8-10 September 2022
Mexico/General timezone
XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields
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Contribution Poster

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LFV Higgs Decays in the Scotogenic model


  • Moises ZELENY MORA

Primary authors



The Scotogenic model is a minimal extension to the Standard Model, which allows describing neutrino masses induced at one loop level. In addition, this model contains a scalar or fermionic Dark matter candidate. The inclusion of a second Higgs doublet inert and heavy right-handed neutrinos, both odd under Z2 symmetry, allow these new physics issues. In the scalar sector, new interactions appear, among them, the interaction of charged scalar with leptons, which induces the decay of h→lalb at one loop level which is not allowed on the SM. We study these signals in this framework, and we obtain large BR(h→lalb) in the Scotogenic model in comparison to the SM plus three right-handed Dirac neutrinos.