11-13 May 2021
Mexico/General timezone
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Contribution Talk

Instrumentation, computational and accelerators physics

Using machine learning tools in amplitude analysis


  • Mr. Raul Iraq RABADAN TREJO

Primary authors


  • Brief introduction to amplitude analysis.
  • Introduction to TensorFlow [[1]] and its use as a compute engine for High Energy Phyiscs.
  • Implementation of amplitude analysis using TensorFlow.
  • Multi-dimensional density estimation using artificial neural networks and its application in the description of efficiency corrections and background contributions in amplitude analysis. [arXiv:1902.01452]


Amplitude analysis is a powerful technique to study hadron decays. This method implies the implementation and execution of multi-dimensional complex fits with several dozens of free parameters, including the modelling of efficiency corrections and background contributions. The different computational and model implementation challenges proper of amplitude analysis can be overcome using machine learning libraries and tools.

Contribution type
