11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Talk

Quantum Field Theory

Flavourful Axion and the Peccei-Quinn Symmetry


  • Mr. Stefan Daniel NELLEN MONDRAGÓN

Primary authors


The Peccei-Quinn symmetry, $U(1)_{PQ}$, is proposed as a flavor symmetry, whereby the mass hierarchies of the fermions can be explained through the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, while at the same time solving the strong CP problem. At leading order, the quark mass matrices obtain a Nearest-Neighbor-Interaction structure, whereas the neutrino mass matrix has an $A_2$ structure. Phenomenological aspects of this model are studied, focusing on observables of the DFSZ-style axion, that appears after Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking, like its mass and coupling to photons, as well as flavor violating couplings and decays.