3-11 July 2007
Merida, Mexico
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster (WITHDRAWN)

Snow effects in total and different multiplicities of neutron intensity according to many years observation by NM-64



Primary authors

  • Dr. Lev PUSTILNIK (Israel Cosmic Ray and Space Weather Center, Tel Aviv University & Israel Space Agency, Israel)


  • Prof. Lev DORMAN (Israel Cosmic Ray and Space Weather Center, Tel Aviv University & Israel Space Agency, Israel)
  • Dr. Avraam STERNLIB (Israel Cosmic Ray and Space Weather Center, Tel Aviv University & Israel Space Agency, Israel)
  • Dr. Igor ZUKERMAN (Israel Cosmic Ray and Space Weather Center, Tel Aviv University & Israel Space Agency, Israel)

Abstract content

It is well known that on many middle and high latitude stations (especially on the mountains) the snow effect is very important (see review in [1]). We develop method for determining of this effect on the basis of multi-station analysis. It made possible to remove this effect from observation data and to use corrected data in long-term and short-term CR variations analysis.

References: [1]. L.I. Dorman, Cosmic Rays in the Earth’s Atmosphere and Underground, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2004.