4-12 November 2010
Morelia, Michoacan
Mexico/General timezone
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Plenary H.NP.P


Location: Morelia, Michoacan
Room: Main Hall, Hotel Fiesta Inn
Date: from 8 Nov 10:00 to 11 Nov 11:00


  • 8 Nov 10:00 - 11:00 Lattice QCD with dynamical quarks, Roger Horsley
    • Dr. Bietenholz, Wolfgang (UNAM)
  • 11 Nov 10:00 - 11:00 Light-Front Quantization and AdS/QCD: An overview, Guy F. de Teramond
    • Dr. Kirchbach, Mariana (U. of San Luis Potosi)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 1 contribution out of 1
Type: Invited talk Session: Plenary H.NP.P
Track: Hadronic and non-perturbative physics
I will give an overview of the correspondence between semiclassical gauge theories quantized on the light-front and a dual gravity model in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. This correspondence -- light-front holography -- provides an initial approximation to QCD in its strongly coupling regime and leads to a light-front Hamiltonian and relativistic bound-state wave equations in terms of an invariant im ... More
Presented by Dr. Guy F. DE TERAMOND on 11/11/2010 at 16:00
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