In order to enable an iCal export link, your account needs to have a key created. This key enables other applications to access data from within Indico even when you are neither using nor logged into the Indico system yourself with the link provided. Once created, you can manage your key at any time by going to 'My Profile' and looking under the tab entitled 'HTTP API'. Further information about HTTP API keys can be found in the Indico documentation.
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In conjunction with a having a key associated with your account, to have the possibility of exporting private event information necessitates the creation of a persistent key. This new key is also associated with your account and whilst it is active the data which can be obtained through using this key can be obtained by anyone in possession of the link provided. Due to this reason, it is extremely important that you keep links generated with this key private and for your use only. If you think someone else may have acquired access to a link using this key in the future, you must immediately remove it from 'My Profile' under the 'HTTP API' tab and generate a new key before regenerating iCalendar links.
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Permanent link for public information only:
Permanent link for all public and protected information:
In order to enable an iCal export link, your account needs to have a key created. This key enables other applications to access data from within Indico even when you are neither using nor logged into the Indico system yourself with the link provided. Once created, you can manage your key at any time by going to 'My Profile' and looking under the tab entitled 'HTTP API'. Further information about HTTP API keys can be found in the Indico documentation.
I have read and understood the above.
In conjunction with a having a key associated with your account, to have the possibility of exporting private event information necessitates the creation of a persistent key. This new key is also associated with your account and whilst it is active the data which can be obtained through using this key can be obtained by anyone in possession of the link provided. Due to this reason, it is extremely important that you keep links generated with this key private and for your use only. If you think someone else may have acquired access to a link using this key in the future, you must immediately remove it from 'My Profile' under the 'HTTP API' tab and generate a new key before regenerating iCalendar links.
I have read and understood the above.
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Permanent link for all public and protected information:
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Baryon spectroscopy-4
Location: Mexico City
28 Jul 11:15 - 13:15
Dr. Bijker, Roelof (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)
A contact interaction is used to compute hadron masses. This is input to the Schwinger-Dyson (SDE) and Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equations for mesons and diquarks. The Faddeev equation is used to compute baryon masses using a quark-diquark approximation. Our results agree with experimental data and other reasonable theory predictions.
Presented by Gustavo PAREDES
We propose a new type of structure for singly heavy baryons of $Qqq\bar{q}q$ in addition to the conventional one of $Qqq$. Based on chiral symmetry of the light quarks, we find $\Lambda_c(2765)$ and $\Xi_c(2967)$ are mostly $Qqq\bar{q}q$ while $\Lambda_c(2286)$ and $\Xi_c(2470)$ are mostly $Qqq$. The masses of negative-parity baryons are predicted. We also derive a mass formula and the extended Go
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Presented by Dr. Daiki SUENAGA
We study the photoproduction of the $N(1440)$ resonance in $\gamma^{\ast}p\to N^{\ast}$ process in quark models, where the $N(1440)$ takes different wave functions: First radial excitation of the nucleon imported from low-lying baryon mass spectrum calculations, a general radial excitation of the nucleon, and a $q^3$ state with positive parity.
The comparisons between the theoretical results and
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Presented by Mr. Attaphon KAEWSNOD