Early registration (up to July 15)
Professors: US$450.00
Students and postdocs: US$300.00
Late registration (after July 15)
Professors: US$500.00
Students and postdocs: US$350.00
The conference fee covers the cost of transportation from and to Mexico City’s international airport, transportation to and from the conference site, excursion, conference dinner, lunches, welcome reception and proceedings.
Companions: US$250.00 (the fee covers the cost of excursion, welcome reception, conference dinner and transportation from and to Mexico City’s international airport).
For participants paying the early registration fee from outside Mexico, please make a deposit to the following account:
Bank: J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
Account holder address (in case it is needed):
Torre de Rectoría
Ciudad Universitaria
CdMx 04510
Account number: 00101693118 DLLS
SWIFT CODE: Chasus33
ABA for wire transfers from USA: 111000614
ABA for wire transfers from Europe: 21000021/
Bank address: Texas Market P. O. BOX 659754, San Antonio, TX 78265-9754
For participants paying the early registration fee within Mexico, please send an email to the conference address ismd2017@nucleares.unam.mx with CC to lily.jimenez@nucleares.unam.mx. We will generate a reference number and provide the bank information to make the deposit, which you can do up to a maximum of two days after the reference number is generated. |