- icrc2007@icrc2007.unam.mx
Contribution Poster
FANSY: a code for simulations of coplanar particle generation in hadron interactions
Primary authors
- Prof. Rauf MUKHAMEDSHIN (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)
Abstract content
The phenomenon of alignment of most energetic structures of gamma-ray-hadron families found in mountain and stratospheric X-ray - emulsion chamber experiments cannot be explained without a coplanar particle generation with large transverse momenta in hadron interactions at superhigh energies. A phenomenological model, which makes it possible to simulate such interactions, is presented. Different versions of this model are considered, their features are described and compared with those of models applied by the CORSIKA package.
Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference; Rogelio Caballero, Juan Carlos D'Olivo, Gustavo Medina-Tanco, Lukas Nellen, Federico A. Sánchez, José F. Valdés-Galicia (eds.); Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008; Vol. 4 (HE part 1), pages 573-576