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Jet measurements in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS detector


  • Laura HAVENER

Primary authors


In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a hot medium with a high density of unscreened colour charges is produced. Jets are produced by parton-parton scatterings in the early stages of the collision, and are observed to be attenuated as they propagate through the hot matter. One manifestation of this energy loss is a lower yield of jets emerging from the medium than expected in the absence of medium effects. Another manifestation of energy loss is the modification of both dijet transverse energy balance, and a similar modification of photon-jet correlations. Finally, the internal structure of jets is also observed to be modified, from a careful study of fragmentation functions. In this talk, the latest ATLAS results on single jet suppression, dijet suppression, photon-jet correlations, and modification of the jet internal structure in both p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions, compared to pp, will be presented.


Hadronic final states in high pt interactions