3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster (WITHDRAWN)

The relationship between Cosmic ray Forbush decreases and solar wind plasma parameters


  • Dr. Pankaj Kumar SHRIVASTAVA

Primary authors

Abstract content

Forbush decreases (Fds) are transient and rapid decreases in cosmic ray intensity .Such decreases are followed by a slow recovery, typically lasting for several days. A systematic study has been done to derive the relationship between magnitude of Fds and solar wind velocity, temperature ad density for the period of solar cycle 22 and most of the interval of solar cycle 23. Interplanetary disturbances generally characterized by enhanced plasma speed are generally associated with Fds. A positive and high correlation has been found between the magnitude of Fds and maximum velocity of solar wind during the Fd events.An increase in proton temperature is found with increase of Fd magnitude.