4-12 November 2010
Morelia, Michoacan
Mexico/General timezone
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Location: Morelia, Michoacan
Room: Main Hall, Hotel Fiesta Inn
Date: 11 Nov 16:00 - 20:00


    • Dr. Pérez, Abdel (CINVESTAV)
    • Mrs. González-Macías, V. (U. of Guanajuato)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 8 contributions out of 8
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
The quark-parton model is still at the basis of most of our attempts to describe hadronic phenomena. The production of hadrons has been studied from phenomenological and experimental point of view. Experimentally, baryons and mesons production mechanism has been reported from e+e- collision, finding some controversial results among the experiments. In this talk we present the techni ... More
Presented by Dr. Eleazar CUAUTLE on 11/11/2010 at 22:00
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
Adding a fourth generation to the Standard Model and assuming it to be valid up to some cutoff $\Lambda$, we show that Yukawa couplings for the fourth generation are strong enough to drive electroweak symmetry breaking. Proposing a Coleman-Weinberg mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking without self-interactions for the Higgs field at classical level, we show that the masses for the fourth ... More
Presented by Carlos VAQUERA on 12/11/2010 at 0:00
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
In this talk we present an extension of the SM that contains a neutral SU(2) gauge group. This model admits a possible neutral, but complex, stable vector state, which can play the role of dark matter. The Higgs sector of the model can also give interesting signatures at LHC.
Presented by Dr. Lorenzo DIAZ-CRUZ
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
We discuss the gauge structure of the 4d effective theory arising from a pure 5d Yang-Mills theory compactified on the orbifold $S^1/Z_2$, reexamined on the basis of the BRST symmetry. If the gauge parameters propagate in the bulk, the excited Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes are gauge fields and the 4D theory is gauge invariant only if the compactification is carried out by using curvatures as fundamental ... More
Presented by Mr. Héctor NOVALES-SÁNCHEZ on 12/11/2010 at 0:30
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
We analyze a generalization of the SUSY IIHD Model in which all possible 6 dimension operators, in the Superpotential, the Kahler Potential and the Gauge Sector, are included. Within this setup, we study the contributions due to these extra operators to Higgs mass spectrum, masses and mixings of Neutralinos and Charginos, and finally estimate the relic abundance for dark matter searches.
Presented by Roger José HERNÁNDEZ PINTO on 11/11/2010 at 22:30
Type: Oral contribution Session: Session II LHC.SM.BSM
Track: LHC physics: Standard Model and Beyond
Modifications of the structure of jets produced in ion-ion collisions represent a very sensitive tool to study the interactions of partons with the medium. Partonic energy loss manifests itself as a decrease of the number of particles carrying a high fraction of the jet energy and, the additional radiated energy, increases the number of low-energy particles. We present and analysis of j ... More
Presented by Ms. Isabel DOMÍNGUEZ JIMÉNEZ on 11/11/2010 at 23:00
Building timetable...