26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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QCD and hadron structure-A8


Location: Mexico City
Date: 30 Jul 11:15 - 13:15


    • Dr. Gutierrez Guerrero, Laura Xiomara (Mesoamerican Centre for Theoretical Physics)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A8
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
The physical electron, physical photon and positronium in QED are often used as models to study hadron structure in QCD. I will present our recent work on solving the structure of these objects in a nonperturbative and relativistic approach based on the light-front Hamiltonian framework. The input Hamiltonian is from the QED first principles. I will compare the obtained observables describing thes ... More
Presented by Zhao XINGBO on 30/7/2021 at 12:35
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A8
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
This is a study of the internal structure of pseudoscalar mesons through an algebraic model based on a truncation of the Shwinger-Dyson equations, which enables the analytical extraction of form factors (FFs), parton distribution functions (PDFs) and generalized parton distribution functions (GPDs) within the framework of the light-front formalism finding a relationship between them and the respec ... More
Presented by Ms. Isela Melany HIGUERA ANGULO on 30/7/2021 at 11:15
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A8
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
We study the light meson with one dynamical gluon on the light-front quantum chromodynamics (QCD) Hamiltonian as well as a three-dimensional confinement. After fitting the light meson mass spectroscopy,  the light-front wave function provides a good description of the pion electromagnetic form factor, decay constant, and the valence quark distribution functions following QCD scale evolution.
Presented by Jiangshan LAN on 30/7/2021 at 12:15
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A8
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
The internal structure of hadrons is characterized mostly Form Factors.The experimental determination of them is leading several studies towards accurate theoretical description.By means of the contact interaction,we present in this work the extraction of the elastic form factors of pseudoscalar,vector,and axial-vector mesons.Besides,using the recent results of a global fit in the contact interact ... More
Presented by Dr. Roger Jose HERNANDEZ-PINTO on 30/7/2021 at 11:35
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A8
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
In this contribution the proton is studied in a simple but dynamical model defined in Minkowski space, by solving the valence Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev equation for a system of three spin-less bosons interacting through a contact interaction. The parameters of the model are set by comparing the calculated Dirac form factor with experimental data. Results for the single- and double parton distributio ... More
Presented by Dr. Emanuel YDREFORS on 30/7/2021 at 11:55
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