26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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Baryon spectroscopy-7


Location: Mexico City
Date: 30 Jul 11:15 - 13:15


    • Dr. Bijker, Roelof (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Parallel Session: Baryon spectroscopy-7
Track: Baryon Spectroscopy
The $p \Sigma^- \to K^- d$ reaction is driven by a triangle mechanism whose intermediate states consist of a proton, a neutron and the $\Lambda(1405)$. The triangle singularity developed by such a topology magnifies its cross section. We show that this observable, which is in a measurable range, will constrain the not well known theoretical $\bar{K}N$ subthreshold amplitudes thereby providing more ... More
Presented by Dr. Albert FEIJOO ALIAU on 30/7/2021 at 12:40
Type: Parallel Session: Baryon spectroscopy-7
Track: Baryon Spectroscopy
The $\Lambda$ baryon spectrum is studied with the SU(3) flavor symmetry in the CQM. We found it difficult to accommodate some negative-parity resonances as single $q^2s$ states in the normal three-quark picture. A possible interpretation is proposed: The $\Lambda(1520)$ and $\Lambda(1690)$ are mixtures of two $q^2s$ negative-parity states, and the $\Lambda(1405)$, $\Lambda(1670)$ and $\Lambda(2000 ... More
Presented by Mr. Kai XU on 30/7/2021 at 12:20
Type: Parallel Session: Baryon spectroscopy-7
Track: Baryon Spectroscopy
Hades investigates nuclear matter and the properties of baryonic resonances. As part of the FAIR Phase-0 program, the hardware is being upgraded to enable a wide range of experiments, including investigating electromagnetic decays of hyperons produced in proton induced reactions. Feasibility studies show that the newly installed forward detectors are crucial for hyperon reconstruction. The hardwar ... More
Presented by Gabriela PEREZ ANDRADE on 30/7/2021 at 11:40
Type: Parallel Session: Baryon spectroscopy-7
Track: Baryon Spectroscopy
We investigated the meson-baryon scattering using time-order perturbation theory (TOPT) based on covariant baryon ChPT. Renormalized scattering amplitudes are obtained by solving the integral equations with the full off-shell dependence of effective potentials and applying subtractive renormalization. Our formalism has been successfully applied to the pion-nucleon scattering and extended to the me ... More
Presented by Dr. Xiu-Lei REN on 30/7/2021 at 12:00
Type: Leading parallel Session: Baryon spectroscopy-7
Track: Baryon Spectroscopy
The strange quark hadrons sit at an important crossroads between the light and heavy quark hadrons, but their spectrum is comparatively poorly known. The KLF experiment was recently approved to run in Hall D of Jefferson Lab, and will use an intense secondary beam of KL mesons with the existing GlueX spectrometer to collect data several orders of magnitude larger than existing dataset. In this ta ... More
Presented by Sean DOBBS on 30/7/2021 at 16:15
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