3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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SH 2.1


Location: Merida, Mexico
Room: Yucatan I (Fiesta Americana)
Date: 6 Jul 08:30 - 10:00


    • Dr. Sako, Takashi (Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 7 contributions out of 7
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
The Milagro TeV ground-level gamma-ray telescope detects Forbush decreases in several of its data channels. To understand how the instrument responds to Forbush decreases, one must calculate, through simulations, its behavior to a changing galactic cosmic-ray background as that background is modulated by heliospheric activity. To this end, we have been modeling the response of the instrumen ... More
Presented by Prof. James RYAN on 6/7/2007 at 14:30
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
Recently we have proposed that the long term solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays (CR) is influenced by coronal mass eyection (CME) activity. In this work, we analyze the effect of CMEs number and latitudinal changes on the CR flux during positive and negative magnetic cycles. For CME data, we use both, recent observations by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) expe ... More
Presented by Dr. Alejandro LARA on 6/7/2007 at 13:30
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
Project GRAND, an array of proportional wire chambers with muon identification, is used to examine the decrease in ground level muon counting rate during the Forbush decrease event of September 11, 2005. Data are presented and compared to that of other cosmic ray muon and neutron monitor detectors. GRAND's angular resolution capabilities allows a directional study of the Forbush decrease.
Presented by Prof. John POIRIER on 6/7/2007 at 14:18
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are described as the mass ejection of matter from the coronal region of the sun... These CME events generally occur in large numbers during the period of high solar activity carry large amount of plasma and magnetic field into interplanetary medium .The signature of CME associated interplanetary disturbances are called as Interplanetary coronal mass eject ... More
Presented by Dr. Pankaj Kumar SHRIVASTAVA
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
Short-period variations in the integral GCR fluence ( > 100 MeV) often observed in neutron monitor data have also been seen by the High Sensitivity Telescope (HIST) aboard the Polar spacecraft. Although HIST was designed to measure radiation-belt electrons, it makes clean measurements of the integral GCR fluence when Polar is outside the radiation belts. These measurements show GCR varia ... More
Presented by Tamitha MULLIGAN on 6/7/2007 at 14:42
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
We propose a non stationary three dimensional (3-D) model based on the transport equation to describe the temporal changes of the rigidity spectrum of the sporadic Forbush effect of galactic cosmic ray intensity observed by neutron monitors and ground meson telescopes (energy range of 5-50 GeV). We show that the main reason of the temporal changes of the rigidity spectrum of the galactic ... More
Presented by Prof. Michael ALANIA on 6/7/2007 at 13:54
Type: Oral Session: SH 2.1
Track: SH.2.1
At the 29th ICRC, Pune, India, a new methodology was presented for investigating the rigidity dependence of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) modulation on all time scales. The methodology uses the median rigidity of response (Rm) of cosmic ray detectors deployed at global sites. We define Rm as the GCR rigidity below which lies 50 % of the detector counting rate. It is computed from the latitude surv ... More
Presented by Prof. Harjit AHLUWALIA on 6/7/2007 at 14:06
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