4-12 November 2010
Morelia, Michoacan
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Oral contribution

Morelia, Michoacan - Hall B, Hotel Fiesta Inn
Neutrino physics and cosmic rays

Gamma-Ray Burst Physics


  • Prof. Shigehiro NAGATAKI

Primary authors

Abstract content

Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosion in the universe. They are possible candidates of the sources of Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and very high-energy neutrinos/gamma-rays. I would like to review the explosion mechanism of GRBs and how UHECRs can be produced in GRBs. I would like to present our recent study on the central engine of GRBs with some movies of numerical simulations. I would like to give our recent study on production of UHECRs very high-energy neutrinos in GRBs.