8-10 September 2022
Mexico/General timezone
XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields
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Contribution Contributed Talks

Virtual - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85040775843?pwd=ZnRsQkgxKzBPdStoY0Z5OU5QQ3p4QT09

Beyond rainbow-ladder calculations in the Dyuson-Schwinger and Bethe Salpeter approach


The Dyson Schwinger (DSE) and Bethe-salpeter (BSE) formalism has shown great succes in describing hadron properties, such as ground state masses and space-like form factors. Nevertheless, typical truncations in the DSE/BSE system of equations, such as the Rainbow-Ladder truncation (RL), fails to correctly reproduce the spectrum of excited states and form factors in the time-like regime. We present results employing a Beyond rainbow-ladder truncation, which takes into account non-valence contributions in the DSE/BSE system and allows to obtain a better description of the hadronic structure.