26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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Meson spectroscopy-4


Location: Mexico City
Date: 28 Jul 09:00 - 10:50


    • Prof. Mathieu, Vincent (University of Barcelona)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-4
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
The primary goal of the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab is to map the spectrum of light hybrid mesons. GlueX, which has a linearly polarized photon beam and a large acceptance for both charged and neutral particles, has access to both the neutral, $\gamma p\to\eta\pi^{0}p$, and charged, $\gamma p\to\eta\pi^{-}\Delta^{++}$, processes. This presentation will discuss the amplitude analysis of $\eta ... More
Presented by Colin GLEASON on 28/7/2021 at 10:30
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-4
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
The COMPASS experiment at CERN collected a large sample of diffractively produced $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$ events. The data contain signals from iso-vector resonances decaying into $\pi^-\pi^-\pi^+$. We extract the resonance signals by performing a detailed partial-wave analysis in bins of three-pion mass and squared four-momentum transferred from the beam to the target. In this talk, we will present ... More
Presented by Mr. Florian KASPAR on 28/7/2021 at 9:50
Type: Leading parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-4
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
I will discuss a recent calculation where for the first time we determined an exotic $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ hybrid meson resonance in lattice QCD. Working with SU(3) flavour symmetry, we found a narrow resonance with a large coupling to at least one axial-vector--psuedoscalar channel. A simple extrapolation to physical light-quark mass suggests a broad $\pi_1$ resonance decaying dominantly through the ... More
Presented by Dr. Christopher THOMAS on 28/7/2021 at 14:00
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-4
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
Using the large COMPASS data set for diffractive three pion production, we investigate the contradictions found by previous experiments in the signal of the spin-exotic wave with spin, parity and charge conjugation quantum numbers $1^{-+}$. We determine a strong dependence on the analysis model as their cause and in turn create a model tuned to minimize such effects. Additionally, we study the rob ... More
Presented by Dr. Fabian KRINNER on 28/7/2021 at 10:10
Type: Leading parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-4
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
I will discuss the $\pi\eta^{(‘)}$ production in the double Regge model. The model explains the forward-backward asymmetry observed in this reaction by associating it with the exotic $P-$ wave, which in turn is related to the production of the putative $\pi_1$ hybrid meson. I will also discuss the Regge and Deck production of $\pi\pi$ resonances. The interference of the Deck and direct productio ... More
Presented by Dr. Lukasz BIBRZYCKI on 28/7/2021 at 14:25
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