Surface Detector Operations Readiness Review - SSD subsystem

Monday, 15 April 2024 from to (America/Argentina/Mendoza)
at Malargue ( YELLOW Room )
Zoom link:

The Auger Project Management Plan defines the objective of the Operations Readiness Review as:

A subsystem only becomes part of the operation of the Observatory when it has passed an Operations Readiness Review. This review ensures that the subsystem is in effective, stable operation, all documentation has been filed, spares are available and the staff has been trained.

The purpose for all of the review is to determine if the SSD subsystems is ready to be included in the operation of the observatory for science production. Additionally, the review committee should asses if all the necessary material needed for operation and maintenance are existing and available.

Detailed frame of the Review:

  • Scintillator Surface Detector module and associated mechanics (corrugated roof, support and tank attachment);
  • PMT and Iseg base, all electrical connections (power, signal and grounding) and cable protections;
Participants Daniele Martello
Go to day
  • Monday, 15 April 2024
    • 09:00 - 09:05 Introduction (5') 5' ( YELLOW Room )
      Charges to the Review Committe
      Speaker: Dr. Ingo Allekotte (CNEA)
      Material: document pdf file
    • 09:05 - 10:05 Presentations (1h)
      Convener: Prof. Daniele Martello (Dip. of Physics - Univ. of Salento (Italy) & INFN Lecce)
      • 09:05 presentation 1h0'
        Speaker: Prof. Daniele Martello (Dip. of Physics - Univ. of Salento (Italy) & INFN Lecce)
        Material: Slides pdf file
    • 10:05 - 11:00 Discussions (55')
      Convener: Prof. Daniele Martello (Dip. of Physics - Univ. of Salento (Italy) & INFN Lecce)