from 30 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Mexico/General timezone
Home > Registration


Registration opening day: 14 June 2023
Registration deadline: 03 November 2023

Registration fees:

Registration fee will cover coffee break, the event dinner, and the excursion day.  
Proffesors:  6264 MXN    (5400 MXN  + IVA)    /  348 Dollars ( 300 Dollars + taxes)
Students:  4176 MXN (3600 MXN + IVA)  / 232 Dollars (200 Dollars + taxes)

Important: After making the payment, you must send a copy of the receipt to the following emails  and, with the subject "MSPFDPyC2023 payment registration". Inside the email add the name of the registered participant.

Student Scholarships (deadline September 30): 

Hotel room costs:

Special rates have been arranged with Hotel Ibis Styles Merida and we expect that all participants will be gather in the same hotel. In addition, for all guests in the Hotel Ibis Style Merida the accommodation includes continental breakfast.

Professors: 949 MXN  per night, payable directly to hotel. Please mention the code "XXEMP23" to recognize the event.
Students:   337.25 MXN per night, room will be shared with other students. Payable through the bank account below, 1686.25 MXN total.

Event dinner, excursion to Chichen Itzá are included in the registration fee. 

Transportation between Manuel Cresencio Rejón International Airport and Hotel Ibis Styles Merida must be arranged by each participant.

A limited number of scholarships to cover the Hotel and/or Registration fees will be awarded. The deadline to apply for these scholarships will be September 30. To apply fill the Registration Form accordingly.
Payments (must be made before September 28):

Please use the  bank accounts below to make your payments.

Profesors: Registration fee
Students: Registration fee + Hotel 
Payments must be made before the registration deadline.

Payments in MXN
Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C.
Bank name: BANAMEX (Suc.: 349)
Account number: 1866151
CLABE: 002180034918661519
Reference: MSPFDPyC2023

Payments in USD
Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Física, A.C.
Bank name: BANAMEX (Branch no.: 349)
Account number: 002180034993453470
Reference: MSPFDPyC2023
Possible actions you can carry out: