4-12 November 2010
Morelia, Michoacan
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Poster

Morelia, Michoacan - Main Hall, Hotel Fiesta Inn
Neutrino physics and cosmic rays

Analysis of data collected by the Tatyana II satellite


  • Ms. Liliana RIVERA

Primary authors

Abstract content

Tatyana II satellite is the second from University Satellite Program, which was initiated by the Moscow State University with the participation of the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. This satellite has a mixed detector ultraviolet and infrared radiation and a detector of charged particles.

In this project we analyze the data collected by the satellite over a period corresponding to 3.5 months. With them is done a more thorough study of the different types of transient luminous events (TLE's) and their geographical distribution, as well as determining the flow of background UV radiation and the possibility of detecting ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Based on the experience of the first satellite (Tatyana I), these studies are extended to the traces left by the fall of micrometeorites and determining the flow of charged particles.