26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
HADRON 2021 is over. Thanks for making it a success!
- hadron2021@nucleares.unam.mx
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Contribution Leading parallel
Mexico City
QCD and Hadron Structure
Unraveling light nuclei with deeply virtual Compton scattering processes: from models to event generator
- Dr. Sara FUCINI
Primary authors
- Dr. Sara FUCINI (IJCLab, CNRS Universite Paris-Saclay)
- Dr. Raphaël DUPRÉ (IJCLab, CNRS Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Prof. Sergio SCOPETTA (University of Perugia, INFN section of Perugia (IT))
In this talk, we show how the 3-dimensional partonic structure of nuclear targets can be accessed in deeply virtual Compton scattering processes. The proper planning of these experiments at Jefferson Lab and at the future Electron-Ion Collider requires Monte Carlo (MC) event generators able to account for the exact treatment of nuclear effects. After a description of such models for the $^4$He nucleus, we show their use in a new MC generator, whose results and main features are here presented.