observed in the target of opportunity mode, relying on alarms
based on their radio fluxes. Cyg X-1 was monitored during 50 hours spanning a period
of ~3 months. We report on the results of these observations.
Presented by Dr. Javier RICO
7 Jul 2007
PAMELA was launched on June $15^{th}$ 2006 in a pressurized container on board the
Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite. The satellite is flying in high inclination ($70^o$),
low Earth Orbit (350-600 km), performing measurements in different points and
conditions of the geomagnetosphere. The device is a multi-purpose apparatus
composed of a permanent magnet spectrometer to provide particle ch
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Presented by Dr. Marco CASOLINO
6 Jul 2007
Most ultra-high energy neutrino experiments using ice as a target medium rely
on the Askaryan effect (coherent impulsive radio Cherenkov radiation from the
charge asymmetry in an electromagnetic shower). This effect was measured
with the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment at the
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in June 2006. The showers were
produced by 28.
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Presented by Mr. Jeff KOWALSKI
7 Jul 2007
The Crab nebula was observed with the Whipple 10 m telescope from September
2000 to March 2006 for a total exposure of nearly 200 hours. Standard
calibration and gamma-ray reconstruction methods applied to Whipple 10 m data
are described in detail. Measurements of the total and yearly Crab nebula
flux and energy spectrum are compared with recent results from Cherenkov
telescope systems. C
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Presented by Mr. Jeffrey GRUBE
6 Jul 2007
The Crab Nebula has proven to be the best tool to calibrate and to characterize the
performance of a Cherenkov telescope. Scientifically, it is interesting to measure
its energy spectrum close to the Inverse-Compton peak where a deviation is expected
from the power law seen at energies above 300 GeV. Additionally, it is important to
search for pulsed emission from the Crab Pulsar at energies
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Presented by Ms. Ozlem CELIK
6 Jul 2007
An unexpected rise of solar activity close to its minimum in December 2006 resulted
in four X-class flares and four energetic particle events. These events were observed
close to Earth and above 70 degree South by the Ulysses spacecraft, which was at a
heliocentric distance of 2.8 AU at that time. Three out of these four events produced
significant intensity increases up to several hundred MeV
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Presented by Prof. A. STRUMINSKY
6 Jul 2007
The Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy has garnered interest as a possible source for the
indirect detection of dark matter. Draco has a large mass-to-light ratio, and its
relative proximity to the Earth provides favorable conditions for the production of
detectable gamma-rays from dark matter self-annihilation in the galaxy's core. The
Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE)
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Presented by C. E. COVAULT
6 Jul 2007
Since 2005 the giant radio galaxy M87 has been observed in the 100 GeV energy domain
with the MAGIC Telescope. Results from the analysis of those observations will be
Presented by Mr. Markus MEYER
6 Jul 2007
The TeV source J2032+4130 is the first unidentified detection in very high
energy astrophysics and remains so. There have been contradictory claims
regarding its extension, flux level and variability in gamma-rays, although
the longest and most sensitive observation up to now favor a steady, extended
source. MAGIC has devoted more than 80 hours on J2032+4130 observations during
2005 and 2006.
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Presented by Dr. Emma OÑA-WILHELMI
4 Jul 2007
The VERITAS collaboration has observed the high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object 1ES 1218 +30.4 using an array
of several imaging Cherenkov telescopes located at the Fred Laurence Whipple Observatory in Southern Arizona. A
gamma-ray signal was detected with high significance for the observations taken during several months in the
2006-2007 observing season. Here we present the detection of 1ES
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Presented by Dr. Pascal FORTIN
9 Jul 2007
Observations of the pulsar PSR B1951+32 with the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment
We present the analysis and results of 12.5 hours of high-energy
gamma-ray observations of the EGRET-detected pulsar PSR B1951+32 using
the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE).
STACEE is an atmospheric Cherenkov detector, in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, that detects cosmic gamma rays using the shower front-sampling
technique. STACEE's sensitivity to astrophysical sources
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Presented by John KILDEA
6 Jul 2007
We study the capability of the MAGIC telescope to observe under moderate moonlight.
TeV gamma-ray signals from the Crab nebula were detected with the MAGIC telescope
during periods when the Moon was above the horizon and during twilight. This was
accomplished by increasing the trigger discriminator thresholds. No change is
necessary in the high voltage settings since the camera PMTs were espec
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Presented by Dr. Emma OÑA-WILHELMI, Dr. Javier RICO
9 Jul 2007
We present a preliminary study of the observed 11-year modulation of galactic cosmic
rays for cycle 23. The detectors selected for the analyses have a track record of
stable operations and have median rigidities of response (Rm) covering a wide range
of GCR spectrum. Some of the observed features depend upon Rm while others are
independent of it. The detectors are located at different global s
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Presented by Prof. Harjit AHLUWALIA
9 Jul 2007
The HAWC (High Altitude Water Cherenkov) observatory is a proposed experiment that
combines a very high altitude site with the developed and proven Milagro water
Cherenkov technology. HAWC is a 150m x 150m pond of water located above 4100 m over
see level with a large field of view and a duty cycle higher than 95%. It observes
the relativistic particles and secondary gamma rays in extensive ai
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Presented by Dr. Maria Magdalena GONZALEZ SANCHEZ
9 Jul 2007
Presented by Patricio PATRON LAVIADA
3 Jul 2007
It is well known that anthropogenic activity can modify the Earth environment
in a global scale. Several restrictions and policies may be adopted in order to
attenuate the contamination effects and protect the environment. However, in
order to design and evaluate the impact of these policies and restrictions in the
human activity, it is important to identify if exists other sources that
... More
6 Jul 2007
We have observed Crab pulsar in the TeV energy band using the Pachmarhi Array of
Cherenkov Telescopes for about 90 hours. Our observations span about 6 year period
from 2000 to 2006. We have analysed our data with using TEMPO package for analysing
pulsar data. We have searched for eveidence of pulsed emission of gamma rays from
crab pulsar using the contemporaneous radio pulsar parameters. We
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Presented by Prof. Bannanje Sripathi ACHARYA
6 Jul 2007
Recent observations by atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes such as H.E.S.S., and MAGIC have
revealed a large number of new sources of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays above 100
GeV mostly concentrated along the Galactic plane. At lower energies (100 MeV - 10
GeV) the satellite-based instrument EGRET revealed a population of sources clustering
along the Galactic Plane. Given their adjacent energ
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FUNK
7 Jul 2007
Recent observations by atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes such as H.E.S.S., and
MAGIC have revealed a large number of new sources of very-high-energy (VHE)
gamma-rays above 100 GeV, mostly concentrated along the Galactic plane. At lower
energies (100 MeV - 10 GeV) the satellite based instrument EGRET revealed a
population of gamma-ray sources clustering along the Galactic Plane.
Here we investi
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Presented by Prof. Diego F. TORRES
7 Jul 2007
The long-term experiment of the regular balloon cosmic ray monitoring in the Earth’s
atmosphere has been carried out by Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow, Russia,
for almost 50 years (since July 1957) and still provides useful data on both galactic
and solar cosmic rays. However there are some flaws in the standard method of data
registration that sometimes hinder getting good data. To
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Presented by Dr. Mikhail KRAINEV
9 Jul 2007
The non-linear back reaction of accelerated cosmic rays at a non-relativistic
shock front leads to the formation of a smooth precursor with a length scale
corresponding to the diffusive scale of the energetic particles. The
instabilities present in these modified shocks may play a crucial role as past
theoretical work has shown. First, it was claimed that shocklets that could be created
in th
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Presented by Mr. Stavros DIMITRAKOUDIS
4 Jul 2007
Recent results from the AMANDA experiment yield limits on the extraterrestrial
neutrino flux, based on different analysis methods. A limit on the diffuse neutrino flux is
derived at high energies, i.e.~between 1e4.2 GeV and 1e6.4 GeV. The stacking of different
AGN subclasses gives a point source limits for each of the classes. In this
contribution, a method of interpreting stacking point s
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Presented by Ms. Julia BECKER
10 Jul 2007
Combining diffusion equation solutions with direct Monte-Carlo
simulations of charged particle trajectories, the propagation of
cosmic rays in the Galaxy is investigated. Different assumptions on
the shape of the regular Galactic magnetic fields and source
distributions are considered and their influence on cosmic-ray
life-times and the energy spectrum obtained at Earth is examined. The
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Presented by Dr. Joerg HOERANDEL
7 Jul 2007
The current status and prospects of deducing the proton-air cross section from
fluorescence telescope measurements of extensive air showers is discussed. As it is
not possible to observe the point of first interaction, X_1, directly, other
observables closely linked to X_1 must be inferred from the measured longitudinal
profiles. This introduces a dependence on the models used to describe the
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Presented by Dr. Ralph ENGEL
9 Jul 2007
The relationship of long-term cosmic ray modulation with solar activity parameters
such as sunspot group number, their average heliolatitude, tilt of current sheet, and
solar magnetic field strength is analyzed. The period of 1957 - present time is under
consideration. We have used cosmic ray data obtained in the atmosphere at polar and
middle latitudes and the neutron monitor data. It is sho
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Presented by Prof. Yuri STOZHKOV
9 Jul 2007
In the first part of paper on the basis of NM data for about 4 solar cycles we
investigate hysteresis effects, and separate convection-diffusion and drift
modulations in the suggestion that for NM data primary CR energies the
diffusion time lag may be neglected. Then we determine the relative role of drift
and convection-diffusion effects in the long-term CR variations. In the second
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Presented by Prof. Lev DORMAN
9 Jul 2007
Similar to the GZK cutoff, the dip is a signature of UHE proton
interaction with Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMB). It is produced
due electron-positron production in collisions of protons with CMB
photons. The dip is located in energy range 1 - 40 EeV. It is
demonstrated that the dip is very well confirmed by the data of
AGASA, Fly's Eye, Hires and Yakutsk detectors. Since
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Presented by Prof. Veniamin BEREZINSKY
7 Jul 2007
One of the main goals of Solar-Terrestrial Physics is to know how and when the
periodicities of Solar Activity do modulate terrestrial Climatic changes? The
purpose of this study is to examine the cosmophysical periodicities that could
possible be related with a modulation in the number and magnitude of
Previous efforts on elucidating a plausible contribution of cosmophysica
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Presented by Prof. JORGE PEREZ-PERAZA
6 Jul 2007
The construction of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory began during the austral summer
of 2004-05, and is expected to continue through 2011. During 2006, nine of the
projected 80 strings were already deployed and taking data, making IceCube an
operational neutrino observatory while still at about 10% of its final size. We
present the first results of a point-source search based on the analysis o
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Presented by Dr. Chad FINLEY
5 Jul 2007
A new tool monitoring the status of the fluorescence telescopes has been
developed to guarantee smooth operation of all detector components during
data taking. Monitoring data from FD telescopes are collected online
regularly during data acquisition as well as in dedicated modes such as
calibration. They are stored locally in databases that are replicated on a
dedicated central server. A web
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Presented by Prof. Karl-Heinz KAMPERT
6 Jul 2007
Opacity effects in relativistic sources of high-energy gamma-rays,
such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) or Blazars, can probe the Lorentz
factor of the outflow as well as the distance of the emission site
from the source, and thus help constrain the composition of the
outflow (protons, pairs, magnetic field) and the emission
mechanism. The attenuation of high energy photons will be probed by
... More
10 Jul 2007
The LOPES-30 experiment, located with the air shower experiment
KASCADE-Grande at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, is an array of 30
dipole antennas set-up to investigate the pulsed radio emission from
cosmic ray air showers in the Earth's atmosphere. After one year of
measurements of the East-West polarization by all 30 antennas, recently,
the LOPES-30 set-up was reconfigured to perform
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Presented by Mr. Steffen NEHLS
6 Jul 2007
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) consists of
Fabry-Perot Michelson interferometers designed to measure gravitational
waves at frequencies between 10 Hz and 3 kHz. One potential noise source in
this frequency range is the buildup and motion of surface charge on the optics,
which can be generated through friction with air, contact with other materials,
or int
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Presented by Dr. Dennis UGOLINI
9 Jul 2007
A new method for high energy cosmic ray detection was suggested by A.E.Chudakov in
1972. According to this method a reflected from the snow surface Cherenkov light is
observed by an optical camera lifted above the surface on the balloon.
Optical system of the SPHERE-2 detector consists of 1500mm diameter spherical mirror
and has 1sr view angle. Shmidt aperture diaphragm allows to reach 109 p
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Presented by Dr. Dmitry CHERNOV
6 Jul 2007
Current point source searches mostly apply only the direction of the reconstructed
event; furthermore, they reduce available information by grouping events into sky
bins. In this analysis we use a search based on maximum likelihood techniques,
utilizing both event direction and energy, to enhance our ability to detect point
sources. Especially, use of energy information allows us to fit the sp
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Presented by Mr. James BRAUN
5 Jul 2007
We discuss different models for the origin of the Ultra High Energy
Cosmic Rays (UHECR). The main parameters of the models is the
acceleration spectra of these particles, their chemical composition,
and the maximum energy at acceleration. General astrophysical
parameters such as the extragalactic magnetic fields and the
cosmological evolution of the cosmic ray sources are also relevant and
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Presented by Dr. Todor STANEV
7 Jul 2007
Recent observations of the Matsushiro deep underground muon telescope indicate that,
the solar diurnal variation (after correcting for the Compton-Getting anisotropy due
to the Earth's orbital motion) has a solar cycle variation and a 0.04\% wave extends
to rigidities as high as several hundreds of GV during solar maximum. We construct a
simple model to simulate the motion of high-rigidity par
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Presented by Dr. Jozsef KOTA
9 Jul 2007
The Astrophysics Science Project Integrating Research and Education (ASPIRE)
is funded by the National Science Foundation as the public education and
outreach (EPO) component the High Resolution Fly's Eye Cosmic Ray Research
Group. Since 1997, ASPIRE has been creating some of the most engaging and
interactive science lessons and lab activities on the World Wide Web. In
this poster, we will p
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Presented by Ms. Julie CALLAHAN, Dr. John BELZ
4 Jul 2007
Ulysses, the first spacecraft ever to fly over the poles of the Sun, plays a central
role in the Heliospheric Network, the international fleet of spacecraft to explore
the Sun and Heliosphere. In November 2006, Ulysses, began its passage over
the Sun’s south pole for the third time. Although like during the first polar
passes in 1994/1995 the Sun is again close to its activity minimum, a
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Presented by Dr. Olga MALANDRAKI
5 Jul 2007
The observation of a possible excess in the cosmic-ray positron
spectrum has been suggested to originate from WIMP annihilations in
the halo of the Galaxy. To measure this spectrum in the interesting
energy range of 1-100 GeV with high precision, we
are developing a dedicated balloon-borne spectrometer (PEBS).
The best measurement of the cosmic-ray positron flux available today
was perform
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Presented by Mr. Henning GAST
6 Jul 2007
MAGIC, a 17m diameter Cherenkov telescope locating at the La Palma Canary island, is
the biggest IACT (Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope) in the world. For lowering
the energy threshold and improving the sensitivity, the MAGIC collaboration is going
to build a second telescope (MAGIC II), using a better sensitivity of
Photomultipliers(PMT). Variety of measurements about different charact
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Presented by Mr. Ching-Cheng HSU
9 Jul 2007
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is currently under construction at the South Pole, Antarctica, and 22 strings (of
80) have so far been installed. The observatory is surrounding the AMANDA neutrino telescope, which is running
since 2000. The combination of the AMANDA telescope and the Icecube strings will improve the sensitivity to
neutrinos from Dark Matter annihilation. This paper will di
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Presented by Mr. Gustav WIKSTROM
9 Jul 2007
PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment that measures charged particles
cosmic-ray spectra across a wide energy range up to a few hundreds of
GeV. The instrument was launched on the 15^th of June 2006 onboard the
Resurs-DK N.1 satellite. PAMELA instrument consists of a time-of-flight
system, a magnetic spectrometer, a silicon-tungsten calorimeter,a shower detector, a
neutron detector and a
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Presented by Dr. Vladimir MIKHAILOV
4 Jul 2007
A key problem of cosmic ray astrophysics is the explanation of measured parallel and
perpendicular mean free paths in the heliosphere. Previous approaches used
quasilinear theory in combination with simple turbulence models to reproduce
heliospheric observations. Because of recent progress in transport and turbulence
theory linear and nonlinear diffusion coefficients within an improved dynamic
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Presented by Dr. Andreas SHALCHI
9 Jul 2007
Long-term variations and short-term fluctuations of cosmic rays affect observations
on board long-lived space missions. We have developed a parameterization of Galactic Cosmic-Ray (GCR) fluxes
for various levels of solar modulation during opposite polarity periods on the basis of experimental data.
In spite of a general agreement among different results on protons, antiprotons, electrons and p
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Presented by Dr. Catia Grimani GRIMANI
9 Jul 2007
We present the proposal for reanimation of the half-built experimental complex
ANI at Mt. Aragats (Armenia, 3200 m a.s.l.). It is proposed as a first stage to
complete the functioning GAMMA installation by big X-ray emulsion chamber for
detailed study of EAS cores at energies 1-100 PeV.
Preliminary data obtained in this fieled by the Tien Shan “Hadron” installation
are presented.
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Presented by Prof. Sergey SHAULOV
6 Jul 2007
A particle acceleration mechanism in relativistic shock waves by an action of
radiation pressure is discussed. So far many particle acceleration mechanisms
such as diffusive shock acceleration and shock drift/surfatron acceleration have
been studied as an important energy conversion mechanism, but our
understanding how non-thermal particles are generated is still poor. In this
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Presented by Prof. Masahiro HOSHINO
7 Jul 2007
A theoretical model of particle acceleration by the interaction of a magnetic field
directional discontinuity and a collisionless shock is presented. The geometry of the
interaction region, the relative angles of the shock, discontinuity, and magnetic
field highly influences the acceleration process. In certain geometries the particles
can re-enter the acceleration region again and again, whic
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Presented by Dr. Zoltan NEMETH
4 Jul 2007
We present both numerical and semi-analytical results on test-particle
acceleration in multiple parallel shocks. We apply a kinetic Monte Carlo
code and an eigenfunction expansion method to calculate the
distribution functions for electron populations accelerated in
subsequent parallel shocks with thickness varying from infinitely thin
steps to broader modified structures, for shock speeds r
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Presented by Dr. Joni TAMMI
5 Jul 2007
The understanding of the particle spectra resulting from acceleration in
relativistic shocks as they occur in extragalactic sources is essential for the interpretation of the Cosmic Ray
spectrum above the ankle (E>3*1e18 eV). It is believed that
extragalactic sources like Active Galactic Nuclei and Gamma Ray Bursts can
produce particle spectra up to E~1e21 eV.
In this contribution, subluminal
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Presented by Jan LUENEMANN
4 Jul 2007
When combining the public available data of cosmic ray arrival directions with
energies above 4x10^19 eV (HiRes energy scale), a broad maximum around 25 degrees
was recently found in the cumulative two-point autocorrelation function. This has
been intriguingly interpreted as the first imprint of the filamentary pattern of
large scale structures (LSS) of matter in the near universe. We analy
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Presented by Dr. Pasquale Dario SERPICO
7 Jul 2007
We study the features of the power energy spectrum of the 27–day variation of
the galactic cosmic ray intensity by neutron monitors experimental data for
different epoch of solar activity in various polarity periods of solar magnetic
cycles. It is recognized that, averagely, the power energy spectrum of the 27–
day variation of the galactic cosmic ray intensity has tendency to be harder
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Presented by Dr. Agnieszka GIL
9 Jul 2007
By using an 8-channel custom chip in GaAs technology, over 1.5*10^5 front-end
electronics channels were built, tested and installed in the resistive plate
chambers (RPCs) of the ARGO-YBJ experiment. These channels were designed
to obtain 1 ns time resolution over about 6000 m^2 of sensitive area. Here we
present the design features, the performance and the results during a long
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Presented by Prof. Roberto CARDARELLI
6 Jul 2007
The surface air-shower array above the IceCube neutrino telescope now
consists of 52 ice Cherenkov tanks at 26 stations spread over an area of 0.22
square kilometer. This paper reports on experience with deployment and
operation of IceTop and describes data that verify the performance, threshold
and energy response of the array.
Presented by Prof. Tom GAISSER
5 Jul 2007
We have been developing a gas time projection chamber for the imaging of
gamma-rays between 0.3 - 50 MeV, the Three-Dimensional Track Imager
(3DTI). The detector is being designed for use on satellite experiments for the
imaging of astrophysical gamma-ray sources. Electrons produced by pair
production or Compton scattering ionize the gas and these ionization electrons
are detected by th
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Presented by Dr. Seunghee SON
9 Jul 2007
The surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory will consist of 1600 water
Cherenkov tanks sampling
ground particles of air showers produced by energetic cosmic rays. The construction
of the array is nearly
completed and a large number of detectors have been operational for more than three
In this paper the performance of different components of the detectors are discussed.
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Presented by Dr. Tiina SUOMIJÄRVI
4 Jul 2007
The simulation of the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory, consisting of
water Cherenkov
detectors, is based on GEANT4. Particles are explicitly tracked through a detector
having realistic geometry.
The simulation is accelerated by a dedicated re-implementation of the tracking of the
numerous Cherenkov
photons inside the tank. The simulated-tank response to cosmic muons at v
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Presented by Dr. Piera Luisa GHIA
4 Jul 2007
Numerous discrete, small, impulsive solar energetic particle (ISEP)
events with measurable intensities of 3He at energies above 5
MeV/nucleon are observed around the solar maximum of the 11-year solar
cycle. In addition, at times when there are no clearly
distinguishable ISEP events it is common to observe a low,
quasi-steady intensity of 3He at these energies. Recent measurements
under so
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Presented by Dr. Mark WIEDENBECK
4 Jul 2007
The Milagro experiment observes the extensive air showers produced by very high energy
gamma-rays impacting the Earth’s atmosphere. Milagro uses 898 Hamamatsu R5912
Photomultiplier Tubes. To complete our Monte Carlo simulations, we tested the
photocathode uniformity of our PMTs. The main finding was that the PMT gain and
detection efficiency are a function of the distance from the center of
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Presented by Mr. Vlasios VASILEIOU
9 Jul 2007
Possibilities of an experimental search for gamma-ray bursts from primordial
black hole (PBH) evaporations in space are reconsidered. It is argued that the
corresponding constraints which can be obtained in experiments with cosmic
ray detectors strongly depend on theoretical approach used for a description of
the PBH evaporation process. Predictions of several theoretical models for
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Presented by Prof. Edgar BUGAEV
9 Jul 2007
Observations of gamma-rays and neutrons provide information about
acceleration and transport of ions in solar flares. Neutrons from the X17.2 flare
on 2003 October 28 were observed by the ground-based neutron monitor at
Tsumeb in Namibia. This observation was made 5 minutes before the GLE event
produced by the energetic protons. The full time history of gamma rays for this
event was obse
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Presented by Dr. Kyoko WATANABE
4 Jul 2007
The Telescope Array Low Energy Extension (TALE) Experiment consists of
three detectors which will extend the sensitivity in energy of the
Telescope Array (TA) experiment by two orders of magnitude, from
18.5<log(E)<20.5 (in eV) to 16.5<log(E)<20.5. In addition it will
increase the aperture of the TA experiment at all energies, and double
it at the highest energies. The aim of the experiment
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Presented by Prof. Gordon THOMSON
10 Jul 2007
The near UV glow of the night atmosphere and near UV transient events in the
atmosphere are sources of the background phenomena in search for ultra high
energy cosmic ray fluorescence signals in the atmosphere. Nature of the UV
atmospheric transient events is not known yet and more experimental data on
them are needed. Study of space-time development of UV transient events is
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Presented by Mr. Epifanio PONCE
6 Jul 2007
Motivated by the importance of the measurement of p+C and pi+C interactions for
tuning hadronic interaction models used in neutrino flux and extensive air shower
simulations, we analyze pion production in p+C and pi+C reactions at 12GeV/c measured
in the fixed target experiment HARP at CERN-PS. We present momentum spectra of
positive and negative pions in the momentum range from 0.5GeV/c to 8.
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Presented by Dr. Ralph ENGEL
9 Jul 2007
Polarized gamma-rays are expected from a wide variety of sources including
rotation-powered pulsars, accreting black holes and neutron stars, and jet-
dominated active galaxies. Polarization measurements provide a powerful
probe of the gamma-ray emission mechanism and the distribution of magnetic
and radiation fields around the source. No measurements have been performed
in the soft gamma
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Presented by Prof. Mark PEARCE
6 Jul 2007
The solar activity has been propose as one of the main factors of the climatic
variability. Also another type of processes, the biological ones, have been
proposed as important factor in the climatic variation through the modification
of the cloud albedo. In the present work we used the wavelet analysis to
investigate the relation between the polar concentrations of Methane Sulphonic
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Presented by Mr. Jaime Arturo OSORIO ROSALES
9 Jul 2007
Indirect detection signals from dark matter annihilation are studied in the positron channel. We discuss in detail the
positron galactic production spectra and their propagation inside the galactic medium. Predictions for current and
upcoming detectors are provided for neutralino dark matter in a variety of supersymmetric schemes. Correlations
with other indirect detection signals are discu
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Presented by Dr. Fiorenza DONATO
10 Jul 2007
We examine the Voyager 1 (V1) and Voyager 2 (V2) intensity vs. time
profiles in several energy bands of low-energy particle populations
during the period 2005 through early 2007. There appear to be a set
of propagating structures with ~1 year duration that appear first at
V2, which is upwind of the solar wind termination shock, and then ~115
days later at V1 in the heliosheath. We will d
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Presented by A. C. CUMMINGS
10 Jul 2007
The cosmic ray energy spectrum is well known to follow a power-law over
many orders of magnitude. The question of whether the spectrum exhibits
a cut-off is of primary importance. Following our Astro. Part. Phys.
publication (astro-ph/0610865), we describe two statistical tests and
apply them to the AGASA and preliminary (ICRC-2005) Auger Cosmic Ray
Energy spectra in an attempt to find d
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Presented by John HAGUE
4 Jul 2007
Powerful nanosecond light sources based on LED have been developed for
using in astroparticle physics experiments. The light sources use either
matrixes of ultra bright blue InGaN LEDs or new generation high power LEDs. It
is shown that such light sources have light yield of up to 10**11 with very fast
light emission kinetics. Described light sources are important for using in
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Presented by Mr. Bator SHAIBONOV
9 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass (CREAM) experiment was successfully flown twice on
long-duration balloons from McMurdo, Antarctica, in 2004/05 and 2005/06. During the
second flight, the redundant charge identification system of the instrument (based on
scintillators and silicon detectors) was upgraded with the addition of a second layer
of pixelated silicon sensors. A measurement of the par
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Presented by Riccardo ZEI
4 Jul 2007
ARGO-YBJ is a "full coverage" air shower detector consisting of
a carpet of Resistive Plate Chambers, located at Yangbajing (4300m a.s.l.).
Using the data collected by the central detector (5800m^2 area)
the cosmic ray shadowing effect due to the Moon is studied.
The comparison of experimental results with Montecarlo simulations is
also discussed.
Presented by Dr. Bo WANG
6 Jul 2007
The arriving abundances of a variety of cosmic-ray nuclides consist of
comparable amounts of primary material produced by stellar
nucleosynthesis and secondary matter resulting from fragmentation of
heavier nuclei by collisions during interstellar propagation. In
order to utilize such species in studies of cosmic-ray source
composition it is necessary to determine the secondary fraction
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Presented by Dr. Mark WIEDENBECK
4 Jul 2007
The shell-type supernova remnant RX J1713.7--3946 was observed during
three years with the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescope system. The first
observation campaign in 2003 yielded the first-ever resolved TeV
gamma-ray image. Follow-up observations in 2004 and 2005 revealed the
very-high-energy gamma-ray morphology of this object with
unprecedented precision and enabled spatially resolved spectral
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Presented by Dr. David BERGE
7 Jul 2007
We present a study of the interaction of low energy electron neutrinos
on nuclei that undergo beta decay. Remarkably, we found that in
the limit of very low neutrino energy the product of the cross section times
the neutrino velocity take values up to $10^{-42}$ cm$^2$ $c$ for some specific
nuclei that decay via allowed transitions. The absence of an energy threshold
and the value of the cros
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Presented by Dr. Alfredo Giuseppe COCCO
9 Jul 2007
Production cross section of antiprotons in proton-proton collision is presented
for the study of cosmic-ray (CR) antiproton propagation in the Galaxy. We
propose a semi-empirical cross section of antiprotons with only three
parameters, the average multiplicity, the average transverse momentum of
antiprotons, and the deformation parameter, giving the deformation from the
isotropic angula
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Presented by Prof. Toru SHIBATA
4 Jul 2007
We present results of simulations of muon content in the air showers induced
by very high energy cosmic rays. Muon energy distributions and muon densities
at ground level are given. We discuss a prompt muon component generated by
decays of charmed mesons. The method combines standard Monte Carlo
generators incorporated in the CORSIKA code and phenomenological estimates
of charm hadroprod
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Presented by Dr. Jan RIDKY
6 Jul 2007
The long-duration balloon flights of TRACER have provided new measurements of the
intensities and energy spectra of the arriving cosmic-ray nuclei with 5 ≤ Z ≤ 26 at
high energies. In order to determine the particle composition and energy spectra at
the cosmic-ray sources, changes occurring during the interstellar propagation of
cosmic rays must be known. We use a simple propagation mode
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Presented by Dr. Patrick BOYLE
5 Jul 2007
The propagation of UHECRs is affected by the intergalactic magnetic
field that was produced during the course of the large scale structure
formation of the universe. Adopting a novel model based on turbulent
dynamo, the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field is estimated
from local dynamic properties of the gas flows in hydrodynamic
simulations of a concordance LCDM universe. The direc
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Presented by Prof. Hyesung KANG
6 Jul 2007
We discuss the differences induced by the assumed composition of extragalactic sources on the predicted UHECR
spectrum. We show that in the case of an extragalactic mixed composition, the cosmic ray spectrum can be
reproduced down to the ankle, which is then interpreted as the end of the transition from galactic to extragalactic
cosmic rays. The corresponding Xmax evolution is presented and
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Presented by Dr. Denis ALLARD
7 Jul 2007
We simulate the arrival distribution of ultra-high-energy (UHE) protons above $10^{19}$
eV by calculating their propagation, considering structured extragalactic magnetic
field (EGMF) with several strengths and a Galactic magnetic field (GMF). We estimate
the most appropriate source number density of UHE protons that reproduces
the small-scale anisotropy observed by Akeno Giant Air Shower Arr
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Presented by Mr. Hajime TAKAMI
7 Jul 2007
We are proposing the CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) instrument for the observation of high-energy
electrons and gamma rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space
Station (ISS). The CALET detector consists of an imaging calorimeter with scintillating fibers and tungsten
plates, and a total absorption calorimeter with crystal scintillators.
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Presented by Dr. Kenji YOSHIDA
9 Jul 2007
The observation of ultra-high energy (UHE) photons above 1 EeV
would open a new window of cosmic-ray research with possible impact
on astrophysics, particle and fundamental physics. The advent of new
giant air shower experiments, particularly the Pierre Auger Observatory,
offers a unique potential to search for such photons.
Status and prospects of experimental photon searches are rep
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Presented by Dr. Markus RISSE
7 Jul 2007
We present proton-air inelastic cross-section measurement at ultra-high energy using
all available data
collected by the High Resolution Fly's Eye stereo fluorescence detector. A
significantly improved
data reconstruction procedure allows us to minimize the data quality cuts. This
increases the data
statistics available for the measurement and consequently reduces the statistical
error. T
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Presented by Dr. Konstantin BELOV
9 Jul 2007
Cosmic ray physics in the 10^(12)-10^(15) eV primary energy range is among the main
scientific goals of the ARGO-YBJ experiment. The detector, located in the Cosmic Ray
Observatory of Yangbajing (Tibet, China) at 4300m a.s.l., is a full coverage
Extensive Air Shower array consisting of a carpet of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC)
of about 5800m^2.
The apparatus layout, performance and locati
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Presented by Dr. Ivan DE MITRI
9 Jul 2007
Reliable polarization measurements of photons from Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB)
would make the understanding of the GRB phenomenon progress enormously.
POLAR is a concept for an instrument that would enable such a measurement.
We will report about the first results of the performance of a prototype
of this instrument and compare it with Monte-Carlo prediction.
Presented by Dr. Giovanni LAMANNA
9 Jul 2007
The space TUS detector of UV fluorescence light radiated by EAS of Ultra
High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) is under preparation. The TUS optical system
will consist of the Fresnel mirror-concentrator of ~2 sq. m. and 256 PMT pixels
as the photo receiver at the mirror focal surface. The 2 PMT pixel prototypes
were tested and used for data taken at the “Universitetsky-Tatiana” and
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Presented by Dr. LEONID TKACHEV
6 Jul 2007
The main goal of the CODALEMA experiment, located in the Station de Radioastronomie
de Nançay, France, is the radiodetection of extensive air showers initiated by high
energy cosmic rays using log-periodic antenna and short active dipoles in the 1-200
MHz bandwidth.
First results showed that both antennas are able to detect the transient radio
signals emitted by extensive air showers.
In ad
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Presented by Mr. Jacob LAMBLIN
6 Jul 2007
Simulations of geosynchrotron radio emission from extensive air showers
performed with the Monte Carlo code REAS1 used analytical parameterisations
to describe the spatial, temporal, energy and angular particle distributions
in air showers. The successor REAS2 replaces these parameterisations with
precise, multi-dimensional histograms derived from per-shower CORSIKA
simulations. REAS2 al
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Presented by Dr. Tim HUEGE
6 Jul 2007
The CORSIKA programme and specific Monte Carlo collision generators are employed
in the
interpretation of X-ray emulsion chambers data on super gamma ray families at mountain
altitude (Chacaltaya, Kanbala, Pamir...) and in the stratosphere (Concorde, balloons).
The consequences of measurement conditions(energy thresholds levels...) are
detailed to
extract common features for the
... More
9 Jul 2007
Radial variations of quiet-time fluxes of ~1-30 MeV protons are examined at
distances of 2-85 AU using Voyager 1-2 (LECP, CRS) and Ulysses (LET) data.
Attention is focused on the solar cycle minima of 1985-87 and 1995-97.
Gradient values calculated from particle fluxes show an increase between 30
and 70 AU during the recovery phases of galactic cosmic ray intensity. The
energy spectra ch
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Presented by Prof. Yu.I. LOGACHEV
9 Jul 2007
The Altcriss project aims perform long term measurement of the radiation environment
in different points of the International Space Station. To achieve this goal, it
employs an active silicon detector, Sileye-3/Alteino, to monitor nuclei up to Iron in
the energy range above 40 MeV/n. Both long term modulation of galactic cosmic rays
going toward solar minimum and solar particles events will
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Presented by Dr. Marco CASOLINO
9 Jul 2007
We consider the internal shock formation in magnetized outflows and we
examine the plastic collision between such relativistic blobs taking
into account a possible dissipation of magnetic flux. We find that
after the collision a large amount of energy is released in
thermal form and consequently we assume that this is transferred
into protons which obtain a relativistic
Maxwellian distribut
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Presented by Dr. Apostolos MASTICHIADIS
6 Jul 2007
The excellent radiofrequency transparency of cold polar ice, combined with the 'coherent' Cherenkov emission
produced by neutrino-induced showers when viewed at macroscopic wavelengths, has spurred considerable
interest in an ultimate, large-scale radiowave neutrino detector array. Detection of GZK neutrinos will require at
least an order of magnitude improvement in the product of (livetime)
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Presented by Ms. Hagar LANDSMAN
7 Jul 2007
We explore the sensitivity of a neutrino detector employing strongly directional
high gain antennas to detect the conversion of neutrinos in the 10^16 eV range in a
mountain or the earth crust. The directionality of the antennas will allow both, the
low threshold and the suppression of background. This technology would have the
advantage that it does not require a suitable atmosphere as optic
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Presented by Mrs. Olga BRUSOVA
9 Jul 2007
The Southern Auger Observatory provides an excellent test bed to study the
radio detection of extensive air showers as an alternative, cost-effective, and
accurate tool for cosmic-rays physics. The data from the radio setup can be
correlated with those from the well-calibrated Auger baseline detectors.
Furthermore, human-induced radio noise levels at the Southern Auger site are
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Presented by Dr. Ad VAN DEN BERG
6 Jul 2007
The radio emission from cosmic ray air showers consists in large part of
geosynchrotron radiation. Since the radiation mechanism is based on
particle acceleration, atmospheric electric fields may play an important
role. LOPES results show that electric fields under fair weather conditions
do not alter the radio emission considerably, but during thunderstorms
strongly amplified pulses are meas
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Presented by Mr. Stijn BUITINK
9 Jul 2007
A series of ice properties' measurements were made in December, 2006 in support of
the balloon-borne ANITA neutrino detection effort. Of particular importance is the
electric field attenuation length in the range 200-1000 MHz as well as signal
transmission across the air-ice boundary. We present measurements of the temperature
profile over the upper 100 meters of ice, radiofrequency attenuatio
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Presented by Steven W. BARWICK
9 Jul 2007
We study the feasibility of measuring the distance to
an extensive air shower using the fact that shorter
wavelengths undergo more scattering than longer ones.
In principle measuring the spectral distribution of
light arriving at a detector provides information
about the distance to the shower
independent of its brightness or other features.
Such measurements may also provide event-by-
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Presented by Dr. Thomas PAUL, Prof. John SWAIN
4 Jul 2007
Cosmic ray fluctuations with the periods less than 3 h by data of the EPAM/LEMS120
aboard ACE spacecraft are studied. It is shown that the frequency spectra of cosmic
rays undergo significant dynamic changes caused by the presence of fast magnetosonic
waves in the solar wind. Evidences of generation of fast magnetosonic waves by the
SEP fluxes have been found.
Presented by Dr. Sergey STARODUBTSEV
4 Jul 2007
The Kiel Neutron Monitor has been measuring Cosmic Ray intensities for 50
years. Since an upgrade of the counting electronics in the mid 1990's in
collaboration with the IZMIRAN group, measurements have been available with
one minute resolution. However, these measurements are available only up to
one hour after the measurement. We have now set up a second registration
system that is running
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Presented by Dr. Christian T. STEIGIES
4 Jul 2007
Today the Hybrid Photon Detector (HPD) is one of the few low light level
(LLL) sensors that can provide an excellent single and multiple
photoelectron (ph.e.) amplitude resolution.
The recently developed HPDs from Hamamatsu with a GaAsP photocathode,
namely the R9792U, provide a peak quantum efficiency (QE) of 55% and
a pulse width of ~2 nsec. In addition, the afterpulsing rate of these t
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Presented by Mr. TakaYuki SAITO
9 Jul 2007
The reconstruction of extensive air showers (arrival direction, core position and
energy estimation) by the
surface detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory is discussed together with the
corresponding accuracy.
We determine the angular reconstruction accuracy as a function of the station
multiplicity: the resolution
obtained by the SD only is in agreement with the one obtained from h
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Presented by Dr. Simone MALDERA
4 Jul 2007
Telescope Array (TA) is a EAS detector which is now building in the
western desert in Utah, USA.
In order to estimate the performance of TA, a detailed detector
simulation is being developed in Java. The number
of particles produced during the development of the EAS shower with
various inclinations is calculated by
COSMOS code.
Surface detector (SD) of TA consists of two layers of plastic
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Presented by Dr. Nobuyuki SAKURAI
6 Jul 2007
The KASCADE-Grande experiment, located at the area of the Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe, Germany, measures extensive air showers in the energy range between
10^{14} and 10^{18} eV, thus covering the first and the second knee of cosmic rays.
Former analyses of electron and muon data of the original KASCADE experiment revealed
knee-like features in the energy spectra of light elements causing th
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Presented by Dr. Holger ULRICH
6 Jul 2007
Corotating Interaction Regions are regions in the heliosphere that are formed at the
leading edges of high-speed solar wind streams originating in coronal holes. Their
effects on the propagation of energetic particles are known. Here we concentrate on
the modulation of Jovian electrons by CIRs observed with the Kiel Electron Telescope.
After its launch on Oct. 6, 1990 Ulysses followed an in-ec
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Presented by Prof. Bernd HEBER, Mr. R. MÜLLER-MELLIN
5 Jul 2007
Recurrent variations and their relation to the solar activity and solar wind
parameters are investigated on the basis of the cosmic ray intensity data
for 4 solar cycles by means of the spectral analysis method.
Presented by Dr. Sardaana GERASIMOVA
4 Jul 2007
The atmospheric neutrino is still an important tool in the study
of neutrino physics. The uncertainty of the predicted atmospheric
neutrino flux is caused by the uncertainties in the physical
assumptions and in the calculation scheme.
We discuss them quantitatively, and present the works to reduce them.
The uncertainty related to the hadronic interaction model was
discussed before, the
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Presented by Dr. Morihiro HONDA
10 Jul 2007
We developed 2D time dependent heliospheric model where particles trajectory are
reconstructed back in time. The model is time dependent due to drifts in the
heliosphere. We followed particles also after escaping the heliosphere in the
interstellar space to found the fraction of them that reenter back again into the
heliosphere. We show how this effect can change the modulation of particles i
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Presented by Dr. Pavol BOBIK
9 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) is a balloon-borne experiment
designed for direct measurement of high energy cosmic rays with energy up to
10^15 eV. CREAM incorporates a sampling tungsten/scintillating-fiber
calorimeter for energy measurements and a dual-layer Silicon Charge Detector
(SCD) and Timing-based Charge Detector (TCD) to measure the charge of
incident particles. CREA
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Presented by N.H. PARK
4 Jul 2007
The ATIC balloon-borne experiment measures the energy spectra of
elements from H to Fe in primary cosmic rays from about 100 GeV to 100
TeV. ATIC is comprised of a fully active bismuth germanate
calorimeter, a carbon target with embedded scintillator hodoscopes,
and a silicon matrix that is used as a main charge detector. The
silicon matrix produces good charge resolution for the proton
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Presented by Dr. A. D. PANOV
4 Jul 2007
The modeling analysis of 15 large GLEs occurred in the period 1956-2006 on
the data of the worldwide neutron monitors has been performed. In all studied
cases two distinct RSP populations (components) were revealed: the early
impulse-like intensity increase with exponential energy spectrum (prompt
component, PC), and the late gradual increase with a softer energy spectrum of
the power la
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Presented by Prof. Eduard VASHENYUK
6 Jul 2007
PSR B 1259-63/SS2883 is a binary system consisting of a 48ms radio pulsar orbiting a
Be star with a period of 3.4y in a highly eccentric orbit (e = 0.87). The system was
first detected in very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays by H.E.S.S. around the last
periastron passage in March 2004 (March 7, 2004). These observations established PSR
B1259-63/SS2883 as the first variable galactic source in the
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Presented by Mr. Matthias KERSCHHAGGL
6 Jul 2007
IceTop is the surface component of the IceCube neutrino telescope at the South Pole.
It will serve as an air-shower array that consists of cylindrical tanks of clear ice.
Electrons, positrons, gamma rays and muons produce Cherenkov radiation directly or
through interaction products. It is therefore important to have a good understanding
of these processes. A thorough knowledge will permit the
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Presented by Mr. Peter NIESSEN
6 Jul 2007
The Search for Antimatter in the galactic cosmic radiation is one of the main
scientific objectives of the BESS-Program. A flatter antiproton spectrum below the
secondary production peak at 1 GeV would suggest novel antiproton source, such as
evaporating black-holes or decaying super-symmetric particles. The BESS-Polar
experiment is designed as a highly transparent magnetic rigidity spectromet
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Presented by Dr. Thomas HAMS
4 Jul 2007
Since 1983, the Whipple 10m Gamma-ray Telescope was operated with a
full observing program. During that time, five new sources of very
high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) emission were discovered; spectral and
temporal characteristics of five blazars were established and many
other potential sources were studied in detail. In September 2005, the
observing program was redefined and the 10m was dedi
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Presented by Dr. David STEELE
9 Jul 2007
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) long duration balloon
experiment had a successful science flight accumulating 18 days of data (12/02 -
1/03) during a single circumnavigation in Antarctica. ATIC measures the energy
spectra of elements from H to Fe in primary cosmic rays using a fully active
Bismuth Germanate calorimeter preceded by a carbon target, with embedded
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Presented by Prof. John WEFEL
4 Jul 2007
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment to be installed on the
International Space Station (ISS) will be equipped with a proximity focusing
Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector for measuring the charge and velocity of
incoming cosmic-ray nuclei. From top to bottom, the detector consists of a
radiator plane made of 1.05 aerogel and sodium fluoride (NaF) materials, an
expansion volu
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Presented by Dr. A. MALININ
4 Jul 2007
We give an update on the most recent design of the "School
Cosmic Ray Outreach Detector'' (SCROD) using pixellated
Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes and scintillating tiles
with wavelength shifting fibers as detectors. This technology
offers very high levels of robustness at low cost. Voltages
and currents are also so low as to reduce shock hazard to
zero, and there are no fragile glass or
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Presented by Prof. John SWAIN
4 Jul 2007
Gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events are believed to be accelerated at CME
driven shocks. Shocks driven by a realistic CMEs are neither simply
quasi-perpendicular nor
quasi-parallel: the geometry and the shock strength may constantly change as the CME
evolves. The shock is likely to be quasi-parallel when it forms and becomes more
parallel at later stages (e.g. Lee and Tylka 2005).
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Presented by Dr. Jozsef KOTA
5 Jul 2007
Recently, the times from CME to onset, the rise times and durations of 20 MeV
proton events observed on the Wind spacecraft during 1998-2002 were
compared with ambient solar wind O+7/O+6 values to search for correlations
with solar-wind (SW) stream types. Here we compare the same three SEP
timescales with their associated SW components classified as high-speed
streams, slow wind, and tr
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Presented by Stephen KAHLER
5 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Berndt KLECKER
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Prof. Erwin FLUECKIGER
11 Jul 2007
Presented by Dr. Alan CUMMINGS
11 Jul 2007
Using a solar proton database for the past five solar cycles (1954-2007) we
have determined the total solar proton fluence above 10 and 30 MeV and the
number of discrete events that occurred each cycle. We find:
(1) The number of discrete events in cycles 19-22 were essentially the same;
(2) Cycles 20 and 21,at the beginning of the space era, were relatively benign
with respect to solar
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Presented by Dr. Margaret SHEA
6 Jul 2007
Using nitrate enhancements in the polar ice as a proxy for solar proton events,
we have determined the proton fluence above 30 MeV for 31 solar cycles
between 1610 and 1954 (cycle -12 through cycle 18). Our results show a wide
range of solar proton fluences over these 31 solar cycles, from three cycles with
no significant proton events above 10**9 protons/cm to a high of 38 x 10**9
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Presented by Dr. Margaret SHEA
7 Jul 2007
We present the analysis and results of recent high-energy gamma-ray
observations of the high energy-peaked BL Lac (HBL) object 1ES 1218+304 with
the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE). 1ES
1218+304 is an X-ray bright HBL at a redshift
z=0.182, and has been predicted to emit high energy gamma rays above
100 GeV, detectable by ground-based Cherenkov telescopes. Recent
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Presented by Reshmi MUKHERJEE
6 Jul 2007
Two major Forbush Derease events were recorded –one on 15 May and other
on 9 November 2005, of magnitudes 18% and 12% respectively. We have
taken the data for cosmic ray intensity from Neutron Monitor stations at Oulu
and Mawson,Antartica.In the present paper an analysis of the relation of FDs to
the sources and different parameters of the interplanetary medium and
geospace is studied.
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Presented by Dr. M.L CHAUHAN
4 Jul 2007
JEM-EUSO space observatory will have a very large exposure factor in several years, which is far exceeding the
critical exposure factor required for observation of most of the sources within a few hundred Mpc. The main
science objective is the source identifying atsronomy in particle channel. Quasi-linear tracking of the sources
becomes feasible at energy > 10^20 eV for all-sky. Acceleration
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Presented by Prof. Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI
10 Jul 2007
Milagro is a wide field (2 sr) high duty cycle (>90%) ground based water Cherenkov
detector built to observe extensive air showers produced by high energy particles
interacting in the Earth's atmosphere. Milagro records extensive air showers in the
energy range 100 GeV to 100 TeV, as well as the counting rates of the individual
photomultiplier tubes in the detector. The individual tube countin
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Presented by Mr. Taylor AUNE
9 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory, with an array of currently more than a thousand
Cherenkov detectors filled with 12 m^3 of water, can detect the putative high energy
emission of a GRB (photons down to a few hundreds of MeV) by the so-called "single
particle technique", through a coherent increase in the average background particle
rates over the whole array, due to secondary particles in the phot
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Presented by Dr. Xavier BERTOU
4 Jul 2007
ARGO-YBJ is a "full coverage" air shower detector consisting of a 6700 m^2
carpet of Resistive Plate Chambers, located at Yangbajing (Tibet, P.R. China,
4300 m a.s.l.).
Its large field of view (~2 sr) makes ARGO-YBJ particularly suitable to
detect unpredictable and short duration events such as Gamma Ray Bursts.
ARGO-YBJ can search for GRBs using two detection techniques: the "Scaler
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Presented by Dr. Piero VALLANIA
6 Jul 2007
We have searched for intermediate-scale anisotropy in the data of
the HiRes experiment, in particular the monocular data from the
HiRes-II detector. These data were collected between December, 1999,
and August, 2005. We see a deficit of events near the direction of
the galactic anticenter, very close to the location of the deficit
seen by AGASA. Because of low exposure in summer months we
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Presented by Prof. Gordon THOMSON
4 Jul 2007
The AGASA collaboration has presented results that indicate the presence
of large-scale anisotropy in the arrival direction of ultra-high-energy
cosmic rays. While this data has been interpreted as an enhancement from
the Galactic Center and the Cygnus region and a deficit from the Galactic
anti-Center their map indicates a possibly much larger affect.
Independent of the AGASA data, the
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Presented by Dr. Petra HUENTEMEYER
4 Jul 2007
The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a Cherenkov
detector deployed in the Antarctic ice cap at the South Pole.
The charged-current interaction of high-energy electron or tau neutrinos,
as well as neutral-current interactions of neutrinos of any flavor, can
produce isolated electromagnetic or hadronic cascades.
There are several advantages associated with the cascade chan
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Presented by Oxana TARASOVA
5 Jul 2007
We present recent results of a search for pulsed very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray
emission from pulsars using data taken with the High Energy Stereoscopic System
(H.E.S.S.), an array of imaging Cherenkov telescopes located in Namibia. The data
set, accumulated during four years of operation until 2006, comprises observations of
eleven young pulsars, selected according to their spin-down lumino
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Presented by Mr. Matthias FUESSLING
6 Jul 2007
Cherenkov emissions of magnetic charges moving through matter will exceed those of
electric charges by several orders of magnitude. The AMANDA neutrino telescope is
therefore capable of efficiently detecting relativistic magnetic monopoles that pass
through its sensitive volume. We present a new limit on the flux of relativistic
magnetic monopoles based on the analysis of one
year of data tak
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Presented by Henrike WISSING
5 Jul 2007
The Short GAmma Ray Front Air Cherenkov Experiment is designed to search for bursts
of gamma rays above 200 MeV lasting from 60 nanoseconds to longer than 20
microseconds. The custom-designed trigger and data-acquisition system of SGARFACE
piggy-backs on the existing Whipple 10m telescope. The experiment has operated for
more than 3 years during which time about 1.2 million events were recorde
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Presented by M SCHROEDTER
5 Jul 2007
In this analysis 3329 neutrino events detected by AMANDA-II during the years
2000-2003 are analysed for anisotropies or unexpected structures in their arrival
direction. The structures could arise due to the presence of a signal from many weak
and therefore unresolved cosmic neutrino sources, extended sources or a few brighter
For the first time a technique, well known from the ana
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Presented by Jan-Patrick HÜLß
9 Jul 2007
A search for supernova neutrino bursts was conducted using data from the
Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector. SK detector is an imaging water Cherenkov
detector containing 50,000 tons of pure water with 22,500 tons of fiducial
volume, and it is sensitive to core-collapse supernova explosions
via observation of their neutrino emissions. The expected number of events
comprising such a burst is
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Presented by Mr. Motoyasu IKEDA
5 Jul 2007
Supernova relic neutrinos (SRN) is diffuse supernova neutrino background from
all past supernova. No experiments have succeeded in detecting SRN yet.
Measurement of SRN enable us investigate history of past supernova. For
example, the flux of SRN shows star formation rate and supernova rate in
A search for SRN was conducted using Super-Kamiokande (SK) data. SK is a
large water
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Presented by Takashi IIDA
5 Jul 2007
The South Pole Air Shower Experiment (SPASE-2) began operation in 1996 and took data
until it was decommissioned in December, 2006. We are currently analyzing some 200
million reconstructed events taken between 1997 and the end of 2006. In this paper we
report on a search for 100 TeV gamma-rays from three specific Southern hemisphere
point sources discovered by H.E.S.S. to have gamma-ray spect
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Presented by Dr. Xinhua BAI (*!)
4 Jul 2007
Dwarf Sphreroidal galaxies are amongst the best target to search for a Dark Matter
annihilation signal. The annihilation of WIMPs in the center of Sgr dwarf would
produce high energy gamma-rays in the final state. Observations carried out with the
H.E.S.S. array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes are presented. A careful
modelling of the Dark Matter halo profile of Sgr dwarf was perfo
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Presented by Dr. Emmanuel MOULIN
10 Jul 2007
The KASCADE-Grande experiment, located on site of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in
Germany, is a multi-detector setup for measuring extensive air showers of primary
energies up to 1 EeV. The main component for measuring showers of the highest
energies is the newly added Grande array, which consists of 37 scintillation detector
stations, spanning an area of nearly 0.5km². Based on the recon
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Presented by Dr. Andreas HAUNGS
4 Jul 2007
The data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory are analyzed to search for
correlations between the arrival directions of high-energy cosmic rays and the
positions in the sky of astrophysical transients. Special attention is directed
towards gamma-ray observations recorded by NASA's Swift mission, which have an
angular resolution similar to that of the Auger surface detectors.
Presented by Prof. Luis ANCHORDOQUI
4 Jul 2007
Several analyses of the data collected by other experiments have
found an excess of cosmic rays in correlation with subclasses of
BL Lacs. We test these analyses with the data from the Pierre
Auger Observatory, and report on the results of our searches.
Presented by Dr. Diego HARARI
4 Jul 2007
Many of the unidentified Egret sources are believed to be young pulsars.
Such young not-identified pulsars should be surrounded by pulsar wind
nebulae which are at present well established TeV gamma-ray sources
(like Vela X, MSH 15-52 and G0.9+0.1). Moreover, other type of
gamma-ray sources are likely, i.e. binary systems, molecular clouds,
remnants, massive stars. The Milagro exp
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Presented by Mr. Hendrik BARTKO
4 Jul 2007
SNRs in general, and in particular, those SNRs which might
be physically related with EGRET sources were chosen as a
target for observations with the MAGIC telescope. Here we
report about the searches for VHE gamma-ray emission from
the SNRs IC443, W66 and W44.
We briefly describe the observational strategy, the procedure
implemented for the data analysis, and discuss the results.
Presented by Mr. Hendrik BARTKO
4 Jul 2007
We use more than two years of data from the Pierre Auger
Observatory to search for anisotropies on large scales in
different energy windows above 1 EeV. We account for various
systematics in the acceptance, in particular due to weather
variations. We present the results of analyses and consistency
checks looking for patterns such as right ascension modulations.
Presented by Dr. Eric ARMENGAUD
4 Jul 2007
A search for neutron-antineutron oscillation, a |delta B| = 2 process predicted
by L-R symmetric gauge theories, was undertaken using the 24.5 x 10^33
neutron-years of exposure in run one of Super-Kamiokande. When
incorporating most major sources of systematic and statistical errors we
calculate the upper limit on the oscillation lifetime of neutrons in oxygen to be
1.78 x 10^32 years at
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Presented by Prof. Kenneth GANEZER
9 Jul 2007
If non-baryonic dark matter exists in the form of neutralinos, a neutrino flux is
expected from the decay of neutralino pair annihilation products inside heavy
celestial bodies. Data taken with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope located at the
South Pole can be used in a search for this indirect dark matter signal. We will
present current results from searches for neutralinos accumulated in th
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Presented by Mr. Daan HUBERT
10 Jul 2007
The Large Volume Detector LVD (Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy) is a neutrino scintillator observatory
monitoring the Galaxy since 1992, searching for low energy neutrino bursts from gravitational stellar
collapses. We present the status of the detector that reached its final active mass of 1000 t in 2001. No
candidates have been detected over all the fifteen years of observation: the
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5 Jul 2007
CUORICINO is a cryogenic detector running in Gran Sasso National Laboratories, Italy
since 2003.
With its 40.7 kg of 130TeO2 mass, in the form of an array of 62 crystals it has
proved the feasibility of CUORE experiment, whose aim is to be sensitive to value of
the effective neutrino mass as low as few tens of meV.
It has moreover set the currently lower limit on the lifetime of 130Te for
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Presented by Dr. Elena GUARDINCERRI
5 Jul 2007
The Antartic Neutrino Telescope AMANDA and its succesor IceCube can be used for
searches for cosmic point sources of neutrinos with a wide range of energy. The
highest of these energy bands spans from about 10^5 to 10^10 GeV. Several
source models predict a significant neutrino flux in this part of the spectrum, for
example from Active Galactic Nuclei. Since the interaction length of these neu
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Presented by Mrs. Elisa BERNARDINI
9 Jul 2007
The GRAPES-3 experiment observes extensive air showers using a high-density array of
scintillators and a large area tracking muon detector. The array consists of 300
scintillation detectors (each 1m^2 in area) and 16 modules of muon detectors having a
total area of 560m^2. We have developed a new method of detector time offset
correction to
improve the angular resolution of the array by usin
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Presented by Mr. Akitoshi OSHIMA
6 Jul 2007
The space satellite GLAST is expected to play a crucial role in indirect Dark Matter searches, thanks both to its ability
to perform observations at energy scales comparable to the mass of common dark matter candidates and to its
potential of making deep full-sky maps in gamma-rays, thanks to its large field-of-view. Here we will describe the
prospects for detecting gamma-rays from point sou
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Presented by Dr. Aldo MORSELLI
10 Jul 2007
Pulsed emission of gamma/X rays from Geminga pulsar were detected earlier at the
period of ~237 msec using EGRET/ROSAT instruments. However, there are conflicting
reports about emission of pulsed gamma rays from this pulsar at very high energies.
We have observed this source for about 56 hours using the PACT setup during the last
6 years spanning c. 2000 to 2006. This pulsar was found to und
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Presented by Prof. Bannanje Sripathi ACHARYA
6 Jul 2007
We observe the steady emission of multi-TeV gamma rays from
the crab nebula from observation of the Tibet air shower array.
In this conference, we will also report that no evidence for long-term
variability of flux intensity from the Crab Nebula is found.
In this article, we will present the result that a search for pulsed
multi-TeV gamma rays emission from crab pulsar using data taken
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Presented by Prof. Kinya HIBINO
6 Jul 2007
It was surprising that Gigantic solar flares exceeding X-class occurred 10 times
in September, 2005, because the activity of the Sun had already been in the
declining period. More surprisingly, 4 X-class solar flares occurred in December,
2006, when the activity of the Sun was at the minimum. It is expected that
some of these flares were accompanied by the acceleration of ions, which
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Presented by Dr. Yutaka MATSUBARA
4 Jul 2007
Data taken at the Pierre Auger Observatory are used to search for air
showers initiated by ultra-high energy (UHE) photons.
The results of
searches for UHE photons are reported from hybrid observations
(fluorescence and array detectors). Additionally, using the larger
data set from the array detectors alone, a more stringent test of
predicted large photon fluxes is presented.
Presented by Matthew HEALY
4 Jul 2007
One interesting possibility is that the galactic center source HESS J1745-290
is associated with the galactic center source Sgr A*, the galactic center black
hole, in which case we may expect variability as seen in IR and X-rays, with
QPO frequencies predicted by Aschenbach et al. (2004). We will present the
results of a search for such variable signatures using HESS observations of this
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Presented by Prof. Ocker DE JAGER
6 Jul 2007
The origin of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs; several times 10^19 eV and
higher) is an open question
in the astroparticle physics. So far no astrophysical object has been still
identified as UHECR sources within a limited
source distance of several tens of Mpc by the Grisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin effect. In
accelation of such particles, the
very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission
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Presented by Dr. Kenji Shinozaki SHINOZAKI
6 Jul 2007
The Gould belt, a well-known region of enhanced star formation in the solar
neighborhood, is observed to be an expanding rim with a diameter of a few
hundred parsecs and a width of approximately 100 pc. Most of the nearby
OB stellar associations and molecular clouds are found to be
aligned with the Gould belt. With the high star formation rate along the
Gould belt, the local supernova rate
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Presented by Dr. D. HORNS, Dr. G. P. ROWELL
6 Jul 2007
Westerlund 1 is a unique case of a massive young cluster with at least 11
Wolf-Rayet stars driving strong stellar winds. It is possible that various
configurations of these stellar winds (wind-wind interaction, superposition of
stellar winds etc.) can convert a fraction of the kinetic energy of the wind
into accelerated particles. Observations of spatially extended non-thermal
X-ray emiss
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Presented by Dr. Dieter HORNS
6 Jul 2007
Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) consists of
three detectors, located in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana,
which are designed to search for gravitational waves from astrophysical
sources. In November 2005, LIGO started col
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Presented by Dr. Shantanu DESAI
5 Jul 2007
The Pyramid of the Sun, at Teotihuacan, Mexico, is being searched for possible
hidden chambers, using a muon tracking technique inspired in the experiment
carried out by Luis Alvarez over 30 years ago at the Chephren Pyramid, in Giza.
A fortunate similarity between this monument and the Pyramid of the Sun is a
tunnel, running 8 m below the base and ending close to the symmetry axis,
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Presented by Dr. Arturo MENCHACA-ROCHA
5 Jul 2007
The secondary electron flux at altitude below 10 g/cm^2 is estimated
using the result of atmospheric gamma ray spectrum above 30GeV,
which has been obtained by our emulsion chamber experiments at balloon
altitudes. We have to subtract these electrons produced by nuclear
interactions from the observed electrons, when deriving the primary
electron spectrum in the Galaxy.
In addition, for
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Presented by Dr. yoshiko KOMORI
4 Jul 2007
The water Cherenkov tanks of the Pierre Auger Observatory can detect particles at all
zenith angles and are therefore well suited for the study of inclined and horizontal
air showers (60° < theta < 90°). Such showers are characterised by a
dominance of the muonic component at ground, and by a very elongated and asymmetrical
footprint which can even exhibit a lobular structure due to the ben
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Presented by Dr. David NEWTON
4 Jul 2007
The primary proton spectrum up to 100 TeV has been investigated by
balloon- and satellite-borne instruments. Above this energy range
only ground-based air shower arrays can measure the cosmic ray
spectrum with a technique moderately sensitive to nuclear
composition. An array which exploits the full coverage approach at
very high altitude can achieve an energy threshold well below the
TeV reg
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Presented by Dr. Giuseppe DI SCIASCIO
4 Jul 2007
We present a detailed leptonic model for the spectral evolution of TeV blazars.
Synchrotron emission is modelled, with the TeV component explained by both Inverse
Compton upscattering of synchrotron photons and photons originating externally to the
jet. The Broad Line Region and accretion disc are considered for the source of soft
external target photons. We investigate the effects on the emis
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Presented by Ms. Ana MILOVANOVIC
6 Jul 2007
Ground based telescopes have marginally observed very high energy emission (>100GeV)
from gamma-ray bursts(GRB). For instance, Milagrito observed GRB970417a with a
significance of 3.7 sigmas over the background. Milagro have not yet observed TeV
emission from a GRB with its triggered and untriggered searches or GeV emission with
a triggered search using its scalers. These results suggest the n
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Presented by Dr. Maria Magdalena GONZALEZ SANCHEZ
6 Jul 2007
The observation of high energy neutrinos would be a significant constraint for
non thermal processes in astrophysical sources (active galactic nuclei,
supernovae remnants…). Moreover it would also be the evidence for cosmic ray
acceleration inside our galaxy. Recent precise measurements of the cosmic
gamma-ray spectrum above 1 TeV with the High Energy Stereoscopy System
(H.E.S.S.) inst
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Presented by Mr. rezo SHANIDZE
9 Jul 2007
The Tibet air shower array, consisting of 533 scintillation counters
which are placed in a lattice with 7.5 m spacing, has been in
operation since 1999 at Yangbajing in Tibet, China at an altitude of
4,300 m above sea level. In this conference, we will report on the
continuous observation of multi-TeV gamma rays from the Crab Nebula
with the Tibet air shower array. We found no evidence for
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Presented by Dr. Masato TAKITA
6 Jul 2007
SiPM is the novel solid state photodetector which can be operated
in the single photon counting mode. It has excellent features,
high quantum efficiency, good charge resolution, fast response,
very compact, high gain of 10^6, very low power consumption,
immune to the magnetic field and low bias voltage, typically 60V.
Drawbacks of this device are currently the large dark current,
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Presented by Prof. Masahiro TESHIMA
10 Jul 2007
The sidereal daily variation is investigated by using the continuous observation
data of ground and underground (7, 20 and 60 m w.e.) muon cosmic ray
intensities for the 1972 to 2001 period. The results obtained are discussed in
the light of the supposed sources of heliospheric and galactic origin.
Presented by Dr. Sardaana GERASIMOVA
9 Jul 2007
Daily temperature variation in the electronic box of the surface detector in the
Pierre Auger Observatory may reach more than 40ºC, which causes a significant
variation of the pedestal of FADC traces. Pedestal variation, more than 5 ADC–
counts in full temperature range, could significantly affect the trigger conditions
especially for the Time-over-Threshold Trigger working at very low t
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Presented by Dr. Zbigniew SZADKOWSKI
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne ANITA neutrino telescope completed a successful 35-day
flight during the 2006-2007 austral summer. The primary goal of ANITA is to
search for evidence of ultra high-energy neutrinos (E > 10^19 eV) interacting
in the Antarctic ice sheets. In this paper, we present preliminary results of the
simulated sensitivity of ANITA, incorporating the actual flight path, geographic
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Presented by D. GOLDSTEIN
9 Jul 2007
TenTen is a proposed array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT)
optimised for the gamma ray energy regime above 10 TeV. It will offer a collecting
area of 10 km^2 above energies of 10 TeV. In the initial phase, a cell of 3 to 5
modest-sized telescopes, each with 10-20 m^2 mirror area, is planned for an
Australian site. A possible expansion of the array would
comprise many such c
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Presented by Mr. Victor STAMATESCU
9 Jul 2007
Antarctic Ross Ice Shelf ANtenna Neutrino Array (ARIANNA) is a new concept of a large
radio telescope which consists of 10,000 broadband antenna stations located on the
surface of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Primary goals of ARIANNA are to test the
GZK (Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin) neutrino production and to measure the neutrino
cross-section near 100 TeV. We present here a Monte Carlo simul
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Presented by J. NAM
9 Jul 2007
We use CORSIKA+Herwig simulation code to produce ultra-high energy neutrino
interactions in the atmosphere. Our aim is to reproduce extensive air showers
originated by extragalactic tau-neutrinos. As we have no code available which can
simulate the tau-neutrino as primary particle in the atmosphere, we use muon-neutrino
as primaries. For charged current tau-neutrino interactions in the atmosph
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Presented by Dr. Celio ADREGA DE MOURA
5 Jul 2007
Earth-skimming neutrino experiment such as NuTel or CRTNT detects air
shower, which is produced by decay of tau lepton, from near horizontal
direction. Traditional shower simulations have difficulty in simulating shower at
zenith angle near 90 degree, where some variables diverge to infinity. Recent
CORSIKA simulation code had updates on simulation of horizontal air shower.
We also deve
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Presented by Dr. TsungChe LIU
6 Jul 2007
Diffuse VHE γ radiation from the Galactic center ridge observed by the H.E.S.S.
telescope has been convincingly linked with the propagation of recently accelerated
cosmic rays that interact with molecular hydrogen clouds during their diffusion.
Through a series of time-dependent simulations of that diffusion for different
propagation parameters we have obtained the most probable values of the
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Presented by Mr. Stavros DIMITRAKOUDIS
5 Jul 2007
The WILLI calorimeter, installed in NIPNE Bucharest, is operated since
several years for measuring low energy (E<1GeV) charge ratio of atmospheric
muons, including its directional dependence. Recently a project was proposed
to combine WILLI with a mini-array of 12 scintillators in order to measure muon
charge ratio in EAS. This experiment could provide further information on
shower develop
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Presented by Mr. Bogdan MITRICA
9 Jul 2007
The identification of the primary particle type can provide important clues about the
origin of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic rays above $10^{18}$ eV.
The depth of shower maximum of the air shower profile offers a good discrimination
between different primaries. This observable, which was recently used to obtain a
limit to photons from data taken by the Pierre Auger Observatory, is usually
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Presented by Dr. Markus RISSE
4 Jul 2007
It has previously been suggested that the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO) could be
used for the detection of extended air showers using radar echo [1]. The use of radar
is appealing as it could allow to map the longitudinal development of air showers
through the atmosphere. This paper presents studies on the implementation of an array
of particle detectors (scintillator, water tank) at the J
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Presented by Dr. David WAHL
6 Jul 2007
Results of the computations of the response of the scintillator detector to high
energy photons using the code GEANT-3 is presented. The dependence of
efficiency on energy is obtained for a given geometry of the detector and for
different angular distributions of incident flux. The expectations of the response
in wide energy channels for various primary energy spectra is obtained. The
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Presented by Prof. Karel KUDELA
4 Jul 2007
Radio signals produced in ice by electromagnetic cascades with energies up to
10^15 eV have been calculated. Simulations of cascades were performed using
the SIMEX Code System. The simulation results in the matrix form, which
described the charge excess evolution, were used to calculate coherent
Cherenkov radio field from electromagnetic cascades. Comparison with results
received in the
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Presented by Dr. Igor ZHELEZNYKH
9 Jul 2007
We present a new code (named MARCOS) aimed at the realistic simulation of diffusive
shock acceleration in its full time-dependent non-linear developments, and more
specifically at the simulation of multiple (ie successive) shocks acceleration as is
believed to occur in many astrophysical places (most notably in superbubbles).
We present briefly the numerical methods implemented, coupling the h
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Presented by Mr. Gilles FERRAND
7 Jul 2007
The rapidly varying non-thermal X-ray emission observed from Sgr A* points to
particle acceleration taking place close to the supermassive black hole. The TeV
gamma-ray source HESS J1745-290 is coincident with Sgr A* and may be closely related
to the X-ray emission. Simultaneous X-ray and TeV observations are required to
elucidate the relationship between these two objects. Here we report on j
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Presented by Dr. Jim HINTON
4 Jul 2007
On June 2, 2006, the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) triggered a bursting event in
the 15-350 keV energy band which lasted ~9 sec. The burst position was being observed
with the H.E.S.S. array of four Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) at
energies above 100 GeV throughout the duration of the burst, and both before and
after the burst. A total of ~5 hours of observation was obta
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Presented by Pak Hin TAM
9 Jul 2007
Be-7 is a familiar cosmogenic nuclide in the atmosphere. Since aerosols with
the Be-7 are fallen down from the upper troposphere to the ground, it is
possible to investigate the altitude distribution of the Be-7s from the size
distribution of aerosols attached by the Be-7s. Probably there are the aerosols
of small size in the upper altitude.
Therefore, using an Andersen air sampler, we s
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Presented by Mr. Satoshi KIKUCHI
7 Jul 2007
We consider the possible use of water and ice
detectors designed for other purposes as detectors
for slow magnetic monopoles. The mechanism we
assume to dominate is monopole catalyzed baryon
decay which can very efficiently turn protons
into electromagnetic energy. Estimates of sensitivity
for existing detectors are given.
Presented by Prof. John SWAIN
9 Jul 2007
Major blazar flares likely result from injections of relativistic pair plasma into
the inner jets. Quantifying the jet’s basic physical parameters has been hampered by
the modest sensitivity of past observations, which has allowed only time-averaged
pictures of these rapidly changing phenomena. The capabilities of gamma-ray
observatories have dramatically improved recently with H.E.S.S. and
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Presented by Dr. Jennifer CARSON
6 Jul 2007
The modeled and observed responses of neutron monitors of two various
types: the standard 3NM-64 and a leadless 4NMD one at the SANAE South
African Antarctic station during a number of large GLE events were compared to
precise the specific yield of the NMD at low rigidity range. The parameters of
primary relativistic solar protons outside magnetosphere: rigidity spectrum,
anisotropy dire
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Presented by Dr. Yury BALABIN
6 Jul 2007
The twin STEREO spacecraft each include four solar energetic particle (SEP) sensors
(part of the IMPACT investigation) that measure the composition and energy spectra of
SEP ions with 1 ≤ Z ≤ 28 from ~0.05 to ~100 MeV/nuc, as well as electrons. One of
these is the Low Energy Telescope (LET), which measures SEP composition from ~3 to
~30 MeV/nuc. The LET sensors were first powered up in spa
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Presented by R A MEWALDT
4 Jul 2007
The spectra of low-energy cosmic-ray protons and antiprotons have been measured by
BESS in nine high-latitude balloon flights between 1993 and 2004. These measurements
span a range of solar activity from the previous solar minimum through solar maximum
and the onset of the present solar minimum, as well as a solar magnetic field
reversal from positive to negative in 2000. Because protons and a
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Presented by Dr. John W. MITCHELL
9 Jul 2007
It has been shown in a series of works that some solar particle events (SPE)
are composed of two different relativistic populations, a Prompt Component
(PC) and a Delayed Component (DC), each one with different energy spectrum
behavior. The source spectra of the DC tend to be an inverse power law at the
steady state situation, whereas the spectra of the PC are considerable
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Presented by Prof. JORGE PEREZ-PERAZA
4 Jul 2007
The sun is variable in its magnetic activity with 11-year Schwabe cycle. This
cyclic variation of solar activity modulates the energy spectrum of galactic
cosmic rays entering the heliosphere and therefore the terrestrial radiocarbon
production rate in the atmosphere changes with the same periodicity. Since
the radiocarbon is taken into tree rings after the carbon cycle, the radiocarbon
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Presented by Prof. Kimiaki MASUDA
9 Jul 2007
PAMELA was launched on June $15^{th}$ 2006 in a pressurized container on board the
Russian Resurs-DK1 satellite. The satellite is flying in high inclination ($70^o$),
low Earth Orbit (350-600 km), allowing measurements in various points and
conditions of the geomagnetosphere. It is a multi-purpose apparatus composed of a
magnet spectrometer to provide particle charge, rig
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Presented by Dr. Marco CASOLINO
10 Jul 2007
In this work we report an analysis of various indices of solar magnetic variability
of closed and open field, concentrating particularly in the quasi-biennial
peridicities (1.7-2.5 years). The wavelet technique is used in the time series of
the solar indices to find the significant periodicities of our study, we also use
other wavelet analysis already made. We consider the theory of a doub
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Presented by Mr. Luis DE CASO
9 Jul 2007
The Sun provides unique opportunities for studying particle acceleration mechanisms
from Earth. Particles may be accelerated to high energies by the first-order Fermi
acceleration, by second-order Fermi acceleration, or by DC acceleration.
Differentiating between these possibilities is a fundamental problem of cosmic ray
In this talk, a brief summary of past solar neutron events th
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Presented by Prof. Yasushi MURAKI
4 Jul 2007
Since the December 2004 termination shock transit of Voyager 1, Voyager 2 data have
shown partly analogous, partly dissimilar features to the pre-shock activity seen by
Voyager 1. One important point is the different energy dependence of suprathermal and
mildly energetic omnidirectional particle flux variations for the two data sets.
First harmonic anisotropy amplitudes and phases also displa
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Presented by Péter KIRÁLY
10 Jul 2007
The lateral distribution funtion (LDF) of charged particles is a basic
characteristics of
extensive air showers (EAS). It is necessary for determination of total number
of particles at observation level and this number is used as an estima of
primary energy.
We consider the experimental LDF's obtained with MSU, Yakutsk and AGASA
arrays. It should be noted that scintillator detectors of
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Presented by Mr. Jorge COTZOMI
4 Jul 2007
Different locations in the galaxy are unequally participating into the production
of elements and isotopes observed in the solar system. In this work, we
present a model that includes spatial dimensions as a basic element. The
backward stochastic solution introduced in this paper will allow us to determine
the abundance of each nucleus at certain energy and a single location in the
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Presented by Dr. Ashraf FARAHAT
6 Jul 2007
For the calorimetric determination of the primary energy of extensive air showers,
measured by fluorescence telescopes, a precise knowledge of the conversion factor
(fluorescence yield) between the deposited energy in the atmosphere and the number of
emitted fluorescence photons is essential. The fluorescence yield of the eight
strongest nitrogen emission bands between 300 nm and 400 nm has be
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Presented by Dr. Tilo WALDENMAIER
6 Jul 2007
A nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in
supernova remnants is employed to calculate CR spectra. The magnetic field
in SNRs is assumed to be significantly amplified by the effectively accelerating
nuclear CR component. It is shown that the calculated CR spectra agree in a
satisfactory way with the existing measurements of the observed Galactic CR
(GCR) spectrum up to
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Presented by Prof. Evgeny BEREZHKO
5 Jul 2007
Space era for cosmic ray physics began in 1957, when Soviet Union launched the
first satellite in October. The first experiment for cosmic radiation study was
conducted inboard Satellite -2 by prof . Sergey Vernov from Moscow State University.
He installed inboard this satellite the simple Geiger counter to measure fluxes of
cosmic rays above the Earth's atmosphere. Both this experiment and
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Presented by Prof. Mikhail PANASYUK
5 Jul 2007
The Telescope Array (TA) is a hybrid experiment of an air shower array
and fluorescence telescopes installed in Utah, USA. It aims at
drawing a conclusion on the (non-)existence of the GZK cutoff
reported controversially by the AGASA and HiRes experiments. An
anisotropy of the UHECR arrival directions will be studied in
the northern hemisphere where the galactic disturbances are
small. The u
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Presented by Masaki FUKUSHIMA
7 Jul 2007
The ARGO-YBJ ground-based detector allows to investigate many issues in
gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic ray physics spanning a large energy range
by means of its ability to operate down to a few hundreds of GeV up to a few
PeV. The apparatus consists of a single layer of about 2000 Resistive Plate
Chambers (RPCs) for a total instrumented area of ~6700 m2. The whole
detector has been fully
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Presented by Cristian STANESCU
6 Jul 2007
The CANGAROO-III telescope system for very-high-energy gamma-ray astrophysics
consists of four 10-m atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes located near Woomera, South
We have been observing southern-sky objects since March 2004.
Here we report on the status of the system and some recent results from CANGAROO-III
Presented by Dr. Masaki MORI
9 Jul 2007
Fully reconstruction works of Super-Kamiokande, a large water cherenkov detector ,
has done in 2006 and data taking has been started from July 06' as SK-III with 11126
20inch PMTs. Calibration works were successfully done and now we are going to step
into analiysis stage. In this talk, I will show the calibration data and some early
data for atmospheric neutrino and solar neutrino from SK-III
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Presented by Dr. Makoto MIURA
7 Jul 2007
At the previous ICRC, Kruger et al. 2005, Proc. 29th ICRC, Pune, 2, 473, and 2,
477, reported on the first tests of two newly constructed calibration neutron
monitors. These monitors are designed to provide an intercalibration between the 50-
odd neutron monitors around the world, so that rigidity spectra can be calculated
from them. In those papers we described the difference in the latitu
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Presented by Prof. Harm MORAAL
7 Jul 2007
The uncertainty of hadron interaction models of Monte Carlo simulations have caused
some systematic errors of energy reconstruction and the determination of composition
in ultra high energy cosmic ray measurements. The uncertainty is due to the lack of
the experimental data on the nuclear interactions in the energy region over
2x10^14eV. The LHCf experiment will provide crucial calibration poi
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Presented by Mr. Hiroaki MENJO
10 Jul 2007
The RICE experiment, located at the South Pole, seeks detection of ultra-high energy
neutrinos based on measurement of the coherent radiofrequency Cherenkov pulse created
by an englacial neutrino-ice collision. Based on the eight-year dataset now
accumulated by RICE, we report on updated results on the neutrino flux in the >100
PeV energy range, limits on neutrino production from gamma-ray bur
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Presented by ilya KRAVCHENKO
9 Jul 2007
The space TUS detector of UV fluorescence light radiated by EAS of Ultra
High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) is under preparation for the launch in 2009-
2010. The TUS instrument will have ~2 sq. m. mirror - concentrator area and
256 PMT pixels in the photo receiver at the mirror focal surface. The TUS mission
is now planned for operation at the Small Space Apparatus separated from the
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Presented by Dr. LEONID TKACHEV
10 Jul 2007
The 17m diameter MAGIC telescope is currently the largest single dish
Cherenkov telescope for gamma ray astronomy. Within the year 2007 it
will be upgraded with a second telescope MAGIC-II.
Stereo observations will improve the sensitivity of the observatory by a
factor of 2 and help to lower the energy threshold.
The design, status and expected performance of MAGIC-II will be presented.
Presented by Dr. Florian GOEBEL
9 Jul 2007
GRAND is an array of position sensitive proportional wire chambers (PWCs) located at
86.2 deg W, 41.7 deg
N at an elevation of 220 m and is adjacent to the campus of the University of Notre
Dame. The geometry of
the PWCs allows the angles of the charged secondary tracks to be measured to +/- 0.3
deg in each of two
orthogonal planes. Muons are 99% differentiated from electron tracks in t
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Presented by Prof. John POIRIER
9 Jul 2007
We describe a technique used to reconstruct the energy and Xmax of
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) observed by the HiRes detector in
stereoscopic mode. This technique calculates the relationship between the
number of shower particles at a given depth of the shower to the signal in
either angular or time bins. This relationship is calculated for a given
shower segment location. The estim
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Presented by william HANLON
4 Jul 2007
Stochastic acceleleration has been unimportant inside the solar wind termination
shock. This is due to the fact that, its characteristic time is much larger than the
time for particle propagation in this region. However, in the heliosheath, where the
turbulence in the heliospheric magnetic field increases with the radial distance and
the solar wind speed decreases as it moves out, the accelera
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Presented by Prof. Harm MORAAL
10 Jul 2007
We present a new method to include a wavy heliospheric current sheet into a 2D
numerical model of the heliospheric transport of galactic cosmic rays. Since the wavy
current sheet has essentially 3D structure, we have developed an approach of
averaging the corresponding drift effect over all longitudes for an axisymmetric
model. First, an analytical solution is found for the flat sheet, this mo
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Presented by Dr. Ilya USOSKIN
9 Jul 2007
Modified Henon–Heiles system describing geodesic in gravitational waves has
already been investigated. There chaotic sense is inferred by the presence of
fractal structure of the boundaries separating the basins of possible escapes.
In this paper, observed chaotic behaviour is characterized by the formalism
appropriating the signature of curvature tensor associated with the space-time
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Presented by Dr. Balendra Kr. DEV CHOUDHURY
9 Jul 2007
Ground-based composition measurements of high-energy cosmic rays can be significantly
improved by using the direct Cerenkov method. This technique targets the Cerenkov
light produced by the primary particle prior to its production of an extensive air
shower. With the appropriate time and angular resolution, the direct Cerenkov
photons can be separated from those produced in the extensive air
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Presented by Ms. Stephanie WISSEL
6 Jul 2007
The clustering properties of the arrival directions of ultra high energy cosmic
rays encode important information to determine their origin, composition,
and to constrain galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields. We present here
the results of a variety of analyses of data from the Pierre Auger Observatory
as a function of the angular scale and the energy threshold. We compare our
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Presented by Dr. Silvia MOLLERACH
4 Jul 2007
It is well accepted today that diffusive acceleration in shocks results
to the cosmic ray spectrum formation. This is particularly true for non-relativistic
as there is a detailed theory covering a large range of their properties
On the other hand, the properties of relativistic
and highly relativistic shock waves, associated with supersonic plasma flows,
are still under investigat
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Presented by Prof. Apostolos MASTICHIADIS
4 Jul 2007
EAS hadron number spectrum has been measured at EAS array “Carpet-2” for
hadrons with energy > 50 GeV. The spectrum can be described by a power law
and exhibits a change in the integral spectral index from 1.8 to 3.1 at the
number of hadrons equal to 30. The ratio of the number of muons with
threshold energy 1 GeV to the number of hadrons has also been measured.
Presented by Dr. Dachir DZHAPPUEV
4 Jul 2007
The cosmic ray(CR) intensity data record with Goose bay Neutron Monitoring
Station have been investigated on 60 quietest days (QD) in a year for studying
the variation in tri-diurnal anisotropy during solar cycle 21 and 22. It has been
observed that in spite of abrupt change in the amplitude and phase of tri-
diurnal anisotropy in CR intensity, the amplitude is quite significance throu
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Presented by Mr. Mahendra RICHHARIA
9 Jul 2007
ARGO-YBJ is a full coverage Extensive Air Shower array located by the
high-altitude cosmic rays laboratory of Yangbajing (4300 m a.s.l., Tibet,
China). The detector consists of a layer of Resistive Plate Counters covering an area of
about 5800 m^2 with 58x62 cm^2 unit cells. This design allows a detailed
characterization of cosmic ray showers induced by primaries with energy in the range
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Presented by Dr. Giovanni MARSELLA
6 Jul 2007
The Tibet air shower array, consisting of 533 scintillation counters
which are placed in a lattice with 7.5 m spacing, has been in
operation since 1999 at Yangbajing in Tibet, China at an altitude of
4,300 m above sea level. We found a modest discrimination between
gamma- and proton-initiated air showers based on air shower profiles
observed by the Tibet air shower array. This method is app
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Presented by Dr. Masato TAKITA
9 Jul 2007
Very High Energy Gamma Astronomy is one of the scientific aims of the ARGO-YBJ
experiment (YangBaJing, P.R. China), an extensive air shower detector made of a
single layer of Resistive Plate Chambers covering a surface of about 6700 m2. The
exploitation of the full coverage approach (93% of active area) together with the
very high altitude location (4300 m a.s.l.) allows to put the energy thre
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Presented by Mrs. Milena DATTOLI
9 Jul 2007
The MEMSTEL (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Space Telescope) is a space
based experiment being designed to investigate the origin of extreme energy
cosmic-ray (EECR) particles above 5 x 10^19 eV. The fluorescent light
generated in extensive air showers (EAS) when EECRs hit the atmosphere can
be detected from low Earth orbit. MEMSTEL will implement a novel idea of a
tracking mirror base
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Presented by Dr. Moo Hyun LEE
6 Jul 2007
The particle density in extensive air showers fluctuates at the ground level. These
fluctuations, at the scale of the scintillator detector size (several meters), lead
to the diversity of the individual detector responses. Therefore, small scale
fluctuations contribute to the error in the estimation of the primary energy by a
ground array. As a results of analysis of simulated full (unthinned)
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Presented by Mr. Grigory RUBTSOV
5 Jul 2007
We study features of the 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) three
dimensional anisotropy calculated by the global spherical analyses method (GSM) using
Fourier harmonic frequency filter, Chree’s diagram and epicyclegrams. We found that
the greater amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy in the minima
epoch of solar activity for the A>0 polarity period than for
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Presented by Ms. Renata MODZELEWSKA
9 Jul 2007
We have studied some characteristics of solar flares and surrounding medium (solar
plasma) by means of 2.223 MeV line time profile of gamma-emission from neutron
captures by hydrogen nuclei. It was composed the code with making allowance for the
main processes of neutron interactions and deceleration in the solar atmosphere,
character of neutron source, losses of neutrons and density model of
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Presented by Dr. Leonty MIROSHNICHENKO
4 Jul 2007
The blazar Markarian 501 (Mrk 501) was observed at energies above 100 GeV with the
MAGIC Telescope from May through July 2005. The high sensitivity of the instrument enabled
the determination of the flux and spectrum of the source on a night-by-night basis.
Throughout our observational campaign, the flux from Mrk 501 was found to vary by an
order of magnitude, and to be correlated with spe
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Presented by Dr. Antonio STAMERRA
9 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory has been collecting data in a stable
manner since January 2004. We present here a study of the cosmic ray
composition using events recorded in hybrid mode during the first
three years of data taking. These are air showers observed by the
fluorescence detector as well as the surface detector, so the depth
of shower maximum (Xmax) is measured directly. T
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Presented by Dr. Michael UNGER
4 Jul 2007
The long term modulation of the cosmic ray intensity includes both
Sun and celestial anisotropies. The solar activity is due to high
energy flares producing a decrease (known as Forbush Decrease, FD)
in the cosmic ray intensity, with a time scale of the order of a few
days, often accompained by a Ground Level Enhancement,
due to direct Sun emission during the solar flare.
The celest
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Presented by Mrs. Irina JAMES
9 Jul 2007
In February 2007 the MAGIC Air Cherenkov Telescope for gamma-ray astronomy was fully
upgraded with a ultra fast 2GSamples/s digitization system. Since the gamma-ray
signals are very short, a fast readout can minimize the influence of the background
from the light of the night sky. Also, the time structure of the event is an
additional parameter to reduce the background from unwanted hadronic s
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Presented by Dr. Abelardo MORALEJO
9 Jul 2007
The study of time lags between spikes in Gamma-Ray Bursts light curves in different energy bands as a function
of redshift may lead to the detection of effects due to Quantum Gravity. We present an analysis of 15 Gamma-
Ray Bursts with measured redshift, detected by the HETE-2 mission between 2001 and 2006 in order to measure
time lags related to astrophysical effects and search for Quantum G
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Presented by Dr. Julien BOLMONT
9 Jul 2007
The Tibet air shower array experiment has been conducted at Yangbajing
(90.522°E, 30.102°N; 4300m above sea level) in Tibet, China, Since 1990. A
search for extended emission from Cygnus region was carried out using data
taken from the Tibet III (1999 November -2005 November) arrays. Spreading
across -3° to ~3° in Galactic latitude and 65°to ~85°in Galactic
longitude, an excess tha
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Presented by yue WANG
4 Jul 2007
Supermassive particles like magnetic monopoles, Q-balls and nuclearites may
emit light at subrelativistic speeds through different suggested mechanisms.
One of them is nucleon decay catalysis by magnetic monopoles, where the
decay products would emit Cherenkov radiation along a monopole track. The
emitted secondary light from subrelativistic particles could make them visible to
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Presented by Mr. Arvid POHL
5 Jul 2007
The MAGIC collaboration has been performing Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations
whenever alerted that known or potential very high energy gamma-ray emitting
extragalactic sources were in a high flux state in the optical, X-ray band or/and in
the TeV energy range. Here we report on triggered observations, results of the
analysis, and possible optical-TeV correlation seen in the data. Among
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Presented by Mr. Daniel MAZIN
6 Jul 2007
The solar activity in Cycle 23 gradually changes to final minimum phase. Sun's shadow generated by multi-TeV
cosmic-ray particles has been continuously observed with the Tibet-II and Tibet-III air shower array in 1996
through 2006 during almost whole period of the Solar Cycle 23. We have shown that the Sun’s shadow is strongly
affected by the solar and interplanetary magnetic fields chang
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9 Jul 2007
In this work numerical simulations showing the time evolution of a supernova
remnant (SNR) in an uniform and non-uniform intersteller medium (ISM) are
presented. For this we use a hydrodynamic model including a kinematic
calculation of the interstellar magnetic field. Important parameters include the
ejecta mass and energy of the remnant, as well as interstellar medium density
and adiaba
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FERREIRA
6 Jul 2007
Nearly thirty years ago it was shown that large scale drift plays a significant
role in cosmic ray modulation in the heliosphere. It was found, however, that
the classical values for the drift velocity used in the modulation models lead to
too much drift, and required some reduction. The typical argument for this
reduction of the drift velocity is that when cosmic rays propagate in a tur
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Presented by Prof. John BIEBER
9 Jul 2007
The wide-band all-sky monitor (WAM) is the secondary function
of large lateral BGO shield of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) onboard
the Suzaku mission. Owing to its large geometrical area of 800 cm2 per
side and wide-field of view, the WAM is very suitable to observe gamma-ray
bursts (GRBs) in the energy range of 50--5000 keV. It has actually
observed 183 GRBs confirmed by other satellit
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Presented by Dr. Kazutaka YAMAOKA
10 Jul 2007
The "fireball model" is often invoked to explain the prompt emission from Gamma-Ray
Bursts (GRBs) as observed in the MeV energy range. In this standard model, the prompt
occurs due to collisions between layers within the relativistic jet. We will present
the expected
synchroton emission from electrons accelerated through the usual Fermi mechanism,
assuming that the
distribution of
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Presented by Sylvain GUIRIEC
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope (CREST)
experiment will measure the flux of cosmic ray electrons at energies greater
than 2 TeV by detecting the x-ray component of the synchrotron radiation
emitted as the electrons traverse the Earth’s magnetic field. This method
enhances the instrument acceptance to several times its geometric area. A
Monte Carlo simulatio
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Presented by Scott NUTTER
4 Jul 2007
A new study of the cosmic ray electron and synchrotron spectra is presented.
Anomalous diffusion model, proposed in our recent papers, is used to describe the
particles propagation in fractal-like interstellar medium. The parameters defining
the anomalous diffusion have been determined from the analysis of nuclear component.
We carry out calculation of the synchrotron spectrum in the frequency
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Presented by Dr. V BUGAYOV
4 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory employs a wide range of atmospheric monitoring
instruments: two laser facilities; elastic lidar stations; aerosol phase
function monitors; a horizontal attenuation monitor; star monitors;
weather stations; and balloon soundings. Using all available analyzed
atmospheric data we tested the impact on the shower reconstruction, namely
on the shower energy and the posi
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Presented by Michael PROUZA
4 Jul 2007
CREST is a balloon-borne detector array of barium fluoride
crystal scintillators which will measure the intensity and spectrum of
multi-TeV electrons in the Cosmic Rays. By detecting the synchrotron
photons emitted from electrons passing through the earth's magnetic field,
CREST's acceptance is several times its geometric area. We present
background measurement results from a small arra
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Presented by Dr. Michael SCHUBNELL
6 Jul 2007
The balloon-borne Cosmic Ray Electron Synchrotron Telescope (CREST)
experiment will employ a novel distributed
electronics system to collect timing and pulse height information from 1024
BaF2 crystal detectors and 42 PMTs in
its anticoincidence shield. The timing of single photoelectron triggers from the
PMTs in the crystal array is recorded
to an accuracy of 1 ns least count. Wide d
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Presented by G. TARLE
4 Jul 2007
The time profiles and energy spectra of 20.01.2005 (class X7.1), 17.01.2005
(class X3.8) and 15.01.2005 (class X2.6) solar flares from NOAA 00720 active
region in energy band 0.1-20 MeV by AVS-F data are discussed. The energy
spectra of 17.01.2005 and 20.01.2005 solar flares contain nuclear lines,
positron line and neutrons capture line. Only positron line and neutron capture
line in the
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Presented by Dr. Leonty MIROSHNICHENKO
4 Jul 2007
An algorithm has been derived from simulations above 10**19 eV to amend the conversion
of the densities measured at a given zenith angle to the energy estimators (for
densities at 600m for AGASA for the corresponding vertical shower). Above 5.10**19
eV, as the
shower vertical maximum depth is close to the experimental plane, a complex
situation happens for the "absorption"; for
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4 Jul 2007
Space detectors of UV fluorescence and Cherenkov light radiated by ultra high
energy extensive air showers (UHECR EAS) have advantages of high EAS
detection aperture in observing the whole sky by one instrument and will be
able to get statistically rich results on the UHECR arriving directions.
At the same time the space environment and particularly variable UV
background intensity put so
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Presented by Prof. Fumiyoshi KAJINO
6 Jul 2007
Comparative analysis of the characteristics of relativistic solar cosmic rays (SCR)
in the two largest GLEs of 23 February 1956 and 20 January 2005 has been
performed. Using a modeling technique, the parameters of relativistic solar
protons (RSP) were obtained from ground-based observations by neutron
monitors (NM) and muon detectors. The two particle populations (components),
prompt (PC
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Presented by Prof. Eduard VASHENYUK
6 Jul 2007
"Delayed" EAS with N_e>5.10^6 particles are
registered. It were detected 2117 showers with number of particles above 10^7, in 98
from these events "delayed" EAS with N_e>5.10^6 particles were detected. Impulse
delay for the time from 40 up to 600 ns was registered. In 14 events delayed impulses
were registered in 2 and more detectors and in 3 events - in 4 detectors.
Average delay betwe
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Presented by Prof. Vladimir YAKOVLEV
9 Jul 2007
The MAGIC telescope located on the Roque de los Muchachos on the Canary Island La Palma at a height of
2200m a.s.l. is able to point to the sea. This allows to search for air shower signatures induced by particles
coming out of the Earth. Taking into account the huge effective area, this configuration can be used to
search for tau-neutrinos.
We will show the outcome of simulations for tau
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Presented by Dr. Markus GAUG, Dr. Ching-Cheng HSU
9 Jul 2007
The past decade has seen enormous progress in the sensitivity TeV gamma-ray
survey instruments. With the ability to continuously observe 2sr of the sky,
survey instruments hold the promise of fully exploring the transient
high-energy universe. After decades of roaming in the desert, survey
instruments are now making detailed measurements of the Galactic diffuse
gamma-ray emission and discov
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Presented by Dr. Gus SINNIS
10 Jul 2007
Between September 2006 and January 2007 the galactic binary source LS I
+61 303 was observed at TeV energies by the VERITAS array of Cherenkov
imaging telescopes in Southern Arizona. During this time,
contemporaneous observations were taken at X-ray energies by both the
SWIFT and RXTE satellite experiments. Although the X-ray properties of
this source have been well studied in the past,
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Presented by Mr. Andy SMITH
6 Jul 2007
The gamma-quantum spectra produced by the electronic and hadronic components of
cosmic rays have similar shapes at the energies from 1GeV to 1 TeV due to the
synchrotron losses of the electrons. So, the only observational possibility to
discriminate between leptonic and hadronic contributions is to measure the
gamma-quantum spectrum at energies higher than 1 TeV, where these two spectra are
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Presented by Vera Yurievna SINITSYNA
4 Jul 2007
TeV gamma-rays can result from the photo-de-excitation of PeV cosmic ray nuclei after
their parents have undergone photo-disintegration in an environment of ultraviolet
photons. This process is proposed as a candidate explanation of the recently
discovered HESS source at the edge of Westerlund 2. The UV background
is provided by Lyman-alpha emission within the rich O and B stellar environment.
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Presented by Prof. Tom WEILER
7 Jul 2007
An overview of TeVCat, a new online interactive catalog for very high energy (VHE; E
> 50 GeV) gamma-ray astronomy is presented. As VHE astronomy continues to grow, the
usefulness of a one-stop clearing house for information on new sources is
increasingly evident. TeVCat is intended to be such a resource. With sky maps, source
information, visibility plotters and linked references, it will hel
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Presented by Prof. Scott WAKELY
9 Jul 2007
We have developed the technical data acquisition equipment (TEDA) for Green
House Observing Satellite (GOSAT). GOSAT will be launched in middle of 2008
into sun synchronous sub-recurrent orbit with altitude of 666km and inclination
of 98deg, and nominal mission duration is 5years.
TEDA is a comprehensive orbital radiation environment monitor system
designed to provide measurement of th
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Presented by Mr. yasutomo SASAKI
9 Jul 2007
We have developed detector simulators for the TA fluorescence telescopes (FD)
and the surface particle detector array. In this paper we describe a new
method to evaluate the TA-FD aperture with a Monte-Carlo technique. Since the
field of view and the effective area for the FDs are quite large, a considerable
CPU cost is required for air shower simulations in the full observable region. In
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Presented by Dr. Yoshiki TSUNESADA
7 Jul 2007
Anomalous cosmic ray spectra, observed by Voyager 1 at the solar wind
terminatiuon shock crossing, were not of the form expected of first
order Fermi (or shock) acceleration, but gave an indication that they
were modulated relative to that form. Further data analysis reveals two
other remarkable features, namely that the energy where the peak ACR
intensity occurs is about four times high
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Presented by Dr. Rogelio CABALLERO-LOPEZ
10 Jul 2007
The exciting results from H.E.S.S. point to a new population of gamma-ray sources at energies E above 10
paving the way for future studies and new discoveries in this energy range. Connected with these
energies is
the origin of particle acceleration to PeV energies and the study of multi-TeV gamma-ray production in a
growing number of astrophysical environments. TenTen is a propose
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Presented by Dr. Gavin ROWELL
9 Jul 2007
Recent advances in the development of silicon photodetectors working in the Geiger
mode (SiPM), open new perspectives in space-based or balloon-borne calorimetry.
However, present SiPM devices suffer from a number of limitations, including the
instrinsic dynamic range of the photodetector and its operational stability, that
have to be overcome in view of their utilization in ionization calorim
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Presented by Prof. Pier Simone MARROCCHESI
4 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory allows the measurement of both
longitudinal profiles and lateral particle distributions of high
energy showers. The former trace the overall shower development,
mainly of the electromagnetic component close to the core, and the
latter reflect the particle densities in the tail of the shower far
away from the core, and are sensitive to both the muonic and
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Presented by Dr. Ralph ENGEL
4 Jul 2007
Several phenomenological models of physics beyond the Standard Model
predict flavor mixing in the neutrino sector in addition to conventional
mass-induced oscillations. In particular, violation of Lorentz invariance,
violation of the equivalence principle, and quantum decoherence can each
result in observable distortions in the high-energy atmospheric neutrino
spectrum. We report on a sear
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Presented by Mr. John KELLEY
9 Jul 2007
Based on numerical solutions of the focused transport equation we
study the question whether pitch angle diffusion coefficients calculated
from various suggested models for wave-particle interactions and different
assumptions about the nature of magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind can
lead to measurable differences in observables such as the rigidity
dependence of the mean free path and t
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Presented by W. DRÖGE
5 Jul 2007
Air shower simulation programs are used to reconstruct the energy in the UHECR
surface detectors. This reconstruction is based on the lateral distribution function
obtained in the experiment. It is also known that this function at core distance
greater than 1 km strongly depends on the low energy hadronic models used in the
simulation. There are discrepancies in the particle production
due to
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Presented by Dr. Patricia Maria HANSEN
5 Jul 2007
The Muon Tracking Detector in the KASCADE-Grande experiment allows
the measurement of muon directions up to 700 m from the shower center.
It means, that nearly all muons produced in a shower and surviving to the
ground level are subject of investigation. It is important not only for
studying mean muon production heights but, even more, for investigations
of EAS muon pseudorapidity distribut
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Presented by Dr. Paul DOLL
4 Jul 2007
We examine the prompt and afterglow emission
within the context of the Supercritical Pile model for GRBs.
For this we have performed self-consistent calculations
by solving three time-dependent kinetic equations for protons,
electrons and photons in addition to the usual mass
and energy conservation equations. We follow the evolution
of the RBW as it sweeps up circumstellar matter and assume
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Presented by Prof. Apostolos MASTICHIADIS
6 Jul 2007
The solar periodicities of 80-88 yrs (Gleissberg cycle) and 205 yrs (de Vries cycle or Suess cycle) using different
time series of proxies of cosmogenic isotopes have been reported in a great number of papers.
In this work we present a more objective and general cycle-length determination applying the wavelet
transformation based on the Morlet wavelet to the cosmogenic isotopes. We use the IN
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Presented by Dr. Victor Manuel VELASCO HERRERA
9 Jul 2007
The AMS detector, to be installed on the International Space Station, includes a Ring
Imaging Cerenkov detector with two different radiators, silica aerogel (n=1.05) and
sodium fluoride (n=1.334). This detector is designed to provide very precise
measurements of velocity and electric charge in a wide range of cosmic nuclei
energies and atomic numbers.
The detector geometry, in particular th
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Presented by F. BARAO
4 Jul 2007
ANTARES is a large volume, deep-sea, neutrino telescope currently under construction off La Seyne-sur-mer,
Neutrino telescopes aims at detecting neutrinos as a new probe for a sky study at energies greater than 1 TeV.
The detection principle relies on the observation, using photomultipliers, of the Cherenkov light emitted by
charged leptons induced by neutrino interactions in the s
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Presented by Dr. Antoine KOUCHNER
5 Jul 2007
The ANTARES Collaboration is deploying a large neutrino detector at a depth of 2500 m
in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 km off shore from La Seyne-sur-Mer in South France. The
construction of this 12-line detector with 75 phototubes per line will be completed
by the end of 2007. Data taking has begun since April 2005 with an instrumentation
line also equipped with optical modules. The first 5 detec
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Presented by Dr. Stephanie ESCOFFIER
5 Jul 2007
The ANTARES collaboration is building an underwater neutrino telescope at
2500 m depth in the Mediterranean Sea. The experiment aims to detect high-
energy cosmic neutrinos using a 3D array of 900 photomultipliers distributed
along 12 lines. 5 such lines have been operational since January 2007. The
PMTs collect the Cherenkov light induced by neutrino-produced charged
particles in the wat
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Presented by Dr. Marco CIRCELLA
9 Jul 2007
The ANTARES neutrino telescope is being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea.
The complete detector will consist of 12 strings, supplemented by an additional
instrumentation line. Five strings are at present deployed and operating.
Each string is equipped with 75 Optical Modules (OMs) housing the photomultipliers
to detect the Cherenkov light induced by the charged particles produced in
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Presented by Mr. Felix FEHR
9 Jul 2007
The ANTARES collaboration is building an undersea neutrino telescope at 2400
m depth in the Mediterranean Sea. The experiment aims to detect high-energy
cosmic neutrinos using a 3D array of 900 photomultipliers (PMTs) arranged in
12 strings. The advantages of neutrinos as astrophysical and cosmic
messengers are that they open a new window to observe known astrophysical
objects as well as to l
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Presented by Dr. Elisa FALCHINI
9 Jul 2007
Absolute calibration of the Pierre Auger Observatory fluorescence detectors
uses a 375 nm light source at the telescope aperture. This end-to-end
technique accounts for the combined effects of all detector components in
a single measurement. The relative response has been measured at
wavelengths of 320, 337, 355, 380 and 405 nm, defining a spectral response
curve which has been normalised to
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Presented by Mr. Robert KNAPIK
4 Jul 2007
One of the main design goals of the MAGIC telescopes is the very fast repositioning
in case of e.g. GRB alarms, implying a low weight of the reflector dish. This is
accomplished by using a space frame made of carbon fiber epoxy tubes, resulting in a
strong but not very rigid support structure. Therefore it is necessary to readjust
the individual mirror tiles to correct for deformations of the
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Presented by A. BILAND
9 Jul 2007
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a particle physics detector designed
to measure charged cosmic rays spectra up to TV region, with high energy
photon detection capability up to few hundred GeV. With the large acceptance,
the long duration (3 years) and the state of the art particle identification
techniques, AMS will provide the most sensitive search for the existence of anti
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Presented by Prof. Bruna BERTUCCI
9 Jul 2007
Ashra (All-sky Survey High Resolution Air-shower detector) is a project
to build an unconventional optical telescope complex that images very
wide field of view, covering 80% of the sky, yet with the angle
pixel resolution of 1.2 arcsin, sensitive to the blue to UV light with the use
of image intensifier and CMOS technology. The project primarily aims to
observe Cherenkov and fluorescence lig
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Presented by Prof. Makoto SASAKI
9 Jul 2007
The PoGOLite balloon-borne experiment applies well-type phoswich detector
technology to measurements of soft gamma-ray polarization in the 25 - 100
keV energy range. The polarization is determined using Compton scattering
and photoelectric absorption in an array of 217 plastic scintillators. This
sensitive volume is surrounded by a segmented Bismuth Germanium Oxide
(BGO) anticoincidence
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Presented by Ms. Cecilia MARINI-BETTOLO
4 Jul 2007
We present results on searches for exotic particles
(relativistic magnetic monopoles and WIMPs),
for neutrinos from an SGR Burst and for UHE muons,
obtained with the Baikal telescope NT200 from 1998-2005.
Presented by et al. WISCHNEWSKI, R.
9 Jul 2007
After successful recovery of the first CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass)
instrument during the 2004/5 Antarctic campaign, the calorimeter was
refurbished for the third launch, planned for December 2007. In this CREAM-III
calorimeter, the optics were replaced with multi-clad fiber ribbons to enhance
the light signal. New readout electronics boards reduce noise even further than
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Presented by A. MALININ
6 Jul 2007
Atmospheric monitoring is indispensable to calibrate the
reconstruction of extensive air shower that observed by air
fluorescence telescope. The Telescope Array (TA) experiment is using
an air fluorescence technique along with a shower array system to
observe the ultra-high energy cosmic ray. And we adopted two laser
systems measuring the atmospheric transmittance to calibrate the
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Presented by Dr. shigeharu UDO
6 Jul 2007
The MAGIC telescope has been designed for the observation of the Cherenkov light
generated in
Extensive Air Showers. However, its 17 m. diameter and optical design makes it
suitable for optical
observations as well. In this contribution, we describe the final set-up and
performance of a system
installed at the center of the MAGIC camera (the central pixel) and based on the use
of a dedicate
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Presented by Prof. María Victoria FONSECA
9 Jul 2007
A new generation of instruments during solar cycle 23 made it possible to measure
solar energetic particle (SEP) energy spectra for many species over a broad energy
interval (~0.1 to ~100 MeV/nuc). These observations revealed that most large SEP
events have power-law spectra below a few MeV/nuc with rather hard spectral indices,
followed by spectral breaks at higher energies. The spectral brea
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Presented by R A MEWALDT
4 Jul 2007
The Cosmic Ray Observatory Project (CROP) is a statewide education and research
experiment involving Nebraska high school students, teachers, and university
undergraduates in the study of extensive cosmic-ray air showers. A network of high
school teams construct, install, and operate school-based detectors in coordination
with University of Nebraska physics professors and graduate students. Th
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Presented by Prof. Gregory SNOW
4 Jul 2007
During December 13 2006 a ground-level enhancement was recorded by the
world-wide network of neutron monitors. This paper discusses the response of
three cosmic ray detectors characterized by different rigidity cutoffs: LARC (King
George Island - Antarctica), SVIRCO (Rome - Italy) and OLC (Santiago of Chile).
*: Research partly supported by the Italian Antarctic Research Program.
Presented by Dr. MARISA STORINI
6 Jul 2007
In this paper we are introducing a technique to show the variation of the
22Ne/20Ne ratio at different galactic locations and the dependence of this ratio
on the distribution of massive stars in the galaxy. Most of the previously
developed models focused on explaining the ratio variation between the
galactic and solar 22Ne/20Ne but never pointed out to the possibility of
variation of the
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Presented by Dr. Ashraf FARAHAT
4 Jul 2007
The propagation of energetic particles in the heliosphere is described by the Parker
transport equation. It includes the physical processes of diffusion, drift,
convection and adiabatic energy changes. For the modulation of the particle's energy
spectra the geometry of the heliospheric magnetic field is important, but it is still
an unsolved
In this contribution we present model c
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Presented by Prof. Adri BURGER
9 Jul 2007
The EEE (/Extreme Energy Event/) Project is an experiment for the study of very
high-energy extensive air showers, actually starting in Italy. It is based on the
detection of the shower muon component by means of a network of tracking detectors,
installed in Italian High Schools.
The Project, supported by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR),
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica
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Presented by C. SBARRA
10 Jul 2007
The detection of astrophysical sources of high energy neutrinos is one of the
most interesting quests in modern astrophysics. Unlike gamma and X-ray
observations, the low number of signal events expected in high energy
neutrino telescopes, constrains significantly the discovery probability of the
sources. New algorithms to disentangle clusters of small number events from the
background events
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Presented by Mr. Juan Antonio AGUILAR SÁNCHEZ
9 Jul 2007
Cosmic ray electrons with energies greater that about 300 GeV are of particular
interest because, due to their high energy losses during interstellar propagation,
there are likely to be only a small number of nearby sources contributing to the
electron energy spectrum above several hundred GeV. It has been suggested that this
may result in observable structure. Further, if the annihilation o
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Presented by Prof. T. Gregory GUZIK
6 Jul 2007
The energies of the lepton (muon and electron) which is produced by neutrino
interaction and the direction pf the incident neutrino are two fundamental
parameters for high energy neutrino astrophysics.
In the experiment for high energy neutrino astrophysics, all the most of muons
from muon neutrino events which occur inside an effective volume of the
apparatus escape from it without loos
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Presented by Prof. Nobusuke TAKAHASHI
9 Jul 2007
The fluorescence measurement is the key in observations of ultra high energy cosmic
rays and in determinations of their primary energies in the TA experiment. All the
fluorescence detectors of TA will be in operation from June 2007. In this talk, we
will present the characteristics of the telescopes and the status of the associated
systems including for the atmospheric monitoring and the PMT c
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Presented by Dr. Shoichi OGIO
7 Jul 2007
On the 15th of June, the PAMELA experiment mounted on the Resurs DK1
satellite, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and since July 2006 it
is collecting data. PAMELA is a satellite-borne apparatus designed to study
charged particles in the cosmic radiation, to investigate the nature of dark
matter, measuring the cosmic-ray antiproton and positron spectra over the
largest energy range ev
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Presented by Dr. Mirko BOEZIO
4 Jul 2007
The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on JEM/EF (JEM-EUSO) is a space mission to study extremely high-energy
cosmic rays. The JEM-EUSO instrument is a wide-angle refractive telescope in near-ultraviolet wavelength region to
observe time-resolved atmospheric fluorescence images of the extensive air showers from the International Space
Station. The focal surface is a spherical curved surface,
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Presented by Dr. Yoshiya KAWASAKI
6 Jul 2007
The Front-End Cards of the Pierre Auger Surface Detectors: Test Results and Performance in the Field
The Pierre Auger Observatory, presently under construction in Argentina, is nearing
completion. The instrument is designed to
measure the highest energy cosmic rays with unprecedented resolution and statistics.
Its surface array comprises 1600 water
Cherenkov detectors distributed over an area of 3000 km2. The Cherenkov light of each
tank is detected by three 9-inch
photomultipliers from whi
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Presented by Karl-Heinz KAMPERT
6 Jul 2007
The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), scheduled for launch in late 2007,
is a satellite based observatory to study the high energy
gamma-ray sky. There are two instruments on GLAST: the Large Area
Telescope (LAT) which provides coverage from 20 MeV to over 300 GeV,
and the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) which provides supportive
observations of transients from 8 keV to 30 MeV. GLAST wi
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Presented by Dr. Julie MCENERY
10 Jul 2007
The analysis of the GLE 13.12.2006 using the data of neutron monitors,
balloons, and modeling computations has been carried out. The event was
connected to the flare and appeared rather unexpected, as it occurred during
the ongoing phase of solar minimum. The characteristics of relativistic solar
protons were derived by modeling technique from the neutron monitors data.
The direct solar
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Presented by Mr. Eduard VASHENYUK
6 Jul 2007
The exclusive Galactic gamma-ray club rallies new members. Supernova remnants,
pulsar wind nebulae, and binary systems hosting a compact object have recently
joined the young pulsars as firmly established sources of gamma rays in the
Milky Way. The first examples of these gamma-ray emitters had been suspected in
the early eighties with COS-B, many more in the nineties with EGRET, but only
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Presented by Dr. Isabelle GRENIER
6 Jul 2007
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.), located in the Khomas
Highlands of Namibia, is an array of four imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov
telescopes designed to detect gamma rays in the very high energy
(VHE; > 100 GeV) domain. Its high sensitivity and large field of view
(5 deg) make it an ideal instrument to perform a survey within the
Galactic plane for new VHE sources. Previous obse
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Presented by Mr. Stefan HOPPE
7 Jul 2007
The presence of a heliosphere surrounding the Sun was suggested by L. Davis fifty
years ago, when there was limited knowledge of interplanetary and interstellar
conditions. That suggestion was soon followed by Parker’s prediction of a supersonic
solar wind that was observed by Mariner 2, initiating a systematic exploration of the
heliosphere that now extends to high solar latitudes and to d
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Presented by Prof. E. C. STONE
10 Jul 2007
The spectra and light curve of near a hundred Solar X-ray Flare events, which
were observed by SZ2/XD in the energy band of 10-800 keV during 2001, have
been investigated. The events covered from C to X-class flares, which are
shown different characters of high energy photons emission. The results will be
presented in this paper. The discussions will be made especially for 3 of the
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Presented by Prof. Huanyu WANG
4 Jul 2007
We describe the High Energy Telescopes (HETs), which are part of the IMPACT
investigation for the STEREO mission (Principal Investigator: Janet Luhmann,
University of California at Berkeley). The two STEREO spacecraft were launched from
Cape Canaveral, FL on October 25, 2006. High energy electrons (~ 0.7 -6 MeV) and
nuclei from hydrogen to iron (~ 13 – 200 MeV/nucleon) are detected by the
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Presented by Tycho VON ROSENVINGE
4 Jul 2007
Since the last cosmic ray meeting we have witnessed the commissioning of a suite of
experiments that have the possibility to detect neutrinos from sources beyond the
sun. They will open a window on the Universe spanning from sub-TeV energy to energies
beyond EeV. We anticipate the observation of supernova remnants at the lowest
energies, provided that these are indeed the sources of the galact
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Presented by Dr. Francis HALZEN
4 Jul 2007
This lecture honors the discoverer of cosmic rays nearly 100 years ago.
Research on cosmic rays spawned the entire field of particle physics which
in the early 50's shifted to accelerators as marked by the famous
conference at Bagneres de Bigorres. Remaining to investigate were all the
astrophysical aspects of cosmic rays which has been the principal subject
of the ICRC meetings ever since. O
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Presented by Prof. James W. CRONIN
3 Jul 2007
JEM-EUSO is a science mission to explore extremes of the Universe. It
observes the dark-side of the Earth and detects UV photons emitted from
the giant air shower caused by an extremely high energy particle (about
10^20 eV). Such a particle arrives almost straightly through our Milky
Way Galaxy and is expected to allow us to trace the source location by
its arrival direction. This will open
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Presented by Dr. Toshikazu EBISUZAKI
10 Jul 2007
KASCADE-Grande is an extensive air shower experiment co-located to the original
KASCADE site at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany. Main parts of the experiment
are the Grande array consisting of 37x10 sqm scintillation detectors spread over an
area of 700x700 sqm, the original KASCADE array with 252 stations covering 200x200
sqm with unshielded and shielded detectors, and additional muon tr
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Presented by Dr. Andreas HAUNGS
6 Jul 2007
The LOFAR radio telescope, under construction in the Netherlands, will be a powerful instrument
to measure extensive air showers through their radio signal. In order to fully understand the
properties of these signals, we are building a library of CORSIKA simulations of showers at
10^16--10^20.5 eV on the LOFAR BlueGene supercomputer. This library contains histogrammed
data on the
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Presented by Mr. Sven LAFEBRE
6 Jul 2007
The 10 Mton-scale high energy neutrino telescope NT200+
is currently in operation in Lake Baikal.
We review results obtained with the predecessor detector NT200,
and present first results from NT200+.
We discuss the envisaged next generation
Lake Baikal Gigaton Volume (km3) detector,
for which R&D activities in the lake have already started.
Presented by et al. WISCHNEWSKI, R.
10 Jul 2007
The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART) consists of a 64x64 (4096) full wavelength
dipole antenna array, operating at 140 MHz, occupying 9,500 square meters (70 m x 140
m) to carry out interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations. This is a dedicated
radio array for IPS observations located in the state of Michoacan (350 km north-west
from Mexico City, lat. 19$^$ 48' N, long. 101$^$ 41'
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Presented by Dr. Gonzalez-Esparza AMERICO
4 Jul 2007
The NEMO (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) Project aims at the construction of a
km3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea.
After extensive deep-sea surveys performed in several sites in the Mediterranean, an
optimal installation site for the apparatus has been identified at a depth of 3500 m,
about 80 km off Capo Passero, at the SE corner of Sicily, Italy.
In this talk, we wil
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Presented by Prof. MAURO TAIUTI
5 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a multi-national project for research on ultra-high
energy cosmic rays. The Southern Auger Observatory in Mendoza province, Argentina,
is approaching completion in 2007 with an instrumented area of 3,000 square
kilometers. It will accurately measure the spectrum and composition of ultra-high
energy cosmic rays up to and beyond the predicted GZK feature. We ha
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Presented by Prof. David NITZ
10 Jul 2007
The present status of the PAMELA electromagnetic calorimeter on board the
satellite Resurs-DK1 will be presented. The PAMELA apparatus was put in orbit
on 15 June 2006. The main task of the calorimeter is to select cosmic-ray
antiprotons and positrons in a vast background of electrons and protons
respectively with an high rejection power. Furthermore, the calorimeter is
equipped with a s
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Presented by Dr. Emiliano MOCCHIUTTI
6 Jul 2007
On 15-th June 2006 from Baikonur cosmodrom the satellite RESURS - DK1 was successfuly
launched. The international team of researchers performs the scientific
investigations of cosmic rays in a wide energy range with the spectrometer PAMELA on
board of this satellite. The neutron detector is a part of the PAMELA spectrometer.
It’s task is to separate the cascades of hadron and lepton origin.
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Presented by Prof. Yuri STOZHKOV
4 Jul 2007
Thanks to recent progress in Cherenkov detection technique, VHE astrophysics has
stepped out of its infancy and has evolved into a mature branch of astronomy. The
next stage in the evolution of the field should be the construction of a major new
observatory accepting peer-reviewed proposals from the general astronomical
community. As part of the planning exercise for this Cherenkov Telescope
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Presented by Prof. Luke DRURY
10 Jul 2007
The Space Mission Pamela, launched in orbit on 15 June 2006, represents the
state-of-the-art of the investigation of the cosmic radiation to addressing the
most compelling issues facing astrophysics and cosmology: the nature of the
dark matter that pervades the universe, the apparent absence of cosmological
antimatter, the origin and evolution of matter in the galaxy.
The primary scien
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Presented by Prof. Piergiorgio PICOZZA
5 Jul 2007
GLAST is a gamma-ray mission which will be launched in November 2007. It is equipped
with the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) which detects Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) with high
reliability and provides a position and energy spectrum in the range between 10 keV
and 30 MeV. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) will observe photons with energies from 20
MeV up to more than 300 GeV. With GLAST it will be possibl
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Presented by Nukri KOMIN
9 Jul 2007
Quasi Elastic Scattering in the dominant mechanism for producing both Fully
Contained Events and Partially Contained Events for the examination of the
neutrino oscillation in the Super-Kasmiokande(SK) detector for the atmospheric
neutrinos in the energy range from several hundreds MeV to several GeV.
In the analysis of these neutrino events, SK collaboration assume that the
direction of t
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Presented by Prof. Eiichi KONISHI
9 Jul 2007
At the 29th ICRC, Pune, India, a new methodology was presented for investigating the
rigidity dependence of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) modulation on all time scales. The
methodology uses the median rigidity of response (Rm) of cosmic ray detectors
deployed at global sites. We define Rm as the GCR rigidity below which lies 50 % of
the detector counting rate. It is computed from the latitude surv
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Presented by Prof. Harjit AHLUWALIA
6 Jul 2007
PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment designed to study the charged component of the
cosmic radiation of galactic, solar and trapped nature. The main scientific objective
is the study of the antimatter component of cosmic rays over a wide range of
energies. PAMELA is mounted on the Resurs DK1 satellite that was launched on June
15th 2006 and is orbiting the Earth on a semipolar (70°) ellipt
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Presented by Dr. Silvio ORSI
4 Jul 2007
The proposed northern-hemisphere cubic-kilometre under water neutrino detector,
KM3NeT, promises unprecedented sensitivity to potential fluxes of neutrinos from
southern hemisphere gamma-ray counterparts. KM3NeT is briefly outlined before
gamma-ray observations of AGN are used to set upper-limits on the neutrino production
rate in these potential extragalactic cosmic ray engines. Absorption of
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Presented by Dr. Richard WHITE
9 Jul 2007
If the diffuse extragalactic gamma ray emission traces the large scale
structures of the universe, peculiar anisotropy patterns are expected in the
gamma ray sky. In particular, because of the cutoff distance introduced by the
absorption of 0.1-10 TeV photons on the infrared/optical background,
prominent correlations with the local structures within a range of few hundreds
Mpc should be
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Presented by Dr. alessandro CUOCO
7 Jul 2007
The intrinsic distribution of spectral indices in GeV energies of gamma-ray–loud
blazars is a critical input in determining the spectral shape of the unresolved
blazar contribution to the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background, as well as an
important test of blazar emission theories. We present a maximum-likelihood method of
determining the intrinsic spectral index distribution (ISID) o
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Presented by Ms. Tonia VENTERS
6 Jul 2007
In distinguishing between the atmospheric Cerenkov light initiated by the primary
cosmic ray and its associated air shower, the Track Imaging Cerenkov Experiment
(TrICE) is devised to measure the composition of cosmic rays at TeV-PeV energies.
The instrument is a fixed-mount zenith telescope that uses a fresnel lens as a early
trigger and 4m focal length spherical mirrors to produce the image
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Presented by Ms. Stephanie WISSEL
4 Jul 2007
The periodicities of cosmic ray space intensity variation are analyzed using
Lomb-Scargle Fourier transformation method with about 37 billion cosmic ray
events recorded by Tibet III Air Shower Array during the period from November
1999 to November 2005. To eliminate meteorological effect, we adopt East-
West subtraction method. According to our analysis, except the well known
solar diurn
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Presented by Dr. aifeng LI
9 Jul 2007
GRAPES-3 experiment is situated at Ooty in South India 76.7 East 11.4 North.
Effective observation area of our muon telescopes is 560 m^2. They are the
largest detector in the world of its kind.
There were several reports that increase of the solar wind velocity suppresses
the intensity of cosmic rays. But there are few which studied qualitatively.
We have analyzed the variation of daily me
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Presented by T NONAKA
9 Jul 2007
We have determined the cosmic ray source abundances of the isotopes of
sulfur, argon, and calcium using data from the Cosmic Ray Isotope
Spectrometer (CRIS) aboard the ACE spacecraft. We compare the source
abundances derived in this work, employing a leaky-box model, with
those calculated using the GALPROP cosmic ray propagation code. Cosmic
rays are thought to originate in the cores of super
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Presented by Dr. R.C. OGLIORE
4 Jul 2007
The TA Low Energy Extension will include a Tower FluorescenceDetector. Extensive air
showers at the lowest usful energies for fluorescence detectors will in general be
close to the detector. This requires viewing all elevation angles to be able to
reconstruct showers. The TALE Tower Detector, operating in conjunction with other
TALE detectors will view elevation angles up to above 70 degree
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Presented by Prof. Douglas BERGMAN
6 Jul 2007
A time-of-flight scintillator system (TOF) has been developed for the
PAMELA satellite-borne cosmic ray experiment, mounted on the Resurs DK1
satellite and launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on June 15th
2006. PAMELA was built to measure charged particles in the cosmic radiation with a
particular focus on antiparticles. The TOF scintillator system provides the fast
trigger to the experimen
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Presented by Dr. Wolfgang MENN
4 Jul 2007
Accurate measurements of the composition and energy spectra of cosmic rays beyond the
TeV energy region have been an experimental challenge for years. TRACER ("Transition
Radiation Array for Cosmic Energetic Radiation"), is currently the largest cosmic-ray
detector for direct measurements, and has been developed for long-duration balloon
flights. The instrument is unconventional in that it u
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Presented by Prof. Dietrich MULLER
4 Jul 2007
The BL Lac object (blazar) Mrk 421 was observed in a high emission state in April
2005 with the Whipple 10 m telescope for about 24.5 hrs. The measured gamma-ray rate
varied substantially over the range of 4 to 10 γ’s/min and eventually exceeded the
steady γ-ray rate of the Crab Nebula (the standard candle) by a factor of 3. The
overall significance of the gamma-ray signal reached 50σ and
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Presented by Dr. Alexander KONOPELKO
6 Jul 2007
With H.E.S.S., a system of four Cherencov telescopes, a signal of very high energy
TeV-$\gamma$-radiation from the direction of the Galactic center has been detected.
The interpretation of the signal due to dark matter annihilations is discussed and
limits on the annihilation cross sections and density profiles are given. This is an
update of earlier publications including recent observations
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Presented by Joachim RIPKEN
6 Jul 2007
The physics goals of the The Telescope Array Low-Energy Extension (TALE)
include the hybrid measurement of spectrum and composition of cosmic rays down
to energies below 10^17 eV. To achieve composition measurements from
observation of extensive air showers, a ground array detector must have the
ability to distinguish the muonic and electromagnetic components of a shower.
Here, we consid
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Presented by Prof. John BELZ
6 Jul 2007
The Telescope Array Project (TA) is an Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray
Observatory in central Utah. It performs a hybrid measurement of the
extensive air showers induced by cosmic rays. The two detector systems
are 1) an array of 576 scintillation detectors and 2) three fluorescence
telescope observatories which overlook the ground array. The Telescope
Array will measure the study spectral sh
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Presented by Dr. John Norman MATTHEWS
6 Jul 2007
The Southern part of the Pierre Auger Observatory, which is nearing completion, has
been in stable operation since January 2004 whilst it has grown in size. The large
sample of data collected so far has led to a significant improvement to the energy
spectrum of UHE cosmic rays over that previously reported by the Pierre Auger
Observatory, both in with regard to statistics and systematic uncert
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Presented by Dr. Yamamoto TOKANATSU
4 Jul 2007
The high-energy physics community has been discussing for years the need to
bring together the three principal disciplines that study hadron cross-section
physics - ground-based accelerators, cosmic-ray experiments in space, and air
shower research. Only recently have NASA investigators begun discussing the
use of space-borne cosmic-ray payloads to bridge the gap between accelerator
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Presented by Dr. Thomas WILSON
9 Jul 2007
The VERITAS array trigger requires a simultaneous coincidence between multiple
telescopes to initiate the readout of data and is essential to reducing the
overwhelming background of local muons whilst efficiently recording light from VHE
gamma ray initiated air showers. The selection of coincident events in hardware
reduces the overall trigger rate allowing the individual telescopes to trigger
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Presented by Dr. Richard WHITE
9 Jul 2007
VERITAS is an array of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes designed for
very high energy gamma ray (E>100GeV) observations of astrophysical sources.
The experiment began its scientific observation program in the 2006/2007
observing season. We describe here the analysis chain for reducing the data,
reconstructing the direction and energy of incident gamma-rays and the
rejection of backgro
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Presented by Dr. Michael DANIEL
9 Jul 2007
The VERITAS gamma-ray observatory, situated in southern Arizona, is an array of four
12-m diameter imaging Cherenkov telescopes, each with a 499-pixel
photomultiplier-tube camera. The instrument is designed to detect astrophysical
gamma rays in excess of 100GeV. At the low end of the VERITAS energy range,
fluctuations in the night sky background light and single muons from cosmic-ray
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Presented by Dr. Amanda WEINSTEIN
9 Jul 2007
The galactic and solar cosmic radiation in the inner solar system has left indelible
records of their varying intensities over the past millennia in ice cores, tree
rings, and meteoritic material. While this was previously well known, atmospheric,
meteorological, and other factors have hindered the use of these data in quantitative
studies of the cosmic radiation. This is no longer so due to t
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Presented by Prof. Kenneth G. MCCRACKEN
7 Jul 2007
As part of the normal operation of the Whipple 10m Gamma Ray telescope, ten
minute drift scan “zenith” runs are made each night of observation for use as
calibration. Most of the events recorded during a zenith run are due to the
background of cosmic ray showers. However, it would be possible for a hitherto
unknown source of gamma rays to drift through the field. This paper reports
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Presented by Dr. Mary KERTZMAN
7 Jul 2007
Compared with the analysis of Fully Contained Events and Partially Contained
Events occurring inside the detector in Superkamiokande for the investigation of
the neutrino oscillation, the analysis of the Upward Stopping Muon Events and
Upward Through Going Muon Events occurring the outside detector is much
easier, although the quality of the experimental data is inferior to the former.
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Presented by Prof. Nobusuke TAKAHASHI
9 Jul 2007
A variety of mdoels for the origin of Extragalactic Cosmic Rays have been
examined in an attempt to see whether it is possible to explain the ankle in the
spectrum as a property of the EG particles alone. We find that it is not and see
no reason to doubt that it marks the cross-over point between Galactic and EG
Presented by Prof. Arnold WOLFENDALE
7 Jul 2007
The ARGO-YBJ experiment has now reached its final design configuration. The
detector system consists of a full coverage array ( about 5800 m2) of Resistive
Plate Chambers (RPCs). At the nominal threshold the system must be able to
sustain a maximum transfer rate of the order of 15 MB/s and an high peak data
flow. Data are read out using a typical front-end acquisition chain built around a
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Presented by Cristian STANESCU
6 Jul 2007
Near UV detector on-board the “Universitetsky-Tatiana” satellite has observed
the atmosphere glow at night side of the Earth. Digital oscilloscopes help to
select transient luminous events and to measure their temporal profiles in time
scale of 1-64 ms. Data from those detectors were analyzed for prediction the
duty cycle of future space detectors of ultra high energy cosmic rays.
Presented by Mr. Pavel KLIMOV
10 Jul 2007
The dependence of the muon flux from the atmospheric parameters (pressure and
temperature) is a well known effect since long time ago, that is usually
corrected for in cosmic ray measurements. We have correlated at EAS-TOP (LNGS)
the muon flux detected by the EMD detector (29 stations, 10m^2 each,
E_thr>3MeV) with the atmospheric temperature (10-1000mb levels) monitored by
the radio-soundings
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Presented by Dr. Mario BERTAINA
6 Jul 2007
The 17m diamter MAGIC telescope is currently the largest single dish Cherenkov
telescope for gamma ray astronomy. Within the year 2007 it will be upgraded with a
second telescope MAGIC-II. The camera of MAGIC-II will include several new features
compared to the MAGIC-I camera. Photomultipliers with the highest available photon
collection efficiency have been selected. A modular design allows e
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Presented by Mr. Ching-Cheng HSU
9 Jul 2007
The chemical composition of primary cosmic rays in the energy range ~10^15
eV are going to be examined from muon energy spectra using the AIRES
simulation program. The muon energy spectra observed by the compact
extensive air shower array and the solid iron magnet spectrometer are
compared with simulation result.
Presented by Mr. Hiroki MATSUMOTO
9 Jul 2007
The IceCube Neutrino Telescope is currently under construction at the geographic
South Pole and will eventually instrument a volume of one cubic kilometer by 2011. It
currently consists of 22 strings with 60 Digital Optical Modules each. Additionally
the AMANDA detector has been fully integrated into IceCube operation. This includes
hardware synchronisation, combined triggering, common event b
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Presented by Dr. Andreas GROSS
10 Jul 2007
We present an updated all-particle energy spectrum using data set collected in the
period from 2000 November through 2004 October by Tibet-III air-shower array. The
energy determination of the air showers is made by fitting the lateral density
distribution of the shower particles to the modified NKG function which is optimized
by simulation calculation using interaction models of QGSJET01c
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Presented by Mr. Ding CHEN
6 Jul 2007
The study of the evolution of the cosmic ray anisotropy over primary energy in the range 10^14-10^15 eV
can provide a significant tool for the understanding of the knee in the primary spectrum.
The EAS-TOP result obtained at Eo ~ 10^14 eV has been extended to higher energies in order to approach
the knee region, by exploiting the full data set (about 10 years of data taking).
Results derived
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9 Jul 2007
Diffuse emission from the Milky Way dominates the gamma-ray sky. About 80% of
the high-energy luminosity of the Milky Way comes from processes in the
interstellar medium. The Galactic diffuse emission traces interactions of
energetic particles, primarily protons and electrons, with the interstellar gas
and radiation field, thus delivering information about cosmic-ray spectra in
distant locati
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Presented by Dr. Troy PORTER
7 Jul 2007
The Fisk-model for the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) was developed in an
attempt to connect the structure of the magnetic field at large heliocentric
distances to processes in and above the photosphere. A Fisk-Parker hybrid
model that is valid for the whole heliosphere (Burger and Hitge 2004, ApJL,
617) and the whole solar cycle (Kruger 2006, MSc dissertation, NWU University)
was dev
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Presented by Prof. Renier BURGER
9 Jul 2007
The effects on the galactic cosmic ray modulation of a Parker field modified by a
atitudinal-dependent solar wind speed are numerically investigated. The
calculation of the propagation of the galactic cosmic ray is made by solving a
coupled set of the stochastic differential equations which is equivalent to the
so-called diffusion convection partial differential equation. The stochastic
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Presented by Ms. Shoko MIYAKE
9 Jul 2007
Experiments with the new generation of neutron detectors --- the boron-containing
scintillators placed inside a standard NM64 type neutron supermonitor --- have shown, that
the peculiar high-multiplicity neutron events with anomalously prolonged temporal
distributions of neutron intensity, which have been observed earlier in a set of neutron
monitor installations, are connected with an
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Presented by A.L. SHEPETOV
4 Jul 2007
We present a detailed study of the impact
of jet expansion on the emission properties of blazars, in particular
their gamma-ray lightcurves, based on the notion that the radiation is produced in an
emission zone that is travelling down the jet.
Using analytical estimates and numerical studies with a particular model
of particle energization, we conclude that AGN jets must be very well
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Presented by Prof. Martin POHL
6 Jul 2007
A linear relationship between the observed 26-day recurrent cosmic-ray
intensity variations and the global latitudinal gradient was first reported by
Zhang (1997, ApJ, 488). Burger and Hitge (2004, ApJL, 617) used a three-
dimensional steady-state numerical modulation model and showed that a Fisk-
type (Fisk 1996, JGR, 101) heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) can in principle
explain these o
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Presented by Prof. Renier BURGER
7 Jul 2007
We use two complementary models, diffusion and explicit particle propagation, to
analyze the end of the Galactic cosmic ray spectrum and its mixing with the
extragalactic cosmic ray flux. The extragalactic cosmic ray flux is estimated by
comparing Fly´s Eye, HiRes and AGASA spectra with Galactic spectrum expectations for
different injection models, populations of Galactic accelerators and mag
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Presented by Cinzia DE DONATO
4 Jul 2007
The understanding of mechanisms in active galactic nuclei requires the detection of a
large sample of very high energy gamma-ray objects at varying redshifts. The
gamma-astronomical researches are carrying out with SHALON mirror telescope at the
Tien-Shan high-mountain observatory since 1992. The redshifts of SHALON very high
energy gamma-ray sources range from z=0.0183 to z=1.375. The most di
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Presented by Prof. Vera Georgievna SINITSYNA
9 Jul 2007
We study the Sun as an extended source of gamma-ray
emission, produced by
inverse-Compton scattering of cosmic-ray electrons with the
solar radiation. This
emission contributes to the diffuse gamma-ray background
even at large angular
distances from the Sun. While this emission is expected to
be readily detectable by
the upcoming gamma-ray satellite GLAST, the situation for
available E
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Presented by Mrs. Elena ORLANDO
4 Jul 2007
Extremely high energy (EHE) cosmic neutrinos (E>10^8GeV) are considered to carry
important information about particle acceleration mechanisms in the universe and the
origin of EHE cosmic-ray. The IceCube experiment is uniquely designed to detect
highly energetic astrophysical neutrino events using Antarctic ice as a natural
Cherenkov radiator to overcome difficulties associated in the search
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Presented by Dr. Aya ISHIHARA
5 Jul 2007
Using the spacecraft and the stratospheric balloon cosmic ray data for 1973-2007 we
construct the radial profiles of the medium energy GCR intensity for the successive
solar activity minima (A>0 and A<0) and attempt to describe them in the simple
modulation model taking into account the potential difference between the heliosphere
and the infinity. Besides, using the above radial profiles we n
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Presented by Dr. Mikhail KRAINEV
9 Jul 2007
Gamma-hadron superfamily STRANA with E0 > 10^16 eV and unusual features
was detected by emulsion chamber at the board of stratospheric balloon. In the
center of the family there was found a halo. The halo and the high energy jet
producing it in the chamber are analysed here.
Presented by Dr. Vladislav OSEDLO
9 Jul 2007
The question of the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays at relativistic shock
waves is discussed in the light of results of recent Monte Carlo studies of the
first-order Fermi particle acceleration (Niemiec & Ostrowski 2006; Niemiec, Ostrowski
& Pohl 2006). The models of the turbulent magnetic field near the shock considered in
these simulations include realistic features of the perturbed
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Presented by Dr. Jacek NIEMIEC
5 Jul 2007
Many experimental results around and above the energies where the solar
modulation affects cosmic ion fluxes were quantified, debated and
conceptualized using leaky box models. These models basically exploit the
notion of equilibrium between creation and destruction processes of cosmic
ions in an undifferentiated arbitrary volume representing the Galaxy, ignoring
the galactic magnetic fi
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Presented by Dr. Antonio CODINO
6 Jul 2007
The muon charge ratio of the lateral muon density distributions in single
Extended Air Showers (EAS) is considered on basis of Monte Carlo simulations,
in view of proposals to measure this observable in coincidence with EAS
observations. Differences of the azimuthal variation of the muon densities of
opposite charges and the azimuthal variation of the muon charge ratio appear
to be ve
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Presented by Prof. Octavian SIMA
9 Jul 2007
For the newly build extensive air shower array of the Tien-Shan mountain complex ATHLET
is designed the new type of a large-size charged particles detector on the basis of the thin
molded polystyrene scintillator in conjunction with the wavelength shifting fibers. The 10 mm
thick scintillation plates have a 1x1 m^2 sensitive area, a 99% registration efficiency of the
charged particles and
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Presented by A.L. SHEPETOV
6 Jul 2007
The MAGIC Collaboration is building a clone, MAGIC II, of the current MAGIC
Telescope. MAGIC II will be built at 85 m of distance from MAGIC I, and will also
feature a huge reflecting surface of ~240 m^2 of area. Unlike
the former telescope, the mirrors for the new one are lighter and larger, being
square of 1 m of side and weighting 10÷12 kg. For the
development and production of th
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Presented by Dr. Denis BASTIERI
9 Jul 2007
We present the results of simulations of the performance of a 1 sq-km array of
imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). To evaluate limitations of
the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique the array is simulated under the
assumption of ideal optics, in a manner which is independent of any
particular telescope implementation. The primary characteristics of the
array performance, col
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Presented by Stephen FEGAN
10 Jul 2007
The LHCf is an early time physics experiment of the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The
LHCf will provide an indispensable data on the energy and transverse momentum spectra
of neutral particles in the very forward region at 1x10^17eV. The LHCf apparatus is
composed of two independent detectors installed +/- 140m and at zero degree collision
angle from the ATLAS interaction point. Each detector ha
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Presented by Mr. Hiroaki MENJO
6 Jul 2007
The proton-air inelastic cross section at sqrt(s) approximately 2 TeV has been
obtained from the EAS-TOP Extensive Air Shower experiment data.
The absorption length of cosmic ray proton primaries cascades is studied in the
energy range just below the knee of the primary spectrum. Primary energies are
selected through the EAS muon contents while proton originated cascades at maximum
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Presented by Dr. Gian Carlo TRINCHERO
9 Jul 2007
We estimate to what extent the neutron monitor and stratospheric GCR data can be used
for getting information on the intensity of the GCRs in a so called medium energy
range (100-500 MeV/n), very important for studying the heliosphere and the GCR
modulation there. The hourly data of the neutron monitors Apatity (since 1969) and
Moscow (since 1958) are used as well as the standard set of the qu
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Presented by Dr. Mikhail KRAINEV
9 Jul 2007
The TeV blazars Mrk 421, Mrk 501, PSK 2155-304 and 1ES1959+650 are among the brightest known blazars,
yet the existing experimental set of data does not allow one to make unambiguous statements about the physical
mechanisms responsible for the electromagnetic emission. The lack of sensitive coverage in the energy range 1
MeV to 500 GeV (up to 2004), and the scarce truly simultaneous data res
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Presented by Dr. David PANEQUE
6 Jul 2007
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos, with energies from a few 10^18 eV to
beyond the decade of 10^20 eV, and Cosmic Rays with E >= 5 10^19 eV appear to be the
only suitable messengers to explore the Universe at frontier energies, where
radiation is expected to be produced under the most extreme physical conditions.
Observations of these UHE particles will certainly provide new informa
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Presented by Dr. Andrea SANTANGELO
10 Jul 2007
The Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to ultra-high energy
neutrinos in the EeV range
and above. In this work we discuss in detail the complete chain
its acceptance to them to be computed. The probability that an
ultra-high energy neutrino produces an Extended Air Shower is first
computed. Then the simulations to get the detector response to those
showers are presented. Finally
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Presented by Dr. Jaime ALVAREZ-MUNIZ
4 Jul 2007
The Grande array as main part of the KASCADE-Grande experiment consists of 37x10 sqm
scintillation detectors spread over an area of 700x700 sqm. Grande enables triggers
and reconstruction of primary cosmic rays in the energy range of ~30 PeV to 1 EeV.
This contribution discusses the reconstruction of the shower size spectrum, i.e. the
total number of charged particles. The KASCADE-Grande set-
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Presented by Dr. Federico DI PIERRO
6 Jul 2007
A new gamma ray observatory comprising a large area imaging Cherenkov telescope and
an array of wavefront sampling telescopes is being set up at a high altitude
astronomical site, Hanle (32.8 deg N, 78.9 deg E, 4200 m asl) , in the Ladakh region of
the Himalayas to detect celestial gamma rays. The high altitude and low night sky
background of the site palys an important role in lowering the en
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Presented by Prof. Bannanje Sripathi ACHARYA
9 Jul 2007
The study of the energy dependence of the depth of shower maximum
and of the muon content in high energy cosmic ray showers are two widely
used methods for the derivation of cosmic ray composition. An alternative
interpretation of the energy dependence of these two observables is
a change in the features of hadronic interactions at high energy.
In this contribution we show that the string per
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Presented by Dr. Jaime ALVAREZ-MUNIZ
9 Jul 2007
The shapes of cosmic ray trajectories in the Galaxy result from the effect of the
chaotic and regular magnetic field, the rates of the nuclear collisions, the gas
density and other minor parameters. For a given magnetic field configuration
the forms of the trajectories, regardless their lengths, naturally subdivide in
rectilinear and highly tortuous, depending on the ion energy. It is show
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Presented by Dr. Antonio CODINO
7 Jul 2007
The trigger system of JEM-EUSO should face
different major challenging points: a) cope with the limited down-link
transmission rate from the ISS to Earth, by operating a severe on-board
and on-time data reduction; b) use very fast, low power consuming and radiation
hard electronics; c) have a high signal-over-noise performance and flexibility
in order to lower as much as possible the energy t
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Presented by Dr. Mario BERTAINA
6 Jul 2007
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) sign energetic explosions in the Universe, occurring at
cosmological distances. Multi-wavelength observations of GRB allow to study their
properties and to use them as cosmological tools.
In 2011 the space borne gamma-ray telescope ECLAIRs is expected to provide accurate
GRB localizations on the sky in near real-time, necessary for ground-based follow-up
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Presented by Dr. Stéphane SCHANNE
6 Jul 2007
The energy spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) is
usually calculated for sources with identical properties. Assuming
that all sources can accelerate UHECR protons to the same extremely
high maximal energy E_max > 10^{20} eV and have the steeply falling
injection spectrum 1/E^{2.7}, one can reproduce the measured cosmic
ray flux above E > 10^{18} eV. We show that relaxing th
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Presented by Dr. Dmitri SEMIKOZ, Prof. Michael KACHELRIESS
4 Jul 2007
By the neutron monitor placed in the underground room of Tien-Shan mountain station is
measured the spectrum of neutron multiplicities of the registered events. The
spectrum has an approximately power shape with the differential slope index 3.7, its
intensity being 350-450 times lower than that of the events in the on-ground NM64
type neutron
supermonitor. According to the late
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Presented by A.L. SHEPETOV
4 Jul 2007
Be-7 is produced by interaction between cosmic rays and nitrogen or oxygen in
the atmosphere. The variation of its concentration indicates the variation of
cosmic-rays intensity. Cosmic rays which reach the earth are modulated by the
solar activities in the heliosphere. It is important to investigate the relationship
between the concentrations of Be-7 and the solar activities, because of t
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Presented by Mr. Satoshi KIKUCHI
7 Jul 2007
This paper examines the properties of the ~2300-year periodicity in the galactic
cosmic radiation, previously recognized in power spectra of cosmogenic 10Be
and 14C. It shows that the periodicity consists of short episodes (50-100 year)
of high cosmic ray intensity, such as accompanied the Spoerer and Maunder
Minima, separated by long intervals (>1000years) of low intensities similar to,
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Presented by Dr. Ken MCCRACKEN
9 Jul 2007
We evaluate the muon and tau energy loss produced by photonuclear interactions at
high energies by using different theoretical models. The theoretical uncertainty is
estimated by taking different extrapolations of the DIS structure functions in the low and
moderate $Q^2$ range at extremely low values of $x$ where nuclear shadowing
could be stronger than usually thought.
Photonuclear inte
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Presented by Gonzalo PARENTE
9 Jul 2007
A nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in
supernova remnants (SNRs) is employed to investigate the properties of SNR
RX J1713.7-3946. Observations of the nonthermal radio and X-ray emission
spectra as well as the H.E.S.S. measurements of the very high energy gamma-ray
emission are used to constrain the astronomical and the particle
acceleration par
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Presented by Prof. Heinrich J. VOELK
7 Jul 2007
We present some recent developments in the theory of particle acceleration at shock
fronts in the presence of dynamical reaction of the accelerated particles and
self-generation of magnetic field due to streaming instability. The spectra of
accelerated particles, the velocity, magnetic field and temperature profiles can be
calculated in this approach anywhere in the precursor and in the downst
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Presented by Dr. Pasquale BLASI
5 Jul 2007
It is shown that recording of thermal neutrons accompanying the EAS with
specific scintillator detectors for thermal neutron detection
gives a new and very interesting additional information.
Results of CORSIKA based Monte Carlo simulations as well as preliminary
experimental data are presented. A new method to study Extensive Air
Showers is proposed.
Presented by Dr. Yuri STENKIN
6 Jul 2007
The hard X-ray (>150 keV, ACS SPI) emission during the X-class solar flares of
December 5 and 6 lasted about 5 and 15 min respectively and the time profiles
several distinct peaks of about 1-2 min. If the time-profiles are plotted relatively
the onset of 15.4 GHz radio emission, then the hard X-ray emission of the
December 6
event would be delayed by 4 minutes in comparison wit
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Presented by Dr. Alexei STRUMINSKY
4 Jul 2007
Obseravations of neaby blazar PKS 2155-304(z=0.116) was performed
in July and August 2006 with the CANGAROO-III atmospheric Cherenkov
telescope in South Australia, which was triggered by the H.E.S.S.
group as a high state. Stereo observations with three telescopes
were performed except for the observations done before culmination
in each night of July periods due to mechanical tracking proble
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Presented by Prof. Kyoshi NISHIJIMA
6 Jul 2007
IBEX-lo on the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) will image energetic neutral H atoms (ENA) from the
termination shock at 10 – 2000 eV and the flow distribution of interstellar O in spring and fall. The sensor
combines a mechanical collimator to restrict the detectable arrival directions, an atom to negative ion conversion
surface, an electrostatic analyzer, post-acceleration up to 20
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Presented by Prof. Eberhard MOEBIUS
10 Jul 2007
This paper describes the timing calibration system for the NEMO (NEutrino
Mediterranean Observatory) underwater neutrino telescope. Timing calibration
is a critical task to perform in such a large apparatus, as the track
reconstruction capabilities strongly depend on the accuracy of the time
alignment of the measurements made by the different sensors. A system based
on an optical fibre n
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Presented by Dr. Marco CIRCELLA
9 Jul 2007
KASCADE-Grande is a multi detector setup for the investigation of extensive air
showers in the primary energy range of the knee including energies around the
so-called second knee. With the data of the 700 x 700 sqm large Grande array shower
core position, shower direction, and the total number of electrons are reconstructed
for events with primary energy above 50 PeV.
Among others, the Grand
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Presented by Dr. Vitor DE SOUZA
6 Jul 2007
Despite the radical change of origin, the transition from galactic
to extragalactic cosmic rays (CR) is not well established and not
well understood. In principle three important characteristics of CR,
spectrum, chemical composition and anisotropy, must change at
energy of transition. The spectrum is naturally changing from steep
to flat component. The end of galactic CR is characterised
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Presented by Dr. Veniamin BEREZINSKY
9 Jul 2007
The transport and acceleration of a few-MeV anomalous cosmic rays in the
heliosheath is studied. We show that the compression of the solar wind (due to
charge exchange) result in adiabatic acceleration of these particles.
Furthermore, anomalous cosmic rays also experience acceleration of a
stochastic nature in the inner heliosheath. Comparing numerical model results
with Voyager 1 cosmic
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Presented by Dr. Stefan FERREIRA
10 Jul 2007
The assumption that the first arriving particles in impulsive
solar energetic particle (SEP) events travel scatter-free along
regular Parker-spiral magnetic field lines from injection
at the Sun to detection at 1 AU has led to the conclusion that
impulsive SEPs are often injected well after a type III
radio burst is observed at the Sun. If all the turbulent scales are taken into
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Presented by Stephen KAHLER
4 Jul 2007
In the framework of LOPES (LOFAR PrototypE Station), a Self-Triggered Array of Radio
detectors (STAR) is developed. The challenge of LOPES^STAR is to provide an
independent self-trigger on radio emission of extensive air showers with primary
energy above approximate 5*10^17 eV.
Measurements are done both with an external and self-trigger in radio loud and quiet
areas. Based on these data the
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Presented by Mr. Thomas ASCH
10 Jul 2007
Using all stations of LOFAR we are planning to explore the possibility of using
Moon as a detector of ultra high energy (>10 21 eV) cosmic rays. The idea is to
cover the whole visible lunar surface and to look for short pulses of Cherenkov
radiation emitted by showers induced just below the surface of the Moon when
the cosmic rays strike it.
In the LOFAR station, a large number of digi
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Presented by Dr. Kalpana SINGH
4 Jul 2007
The new EAS Cherenkov array Tunka-133 of a sensitive area about 1 km^2 is mounting in
Tunka valley since the end of 2005. The new array will permit a detailed study of cosmic ray
energy spectrum and mass composition in the energy range 10^15 - 10^18 eV with the
unique method. The array will consist of 19 clasters each containing 7 optical detectors. The
first claster started operation sinc
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Presented by Prof. Vasily PROSIN
6 Jul 2007
The previous paper showed that particles in the 20 January 2005 GLE were
probably accelerated in two distinct regions. X- and gamma-ray observations
of the RHESSI spacecraft identify these regions as a loop-like, bipolar
structure in the lower corona which accelerates the particles on a short,
ephemeral time scale to several GeV in energy, and the shock around the CME
emanating from the paren
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Presented by Dr. Ken MCCRACKEN
6 Jul 2007
In the last two years, the MAGIC telescope has performed an observational campaign on
the X-ray binary LS I +61 303. Observations during the first year covered 6 orbital
cycles and resulted in the first detection of the source above ~200 GeV. LS I +61 303
was also found to be variable. The second campaign spanned 4 more orbital cycles,
covering orbital phases which had not been explored befor
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Presented by Ms. Nuria SIDRO MARTIN
6 Jul 2007
Ground level enhancements due to solar flare protons have been recorded at
Sanae since 1971 by two neutron monitors with different sensitivities to primary
protons in the rigidity range < 1 GV to ~5 GV. Spectral indexes can be
determined from the enhancement ratios of the two detectors if their specific
yield functions (SYF) are known. The SYF obtained from latitude surveys and
primary c
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Presented by Dr. Pieter STOKER
6 Jul 2007
The two-dimensional solar diurnal variation of the galactic cosmic-ray intensity
is measured in TeV energy range using data taken from Tibet III air shower
array (Nov.1999-Nov.2005). The variation are consistent with the Compton-
Getting anisotropy due to the terrestrial orbital motion around the sun in the
high energy (12TeV) data sample;while an additional variation is observed in
the l
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Presented by Dr. Yi ZHANG
9 Jul 2007
The Lunar Cherenkov technique, which aims to detect the coherent Cherenkov
produced when UHE particles interact in the lunar regolith, was first attempted
the Parkes radio-telescope in 1995, though the theory was not sufficiently
at this time to calculate a limit on the UHE neutrino flux from the non-
Since then, the technique has evolved to includ
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Presented by Mr. Clancy JAMES
10 Jul 2007
The search for rare massive particles in the cosmic radiation remains one of the main aim of non-accelerator particle
astrophysics. Experiments at high altitude allow lower mass thresholds with respect to detectors at sea level or
underground. We present here the analysis of the full SLIM detector (400 m^2) after 4y exposure at the
Chacaltaya site (5300m a.s.l.). A part is devoted to the stu
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Presented by Dr. stefano CECCHINI
5 Jul 2007
We will discuss the main theoretical and phenomenological consequences
of the diffusion equation solution for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
in an expanding Universe. The comparison of the two solution in the
case of static and expanding Universe will be also discussed.
Presented by Dr. Roberto ALOISIO
7 Jul 2007
The principle of the CODALEMA experiment is based on an original approach for the
detection of radio transients associated with extensive air showers induced by ultra
high energy cosmic rays. Since September 2006, CODALEMA is under operation with a new
setup (technically described in another contribution to this conference) at the
Nancay Radio Observatory in France. It uses 16 broadband dipole
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Presented by Dr. Olivier RAVEL
7 Jul 2007
Large-scale accretion shocks around massive clusters of galaxies, generically
expected in hierarchical scenarios of cosmological structure formation, are shown to
be plausible sources of the observed ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) by
accelerating a mixture of heavy nuclei including the iron group elements. Current
observations can be explained if the source composition at injection for
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Presented by Dr. Susumu INOUE
7 Jul 2007
The annihilation of relic Dark Matter(DM) in the galactic halo leads to a
new primary source of gamma rays, positrons and antiprotons, which may
be observed as an excess on top of the cosmic rays (CR) background
calculated within a galactic model. With assumptions of isotropic propagation
and smooth gas distribution the uncertainties in the prediction of local CR
fluxes do not exceed 20%
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Presented by Dr. Valery ZHUKOV
10 Jul 2007
Starting from a survey of experimental measurements, we assign uncertainties to the
two most critical inputs to the calculation of fluxes of unoscillated atmospheric
neutrinos, the hadron production and the primary cosmic ray fluxes. We then
propagate these uncertainties through the entire flux calculation to arrive at
estimates of the uncertainties in the fluxes of neutrinos and of various r
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Presented by Dr. Giles BARR
10 Jul 2007
The report describes a 4-channel digital device which can be regarded as a
prototype elementary unit for future underwater acoustic neutrino telescopes.
Signals from the hydrophones, arranged in a pyramid-like geometry with 144 cm
spacing between the hydrophones, are amplified and processed by a 16-bit
ADC card with a frequency up to 200 kHz. There are three regimes of operation
of the i
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Presented by Dr. Ralf WISCHNEWSKI
9 Jul 2007
In mid December 2006 several flares on the Sun occurred in rapid succession,
spawning several CMEs and bathing the Earth in multiple solar energetic
particle (SEP) events. One such SEP occurring on December 15th was observed
at the Earth just as an interplanetary CME (ICME) from a previous flare on
December 13th was transiting the Earth. Although solar wind observations
during this time
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Presented by Tamitha MULLIGAN
5 Jul 2007
Inclined air showers are a particularly interesting target for observation
with the radio technique. They are expected to be well detectable and allow
analyses of angular correlations over a much broader range in geomagnetic
angle than near-vertical events. We present an updated analysis of highly
inclined (>50° zenith angle), high energy (>10^5 N_mu) air showers measured
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Presented by Dr. Tim HUEGE
4 Jul 2007
In February 2007 the MAGIC Air Cherenkov Telescope for gamma ray
astronomy was fully upgraded with a ultra fast 2GSamples/s digitization system.
Since the gamma ray signals are very short, a fast readout can
minimize the influence of the background from the light of the night sky.
Fast flash analog to digital converters (FADCs) are commercially
available, but they are prohibitively expensiv
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Presented by Dr. Florian GOEBEL
9 Jul 2007
A sample of selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) was observed
from 2005 to 2007 with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.),
an array of imaging atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in Namibia.
Significant detections for some of these objects are reported
elsewhere. Integral flux upper limits for the other candidate
very-high-energy (VHE; >100 GeV) gamma-ray emitters will be presen
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Presented by Dr. Wystan BENBOW
6 Jul 2007
The Yangbajing neutron monitor is suitable for observing solar neutrons in
association with solar flares due to a location with an altitude of 4,300 m above sea
Using data of the Yangbajing neutron monitor obtained during 1998 and 2001,
we searched for solar neutrons from individual solar flares detected by BATSE and
Yohkoh. No signal due to solar neutrons was found in coincidence wi
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4 Jul 2007
The twin observatories of the STEREO mission, launched on October 25, 2006,
will perform comprehensive studies of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) directed
towards Earth from two vantage points which allow stereoscopic remote observations of
CMEs and multi-point in-situ measurements of their interplanetary counterparts
(ICMEs). The Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT), part of the IMPACT
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Presented by Mr. Reinhold MÜLLER-MELLIN
4 Jul 2007
The issue of the Dark Matter distribution inside the halos is a
very complicated one.
N-body simulations data, which are usually assumed to represent the dark
matter shape inside the halos, suffer from the bug of flattening the model
to all types of Galaxy, without taking into account the peculiar properties
of each Galaxy.
In this work we extract informations on the Dark Matter distribution
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Presented by Dr. Lidia PIERI
9 Jul 2007
Using the data taken by the ARGO-YBJ experiment (606 $g/cm^{2}$, Tibet, P.R.China)
in the period of July to September 2006, the first measurement of
EAS size spectrum in the range of $N_{e}=5\times10^{4}-5\times10^{6}$
is presented at different zenith angles. The attenuation and absorption
lengths have been determined by applying different analysis methods.
Furthermore the proton-air inelasti
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Presented by Dr. Min ZHA
6 Jul 2007
Variations of cosmic ray (CR) rigidity spectrum during Forbush effect on 17
January and solar proton event on 20 January, 2005 (the beginning at 06:36
UT, solar coordinates N14W61) have been researched using the method of
spectrographic global survey according to ground-based observations of cosmic
ray intensity at the world-wide network of stations. In integrally analyzing
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Presented by Dr. Olga KRYAKUNOVA
4 Jul 2007
VERITAS, the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, is an array of four 12 m diameter imaging
atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes for gamma-ray astronomy above 100 GeV currently in operation in Arizona. The
VERITAS Collaboration has developed VEGAS, the VERITAS Gamma-ray Analysis Suite, a data-analysis software
package for the processing of single- and multiple-telescope data
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Presented by Dr. Peter COGAN
9 Jul 2007
VERITAS employs a multi-stage data acquisition chain that extends from the VME
readout of custom 500 MHz flash ADC electronics to the construction of telescope
events and ultimately the compilation of information from each telescope into array
level data. These systems provide access to the programming of the channel level
triggers and the FADCs. They also ensure the proper synchronization of
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Presented by Elizabeth HAYS
9 Jul 2007
Recent all-sky surveys by the Tibet AS and the MILAGRO Observatories have
identified several new potential TeV Gamma-Ray sources.One of these sources
(MGRO J2019+37) is positionally coincident with a Pulsar Wind Nebula
G75.1+0.1, ,and the second source (MGRO J1909+06) is nearby the Supernova
Remnant G40.5-0.5. MGRO J2019+37 was observed by the VERITAS
Observatory during November 2006, a
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Presented by Prof. David KIEDA
4 Jul 2007
VERITAS is an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope array designed
to study astrophysical sources of very high energy gamma radiation.
Located in southern Arizona, USA, the array consists of four
12-m diameter imaging Cherenkov telescopes. All four telescopes
have been deployed at the basecamp of the Whipple Observatory
and they became fully operational in early 2007. This paper
describes the
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Presented by Dr. Gernot MAIER
9 Jul 2007
Starburst galaxies are characterized by extremely high star-formation rates and, as a
consequence, very high supernova rates. These rates, as well as the gas density, are
orders of magnitude higher than in our Galaxy. Such an environment contains both a
high cosmic ray flux and high density of target material for pp and inverse compton
interactions. These objects are therefore viable candidate
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Presented by Mr. Dalibor NEDBAL
6 Jul 2007
Observations of pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae
have been conducted during the last two years using the
MAGIC Imaging Cerenkov Telescope. In addition to the study
of the nebula emission, the low energy threshold of MAGIC
offers the opportunity to search for the pulsed emission
with very high sensitivity.
The selection of the objects was based on their spin-down luminosity
and the probabi
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Presented by Ms. Raquel DE LOS REYES, Ms. Ester ALIU
4 Jul 2007
C-14 concentrations of single-yr tree rings indicate solar modulations of cosmic
rays such as 11-yr solar cycle. Old tree rings are a powerful tool to detect the
variations of cosmic-rays in past time. From C-14 dating, the calendar age of
the Choukai Jindai cedar in Japan (39°N) was ranged in from 2757 to 2437 cal
BP with 320 tree rings. According to IntCal04 which is the standard
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Presented by Ms. Yui TAKAHASHI
7 Jul 2007
Sunspot numbers, which reflect solar activity, have presented clear 11-year
periodicity since the early 18th century. However in the period around 1645 to
1715 AD sunspots were almost absent, and this period is called the Maunder
Minimum, one of grand solar minima implying weak solar activity. Variation of
solar activity in grand solar minima can be investigated by determining the
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Presented by Mr. Kentaro NAGAYA
9 Jul 2007
The vertical profile of air density at a given site varies considerably with time.
Well understood seasonal differences are present, but sizeable effects on shorter
time scales, like day to night or day to day variations, are also observed. In
consequence, the Moliere radius changes, influencing the lateral distribution of
particles in the air showers and therefore may influence the shower de
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Presented by Dr. Barbara WILCZYNSKA
4 Jul 2007
The variations of anisotropy of primary spectrum of cosmic rays (CR) during the
period of CR intensity increasing on January 20, 2005, have been obtained
using the method of spectrographic global survey according to the data of
ground-based observations of CR at the world-wide network of stations. It is
shown that in the flare main phase, there was observed a CR strong
anisotropy and the
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Presented by Dr. Sergey STARODUBTSEV
6 Jul 2007
With a volume of ~1 km3, IceCube will be able to detect very high energy
neutrinos above ~1E17 eV. At these energies, bremsstrahlung and pair
production are suppressed by the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect (LPM).
Therefore, nu_e and nu_tau interactions in the ice can produce several hundred
meter long showers. We present an analysis of IceCube sensitivity to such events. It includes
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Presented by Dr. Julien BOLMONT
9 Jul 2007
Exploration of the galactic and metagalactic objects in which the acceleration of
protons and nuclei is accompanying with generation of gamma-quanta and neutrinos is
of great current interest for astroparticle physics because the gammas and neutrinos
do not dissipate energy after propagation through the magnetic fields of the Universe
providing a unique probe into these cosmic accelerators. Th
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Presented by Prof. Vera Georgievna SINITSYNA
6 Jul 2007
The Virtual Cosmic Ray Observatory (ViCRO) is proposed to extend planned capabilities
of NASA’s existing or developing heliophysics virtual observatories with a collection
of important cosmic ray datasets with an initial focus on interplanetary solar and
heliospheric science applications. Recent work from the Advanced Composition Explorer
(ACE) and Voyager spacecraft shows the science value
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Presented by Dr. John COOPER
10 Jul 2007
On the basis of world network data of neutron monitors and muon telescopes
at the Yakutsk and Nagoya stations the galactic cosmic ray anisotropy directed
transverse to the mean field line (in the direction of 15.00 LT) has been
revealed. This component undergoes the 11-year variation. Its value rises as
the IMF intensity, solar activity level and neutral sheet deformation increase.
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Presented by Dr. Sardaana GERASIMOVA
10 Jul 2007
Voyager 1 (V1) continues to explore the heliosheath after crossing the solar
wind termination shock on 16 December 2004. Voyager 2 (V2) is observing
termination shock particles (TSPs) and may cross the shock at any time.
The source of the classic anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) is still
under debate as it was not located at the shock where V1 crossed
(~34 N heliolatitude). The ACR spectrum at
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Presented by E. C. STONE
10 Jul 2007
On December 16, 2004 Voyager 1 at 94 AU crossed the heliospheric termination
shock and began the exploration of the vast region of the heliosheath. At the
termination shock the observed intensity of anomalous cosmic rays > 4 MeV/n was
much below that expected at what was generally believed to be their acceleration site
while the galactic cosmic ray intensity (150-380 MeV/n He) was close to its
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Presented by Prof. Frank B. MCDONALD
9 Jul 2007
A world grid of vertical cosmic ray cutoff rigidities was calculated using the
Definitive International Geomagnetic Reference Field for Epoch 1995.0. These
cutoff rigidity values show the effects of the continued evolution of the
geomagnetic field. The average cutoff values continue to decrease especially in
the South Atlantic and South American areas. However, in some areas of the
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Presented by Dr. Don SMART
6 Jul 2007
A world grid of vertical cosmic ray cutoff rigidities was calculated using the
Definitive International Geomagnetic Reference Field for Epoch 2000.0. These
cutoff rigidity values were specifically computed for updating the aircraft
radiation dose. These cutoff rigidity values show the effects of the continued
evolution of the geomagnetic field. The average cutoff values continue to
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Presented by Dr. Don SMART
6 Jul 2007
The waiting time distribution of emissions in Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) with
several emissions is examined. We define the waiting time () as the time
interval between the commencement of an emission and the commencement of
the next emission considered as parts of a unique CME. The distribution seems
to follow a power-law.Two classes of CMEs several emissions are
considered: “clo
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Presented by Dr. Adolfo MENDEZ BERHONDO
4 Jul 2007
The rate of events measured with the surface detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger
Observatory is found to be
modulated by the weather conditions. This effect, observed in different ranges of
S(1000), the signal
measured at 1000 m from the shower core, is due to the increasing amount of matter
traversed by a shower
as the ground pressure increases and to the inverse proportionality of the Mo
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4 Jul 2007
Presented by Jose VALDES-GALICIA
3 Jul 2007
We discuss the small scale anisotropy signal predicted for present and future UHECR
experiments such as Auger, Telescope Array, Auger North and EUSO. We relax the
unrealistic, but commonly used assumption that the sources are all equal and we
concentrate our attention on how the expected signal depends on possible
distributions of the properties of the sources such as a luminosity function or
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Presented by Dr. Daniel DE MARCO
7 Jul 2007
In recent years, ground-based gamma-ray observatories have made a number of important
astrophysical discoveries which have attracted the attention of the wider scientific
community. The continuation of these achievements into the next decade will require a
new generation of observatories. In view of the long lead time for developing and
installing new instruments, the Division of Astrophysics
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Presented by Prof. Henric KRAWCZYNSKI
10 Jul 2007
We present a design for novel two-mirror aplanatic telescopes for use in
ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. Comparing to a traditional Davies-Cotton
reflector, an aplanatic telescope can achieve significant reduction of plate scale.
The telescope design can be configured to balance the need for wide-field of
view, high angular resolution, large light collecting area, and high degree of
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Presented by Stephen FEGAN
9 Jul 2007
Electromagnetic radiation from blazars can be observed from the radio band up to very high energy
gamma rays, with spectral energy distributions (SEDs) apparently characterized by a two-bump structure. So far,
most of the measured SEDs could be interpreted using simple leptonic origin scenarios, like Synchrotron Self-
Compton models. However, models where the gamma rays are due to accelerated
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Presented by Mr. Masaaki HAYASHIDA
6 Jul 2007
The relation between solar particle enhancements near the Earth and solar
flares properties is studied using as a working tool an extensive database of
SXR flares and proton fluxes. This database includes about 63000 SXR flares
observed by GOES satellites and >1200 proton enhancements over period of
time covered 1975-2006. Heliolongitudinal distribution of solar sources of the
most inten
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Presented by Dr. Evgenia EROSHENKO
5 Jul 2007
Extensive air shower (EAS) observation has been performed by
the compact and synchronized EAS arrays by LAAS experiments.
The zenith angle distribution and atmospheric effects were examined
in order to obtain EAS absorption coefficients in the air and the
relation between them and spectral index.
The atmospheric effects are going to be analyzed as function of
local solar time in harmonic a
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Presented by Dr. Atsushi IYONO, Ms. Chisato NODA
4 Jul 2007
The air shower size (Ne) spectrum of cosmic rays around the knee at different zenith
angles has been studied with the Tibet-III air-shower array. The air shower size is
estimated by fitting the lateral density distribution of the shower particles using
the modified NKG function, which is optimized by the Monte Carlo simulation by using
interaction models of QGSJET01c and SIBYLL2.1 taking into
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Presented by Dr. Jing HUANG
6 Jul 2007
The joint analysis of experimental data on cosmic ray fluxes measured in the
stratosphere at 1 a.u. and measured by Voyager - 1 spacecraft at the different
distances from the Earth is made. The relationship between cosmic ray fluxes in
the stratosphere and interplanetary magnetic field strength are used to get cosmic
ray flux outside the modulation region. The evaluation of the modulation reg
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Presented by Prof. Yuri STOZHKOV
9 Jul 2007