3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster (WITHDRAWN)

Balloon direct measurements of the PCR charge


  • Dr. Alexander BORISOV

Primary authors


Abstract content

The project CROSS (Cosmic Rays Over Spectrum Steepening) is intended for direct measurements of mass and energy of PCR in energy range 1013-1015 eV including the region of knee in PCR energy spectrum. The experimental technique is balloon-born generators of transit X-ray radiation interposed with proportional counters. Each of four generators consists of 125 Dacron films, total thickness of generators is 5 g/cm2. Total number of proportional counters with Xe gaseous mixture is 1800 and 1000 counters with Ar mixture. Area of the experimental setup is 4 m2 and total number of PCR nuclei recorded during one balloon flight from the peninsula Kamchatka to the river Volga ( 5-6 days) at the atmosphere boundary ( 5-10g/cm2) is estimated as 90. The setup prototype for testing in the electron beams is under construction now.