26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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QCD and hadron structure-B2


Location: Mexico City
Date: 27 Jul 11:15 - 13:15


  • Collinear PDF
    • Andres, Carlota (LIP, Lisbon)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-B2
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
With its unique geometry, the LHCb detector provides unprecedented kinematic coverage at low x for charged particles in hadron collisions. The excellent momentum resolution, vertex reconstruction, and particle identification allows precision measurements down to very low pT. This talk will present recent LHCb measurements of prompt charged hadron production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisi ... More
Presented by Ricardo VAZQUEZ GOMEZ on 27/7/2021 at 11:40
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-B2
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
We made simultaneous extraction of spin averaged and spin dependent PDFs within multistep MC procedures, with combined analysis of inclusive unpolarized and polarized jets from RHIC to Tevatron energies. By analyzing the preliminary results we had, we were able to discuss impact of theory assumptions on $\Delta g$.
Presented by Mr. Yiyu ZHOU on 27/7/2021 at 12:00
Type: Leading parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-B2
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
In this talk, I will give a short overview of the present status in global analyses of nuclear parton distribution functions (PDFs) with an emphasis on their extraction from the CERN-LHC proton-lead data. I will discuss the relevance of treating systematically the free-proton PDF uncertainties and their correlations with the nuclear modifications. I will also briefly discuss how the nuclear PDFs a ... More
Presented by Petja PAAKKINEN on 27/7/2021 at 16:15
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-B2
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
Recently, two photon PDF sets, CT18lux and CT18qed, based on the LUX ansatz in the CT18 global analysis were publicized. We discuss the various sources contributing to the photon PDF uncertainties, and emphasize the low-energy non-perturbative ones, including variations of inelastic structure functions in the resonance and continuum regions, a higher twist, target mass corrections, and elastic for ... More
Presented by Keping XIE on 27/7/2021 at 12:40
Type: Parallel Session: QCD and hadron structure-B2
Track: QCD and Hadron Structure
We present a new global QCD analysis of unpolarized and polarized data, using a Monte Carlo approach to simultaneously extract both the spin-averaged and helicity PDFs. We focus on the light quark sea asymmetries, including new data from the SeaQuest experiment and $W$-lepton production at RHIC. For the first time we extract a nonzero light quark sea asymmetry for the helicity PDFs through a QCD g ... More
Presented by Mr. Christopher COCUZZA on 27/7/2021 at 12:20
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