- ismd2017@nucleares.unam.mx
Vector boson tagged jets and jet substructure
Vector boson-tagged jet production in collisions of heavy nuclei opens new opportunities to study parton shower formation and propagation in strongly interacting matter. It has been argued to provide a golden channel that can constrain the energy loss of jets in the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy ion reactions. We present theoretical results for isolated photon-tagged and $Z_0$ boson-tagged jet production in Pb+Pb collisions with $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV at the LHC. Specifically, we evaluate the transverse momentum imbalance $x_{JV}$ distribution and nuclear modification factor $I_{AA}$ of tagged jets and compare our theoretical calculations to recent experimental measurements by ATLAS and CMS collaborations. Our analysis, which includes both collisional and radiative energy losses, sheds light on their relative importance versus the strength of jet-medium interactions and helps quantify the amount of out-of-cone radiation of predominantly prompt quark-initiated jets. Jets substructure observables and the implication of tagging on their evaluation is also discussed.
Collectivity in high energy collisions