4-8 November 2024
Mexico/General timezone

Plenary speakers:

- Aristizábal, Diego; 'Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering'

- Bazo, José; 'SWGO'.

- Bernardi, Gregorio; 'FCC'.

- Cáceres, Elena; 'Black holes, holography, ...'.

- Camacho Toro, Reina; 'Higgs physics at LHC'.

- Cieri, Leandro; 'QCD for colliders'.

- Cottin, Giovanna; 'Long-lived particles'.

- De la Macorra, Axel; 'DESI'.

- Deshpande, Abhay; 'EIC'.

- El Khadra, Aida; 'Muon g-2'.

- Estrada, Juan; 'DM searches'.

- Freitas, Ayres; 'SM EW fit'.

- González, Magda; 'HAWC'.

- Gorshteyn, Misha; 'First row CKM unitarity tests'.

- Hernández Villanueva, Michel; 'Belle-(II)'.

- Luna, Andrés; 'Double copy, ...'.

- Maldonado, Ivonne; 'NICA'.

- Moreno, Claudia; 'Gravitational waves detection'.

- Mulder, Mick; 'LHCb'.

- Nunokawa, Hiroshi; 'New Physics with long baseline neutrino oscillations'.

- Ochoa Ricoux, Pedro; 'Short baseline neutrino oscillations'.

- Ortiz Velásquez, Antonio; 'ALICE'.

- Restrepo, Diego; 'Neutrino masses and dark matter'.

- Rosenfeld, Rogério; 'DES'.

- Segreto, Ettore; 'DUNE'.

- Shafi, Qaisar; 'Topological defects and gravitational waves'.

- Tórtola, Mariam; 'Global neutrino fits and physics implications'.

- Ureña, Luis; 'Ultra-light scalar dark matter'.

- Velasco, Mayda; 'Electroweak physics at the LHC'.

- Yaguna, Carlos; 'Dark matter'.


Leading talks:

- Acero, Mario; 'NOvA'.

- Auger Coll. status report.

- Camacho Toro, Reina; 'Minorities in Physics'.

- Díaz Cruz, Lorenzo; 'Solving the naturalness problem with FIMPs sector'.

- Guimaraes da Costa, Joao, 'CEPC'.

- Matos, Tonatiuh; 'Recent results on the cosmology of ultra-light scalar dark matter'.

- Miller, Andrew; 'Gravitational wave restrictions on dark matter'.

- Nardi, Enrico; 'Can the QCD axion feed a dark energy component?'.

- Pinamonti, Michele; 'Top-quark physics highlights from ATLAS and CMS'.

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Confirmed talks by the following experimental collaborations:










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