26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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Meson spectroscopy-3


Location: Mexico City
Date: 28 Jul 07:00 - 08:45


    • Prof. Crede, Volker (Florida State University)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-3
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
We present the first calculation within lattice QCD of excited light meson resonances with $J^{PC}=1^{--}$, $2^{--}$, and $3^{--}$. Working with an exact SU(3) flavor symmetry, for the singlet representation of pseudoscalar-vector scattering, we find two $1^{--}$ resonances (one broad one narrow), a broad $2^{--}$ resonance, and a narrow $3^{--}$ state. based upon material appearing in arXi ... More
Presented by Mr. Christopher JOHNSON on 28/7/2021 at 7:45
Type: Leading parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-3
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
Much is known about the photoproduction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons, which are the lowest-mass nonets of the constituent quark model. For the higher-mass nonets, new photoproduction data from a variety of facilities is being published. In this talk, I will briefly review the spectrum of mesons and review recently published results on photoproduction of mesons from Jefferson Lab and elsewhere ... More
Presented by Hicks KEN on 28/7/2021 at 12:00
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-3
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
Understanding the effective degrees of freedom in the low-energy, non-perturbative QCD regime has been a long-standing problem in hadron physics with meson spectroscopy providing invaluable information on the underlying dynamics. The search and study of exotic meson states — that is states that are not compatible with the Quark Model — is expected to provide us a direct insight and access to t ... More
Presented by Nicholas ZACHARIOU on 28/7/2021 at 8:25
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-3
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
We study the tensor mesons (J=2,3) within the low energy effective model approach of QCD. Effective model is based on the approximate symmetries of QCD lagrangian. Results for the tree level hadronic and radiative decay rates of the tensor mesons are presented. Experimentally well-establishment of the tensor mesons enables us to compare our theoretical results to the ones in Particle Data Group (P ... More
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-3
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
In e+e- collisions between 2 and 3 GeV, excited states of rho, omega and phi can be produced directly.  Especially the resonances around 2GeV like rho(2000), rho(2150) and \phi(2170) are not fully understood yet. Theorists describe the phi(2170) as a traditional s s-bar state, an s s-bar g hybrid, a tetraquark state, a Lambda Lambda-bar bound state, or a phi KK resonance. The predicted decay ... More
Presented by Lei XIA
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