- ismd2017@nucleares.unam.mx
List of invited speakers
Cosmic rays and astroparticle physics: Maciej Rybczynski (Jan Kochanowski U.) Arturo Fernandez (BUAP) Andrea Chiavassa (U. Torino) Eduardo de la Fuente (CUCEI, U. de G.) Miguel Mostafa (Penn. State U.) Stefano Ciprini (INFN-Rome 2)
Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets, flow and other aspects: Wei Li (Rice U.) Scott Moreland (Duke U.) Soeren Schlichting (Washington U.) Christine Nattrass (Tennesee U.) Yasuki Tachibana (Central China Normal U.) Soumya Mohapatra (Columbia U.)
Hadronic final states in high p_T interactions: Lijuan Ruan (BNL) Abhijit Majumder (Wayne State U.) Yen-Jie Lee (MIT) Pol-Bernard Gossiaux (SUBATECH) Cesar Luis Da Silva (LANL)
Proton structure, small- and large-x physics: Larry McLerran (INT, U. of Washington) Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (BNL) Salvatore Fazio (BNL) Adrian Dumitru (Baruch Coll.) Ivan Schmidt (USM) Yuri Kovchegov (OSU) Simonetta Liuti (U. of Virginia) Osvaldo González (U. of Torino) Steffen Strauch (U. of South Carolina & CLAS Collaboration at J.lab.) Helio Sanchis (Graz U.)
Perturbative and nonperturbative features of QCD: Gastaõ Krein (IFT-UNESP)
Forward physics and diffraction: Jan Kaspar (CERN & Prague Inst. Phys.) Cristian Baldenegro Barreiro (Kansas U.) Timothy Raben (Kansas U.) Valery Khoze (Durham U.) (To be confirmed) Antonio Vilela Pereira (UERJ) Joachim Baechler (CERN) Magno Machado(UFRGS)
Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations: from small to large systems: Kong Tu (CMS) Jie Zhao (STAR) Tamás Csörgö (MTA KFKI) Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan U.) Domenico Elia (INFN Bari) |