11-15 September 2017
Mexico/General timezone
- ismd2017@nucleares.unam.mx
Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations: from small to large systems: Fuqiang Wang (Purdue U.-USA) & Sandra S. Padula (IFT, UNESP-Brazil). Hadronic final states in high p_T interactions: Ralf Rapp (TAMU-USA) & Charles Gale (McGill U.-Canada). Forward physics and diffraction: Martin Hentschinski (UDLA-Mexico) & Christophe Royon (Kansas U.-USA). Perturbative and nonperturbative features of QCD: Marcelo Loewe (PUC-Chile) & Kenji Fukushima(U. Tokyo-Japan). Collectivity in high-energy collisions: jets, flow and other aspects: Jorge Noronha (USP-Brazil) & Bjorn Schenke (BNL-USA). Proton structure, small- and large-x physics Bruno El-Bennich (UCS-Brazil) & Amir Rezaeian (UFSM-Chile). Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics Mario Rodriguez (BUAP-Mexico) & Juan Carlos Arteaga (IFM-UMSNH-Mexico). |