We ask you to pay your registration fee at your earliest convenience and by the 15th of September, at the latest. When you are done, please send an e-mail to paroig@gmail.com including a copy of your payment, so that we can keep track of it. The following options are available for payment in US dollars: - Senior researchers, payment in USD (250), https://mpago.la/2NWmqtp. - Students and postdocs, payment in USD (100), https://mpago.la/2PkbNNo. For paying in Mexican pesos there are four options, depending also on whether you need invoice (taxes are added) or not: - Senior researchers, "donativo" to SMF (4000), https://mpago.la/2YWTQCK. - Senior researchers, fee including taxes (4640), https://mpago.la/12mskaR. - Students and postdocs, "donativo" to SMF (1500), https://mpago.la/152GPRb. - Students and postdocs, fee including taxes (1740), https://mpago.la/33queAq.
Alternatively, bank transfers are also allowed (subject can be SILAFAE2024, please include your name as payer). Details follow: - International transfers: BENEFICIARY: Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A. C. Please note that the following bank address: Banco Nacional de Mexico SA BANAMEX SA EMILO CASTELLAR 755TH floor COL CHAPULTEPEC POLANCO 11560 Mexico City may appear as associated to this bank account (IBAN & BIC) for your transaction. We clarify this is not a problem. - National transfers/Pagos nacionales: