11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster


Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Restoration in the contact interaction model with Electric and Magnetic fields


  • Dr. Aftab AHMAD

Primary authors


1-Motivation 2-Schwinger-Dyson equations 3- The Contact interaction model of quarks 4-QCD Phase diagram a finite temperature and in the presence of electric and magnetic fields


Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the impact of steady external parallel electric and magnetic fields on the chiral symmetry breaking-restoration and confinement-deconfinement phase transitions. Our unified formalism for this study is based on the Schwinger-Dyson equations, symmetry preserving vector-vector contact interaction model of quarks and the proper time regularization scheme. At finite temperature $T$, in the pure electric field $eE$ case, the phenomenon of inverse electric catalysis appears to exist in our model. On the other hand for pure magnetic field $eB$ background, we notice the magnetic catalysis effect in the mean-field approximation and inverse magnetic catalysis with $eB$-dependent coupling. The combined effect of both $eE$ and $eB$ on the pseudo-critical $T^{\chi, C}_c$ yields the inverse electromagnetic catalysis with and without $eB-$dependent effective coupling of the model.