26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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QCD and hadron structure-A7


Location: Mexico City
Date: 30 Jul 09:45 - 10:45


  • DSE/LF I
    • Dr. Aguilar, Arlene Cristina (University of Campinas)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 3 contributions out of 3
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A7
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
We study the coupled dynamics of the ghost propagator and the ghost-gluon vertex through Schwinger-Dyson equations. To close the system, we use recent lattice data for the gluon propagator and a Gauge Technique Ansatz for the three-gluon vertex. The numerical results for the ghost propagator and ghost-gluon vertex agree excellently to lattice data. Finally, a consistency check is done in the soft ... More
Presented by Dr. Mauricio NARCISO FERREIRA on 30/7/2021 at 10:05
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A7
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
The pion meson in the present work is describe in the Nakanish Integral representation (NIR), for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude, combined with the Lattice QCD. The quark mass running is fitted by the Lattice data. The results for the weak decay constant are found to be consistent with the experimental data. Also the valence probabilities and the Light-front distribuitions are e ... More
Presented by Prof. Joao Pacheco DE MELO on 30/7/2021 at 10:25
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-A7
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
Whether a mass gap occurs in QCD, and therefore DCSB leading to constituent masses, depends on the DSE kernel. One crucial ingredient is the quark-gluon vertex whose structure is complex once dressed with gluons. We use QCD gauge identities and multiplicative renormalizability to derive the form factors of the vertex and combine them with lattice QCD gluon and ghost propagators. Solving numericall ... More
Presented by Prof. Bruno EL-BENNICH on 30/7/2021 at 9:45
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