26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
HADRON 2021 is over. Thanks for making it a success!
- hadron2021@nucleares.unam.mx
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Contribution Parallel
Mexico City
Exotic Hadrons and Candidates
Are the $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$ the same state?
- Dr. Lu MENG
Primary authors
- Dr. Lu MENG (Ruhr University of Bochum)
- Dr. Bo WANG (Hebei University)
- Dr. GuangJuan WANG (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Prof. Shi-Lin ZHU (Peking University)
In this talk, I will provide distinguishable consequences of the $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$ as two or one state. In the one-state scheme, $Z_{cs}(3985/4000)^−$ state is the U-spin partner of $Z_c(3900)^−$. Otherwise, the SU(3) flavor partner of $Z_{c}(3900)$ is $Z_{cs}(4000)$ rather than the $Z_{cs}(3985)$. Another two important predictions in the two-state scheme are the existence of a tensor $barD_s^∗D^∗$ resonance and suppression of decay mode $Z_{cs}(3985) \to J/\psi K$.