3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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SH 1.4, SH 1.5


Location: Merida, Mexico
Room: Yucatan I (Fiesta Americana)
Date: 4 Jul 12:05 - 13:30


    • Dr. Cane, Hilary (NASA/GSFC)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 6 contributions out of 6
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.5
The SONG instrument onboard the CORONAS-F satellite detected solar flare gamma-ray emission in the energy range 50 keV – 300 MeV. Study of the fluxes and spectra obtained during several major flares shows presence of the gamma-ray emission at the energy > 40 MeV with the characteristic spectrum feature generated by neutral pion decay. This feature proves unambiguously that protons wer ... More
Presented by Prof. Karel KUDELA on 4/7/2007 at 17:53
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.4
In early December 2006, a large active region (number 10930) rotated over the eastern limb of the Sun. As it crossed the disk, it generated 4 X-class flares and at least 3 halo coronal mass ejections. Two large SEP events were generated when the region was at ~E70 and ~W25 and were observed by several spacecraft, including ACE and STEREO. We have combined observations from the Solar Isotope ... More
Presented by Dr. Christina COHEN on 4/7/2007 at 17:05
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.4
The twin STEREO spacecraft each include four solar energetic particle (SEP) sensors (part of the IMPACT investigation) that measure the composition and energy spectra of SEP ions with 1 ≤ Z ≤ 28 from ~0.05 to ~100 MeV/nuc, as well as electrons. One of these is the Low Energy Telescope (LET), which measures SEP composition from ~3 to ~30 MeV/nuc. The LET sensors were first powered up in spa ... More
Presented by R A MEWALDT on 4/7/2007 at 17:41
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.5
It has been shown in a series of works that some solar particle events (SPE) are composed of two different relativistic populations, a Prompt Component (PC) and a Delayed Component (DC), each one with different energy spectrum behavior. The source spectra of the DC tend to be an inverse power law at the steady state situation, whereas the spectra of the PC are considerable deviated ... More
Presented by Prof. JORGE PEREZ-PERAZA on 4/7/2007 at 18:05
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.4
A new generation of instruments during solar cycle 23 made it possible to measure solar energetic particle (SEP) energy spectra for many species over a broad energy interval (~0.1 to ~100 MeV/nuc). These observations revealed that most large SEP events have power-law spectra below a few MeV/nuc with rather hard spectral indices, followed by spectral breaks at higher energies. The spectral brea ... More
Presented by R A MEWALDT on 4/7/2007 at 17:17
Type: Oral Session: SH 1.4, SH 1.5
Track: SH.1.4
We describe the High Energy Telescopes (HETs), which are part of the IMPACT investigation for the STEREO mission (Principal Investigator: Janet Luhmann, University of California at Berkeley). The two STEREO spacecraft were launched from Cape Canaveral, FL on October 25, 2006. High energy electrons (~ 0.7 -6 MeV) and nuclei from hydrogen to iron (~ 13 – 200 MeV/nucleon) are detected by the ... More
Presented by Tycho VON ROSENVINGE on 4/7/2007 at 17:29
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