8-10 September 2022
Mexico/General timezone
XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields
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Contribution Contributed Talks

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Mass of Excited Mesons


  • Mr. Gustavo PAREDES TORRES

Primary authors



This work shows how the mass of the first radial excited of hadrons composed of quarks u, d, s, c and b are calculated in a model called Contact Interaction (CI). The mathematical basis for this analysis is implemented through the use of CI in the Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDE) and the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equations for mesons and diquarks. Later this model was implemented in the Faddeev equation to calculate the mass of the first radial excited baryons using a quark-diquark approximation. This study requires the calculation of the masses of the diquark correlations, which are inferred by solving the BS equations for the corresponding mesons. Diquarks are quark-quark correlations used in a novel way. Extensive theoretical and experimental studies of baryons containing c and b quarks have been a source of vigorous research in recent years. Currently there are ongoing experimental programs active in various laboratories (LHCb, BELLE, PANDA, JLAB) to study heavy hadrons, their masses, lifetimes and weak decays. Our results are in agreement with existing experimental data whenever a comparison can be made, as well as with the predictions of other reasonable theoretical approaches. You can find this and more information in L. X. Gutiérrez-Guerrero, G. Paredes-Torres, A. Bashir, Mesons and baryons: Parity partners, Phys. Rev. D 104 (9) (2021) 094013.