26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
HADRON 2021 is over. Thanks for making it a success!
- hadron2021@nucleares.unam.mx
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Contribution Parallel (WITHDRAWN)
Primary authors
- Mr. SHAHRIYAR JAFARZADE (Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University)
- Prof. Francesco GIACOSA (Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University)
- Dr. Milena PIOTROWSKA (Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University)
- Mr. Arthur VEREIJKEN (Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University)
We study the tensor mesons (J=2,3) within the low energy effective model approach of QCD. Effective model is based on the approximate symmetries of QCD lagrangian. Results for the tree level hadronic and radiative decay rates of the tensor mesons are presented. Experimentally well-establishment of the tensor mesons enables us to compare our theoretical results to the ones in Particle Data Group (PDG). We furthermore present comparison to the sophisticated Lattice QCD calculations.