8-10 September 2022
Mexico/General timezone
XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields
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Contribution Contributed Talks

Virtual - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85040775843?pwd=ZnRsQkgxKzBPdStoY0Z5OU5QQ3p4QT09

High energy lepton colliders as the ultimate Higgs microscopes


We study standard electroweak/Higgs processes at the high-energy lepton colliders ILC and CLIC. We identify a subset of three operators in the SMEFT that give leading contributions to these processes at high energies. We then perform a 'high-energy fit' including these operators. Our final bounds surpass existing LEP bounds and HL-LHC projections by orders of magnitude. Furthermore, we find that these colliders can probe scales up to tens of TeV, corresponding to the highest scales explored in electroweak/Higgs physics.