26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
HADRON 2021 is over. Thanks for making it a success!
- hadron2021@nucleares.unam.mx
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Contribution Leading parallel
Mexico City
Hadron Decays, Production and Interactions
Exclusive production of $f_{1}(1285)$ meson in proton-(anti)proton collisions
- Mr. Lebiedowicz PIOTR
Primary authors
- Mr. Lebiedowicz PIOTR (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
- Prof. Szczurek ANTONI (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
- Prof. Nachtmann OTTO (Heidelberg U.)
- We present a new study of the exclusive production of $f_{1}(1285)$ at energies relevant for the HADES ($pp$) and PANDA ($p\bar{p}$) experiments at FAIR. The $VV$-fusion ($V=\rho,\omega$) processes and the $\gamma p\to f_{1}p$ reaction are discussed [arXiv:2105.07192].
- Diffractive production of $f_{1}$ within the tensor-pomeron approach is also discussed. Comparisons with the WA102 data and predictions for the $pp\to pp4\pi$ reaction for LHC experiments are given [PRD102 (2020) 114003].