11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Date: 11 May 16:00 - 18:00


Videos with explanations of the posters can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnc_4XRpdlD-QUVG7l00BIw/playlists

Contribution List

Displaying 19 contributions out of 19
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Presented by Dr. Tamer BOZ on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
We present a study of the ionization efficiency in pure crystals based on an extension of Lindhard’s theory, in which the energy given to atomic motion by nuclear recoils is calculated taking into account the atomic binding energy. We construct a modified integral equation that incorporates this effect consistently and find a numerical solution to this equation that leads to a “quenching facto ... More
Presented by Mr. youssef SARKIS MOBARAK on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
The proposal of this work is an update on the development of a control system (DCS, Detector Control System) for the new FDD detector and its integration in the ALICE experiment, according to the rules of the new Online-Offline (O2) infrastructure for Run-3 of the LHC, by using the SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) called WinCC-OA. This proposal will allow the DCS of FDD dete ... More
Presented by Mr. Juan Manuel MEJIA CAMACHO, Dr. Juan Carlos CABANILLAS NORIS on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
The location of the up to now hypothetical critical endpoint and the exploration of the QCD phase diagram are important challenges in both theoretical and experimental physics. With two massless quark flavors the QCD Lagrangian has a $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R = O(4)$ symmetry. This symmetry is isomorphic to the one of the four component Heisenberg ferromagnet which we use as an effective model. With ... More
Presented by Mr. Jose Antonio GARCIA HERNANDEZ
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Magnetic moment; Anomalous magnetic moment; Julian Schwinger;Perturbation theory; QED; g-2; on-shell; symmetric limit; Electroweak contribution; QCD; gauge invaiant
Presented by Mr. Luis Raúl TORRES ROJAS on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
1-Motivation 2-Schwinger-Dyson equations 3- The Contact interaction model of quarks 4-QCD Phase diagram a finite temperature and in the presence of electric and magnetic fields
Presented by Dr. Aftab AHMAD on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Presented by María Guadalupe MORALES TREJO on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Presented by Dr. Tomás Antonio VALENCIA PÉREZ
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
We discussed the feasibility of including dark matter in the Left-Right Mirror Model with an additional discrete $Z_2$ symmetry. The $Z_2$ symmetry helps to prevent any decay of the possible dark matter candidate, that is, guarantees the stability of the dark matter. The dark matter candidate is proposed as the lightest mirror neutrino. The mass spectrum of neutrinos is discussed in two possible ... More
Presented by Dr. Jose Halim MONTES DE OCA YEMHA on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
The design and expected performance of the Tracker Endcap Pixel (TEPX) detector as a luminometer for the CMS experiment at the upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is described. The TEPX detector is composed of 4 double sided disks at each end of the CMS detector, each one made of 5 rings composed of silicon sensors with a high number of pixels. Disk 4 Ring 1 (TEPXD4R1) will be designated for lum ... More
Presented by Mr. Hedwin Aaron ENCINAS ACOSTA on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Presented by Dr. Ricardo GAITAN on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Ecuaciones de Schwinger-Dyson, Modelo Interacción de Contacto Mesones, Bariones y Diquarks Ecuación de Bethe-Salpeter Ecuación de Faddeev
Presented by Mr. Gustavo PAREDES TORRES on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
In this work, we compare the differential distribution of some observables between the SM and the 2HDM by using MadGraph5 Monte Carlo generator. We compare results at the LHC energy and for the future FCC configuration.
Presented by SERGIO LUIS SICAIROS PÁEZ on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
We analyse the Higgs sector of an S3 model with three Higgs doublets and no explicit CP violation. After electroweak breaking there are nine physical Higgs bosons, one of which corresponds to the Standard Model one. We study the scalar and gauge sectors of this model, taking into account the conditions set by the minimisation and stability of the potential. We calculate the masses, trilinear and q ... More
Presented by Ms. Adriana PÉREZ MARTÍNEZ on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
La transición de fase Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) en el modelo bidimensional XY es de conceptual interés porque la longitud de correlación diverge, pero no exhibe ninguna ruptura de simetría, de acuerdo con el teorema de Mermin-Wagner. Para investigar esta transición de fase topológica, simulamos este modelo con el algoritmo de Wolff de multi-cluster. Además de su eficiencia, la f ... More
Presented by Brandon GÓMEZ on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
We present a study of the two flavor Schwinger model by means of lattice simulations, using Wilson fermions and the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. At finite temperature, we measure the mass of the bosons, which are related to $m_\pi$ and $m_\eta$ as a function of the degenerate fermion mass $m$. We compare the results with the numerical solution of a set of equations obtained by Hosotani et al. b ... More
Presented by Jaime Fabián NIETO CASTELLANOS on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
Los efectos del estado inicial en colisiones de iones pesados han jugado un papel importante en la formaci ́on del Plasma de Quarks y Gluones (QGP). M ́as au ́n, con los recientes estudios te ́oricos, se ha mostrado que estos efectos son m ́as relevantes en colisiones de sistemas pequen ̃os, donde au ́n permanece la inc ́ognita sobre la formaci ́on de QGP o si ocurren otros efectos. En es ... More
Presented by Mr. Pablo FIERRO ROJAS on 11/5/2021 at 21:00
Type: Poster Session: Posters
Track: Poster
We have found evidence that Froissart bound on the total cross-section against very high energy data is consistent for pp and np collisions. The scaling property of differential cross-section is explained by the common radius growing function and gluon saturation function with a quark component scale on energy. The scaling is exhibited in the ISR, SPS, Tevatron and LHC, and Cosmic ray energy dom ... More
Presented by Mrs. Cristal ROBLES JACOBO on 11/5/2021 at 21:00