11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster


Scalar and gauge sectors in the 3-Higgs Doublet Model under the S3-symmetry


  • Ms. Adriana PÉREZ MARTÍNEZ

Primary authors



We analyse the Higgs sector of an S3 model with three Higgs doublets and no explicit CP violation. After electroweak breaking there are nine physical Higgs bosons, one of which corresponds to the Standard Model one. We study the scalar and gauge sectors of this model, taking into account the conditions set by the minimisation and stability of the potential. We calculate the masses, trilinear and quartic Higgs self-couplings,and Higgs-gauge couplings. We consider two possible alignment scenarios, where only one of the three neutral scalars has couplings to the gauge bosons and corresponds to the SM Higgs, and whose trilinear and quartic couplings reduce exactly to the SM ones.