11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Quantum Field Theory

Date: 11 May 14:35 - 15:43


    • Dr. Ramos-Sanchez, Saul (IF-UNAM)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Talk Session: Quantum Field Theory
Track: Quantum Field Theory
The one-loop contributions to the trilinear neutral gauge boson couplings $ZZV^\ast$ ($V=\gamma,Z,Z'$), parametrized in terms of one $CP$-conserving $f_5^{V}$ and one $CP$-violating $f_4^{V}$ form factors, are calculated in models with $CP$-violating flavor changing neutral current couplings mediated by the $Z$ gauge boson and an extra neutral gauge boson $Z'$. Analytical results are present ... More
Presented by Mr. Alan Ignacio HERNÁNDEZ JUÁREZ on 11/5/2021 at 19:35
Type: Talk Session: Quantum Field Theory
Track: Quantum Field Theory
The Peccei-Quinn symmetry, $U(1)_{PQ}$, is proposed as a flavor symmetry, whereby the mass hierarchies of the fermions can be explained through the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, while at the same time solving the strong CP problem. At leading order, the quark mass matrices obtain a Nearest-Neighbor-Interaction structure, whereas the neutrino mass matrix has an $A_2$ structure. Phenomenological a ... More
Presented by Mr. Stefan Daniel NELLEN MONDRAGÓN on 11/5/2021 at 19:52
Type: Talk Session: Quantum Field Theory
Track: Quantum Field Theory
This talk is dedicated to the memory of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the self-taught Indian genius of mathematics, who died a century ago. Among his achievements is a way to assign finite values to divergent series, but he hardly left any explanation about it. Following the few hints that he gave, we reconstruct a justification for his approach, which provides correct values of the Riemann zeta funct ... More
Presented by Dr. Wolfgang BIETENHOLZ
Type: Talk Session: Quantum Field Theory
Track: Quantum Field Theory
Nonzero baryon density QCD lattice simulations suffer from the well known sign problem, which has so far prevented the exploration of the QCD phase diagram. In this talk we discuss our results on the phase diagram of the 3d O(4) model. This model is an effective theory of QCD with two flavors in the chiral limit, which can be simulated at nonzero baryon density without sign problem. In this model ... More
Presented by Mr. Edgar LÓPEZ-CONTRERAS on 11/5/2021 at 15:26
Type: Talk Session: Quantum Field Theory
Track: Quantum Field Theory
We look for cosmic strings solutions, which arise as topological defects in the equations of motion of an extension of the Standard Model (SM). These cosmic strings are vortices with a filament structure formed by the $U(1)_{B-L}$ (baryon-number minus lepton-number) gauge field. We include this gauge field to turn $B-L$ into a local symmetry such that it becomes naturally exact. In this extension ... More
Presented by Mr. Victor MUÑOZ-VITELLY on 11/5/2021 at 15:09
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