3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Oral

Merida, Mexico - Kabah (Holiday Inn)

Searches for gravitational wave bursts with LIGO


  • Dr. Shantanu DESAI

Primary authors

Abstract content

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) consists of
three detectors, located in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana,
which are designed to search for gravitational waves from astrophysical
sources. In November 2005, LIGO started collecting coincident data at
design sensitivity. One of the data analysis efforts is aimed at searching
for short-duration transient signals with unmodeled waveforms, known as
bursts. Examples of burst sources include core-collapse supernova, binary
black hole mergers, and cosmic string cusps. Two types of burst searches
are currently being conducted within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.
In an untriggered approach, we perform an all-sky search from all possible
sources. In a triggered approach, we look for signals from known transient
electromagnetic sources such as gamma-ray bursts or soft gamma-ray
repeaters. Recent results from these types of searches for gravitational
wave bursts will be presented.

If this papers is presented for a collaboration, please specify the collaboration

LIGO Scientific Collaboration