12-14 June 2023
Mexico/General timezone
Scientific Programme
We will have the following invited talks:
- ALICE status update, Gerardo Herrera Corral (Cinvestav)
- Belle-II status update, Pedro Podesta (UAS)
- CMS status update, Rogelio Reyes (Cinvestav)
- Dirac or Majorana nature of neutrinos, C.S. Kim (Yonsei Univ, South Korea)
- Flavor symmetries, Myriam Mondragón (IF-UNAM)
- Grand Unified Theories, Carlos Vaquera (Conacyt & IF-UG)
- Looking for CEvNS of reactor antineutrinos with the CONNIE Experiment, Alexis Aguilar-Arévalo (ICN-UNAM)
- Machine Learning techniques in high energy colliders, Roger Hernández-Pinto (UAS)
- Theoretical perspectives on hep, Lorenzo Díaz-Cruz (BUAP),
as well as contributed talks and poster session.