26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
HADRON 2021 is over. Thanks for making it a success!
- hadron2021@nucleares.unam.mx
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Contribution Parallel
Mexico City
Hadrons in Hot and Nuclear Environment Including Hypernuclei
New results on Xi hypernuclei
We study Xi hypernuclei to understand the interaction between a Xi^- hyperon and a nucleus. Xi hypernuclei are identified in the nuclear emulsion and the binding energy of the Xi hyperon in the nucleus is measured. In the J-PARC E07 experiment, two new events with a deeply bound state of the Xi+14N system were detected. We interpreted that the two events are attributed to the nuclear 1p and 1s states of Xi+14N system, thus, the level structure of Xi hypernucleus was revealed for the first time.