11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
- jose.benitez@cern.ch
Contribution Poster
- Mr. Hedwin Aaron ENCINAS ACOSTA
Primary authors
- Mr. Hedwin Aaron ENCINAS ACOSTA (Universidad de Sonora)
- Dr. Jose Feliciano BENITEZ RUBIO (Universidad de Sonora)
- Mr. Ashish SEHRAWAT (Universidad de Sonora)
- Dr. Cristina OROPEZA BARRERA (Universidad Iberoamericana)
The design and expected performance of the Tracker Endcap Pixel (TEPX) detector as a luminometer for the CMS experiment at the upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is described. The TEPX detector is composed of 4 double sided disks at each end of the CMS detector, each one made of 5 rings composed of silicon sensors with a high number of pixels. Disk 4 Ring 1 (TEPXD4R1) will be designated for luminosity measurements only. The luminometer uses the pixel cluster counting (PCC) method. The expected performance of the TEPX and TEPXD4R1 in terms of statistical precision, for calibration with the vdM scan and for physics conditions, and linearity are presented.
Contribution type