- jose.benitez@cern.ch
The Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society organizes an Annual Meeting (RADPyC). The main objective of this event is to encourage graduate students and young postdocs to present their research work on high energy physics. Additionally, recognized invited speakers will present some review talks on diverse hot topics in this field. This year the meeting will be an ONLINE EVENT, organized by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP), Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV), Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas (UNACH), and Universidad de Sonora (UNISON). The event will start on Tuesday, May 11, and will end on Thursday, May 13.
Zoom room for all talks: https://zoom.us/j/96795941343
Live transmission via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DPyC.SMF
The scientific program will consist of invited and contributed talks, and a poster session in the following areas:
- Astroparticle physics and Cosmology
- Neutrinos and Dark Matter
- QCD and Hadron Physics
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Instrumentation, computational and accelerators physics
- Electroweak and Flavor Physics
- Quantum Field Theory
Invited talks confirmed (35 min + 5 min discussion):
Dr. Christophe Royon (U. of Kansas)
The discovery of the odderon by the D0 and TOTEM collaborations -
Dr. Jim Olsen (Princeton University)
CMS High Lights -
Dr. Gustavo Medina Tanco (ICN-UNAM)
Space instrumentation for CR and Ultra-high energy CR -
Dr. Arturo Menchaca (IF-UNAM),
Production of light nuclei in p-p collisions and its relevance to the search for dark matter in cosmic rays -
Dr. Mick Mulder (CERN),
Rare decays and anomalies at LHCb: a potential violation of lepton flavor universality -
Dr. Tanguy Pierog (KIT),
When heavy ions meet cosmic rays : how the QGP could solve the muon puzzle? -
Dr. Elena Santopinto (INFN-Genova),
Recent advances and future perspectives about tetraquarks/pentaquarks -
Dr. Zhiqing Zhang (LAL-Orsay)
Muon g-2 Prediction and its Prospects -
Dr. Alec Tewsley-Booth (U. of Michigan)
The First Measurement of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Collaboration
Important dates:
Abstract submission and registration open: 26 March
Abstract submission deadline: May 1st
Online registration deadline: May 8th
- DPyC 2020 Medal: Prof. Adnan Bashir (UMSNH)
- RADPyC 2021 Poster awards:
- Jaime Fabián NIETO CASTELLANOS (FC-UNAM) Best Poster
- Pablo FIERRO ROJAS (BUAP) Best Poster
- Hedwin Aaron ENCINAS ACOSTA (UNISON) Honorific Mention
- New DPyC vice-president: Prof. Juan Barranco (UGTO)
We encourage all participants to continue with the safety precautions against the spread of COVID-19.
The organizing committee:
Irais Bautista Guzmán (CINVESTAV)
Marco A. Bedolla Hernández (UNACH)
Jose F. Benítez Rubio (chair, UNISON)
Karen S. Caballero Mora (UNACH)
Arturo Fernández Téllez (BUAP)