26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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Meson spectroscopy-2


Location: Mexico City
Date: 27 Jul 11:15 - 13:15


    • Prelovsek, Sasa (University of Ljubljana/Regensburg)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 4 contributions out of 4
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-2
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
The latest spectroscopy measurements of open charm hadrons produced in beauty decays at LHCb are reported. These include the observation of new "exotic" hadron candidates that don't fit into the conventional picture of three-quark baryons and quark-antiquark mesons. Also observed are new excited charm states. These results provide tests of the predictions from lattice QCD and HQET. Excited charm s ... More
Presented by Mr. Alberto Correa REIS on 27/7/2021 at 12:05
Type: Leading parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-2
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
In this talk, the status of the lowest-lying positive-parity open-charm mesons will be addressed. In particular, we will discuss the pole structure associated with the D*0(2400) (in PDG nomenclature) resonance. By analyzing experimental data and LQCD simulation results within a specific theoretical framework, we conclude the presence of two different poles (instead of a single one) for the D*0(240 ... More
Presented by Miguel ALBALADEJO on 27/7/2021 at 16:15
Type: Parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-2
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
Motivated by the fact that mesonic constituent mass $m_q$ breaks linearity in Regge trajectories, we discuss how to implement nonlinear behavior holographically by deforming the quadratic dilaton into a non-quadratic one. This deformation adds an extra parameter into the model, which measures the $m_q$ effect, accounting for nonlinearity in the trajectory. We applied this model to the description ... More
Presented by Dr. Miguel Angel MARTIN CONTRERAS on 27/7/2021 at 12:25
Type: Leading parallel Session: Meson spectroscopy-2
Track: Meson Spectroscopy
For the first time, we map out the energy dependence of the elastic Isospin-1/2 D$\pi$ scattering amplitude and find a complex $D_0^*$ resonance pole, using Lattice QCD with a pion mass $m_{\pi}=239$ MeV. The resonance, which is lighter than the $D_{s0}^⋆$ found on the same lattice, is strongly coupled to the S-wave $D\pi$ channel. We find that both $q\bar{q}$- and $D\pi$-like constructions are ... More
Presented by Mr. Nicolas LANG on 27/7/2021 at 16:40
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