3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster

Merida, Mexico - Regency (Hyatt)

Study of Third Harmonics of Cosmic Ray Intensity on Quiet Days at Goose Bay Station


  • Mr. Mahendra RICHHARIA

Primary authors


Abstract content

The cosmic ray(CR) intensity data record with Goose bay Neutron Monitoring Station have been investigated on 60 quietest days (QD) in a year for studying the variation in tri-diurnal anisotropy during solar cycle 21 and 22. It has been
observed that in spite of abrupt change in the amplitude and phase of tri- diurnal anisotropy in CR intensity, the amplitude is quite significance throughout period of investigation with small amplitude during 1981 and 1990. Further, the phase a shift to earlier hours during 1990-91 showing the dependence on the polarity of solar magnetic field, which is attribute to drift effect. Thus , the tri- diurnal anisotropy clearly shows 11 year type variation at mid latitude neutron monitoring station.