26-31 July 2021
Mexico City
Mexico/General timezone
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Analysis tools-1


Location: Mexico City
Date: 26 Jul 11:15 - 13:15


    • Pappagallo, Marco (INFN & University of Bari)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 3 contributions out of 3
Type: Leading parallel Session: Analysis tools-1
Track: Analysis Tools
We present a data-driven analysis of the S-wave $\pi\pi\to\pi\pi$ and $\pi K\to\pi K$ reactions using the partial-wave dispersion relation. The fits are performed to experimental, lattice data and Roy analyses. For the $\pi\pi$ scattering we present single- and coupled-channel analyses. By analytic continuation to the complex plane, we found poles associated with the resonances $f_0(500)$ and $K_0 ... More
Presented by Ms. Oleksandra DEINEKA on 26/7/2021 at 16:15
Type: Leading parallel Session: Analysis tools-1
Track: Analysis Tools
The Electron-Ion collider promises to be a leading facility in the study of hadronic interactions and structure but may also make significant contributions to elucidating the spectrum of exotic heavy hadrons. We report on recent progress from the JPAC collaboration aimed at motivating a exotic spectroscopy program through photoproduction at the EIC.
Presented by Daniel WINNEY on 26/7/2021 at 17:05
Type: Leading parallel Session: Analysis tools-1
Track: Analysis Tools
In this talk we present a parametrization of the \pi K form factor that includes in addition to a dispersively constructed low energy part inelastic effects via resonance exchange. The amplitude is then used to study the decay \tau \rightarrow K_S \pi \nu_\tau. Pole parameters and residues of the K_0^*(1430) and K_0^*(1950) resonance are extracted.
Presented by Leon VON DETTEN on 26/7/2021 at 16:40
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