The Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society (DPyC-SMF) organizes every year the Annual Meeting (RADPyC). This space is dedicated mainly for the exposure of results of graduate students and young researchers working in high energy physics and includes some review talks on the hot topics of the field. This year the meeting will be held in Auditorio José Ádem (Multidisciplinario for Wednesday), Cinvestav, Mexico City, México. The scientific programme will consist of invited and contributed talks, and a poster session. It will begin in the morning of Monday 12 June and end before lunch on Wednesday 14 June.
We will have the following invited talks:
- ALICE status update, Gerardo Herrera Corral (Cinvestav)
- Belle-II status update, Pedro Podesta (UAS)
- CMS status update, Rogelio Reyes (Cinvestav)
- Dirac or Majorana nature of neutrinos, C.S. Kim (Yonsei Univ, South Korea)
- Flavor symmetries, Myriam Mondragón (IF-UNAM)
- Grand Unified Theories, Carlos Vaquera (Conacyt & IF-UG)
- Looking for CEvNS of reactor antineutrinos with the CONNIE Experiment, Alexis Aguilar-Arévalo (ICN-UNAM)
- Machine Learning techniques in high energy colliders, Roger Hernández-Pinto (UAS)
- Theoretical perspectives on hep, Lorenzo Díaz-Cruz (BUAP)
The whole event can be followed by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 821 7849 9407
Passcode: 992552
and will be broadcasted via the DPyC facebook account.
Starts 12 Jun 2023 08:30
Ends 14 Jun 2023 18:30